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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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Jersey City, NJ


  • Around 8 years of proven market experience in software industry pridominantly in Java/JEE(J2EE) technologies.
  • Experience as a Java/J2EE developer with the strong background of working knowledge in entireSoftware Development Life Cycle(SDLC) including Requirement Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, Documentation and Support of software application usingJava/J2EE,Struts, Hibernate, Spring Technologies (core, Spring AOP and Data Access in Spring)
  • Expertise in design and development of J2EE applications using Core Java, Java collection, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Spring framework, Enterprise Java Beans, XSLT, Java Beans, JQuery.
  • Experience in Java API for XML Web Services (JAX - WS) and Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) Experience developing SOA based application with RESTful and SOAP web services.
  • Well experienced in MVC architecture of Struts and spring framework.
  • Experience with Web Services in developing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Excellent Core Java development skills.
  • Strong Expertise in frontend technologies such HTML, CSS, Java script and Ajax. Basic understanding of Angular JS, Ext JS.
  • Working knowledge of Web protocols and standards (HTTP, HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, Web Forms, XML, XML parsers).
  • Good understanding in implementing web application using Angular JS framework.
  • Been working on diverse Database Servers like Oracle 9i/8i, MySQL 5.0
  • Good experience in Apache ANT and Maven.
  • Good Knowledge on Spring Batch 2.1.8.
  • Working on Eclipse IDE for JAVA/J2EE Application development.
  • Strong acquaintance with Web Servers like Apache TOMCAT.
  • Experience with major databases such as Oracle, DB2, MYSQL, MS Access and MS SQL Server.
  • Good Experience in developing test cases with JUnit and logging with Log4j.
  • Strong hands-on experience on Application Servers viz., IBM WebSphere, JBOSS, and WebLogic including configuration, administration and documentation.
  • Experience in using Maven and Ant for build automation.
  • Hands on experience in building projects using IDEs Eclipse, My Eclipse, RAD, NetBeans.
  • Experienced in working with different operating systems Windows, UNIX & LINUX.
  • Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills with a strong technical background.
  • Quick Learner, Self-motivator and ability to work in challenging & versatile environments with an excellent written/verbal communication.
  • Good in client interaction and offshore co-ordination.
  • Strong team player and display good people skill when interacting with Business users, Functional and Technical team to meet the project deadlines.
  • Good communication skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, self-motivated, quick learner, team player, pro-active learner.
  • Strong Logical and Analytical Reasoning Skills, Excellent Management skills, Excellent Communication with good Listening, Presentation Skills.



GUI EDITORS: Notepad++, Eclipse IDE

LANGUAGES: C, C++, JAVA,J2EE 1.5/1.6

DEBUGGING TOOLS: Firebug, Chrome inspector tools.


WEB SERVERS: Apache Tomcat, JBoss and Web Logic

DATABASES: My SQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle




DESKTOP TOOLS: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, MS Visio, Photoshop.


Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

Sr. Java Developer

Responsibilities: -

  • Implemented Action classes for different modules using Spring.
  • Developed DAO components using JPA & Hibernate.
  • Implemented Caching using to improve response times.
  • Designed and developed RESTful Web Services using Spring Boot.
  • Responsible in developing Spring Boot Microservices from scratch.
  • Involved in handling front end part of the application as well as writing back end Services related logic as well.
  • Involved in gathering the requirements, understanding and analyzing them.
  • Designed and implemented Business Delegate, Session Facade, DAO, Singleton, Factory and DTO Design Patterns.
  • Used JDBC, MQ Series, Web Services and Hibernate framework to access the data from back-end MS SQL database server.
  • Involved in application development in Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture using Spring MVC, Servlet and JSP.
  • Configured log4J for Spring Boot Microservices.
  • Implemented Java EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring Security modules.
  • Used AWS to deploy the project on EC2 instance. Implementation of the Business logic layer for MongoDB Services.
  • Involved in Migrating an existing on-premises application to AWS.
  • Created profiles, manifests for VMware servers, and pushing them to AWS instances using puppet.
  • Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers/storage using AWS Cloud watch.
  • Used Dependency Injection feature of Spring 3.0 framework and O/R mapping tool Hibernate for rapid development and ease of maintenance in persistent layer.
  • Experience in using Oracle 10g as database to access and manipulate data with SQL.
  • Integrated SVN for automating builds with Jenkins.
  • Worked on Test Driven Development (TDD) using JUnit for writing test cases.
  • Actively participated in the SCRUM to discuss about the status of the tasks and project.
  • Tested the application functionality with JUnit Test Cases.
  • Developed logging module-using Log4j to create log files to debug application flow.
  • Used SVN for version control.

Environment:Java 1.7, JSP, HTML, AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript, JDBC, Servlet, XML, JUnit, Ant, REST, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring IO, JBPM, Spring Security, Spring Transactions, Hibernate, Oracle 12c, Maven, Jenkins, Nexus, Log4j, JIRA, TDD, Agile, AWS, AWS Cloud watch.

Confidential, NY

Front End Developer


  • Involved in developing the UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, Ajax, AngularJS.
  • A Web portal designed to allow internal and external users to connect company's supply chain application and extract the information about all the plant details associated with the respective business unit by using Angular 4.
  • Developed single page applications using Angular4, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap4.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular4.
  • Component files and other dependencies were generated using Angular-cli and written in Typescript.
  • Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.
  • Created reusable templates using Angulardirectives and worked with NPM package manager tools (NodeJS).
  • Involved in development of Graphical user interface (GUI) and presentation layer using Angular JS and HTML.
  • Coded Angular JS controllers and directives for application functionality.
  • Worked on unit testing for the Angularapplication using karma.
  • Developed various generic Component, Directive, Pipes, and SASSclasses to use across the both project. Including generic Module and Service Provider.
  • Includes a map-based visualization to display all the business units associated to the user by using leaflet JS Library.
  • Maintenance and assignment of actions to eligible users for a plant with due dates and sending further notifications about the performed activities.
  • Component level tabular and graphical visualizations using Tableau JavaScript API.
  • Active Filtering of Plant allocation details and its associated component level details using Tableau API.
  • Support for deep drilldown of component level information to provide a graphical representation of sub component level details like component part number, part allocation in a chart format.
  • Utilized GIT for version control during development and maintenance.
  • Responsible for cross browser compatibility and hence exposure to popular browsers.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS, AJAX, Web storm, JSON, GIT, Karma.

Confidential, Jersey City NJ

Java Developer


  • Involved in Complete design, development and Testing of Client Call Tracking System.
  • Utilized "agile" process to streamline development process with iterative development and that includes daily scrum with team.
  • Implemented Struts Framework (MVC Paradigm) components such as Action Mapping, Action Class, Dispatch action class, Action Form bean, and a form set for validation and used JavaBeans to return dynamic information.
  • Used spring framework’s Dependency Injection (IOC) to configure application components.
  • Used spring framework’s Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to write various cross-cutting routines to execute some recurring functionality like logging module execution times, recording application usage, auditing user login data etc.
  • Development of Servlets, JSP files and Security Options using Web logic Server.
  • Extensively used JavaScript for client side validations and for capturing dynamic events.
  • Design and Development of GUI using JSP’s, JSP custom tags, Struts tags, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Applets and JavaScript.
  • Complete Involvement in development and validation of screens using HTML and JavaScript.
  • Testing and implementation of the system and Installation of system.
  • Used exhaustively Hibernate Criteria Queries and Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for Optimized Searching of huge data sets.
  • Developed Oracle PL/SQL Packages, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers.
  • Used Dynamic SQL for interface programs and exception handling routines.
  • Used Microsoft Visual Source Safe as version control system.
  • Mailing concept incorporated using the SMTP server configuration.
  • Application Testing, Review and trouble shooting.
  • Used Eclipse IDE as a development tool.

Environment: Java1.6, J2EE 6(Servlets 2.4, JSP 2.0, JSP Taglibs), Java Mail, Spring 3.x, Hibernate 3.0, HTML, Struts 2.0, CSS, XML, XSL, DHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, JUnit, Oracle 11g,Unix, Eclipse IDE, WebLogic 10.x.

Confidential, Greenville, SC

Java Developer


  • Involved in all phases of SDLC like Design & Analysis of the Customer Specifications, Development and Customization of the Application.
  • Involved in designing & documentation of flows & functional diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Developed the application based on Struts MVC framework on J2EE.
  • Developed Servlets and JSPs for dynamic content display.
  • Implemented Webservices to integrate between different applications (internal and third party componentsusingRESTful services using Jersey
  • Extensively worked on developing UI components using JavaScript and JSON to interact RESTful Webservices.
  • Extensive Client side validation was done with JavaScript.
  • Involved in testing the Rest services using chrome’s Postman rest client.
  • Built SOAP client in Apache Axis with a custom caching engine, connected to a Delphi server.
  • Created Packages, Stored Procedures and functions in Oracle 10g.
  • Have extensively used XSL, XSL-FO to generate reports from XML documents.
  • Developed JMS components to send messages from one application to other application internally
  • Used CVS as source controller.
  • Experience in monitoring SQL Server performance using SQL Profiler, Index Tuning Wizard and Windows Performance Monitor.
  • Developed applications on Rational Application Developer (IRAD) 6.0 and Rational Suite.
  • Gained Extensive experience in deploying Enterprise Level Applications into various environments including Staging and Production using WAS 6.0.
  • Developed integration techniques using the Apache camel and Apache Active MQ technologies
  • Developed Ant build scripts to automate the build process.
  • Extensively involved in Unit and Integration testing.
  • Created POC for Spring Batch for running batch jobs

Environment: JDK 1.5, J2EE 5(Servlets 2.4, JSP 2.0, JSP Taglibs), Struts 1.2, Hibernate 3.0, HTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, Web sphere 6.0, JavaScript, JSON, AJAX, JMS, SOAP, Apache camel, Apache ActiveMQ, Spring Batch 2.1.8, JBoss 4.2.3, Web Sphere (IRAD) 6.0, CVS, Oracle 10g, XQuery.


UI /Web Developer


  • Developed the App using Spring, JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Servlets Deployed the application in Tomcat.
  • Define technical requirements based upon business requirements.
  • Closely worked with business system analyst to understand the requirements to ensure that right set of UI modules been built.
  • Used Sound knowledge of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Analysis and Design (OOAD) concepts and designing experience and developed Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams.
  • Wrote application level code to perform client-side validation using jQuery and JavaScript.
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using JavaScript.
  • Designed the front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
  • Using advanced level of jQuery, JavaScript, CSS and pure CSS layouts.
  • Wrote jQuery function while implementing various UI Screens across the whole web application. Coordinating with day to day ETL progress monitoring and maintenance.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using JSON.
  • Designed and developed intranet web applications using JavaScript and CSS.
  • Interacted with java controllers to write/read data from back end systems.
  • Responsible for administration, development, and support of web-based application running PERL on Apache with MySQL databases.
  • Created customized PERL scripts to enhance website functionality.
  • Used GIT for version control and Quality Center for defect tracking.
  • Maintain, enhance, and recommend solutions that best suit business and technology needs from UI standpoint.
  • Involved in developing server pages using Servlets and JSPs.
  • Strong communication, analytical and interpersonal skills working within cross-functional teams.
  • Worked on cross browser compatibility issues and fix the bugs pertaining to various browsers.

Environment: OOP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, XHTML, Eclipse, Oracle, ETL, Spring, PERL, GIT, Servlets, JSP, Windows.

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