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Software Programmer Resume

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Lowell, AR


  • 7+ years of extensive development experience specializing in an environment building n - tier applications for web deployment using Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring Frame Work and Hibernate
  • Experience in working Designing and Developing deliverables inAgile Environment.
  • Strong expertise in developing user-friendly web interfaces using HTML, DHTML, CSS, EXT JS and JavaScript wif AJAX technology.
  • Developed applications using several design patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Factory, Session Facade, Service Locator, Data Access Object (DAO) and Data Transfer Object (DTO).
  • Experience in using GUI/IDE tools of Eclipse, WSAD and RAD.
  • Expertise in implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using XML based SOAP/RESTful web services.
  • Proficient wif Spring Core, Spring MVC and Spring Batch
  • Experience wif Application servers and Web servers like BEA Web logic Server, boss Server, and Apache Tomcat 5.5.
  • Expertise in developing web services using JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAX-RPC, JAX-B, SOAP, RESTFUL, JSON, XML, WSDL.
  • Experience Working wif UI Frameworks such as Bootstrap.
  • Accomplished using an MVC pattern to structure and create front-end app functionality dat communicates wif a RESTful backend, by implementing features of the UI according to wireframe specifications, making design choices, implementing responsive features, creating functionality to collect, manipulate, and display data, utilizing Apache Tomcat server, MySQL, Node.js and using utilities such as Git, Bower,Grunt, Gradle, and npm to handle build and workflow processes.
  • Worked on Java 1.8 and developed application using Lambda expressions.
  • Created Web services using REST APIs for exposing web services and applications.
  • Experience in developing Spring Boot Applications and integrating them on Cloud Foundry.
  • Experience in Configuring Spring cloud Config and Integrating wif Various Netflix OSS components (Zuul).
  • Experienced in working wif XML technologies like XML, XSL, XSD, XSLT, SAX and DTD.
  • Proficient in Object Oriented Design/Development (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Model View Control (MVC) design pattern and Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Databases experience in Oracle, MS-SQL, DB2, Sybase, Postgres and My-SQL
  • Expert in SQL, PL/SQL, Triggers and Stored Procedures
  • Excellent working experience wif different operating systems like Windows, UNIX, LINUX
  • Experience in designing enterprise application architecture using Design Patterns, UML, developing use case, class and sequence diagrams.
  • Strong experience in configuration, management, optimization and performance tuning of RDBMS systems like MySQL, Oracle10g, DB2 and SQL Server 2008.
  • Good Knowledge wif Cassandra administration and data modeling.


Java Technologies: Java, JDK1.8, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JPA, JAXB, JUnit, JDBC, JNDI, Restful and SOAP Web services.

Scripting Languages: JavaScript, Shell Script, ANT Script.

Databases: Oracle 10g/11g/12c, MYSQL, IBM DB2 and SQL Server 2008/R2, MongoDB, Toad for Oracle

IDE/Development Tools: Eclipse, NetBeans, Spring Tool Suite

Web Service Specifications: JAX-RS (Restful), JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, JAXM, XML, JMS, JSF, Apache Axis, CXF, JSON, Jersey.

Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Struts

Messaging: IBM MQ, Message Broker, Message Broker Tool kit and RabbitMQ.

Build Tools: ANT, Maven, Hudson and Jenkins

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux and Unix(Solaris)

Version Control: CVS, Clear Case, GIT, VSS and SVN

Application Server: Web Logic, Tomcat, JBoss.

Web Technologies: EXTJS, JQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, HTML5, JavaScript, DHTML, JRUN, XML/XSL/XSLT, CSS3, Python and Dojo.

Others: SOAP UI, RFH, Spring Data JPA, Security, Apache Camel, SpringBoot, Jetty,JPA,JDBC,JDBI,JDK,Mockito,Selenium,JSP,Node.js, Angular Js, Gradle, Grunt, Yoeman, Gulp.


Confidential, Lowell, AR

Software Programmer


  • Involved in designing the architecture, High level & Low level design documents.
  • Understanding the requirements and identifying components of the Project.
  • Involved in various functionality enhancements.
  • Used JPA over Hibernate for access to multiple databases.
  • Used Spring Dependency Injection (DI), Spring MVC and AOP (Aspect oriented Programming).
  • Generated XML files for the configuring beans in Spring MVC and jobs in Spring Batch.
  • Spring AOP is used for Security and Session Management.
  • Involving in resolving incident reports and participated in Code Reviews.
  • Involved in performance tuning of the database queries.
  • Responsible for designing and developing REST based Web service calls using JAX-WS.
  • Restful Services were developed via annotations using the HTTP Binding wif the help of CXF.
  • Involved in coding design patterns like Data Access Objects (DAO) and Data Transfer Objects (DTO).
  • Participate in switch from JDBC to Hibernate (JPA annotations) and Lambda expressions.
  • Configured Messaging wif JMS Queues, JMS Topics and used Apache Camel for routing, transformation of messages between different transport mechanisms.
  • Used SVN for code repository and as version control mechanism.
  • Used several web service Integration techniques such as JMS, SOAP, REST, JSON, XML based service integration using variety of technologies such as Spring Cloud Netflix.
  • Developed Unit test cases using Junit.
  • Responsible for automating the build process using Maven.

Environment:Java, J2EE, JSF, HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, CSS,EXT.JS SQL, DB2, Oracle, Shell Scripting, Eclipse, Oracle WebLogic, Maven, Agile Methodology, Spring batch, Spring MVC, Apache Camel

Confidential, Dallas, TX

J2EE Software Engineer


  • Understand and analyze the requirements.
  • Develop workflow templates to meet the requirement.
  • Develop code to enhance the existing Buddy servers.
  • Integrating web-tier and business-tier using spring framework.
  • Used hibernate framework for database persistence.
  • Creating custom, general use modules and components which extend the elements and modules of core AngularJS.
  • Developed JMS components to send messages from one application to other application.
  • Developed user interface using HTML, JSP, CSS and implemented client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Managing the build of the project using MAVEN.
  • Developed Unit test cases using JUnit, DBUnit and Mockito.
  • Extensive use of JAXB to convert the xml schemas into objects to use in the application.
  • DevelopingAngularUI screens for the Closing/Funding team. Developed functionalities as per releases.
  • Learned extensively about Angular and Angular best practices, created several Angular directives and 'roles' for use wifin the application.

Environment: Java, JDK 8, J2EE, JMS, JSP, spring, Hibernate, Angular JS, Bower, Grunt, JQuery, HTML, XQuery, XML, Oracle, UNIX, CVS, MAVEN, WebLogic, Eclipse

Confidential, Cincinnati, Ohio

Java Developer


  • Involved in the Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design and implementation of the project
  • Involved in various phases of SDLC.
  • Involved in creating class diagrams and all technical flow diagrams
  • Used JPA (Java Persistence API) wif JPQL queries to add persistence layer to the application and for ORM
  • Used XML, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP Web Services for communicating data between different applications
  • Configured the properties using JMX Console.
  • Used JSP's in the presentation tier along wif various spring tags, JSTL tags, CSS and JQuery.
  • Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection and integrated wif the Hibernate
  • Used various Design Patterns like MVC, Factory, DAO, Singleton while developing the application
  • Spring AOP is used for Security and Session Management
  • Using EJB Session beans, Entity bean for business logic and data persistence.
  • Generated XML files for the configuring beans in Spring MVC and jobs in Spring Batch.
  • Scheduled Spring Batch jobs using quartz scheduler.
  • Participate in switch from JDBC to Hibernate (JPA annotations).
  • Used CVS for code repository and as version control mechanism
  • Developed the classes for Unit Testing by using JUnit
  • Executed test cases for Unit, System and Integration Testing
  • Worked wif User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to fix the bugs

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Modules, CSS, JMX Console, Hibernate, JavaScript, JQuery, Ant, JBOSS

Confidential, CA

Sr. Application Developer


  • Developed java classes for business layer.
  • Developed the Web Interface using Servlets, JSP, HTML4.0 and CSS.
  • Developed the DAO objects.
  • Developed database layer using JDBC for connecting to ORACLE.
  • Developed PL/SQL Procedures for the project.
  • Implemented all the front end components using Struts.
  • Developing compatible User Interface functionality using jQuery & other libraries.
  • Extensively used UML to develop various use cases, class diagrams and sequence diagrams.
  • Developed the GUI using JSP, HTML, XML, CSS and java script for client side validations.
  • Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping and configured wif Oracle Database
  • Developed database objects like tables, views, stored procedures, indexes.
  • Involved in testing and fixing the bugs and also reviewed the code.

Environment: Rational Rose, JSPs, Servlets, Struts 2, JDBC, JavaScript, Oracle 10g, SQL, J2EE, XML, Eclipse IDE, Unix.

Confidential, NJ

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Understanding of business requirements and identify the relevant functional and technical requirements.
  • Understanding of frame work and system flow.
  • Developing prototype and providing functionality.
  • Documenting the Functional and Technical specifications.
  • Developed JSPs and Servlets for carrying the user inputs and accessing the corresponding EJB.

Environment: Java, J2EE, EJB, JSP, XML and Oracle.

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