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Sr. Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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Denver, CO


  • Around 7 years of work experience as a Software Developer (Java) with all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Implementation.
  • Extensive experience in Java/J2EE, EJB, JNDI, JMS, Web Services, XML, ANT, Java Beans, JDBC, JFC.
  • Experienced in developing MVC architecture using Servlets, JSP, Struts, Hibernate, Spring and Angular JS.
  • Excellent in UI design implementations by writing HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ext JS, Angular JS, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile to make better Single Page Application SPA.
  • Hands on experience in writing light weight Node.js express server, and using technologies like Ajax, JavaScript/jQuery, JSON to make connections between server and databases like MongoDB and MySQL.
  • Implemented rich web applications using AJAX, DOJO and JSON.
  • Expertise in using UI features like DOM wrapping, server push data retrieval, Drag and drop.
  • Experienced in the functional usage and deployment of web applications in Glassfish and Apache Tomcat.
  • Experience in using various J2EE Design Patterns such as Session Façade, Service Locator, DAO, DTO, Value Object, Front Controller, Factory, Business Object, Value Object and Singleton.
  • Diverse experience utilizing Java tools in business, Web, and client - server environments including Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE), JSP, Java Servlets Spring, (JDBC) and Restful Web Services technologies.
  • Experience on OOP like Inheritance, polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation.
  • Expertise in advanced Java language concepts like Multithreading and Serialization used in distributed systems.
  • Experience in working on various Spring modules (Spring MVC, DAO and AOP) along with Hibernate as the back-end ORM tool for implementation of persistence layer and mapping of POJOs.
  • Proficiency in Hibernate ORM (object relational mapping) to map Java domain objects with the database, spring to easily configure Java/J2EE Enterprise level applications.
  • Good exposure and experience with SOA such as Web Services including SOAP, REST, WSDL, JMS, MQ.
  • Experience with XML and technologies like WSDD, DTD, XSL, XPath, SAX, XSLT, JSTL and DHTML.
  • Experienced in using SOAP UI and Log4j tools and in designing, investigating and implementation of public facing websites on AWS (Amazon Web Services) using EC2 instances and EC2 container service.
  • Knowledge of using Apache Camel through Fuse Mediation Router.
  • Microservices development using Spring boot, Camel, Groovy, ActiveMQ, Spring REST, hibernate etc.
  • Hands-on experience with various Application servers and Web servers (IBM Web Sphere Application Server, Web Logic, JBoss, and Tomcat) with wide variety of development tools like IBM RAD, My Eclipse.
  • Extensive experience in J2EE technologies such as JSF, EJB, JTA, JPA, JAXB, JiBX, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS.
  • Experience in developing UI using Adobe Flex 3, Action Script 3.0, MXML and GWT.
  • Designing web applications that supports cross browser requirements for IE, Safari and Google Chrome.
  • Good Exposure in writing SQL queries, PL/SQL stored procedures/functions etc. for relational databases like Oracle 11g/11i/10g/9i/8i, DB2, SQL Server 2008, My SQL, and Sybase etc.
  • Strong experience in database design using DDL, DML, writing complex SQL Queries and Stored Procedures.
  • Experience with querying on data present in Cassandra cluster using CQL (CassandraQuery Language).
  • Helping draft, copy edit, schedule and format pages or blog posts in Docker's content managementsystems.
  • Rich experience in Agile such as extreme programming (XP), Scrum, waterfall and Test-driven environment.
  • Experience in using Open Source Frameworks like Junit, Easy Mock, Mockito and Power Mock.
  • Experience working with versioning tools like CVS, SVN, GIT, Clear Case and build tools like ANT, Maven.
  • Strong experience in client interaction and understanding business application, data flow and relations from them.
  • Committed to excellence, self-motivator, fast-learner, team player, ability to deal with people diplomatically and a prudent developer with strong problem-solving skills and communication skills.


Java Technology: XML, Spring 3.2/4 framework, Xstream, JIBX, Junit, XMLBeans, JAXB, Hibernate 4.2/4.3, JDBC, JMS, EJB 2.0, JSP, Servlets, Web Sphere MQ, jasper, EXT JS and DOJO, TIBCO, EMS, Spring data, Active MQ, Gradle10.0, Apache Camel, JUnit, Soap UI.

Client Technology: jquery, jqgrid, css 3.0, HTML5, jquery ui, less require js (AMD), Angular JS, React JS, JavaScript, knockout js, JSON, Json Schema, Jshint, Qunit.

Application Programming: JAVA, VB 6.0, and UML.

Operating Systems: WinNT, Win2K, Win XP, win 98, Win 95, Win ME, Win 8/10 Unix, Sun OS 5.8, Linux, Mac 10.1

Application Servers: BEA Web Logic 5.1/7.0.1/8.1/9.1/11 G Web sphere 4.0 & 7.0, Tomcat, IIS, MTS, Appache HTTPD Server, JBOSS.

Mobile Technologies: Requirejs, Angularjs, nodejs, apache cordova, mobile Angularjs, Javascript, angular metrial design, android, wp8, jqgrid, jquery, HTML5, nggrid, Xcode.

Databases: ORACLE 8.1.7/9i,10i,10g,11i,11g, MS SQL Server 7.0, MongoDB, Sybase, Nosql, MYSQL.

Tools: Eclipse indigo, Visual Source Safe, SVN, Rational Rose, Clear Case, Clear Quest, Rational software Architect and cruse control, find bugs check style, J-Slint, HTTP watch, PTP, Hudson, selenium.

Domain: Travel, Investment Banking, Retail and corporate banking, Cargo and Supplier chain management.

Knowledge of: Life ray, ice faces and file net, TIBCO designer, phone gap Android mobile application

Software methodologies: Waterfall, V Model and Agile-scrum.


Confidential, Denver, CO

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Participating in Requirement Analysis and technical assessment during project life cycle.
  • Used Agile methodology and attended daily and weekly SCRUM meetings to update working status etc.
  • Developed application UI screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Babel, Redux and NodeJS.
  • Created reusable components used across various modules using ReactJS and JSX.
  • Involved in creating REST services using Node-JS, Express-JS, Mongoose and Body-Parser NPM modules.
  • Created views to hook up models to the Document Object Model (DOM) and synchronize data with the server as a single page application (SPA) using React JS and used Webpack as the module bundler.
  • Used Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services.
  • Developed Redux actions, store and reducer functions to implement unidirectional data flow in the application.
  • Used NodeJSto run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify etc.)
  • Extensively used factory object in NodeJSto use the common functions in different views.
  • Used Scala templating for rendering standard markup on pages along with UI builds made with ReactJS on nginx
  • Analyzed the SQL scripts and designed the solution to implement using Scala.
  • Used J2EE design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO and Service Locator etc.
  • Developed RESTfulwebservicesusing Jersey,Springframework and JAX-RS.
  • Created REST based web services by establishing links using HATEOAS from Spring based application.
  • Used Spring core for dependency injection/inversion of control (IOC), and integrated with Hibernate.
  • Spring Boot Microservices were developed with microservice architecture using REST and Apache Kafka.
  • Installation, configuration, and administration of JBOSS EAP 5/6 in Red Hat Linux environment.
  • Built JBOSS scalable, high availability clustered Platform architecture
  • Monitored service health check from Spring Boot admin console using swaggered UI registered micro services.
  • Performed Load Balancing among the servers was implemented by using Spring Ribbon.
  • Implemented Fail Safe and circuit breaker patterns in Spring Boot Micro Service applications using Hystrix
  • Developed Apache Camel Routes for mediation and used various Enterprise integration patterns to connect to other systems and used Spring JPA transaction manager to manage transactions in the application.
  • Used Eclipse based Spring Tool Suite (STS) for development and debugging Spring Boot applications, Microservices and deployed in to (Amazon Web Services) AWS lambda Expression.
  • Enhanced existing REST Application Program Interface (API) by adding new operations using Spring, Jersey and created documentation for webservices using Swagger.
  • Provided cloud environment for Microservices using Springcloud Netflix (Eurekaserver).
  • Designing and developing Online client windows API using Swingclasses.
  • Deployed Docker contained Spring boot micro services in to spring EC2 container service using AWS admin console and used lambda to run applications in Amazon Web Services (AWS) console.
  • Experience with building Docker Images and running them on Docker container.
  • Worked with Apache Tomcat 8 and NodeJS servers to deploy and configure Java API’s and front-end modules.
  • Experience withKORNbased scripts for triggeringUNIXand J2EE based tasks.
  • Uploaded files in to Oracle database using CLOB and BLOB.
  • Loading data from flat files into Oracle11g database using SQL loader and UNIX script
  • Used HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries and Interfaces such as Expression, Query and Criteria for implementation of Hibernate template and extensively used Hibernate Cache.
  • Experience on Hibernate mappings, EH cache, Lazy loading transactions and Lockings.
  • Used MongoDBthird party tools and mongo-built in binaries to monitor and analyze the performance.
  • Created Test automation framework usingSeleniumweb driver.
  • Configured Protractor test classes and Selenium grid end to end testing on the front end.
  • Worked with several testing frameworks such as JUnit, Easy Mock, Mockito and Power Mock.
  • Used JUnit for unit testing and implemented with Log4j to provide logs of exceptions.
  • Helped provision and manage AWS Linux servers with Ansible.
  • DevelopedPythonOO Design code for logging and debugging code optimization.
  • Used Redis for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them.
  • Using Jenkins and Glu for building and deploying the projects and worked on Stash GIT repository software.
  • Used Maven for build and deployment to Tomcat server and Splunk as log monitoring.
  • Involved in code reviews and unit testing using JUnit framework.
  • Used Drools engine for validating business rules before executing in runtime.
  • Used Git for version control and JIRA for bug Tracking and Project Management.

Environment: J2EE, Java 8.0, Spring 4, Hibernate 4.2, Spring Boot, JPA, EJB, JavaScript, Scala, HTML 5.0, CSS3, Node.js, ReactJS, Bootstrap, Require.js, Jade, NPM, Babel, Webpack, Swing, Python, UNIX, Apache Tomcat, STS, Oracle 11g, MongoDB, Log4J, JUnit, EasyMock, JBPM, Selenium, XML, Web Services, SOAP UI, Kafka, Netflix Eureka, Spark, Netflix Ribbon, Ansible, Splunk, AWS, Gradle, Git, PL/SQL, Docker, HATEOAS, Curl.

Confidential, Minnetonka, MN

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Created use case diagrams in UML using Rational Rose.
  • Re-engineered the application with screens in JSP based on Struts framework
  • Involved in design applications using J2EE. This architecture employs a Model/View/Controller design pattern
  • Participated in Agile and having daily SCRUM meeting for progress reporting and task distributing.
  • Involved in Core Java coding by using Java APIs such as Collections, Multithreading, Exception Handling, Generics, Enumeration, and Java I/O to fulfill the implementation of business logic.
  • Configured the xml files for Open Source Spring 3 Framework to fulfill the Proxy Pattern.
  • Configured the xml files for Hibernate 3 and applied its ORM to enable the data transactions between POJO and Oracle Database using caching on SessionFactory as well as caching on query.
  • Responsible for the overall project development of Fund module Flex4.1 version wrote the CRUD operations of Mutual Funds and Financiers list using iBATIS and DB2.
  • Developed XML files, DTD’s Schema’s and parsing them by using both SAX and DOM parser’s
  • Wrote roll out procedures and plans. Environment was mixed with Windows and XML, Hbase, NoSql, XSLT.
  • Developed Web Applications using HTML and parsed data in XML format using SAX and loaded into database.
  • Responsible for creating complex SQL queries, stored procedure and analyzed the tables in MySQL database.
  • Developed front-end code with Ajax call in AngularJS and jQuery to retrieve data as JSON Object from controllers in back-end RESTful Server, then display the well-organized result in web pages by writing AngularJS controller, directives, services, route providers and filter to make the data searchable and sortable.
  • Worked with NoSql Databases like Apache Cassandra, Mongo DB and Dynamo DB.
  • Used a custom framework sitting on the top of Nodejs and has used a lot of Clients side JavaScript plug-ins
  • Developed Form/Java Beans, Spring Controller Classes and configured with the corresponding JSP pages
  • Used Spring tag library for form data binding, themes displaying validation errors.
  • Integration of Spring Portlet Framework with the Flex based custom components.
  • Used Spring Inversion of Controland Transaction Management in the GUI for Maintenance Screens.
  • Designed and Developed the UI using PrimeFaces JSF libraries and Javascript
  • Extensively used theJSON objectswithAJAXfor UI displays.
  • Automated AWS deployments with shell/Ant scripts, and connected test environments with hosts used for builds.
  • Creating Stored Procedure and fine tuning the existing procedure to handle huge amount of transaction.
  • Worked on Spring Quartz for scheduling tasks like generating monthly reports/policies for customers.
  • Trace errors in the Glassfish Server log files to find the location of an existing problem.
  • Involved in configuring Hibernate mapping files/annotations and POJO objects.
  • Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, Hibernate cache concepts.
  • Developed data abstraction layer using Hibernate ORM with spring support, and JDBC driven components.
  • Designed and developed Restful Web services using spring framework.
  • Data communication between various events in the ordering and fulfillment systems is developed using SOAP.
  • Designed, Developed and Implemented document transformation applications using XML Spy tool.
  • Used Bootstrap to create a responsive website that fit all users and devices from desktop to tablet, mobile phone.
  • Developed Stored Procedures and triggers for database intensive tasks
  • Created indexes and referential constraints for performance and data integrity.
  • Log 4J was used to monitor the error logs and used GIT as version control tool.
  • Extensively worked on performance tuning of SQL Queries to improve the performance of the daily and monthly jobs. Used JUnit for Unit testing and Maven for build.

Environment: J2EE, Java 1.6/1.7, Spring framework, Spring MVC, JSP 2.0, JSF, Servlets 2.3, Hibernate, AJAX, Web services, AWS, SOAP, XML, Java Beans, Angular JS, Knockout JS, XStream, UNIX, iBATIS, Glassfish, Apache POI, Ext JS, JQuery, JavaScript, Oracle 11g, IBM RAD, Nosql, Websphere 7.0, Agile Methodology, Design Patterns, REST, Apache Camel, CVS, Mongo DB, Apache Maven, JUnit, Java EE, HtmlUnit, XSLT, HTML/DHTML.

Confidential, New York, NY

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in the integration of spring for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IoC).
  • Developed code for obtaining bean references in Spring IoC framework.
  • Primarily focused on the spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects and Implemented spring-hibernate as Data Access Layer.
  • Used Design Patterns Singleton, Business Delegate, Session Façade, Session Factory, Abstract Factory, Adaptor, Service Locator, Simple Factory Pattern, DAO and DTO.
  • Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application to know the application status. Used Spring DAO Module along with Struts Framework to deal with Database.
  • Spring MVC Framework IOC design pattern is used to have relationships between application components. It is also used to separate the application configuration and dependency specification from the actual application code.
  • Developed session, entity beans and message driven beans.
  • Developed the UI using JSP, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, AJAX, Knockout.js, JSON.
  • Developed a production-level cloud-based architecture in AWS, including creating machine Images like AMI
  • Developed front-end screens using Spring MVC, JSP, HTML, AJAX, jQuery, marionette, Javascript and CSS.
  • Integrated configured Camel with ActiveMQ to use it as bus.
  • Developed UI using Struts, JSTL, XML, HTML, Knockout.js, Hbase, NoSql, XSLT, and Ajax, Javascript.
  • IBM Websphere hosting and Apache Tomcat webserver integration- both on Windows and AIX platform.
  • Designed and Developed the UI using PrimeFaces JSF libraries and Javascript.
  • Worked on Ext JS for user interface widgets with High performance scalable grids, trees and menus.
  • Designed REST middleware to connect Android UI with existing back end layer.
  • Experience with eclipse plug-ins like Find Bugs, PMD plugins
  • Involved in Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • MQ was used to provide a single unifying transport that reduces cost and maintenance efforts.
  • Used XML/XSLT for transforming common XML format and SAML for Single Sign-On.
  • Designed configuration XML Schema for the application and used JavaScript for the client side validation.
  • Developed a fully functional prototype application using Javascript, jQuery and Backbone.js and Bootstrap, connecting to a REST- full server on a different domain.
  • Used XMLHttpRequest Object to provide asynchronous communication as part of AJAX implementation.
  • Utilized the Jquery, Angular JS, Javascript framework to render widgets on web pages.
  • Developed Hibernate and Spring-based application framework for simulating database configuration.
  • Design and development of Web Services using Rest with Spring MVC, Spring Security, Apache CXF Rest.
  • Involved in the creation of exhaustive JUnit Unit Test Cases using Test Driven Development TDD technique.
  • Authored persistence layer JDBC using Hibernate API and Data Models and Java Bean.
  • Designed GUI using AJAX, CSS, XSLT, Javascript, XML.
  • Completion of modules as per defined scheduled without any delays.
  • Used Hibernate for accessing data from Oracle 10g database, configured hbm access files for accessing Database. Used Jenkins to automate builds and deployments
  • Used JBoss as application server to implement JMS and EJB components
  • Participated in SCRUM meetings and worked on agile methodologies.
  • Used Jasper Report for generating reports and Jfree for generating graphs.

Environment: J2EE, JSP, JDK 1.6, Angular JS, NOSQL, AGILE Methodology, IBM Content Management, HTML5, Struts2, WAS, JavaScript, XML, JDK, MAVEN, Jmeter, SVN, IBM Rational Clear Case, REST, ExtJS, SOAP, Apache Camel, WSDL, WebSphere Application Server, Jenkins, SVN, Log4j.


Java Developer


  • Designed the application using J2EE patterns.
  • Developed Java Beans for business logic.
  • Developed the presentation layer using Struts Framework.
  • Responsible for coding all the JSP, Servlets used for the Used Module.
  • Developed the JSP, Servlets and various Beans using WebSphere 5.x server.
  • Wrote Java utility classes common for all the applications.
  • Implemented highly intuitive, user friendly GUI from scratch using Drag and Drop with Swing and CORBA.
  • Extensively used multithreading concepts.
  • Deployed the jar files in the Web Container on the IBM WebSphere Server 5.x.
  • Hands-on experience in installing, configuring and deploying application on WebSphere Portal Server.
  • Designed and developed the screens in HTML with client side validations in Javascript.
  • Developed the server side scripts using JMS, JSP and Java Beans.
  • Adding and modifying Hibernate configuration code and Java/SQL statements depending upon the specific database access requirements.
  • Invovled in Database design and development. Invovled in SQL scripting.
  • Involved in the system integration and testing.
  • Design database Tables, View, Index’s and create triggers for optimized data access.
  • Developed Web Services using Apache AXIS tool.
  • Designing of the system as per the change in requirement using Struts MVC architecture, JSP, DHTML.

Environment: Java 1.2.3, Servlets 2.2, Enterprise Java Beans 1.1, SQLServer, JSP, HTML 4.0, Java Script, UML, Weblogic 5.1, IIS, MTS, COM Component, Windows NT.

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