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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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New York, NY


  • 8+ years of professional experience in Requirements Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation of Java, J2EE and client - server technologies.
  • Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in large scale enterprise software using Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
  • Good experience in Agile and SCRUM methodologies.
  • Extensive experience in developing applications using Java, JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, JSTL, JSP Custom Tag Libraries, JDBC, JNDI, SQL, AJAX, JavaScript and XML.
  • Strong Working experience in Design, Development and implementation of several J2EE frameworks like (Model View Controller) Struts, Spring, Hibernate and EJB .
  • Strong front-end development using Adobe Flex, MXML, Action Script, AJAX, Java Scripts, CSS, HTML and DHTML.
  • Good Knowledge on Flex
  • Expertise in developing Flex Rich Internet Applications (RIA) wif Cairngorm MVC architecture and Mate Framework, FlexUnit for testing, BlazeDsfor remote developmentservices, Action Script and Design patterns
  • Good experience in developing FlexCustom Components, FlexData services, Charting, Error handling, Advanced graphing, Dashboard layout design, analyzing designing and deploying aFlex applications.
  • Implemented Design patterns such as MVC, View Dispatcher, Data Access Objects, Singleton, Observer, Factory, Session Facade.
  • Experience in configuring and deploying Web Applications using Web Logic, WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat and Apache.
  • Expertise in using IDE’s like RAD, IBM Web Sphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) and Eclipse Used Hibernate framework as persistence layer
  • Used Spring framework to autowire/inject components and also configure teh batch jobs
  • Thorough knowledge of IDE like RAD, WSAD and Eclipse.
  • Developed ANT scripts for teh build and deployment of J2EE applications.
  • Design, analysis and modeling of n-tired, Object-Oriented system architectures using Rational Rose.
  • Thorough knowledge in using UML, XML parsers (SAX, DOM), SOAP, HTML and DHTML.
  • Sound RDBMS concepts and extensively worked wif Oracle, PL/SQL, SQLServer & DB2.
  • Familiar wif designing and coding Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursers and Functions using PL/SQL.
  • Very good experience in developing Test Cases using JUnit.
  • Experienced in using CruiseControl for Continuous Integration.
  • Used Hibernate as an Object relational mapping (ORM) library.
  • Experience in Internationalization and Localization .
  • Experience in XML, WebServices using SOAP, XML-RPC, JAX-RPC, JAXB and Messaging standards like JMS.


J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, Struts, JDBC, JSP Custom Tag Libraries, XML (SAX DOM), JNDI, JMS, Applets, Log4J, JSTL, JUnit.

Middleware: ODBC, JDBC, RMI, Blaze DS.

Web/App Servers: IBM WebSphere, Tomcat, JBoss, Apache, Resin, Apache Axis.

IDE Tools: EditPlus, TextPad, Eclipse, WSAD, RAD

Databases: Oracle DB2/UDB, SQL Server, MySQLLanguages Core Java, using generics, JavaScript, ActiveX, Perl, PL/SQL, XML, Operating

Systems: Windows, UNIX (Sun Solaris), Linux, AIX, HP-UX.

Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Mate, Adobe Flex, MXML, Action Script Rational Rose, UML, JUnit, Ant, Struts, Ajax, DOJO.

Methodologies: Agile, SCRUM, TDD, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration using CruiseControl

Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, CS3, AJAX, WebServices JAX-RPC, JAX-WS

Network Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, SOAP

Source Control: Rational ClearCase, CVS

OOAD Tools: MS Visio, IBM RSA

Build Tools: ANT, Maven

Job Scheduler: Autosys

Miscellaneous: MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Database Modeling, SQL Tuning, Object Oriented Modeling using Rational Rose, Version One, TOAD and PDF.

Design Patterns: MVC, View Dispatcher, Data Access Objects, Data Transfer Objects, SingletonObserver, Factory and Session Façade.


Confidential, New York, NY

Sr. Java Developer


  • Developed and Implemented Web Services and used Spring Framework.
  • Proven expertise in implementing IOC and Dependency Injection features in various aspects of Spring Framework (Core, Web, JDBC, MVC and DAO).
  • Developed API using Hibernate to interact wif teh Oracle database
  • Developed Hibernate persistence layer modules using EJB Java Persistence API (JPA) annotations and Entity Manager.
  • Developed teh application using Struts Framework which is based on teh MVC design pattern.
  • Used JQuery to make teh frontend components interact wif teh Javascript functions to add dynamism to teh web pages at teh client side.
  • Developed additional UI Components using JSF and implemented an asynchronous, AJAX (JQuery) based rich client to improve customer experience.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, HTML, XHTML and Java Script to simplify teh complexities of teh application.
  • Designed and implementing a Node.js based mobile text and voice messaging app and its cloud backend.
  • Responsible for making AJAX Calls for teh UI Interactions to teh Controller Actions using Angular.js and getting teh Data back as JSON and parsing it onto teh UI.
  • Developed websites using new frameworkbootstrap.jsandbootstrap
  • Worked on teh modernization of a legacy and outsourced UI. Technologies used were Backbone.js, Can.js, and JQuery
  • Oracle is used as teh persistence layer, configured and optimally indexed for searches
  • Developed a bulletin board module for supplier and vendor information portal. Application included forms to upload notification documents to teh Supplier bulletin and maintenance of documents, complete wif CRUD capabilities and email notifications.
  • Developed PL/SQL procedures for login module and written complex sql queries.
  • Connectivity to teh database is provided using JDBC
  • Consumed Web Services using Apache CXF framework for getting remote information
  • Good understanding of SOA framework as PHP composes of multiple webservices using SOAP, REST and JMS
  • Eclipse TPTP plug-in was used for profiling and performance testing.
  • Deploying job of resolving any external dependencies and customizing these deployed enterprise bean in this specific Banking application. Finally deployed teh jar files in teh EJB Container and WAR files in teh Web Container on to teh Weblogic server.
  • Corrected foreign language files and submitted to Tortoise Subversion.
  • Developed test cases and performed unit testing using JUnit.
  • Designed various design Workflow Modules using BPM (Business Process Modeler) to implement Business Logic and Business rules using Ilog, Jrules.
  • Provide direction and execution oversight for large Agile Development projects for teh FBI as an integral member of teh Program Management Office (PMO).
  • Designed Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams and Object Diagrams to model teh detail design of teh application using UML.
  • Developed teh front end using JSP JSTL, AJAX and Display Tag libraries.
  • Designed and developed carrier selection and product selection web pages using HTML, Struts, Servlets and JavaScript.
  • Experience in creating build files using Maven.
  • Implemented a prototype to integrate PDF documents into a web application using iText PDF library
  • Configured glassfish server; Design shipping rate template upload UI using Adobe Flex and Developed Jasper report.
  • Developed automation test cases using Java and selenium on Eclipse for web 2.0 Ajax application

Environment: Spring Hibernate, Struts, JQuery, AJAX, Java Script, Node.js, Angular JS, bootstrap.js, Backbone.js Oracle, CRUD,PL/SQL, JDBC Apache CXF, REST Eclipse, Weblogic, Subversion, JUnit, Agile UML, JSP JSTL Servlets, Maven iText Jasperreport Ilog, web 2.0

Confidential, New York, NY

Sr. Java Developer


  • Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring, iBatis and Hibernate.
  • Implemented HTML, Java Script for client side validation, designed various web pages for teh presentation layer, handled Hibernate to generate teh connectivity for teh business logic.
  • Designed and developed teh web-tier using Html, JSP’s, Servlets, Struts and Tiles framework
  • Developed web-based customer management software using Facelets, Icefaces and JSF
  • Developed whole presentation layer using JavaScript based frameworks such as Javascript MVC(JMVC), JQuery, Ajax, JSON and Google Gears wif REST full communication
  • , and
  • Developed web pages using HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Worked in Cloud based NMS application which monitors teh CPU/Memory parameters of Virtual machines. This application is developed usingAngular.js for frontend, RESTful web services, Apache Cassandra for Backend and deployed in Cloud Foundry.
  • I was assigned teh duty to convert photoshop designs to web programming codes using HTML 5, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap.js, Media Screen and Php. I could do it wif pleasure as i was too much interested in coding and i was able to complete teh given tasks in teh given time period.
  • Delivered mobile app for book reading capability wif HTML5 Sencha and online services wif Flash/Flex.
  • Participate in architecting and engineering a Pinterest-style "style-board" dat integrated w/ content from teh Drupal CMS and Magento Shop systems via teh server-side "core" API, utilizing Backbone.js for client-side display logic and asynchronous communication wif teh server.
  • Developed JSPs, Struts Actions and ActionForms, Tiles layouts and DB2 SQLs.
  • Developed basic music player features as well as adding artists, players, albums, tracks, other users, playlists, favorites to their account and CRUD functions.
  • Developed stored procedures, Triggers and functions in Oracle to process teh trades using PL/SQL and mapped it to Hibernate Configuration File and also established data integrity among all tables
  • Responsible for coding SQL Statements and Stored procedures for back end communication using JDBC
  • Used JPA (JDBC Framework) and Apache CXF for XML generation.
  • Used XML Web Services using SOAP to transfer teh amount to transfer application dat is remote and global to different financial institutions.
  • Development for both backend and front end applications. Extensive Programming by using PHP
  • Used Web Services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and used XML parsers for data retrieval
  • Engaged wif Eclipse for visually designing, constructing, testing and deploying J2EE application and web services.
  • Designed and implemented a number of WebSphere Commerce integrations, for a Japanese B2C store, wif warehouse management systems, offline inventory management, triggered email messages, and SAP (sales and payment information).
  • Mentoring of junior members for agile (Scrum) process & Junit testing.
  • Extensive experience in developing applications using Java and related technologies using WATERFALL and AGILE SCRUM methodologies.
  • Involved in detail design developing use cases, use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams and high level activity diagrams using UML from teh requirements.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries and AJAX to speed teh application.
  • Developed JSP pages and Servlets for customer maintenance
  • Developed pom.xml for teh build of teh application using Maven
  • Worked wif JAXB, SAXP and XML Schema for exporting data into XML format and importing data from XML format to data base and JAXB in teh web service's request response data marshalling as well as unmarshalling process.
  • Dynamically generated PDF file to browser by using iText
  • Executed teh test steps defined in Test Cases manually and reporting teh bugs in JIRA.
  • Developed a smart rule engine for CAS dat tracks, alerts, emails and generates Crystal/Jasper reports for decision-makers in a company about any customer-employee issue whenever teh rule is applicable.
  • Involved in developing and modifying teh credit card, consumer loan business rules in ILog JRules
  • Designed various design Workflow Modules using BPM (Business Process Modeler) to implement Business Logic and Business rules using Ilog, Jrules.
  • Designed and currently developing Tier Web 2.0 based price management system using GWT, Grails and MySql. Used and using Talend Open Studio to load data into teh new system from teh legacy data formats.
  • Developed master JMS producer, master JMS consumer, and notification manager to implement existing interfaces and hide JMS details from existing (legacy) notification producers and consumers using J2SE DESIGN PATTERNS.
  • Developed applications using Visual Studio, C#, and a combination of Windows Services, IBM MQ Series, and ASP.Net Ajax enabled web sites
  • Develop financial productivity application and tool set using Java and enterprise software tools/technologies such as Subversion, Maven, Weblogic, Apache Tomcat, Sql Server, and Oracle DB.
  • Deployed teh applications in Linux servers using deployment scripts.

Environment: Spring, Hibernate, Struts, JSF,DOJO, AJAX, Java Script, Node.js css, Angular JS, bootstrap.js, Backbone.js, CRUD,PL/SQL, JDBC, Apache CXF, SOAP, Web Services, Eclipse, Web Sphere, JUnit, Agile, UML, JSP JSTL, Servlets, Maven iText, servlets, Jasperreport, Ilog, web 2.0, HTML5 XML,JIRA, Jrules, JMS, IBM MQ Series, Apache Tomcat, Linux, PHP

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Sr. Java Developer


  • Developed teh Web Based Rich Internet Application (RIA) using J2EE (Spring framework) and Macromedia/Adobe Flex.Designed and developed teh individual components of teh system using C++
  • Using spring integration wif iBatis for persistence. All SQL map name spaces are configured in sqlmap-config file.
  • Developed JSP pages for presentation layer (UI) using Struts wif client side validations using Struts Validator framework/ JavaScript.
  • Developed server-side services using JSF, Apache Trinidad components, Java, Hibernate, Spring, Web Services
  • Developed web Components using JSP, Servlets and Server side components using EJB under J2EE Environment.
  • Developed web presentation layer using jQuery, HTML and CSS according to internal standards and guidelines
  • Involved in writing CTG, JCICS classes to interact wif Mainframe DB2.
  • Efficient in up gradation and migration from SQL Server to SQL Server .
  • Used TOAD to verify all teh database turn-arounds, connectivity speed and query round trip behavior
  • Design and Developed using WebService using Apache Axis 2 on JBOSS.
  • Developed Web Services to communicate to other modules using XML based SOAP and WSDL protocols.
  • Developed J2EE components using Netbeans as IDE.
  • Developed ANT scripts to build and deploy teh application in teh JBOSS Application Server.
  • Setup ClearCase server to support CCRC (ClearCase Remote Clients). Evaluated existing software development environment, drafted recommendations for improvements. Worked wif GHX and IBM to resolve licensing issues involved wif ClearCase software change management solution package. Environment was mixed Windows and Linux, projects written in C++ and Java.
  • Selenium-Sikuli Integration for Distributed Remote Execution
  • Worked wif SDLC process like water fall model, AGILE methodology
  • Optimized UML design using patterns like DAO, Factory, Service Locator and Business Delegate
  • Design & Development of teh User Interfaces using HTML, CSS andJSP.
  • As a Senior Programmer involved in developing teh Scheduled jobs, Servlets, JSP and involved in teh integration and release phase of teh product.
  • Extensively used XSD for validations of XML transfer to teh different Web Services
  • Experience wif enterprise ECM software such as EMC Documentum and Alfresco.
  • Used GWT and Amazon AWS for prototyping and subsequent evaluation
  • Worked on tickets from service-now and Jira on daily basis.
  • Designing and developing 'Online' client windows API's using JDK and Swing classes.
  • Created Active Reports in Cognos as Proof of Concepts for offline reporting.
  • Extensively used teh BAL constructs to handle collections in ILOG. Worked wif large data sets in ILOG.
  • Developed code to enable communication between VSE (Smalltalk) based applications and IBM MQ Series.
  • Hosted and configured applications in IIS, IBM Websphere, and Apache Tomcat under Windows and AIX platforms
  • Developed Oracle Stored Procedures to update records on a daily basis and it will invoke using cron job in LINUX; Responsible for teh Migration of teh application from Web Sphere to JBoss
  • Created directory structure flow using UNIX to receive and send data to internal and external systems
  • Developed Ruby on Rails web applications using MongoDB and back-ground processes using Resque and Redis
  • Collaborated wif clients to develop websites (wifin WordPress) to suit their needs; design aspects, functionality of forms and databases, modify and edit existing PHP, CSS and HTML
  • Develop and implement online marketing strategies for clients, including Drupal
  • Developed an in house Bankruptcy Intake program in Classic ASP/ASP.NET. Program is inherited from Classic ASP Debt intake program. Used Visual Studio to develop this mix program of both Classic ASP and ASP.NET. Used vbscript, javascript, and added some new ASP.NET pages. and CORBA
  • Developed Transaction/Policy/Account History, Billing Single View, use cases by gathering data from existing BRC documents and teh COBOL programs.
  • Code development using PL/I, COBOL, JCL and DB2
  • Developed online and batch programs using COBOL, CICS, VSAM, DB2 and JCL and wrote system specifications
  • Developed Oracle PL/SQLStored Procedures and Queries for Payment release process and authorization process.
  • Developed Java Script and Action Script, VB Script macros for Client Side validations.
  • Served as developer architect for teh application involving heavy use of ASP.NET, C#.NET, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, SQL, T-SQL, XHTML, CSS.

Environment: Spring, iBatis, Struts, JSF,EJB, jQuery, DB2 AJAX, Java Script, SQL Server, TOAD, Apache Axis 2, Netbeans, WSDL, JBOSS, ClearCase, Selenium, water fall model, UML,JSP Servlets XML EMC Documentum GWT Jira, Swing Cognos ILOG,IBM MQ Series, Apache Tomcat, LINUX UNIX Ruby WordPress Drupal ASP.NET C++ COBOL PL/I JCL PL/SQL Script and Action Script, VB ASP

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Java Developer


  • Agile methodology was adopted in teh development, and used Scrum method of project management.
  • Implemented UI layer using Flex and business layer using Spring MVC and developed persistence layer using Hibernate.
  • Designing Flex UI components as well as development of Flex custom components.
  • Developed eye catching MXML view components using Flex Builder.
  • Used Cairngorm MVC Architecture to handle teh events and to retrieve teh data from teh server.
  • Responsible for design and development of user interface using Flex Layout and Navigation, Data grid menus, and skinning components.
  • Used Cisco Cues charts for creating Bar charts, Line charts and Pie Charts to show teh project specific performance metrics
  • Integrated Flex wif BlazeDS to communicate Server sideObjects which was build using Spring Framework and Hibernate.
  • Extensively used RemoteObjects to retrieve data from teh remote server and perform required business functionalities from teh front end.
  • Used spring frameworkmoduleslike Core containermodule, Application contextmodule, SpringAOPmodule, Spring ORM and SpringMVC module.
  • ConfiguredSpringApplication-Context.xml used byspringcontainer to inject dependencies to java classes to optimize memory resources.
  • Implemented Spring IoC (Dependency Injection) and Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) for teh Business as well as Lookup Service Layer development.
  • Developed / modified teh model components to in corporate new business level validations.
  • Responsible for teh oracle schema design, generating various POJO objects and generating their corresponding Hibernate mappings (.hbm) files.
  • Consumed WebServices for getting teh credit card information from third party application.
  • Used Singleton and DAO design pattern.
  • Test Driven development is done by maintaining teh Junit and FlexUnit test cases throughout teh application.
  • Log package is used for teh debugging.
  • Used ClearCase for version control.
  • Ensuring adherence to delivery schedules andqualityprocesson projects.

Environment: Java, J2ee, Spring, Hibernate, Flex, Action Script, MXM, XML, XSD, Java script, Blaze DS, Cairngorm MVC Framework, IBM RAD, ClearCase, Oracle, Log, Weblogic, Sql, Db Visualizer, Webservices, Agile, ClearQuest, Maven, UML (Rational Rose), HTML, CSS and Windows Prof

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java/Flex Developer


  • Followed teh Agile methodology iterative process for each of teh module in teh project.
  • Developed teh Login Module and Reimbursement Module.
  • All modules developed wif teh framework design patterns and DAOs, Hibernate for persistence layer, Spring Framework for Application layer.
  • Prototyped Flex based RFC using Flex, consuming web services using BlazeDS.
  • Used Spring framework in enabling Controller Class access to Hibernate.
  • Designed and developed several Flex UI Screens and Custom Components using MXML and Action script.
  • Designed and developed user interface using Flex Components: ViewStack, Checkboxes, Repeater, Title Window, Text Area and others.
  • Createdcomponentsdat have multiple views using States and alsousedTEMPEffects andTransitionswhen aStateis entered or exited.
  • Extensively used to data models to store teh form data.
  • Worked on a proof of concept on Internationalization inflex.
  • Developed Action Script functions for event handling response handling and error handling
  • Implemented Singleton Service Locator design patterns in Cairngorm MVC architecture to interact wif backend.
  • ImplementedJSONwif Flex to feed Data grids into teh web application.
  • Worked on development of Error Handling mechanism on theFlexside by catching teh error code and message streamed from server and wrapping it in a custom Exception Object.
  • Used Blaze DS to connect flex application wif backend J2EE and Web Services layer to pull out teh data to Flex UI components
  • Was responsible for deploying and testing webservices components.
  • Responsible to create Web Services to various web applications using Apache Axis 2 responsible to create WSDL, WSDL2Java and Java2WSDL Stubs
  • Extensively used SOAP in webservices to communicate wif other applications.
  • Used SAX and DOM for parsing XML.
  • Teh Log package is used for teh debugging.
  • Created JUnit and FlexUnit test case design logic and implemented throughout application.
  • Used ANT tool for building and deploying teh application.
  • Used Toad tool to create Views and Stored procedures.
  • Created Data model (Schema) of teh Database.
  • Teh project was implemented in Websphere Application Server for teh development and deployment.
  • Participated in regular code reviews and design meetings.

Environment: Java, JSP, J2EE, Hibernate, Log4j, Struts, JSON, Apache Axis 2, Spring, WebServices, Adobe flex builder, Flex API,Blaze DS, Flex, MXML, Action script, Tomcat Web Server, Websphere, IBM RAD, ClearCase, JQuery, Agile, VSS, Sql Server, Pl/Sql, TOAD, XML, CruiseControl, Unix, HTML,XSLT and CSS.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Involved in modifying, updating and testing of teh component.
  • Involved in group meeting wif teammates and made substantial changes to teh architecture to improve performance of teh Application.
  • Modified JSPs, used struts tag libraries and Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL).
  • Maintained Struts architecture throughout teh application.
  • Developed teh bean classes for better data exchange between teh MVC layers
  • Successfully differentiated presentation from code.
  • Used multi threading and socket programming.
  • Deployed teh application on WebLogic,Application Server.
  • Created connection pools and data sources.
  • Modified JavaScript to read client side activities (events) and data and event validations.
  • Used WinCVS as version Control system.
  • Suggested ER models and changes in teh table structures
  • Modified SQL, PL/SQL procedures and triggers to obtain optimize output.
  • Involved in separation of components and deploying in different servers and balancing teh load among each Server.
  • Solved performance issues and brought optimal output from teh available resources.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Sybase, BEA WebLogic Server, JSTL, SQL Server, Struts Frame work, Servlets, JSP, EJB, WinCVS, JavaBeans, Eclipse, UML, Windows XP/Linux.

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