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J2ee Developer – Data And Application Analyst Resume

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Madison, WI


  • Over 10+ years of Experience in information technology (ecommerce application development), working with all the phases of (SDLC) project life cycles specializing in design, development, implementation, deployment, packaging, testing of Ecommerce applications for variable clients.
  • Experience in Java Web Tier - Java Server Faces (JSF), Facelets, Ajax, Custom UI components and custom Objects, Java Servlet, Files and Internationalizing and localizing web Applications.
  • Working in Web services- JAX-WS, Building, packaging and deploying the service using ANT and Maven, schema-mapping.
  • Experience in Enterprise Beans - Enterprise beans, message-driven, embedded enterprise bean container and asynchronous method innovation in session beans.
  • Experience in advanced concepts, contexts and dependency injections for the java EE platform
  • Working with APIs Persistence, Security- web applications, Enterprise applications and most of the Java EE supporting technologies-Java Message Service(JMS), Bean Validation and use Java EE interceptors.
  • Experience in cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS) and EC2 Instance.
  • Proactive enthusiastic team player willing to learn, explore and research. Experience in different phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Design, Implementation and testing during the development of software applications.
  • Experience with JPA, Micro-Services.
  • Extensive experience in using Java, J2EE, EJB, JNDI, JMS, WebServices, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Spring, XML, ANT, JavaBeans, JDBC, JFC/Swing.
  • Strong knowledge in using Hibernate 2.0, 3.0, Hibernate Connection Pooling, HQL, Collections, Hibernate Caching, Hibernate Transactions, Optimistic Locking.
  • Experienced in developing MVC architecture using Servlets, JSP, Struts Framework, Hibernate Framework and Spring Framework.
  • Very good project experience in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Python.
  • Good Work experience on various IDE's like Eclipse, My Eclipse, NetBeans, WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), and RAD.
  • Experience in data mining extremely large data sets, high proficiency in SQL-Oracle,MySQL,MS SQL server 2012 relational database systems and design.
  • Sound Knowledge of MVC Architecture, Struts framework, Spring framework, Java Design Patterns and O/R mapping Hibernate framework.
  • Experience in configuring and deploying J2EE applications on Web Sphere, Web Logic and JBOSS Application servers.
  • Knowledge of Spring Cloud and Elastic Search.
  • Expertise in HTML, XHTM, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery UI.
  • Experience and Expertise in Full stack development with Back end and PHP programming with web services.
  • Experience in data warehousing projects,views,procedures, functions, triggers, sequences, cursor, ref cursor, materialized view creation.
  • Working experience with Spring core, boot strap and angularJS
  • Expertise in Java programs using eclipse IDE,debugging and deploying the code.
  • Knowledge and experience in ETL processing and tools-IBM data manager, Informatica
  • Very good understanding and experience inbig data processing for the data extraction,import, export and visualization- Tableau.
  • Experience in SQL Query tuning and instance tuning as the part of performance tuning.
  • Good team player and efficient in problem solving.
  • Experience and exposure in advanced concepts - collections and bulk collect - for all.
  • Experience in UNIX shell scripting and python scripting
  • Experience with noSql data bases,MongoDB, JSON scripts
  • Professional Certification in Data Analytics and Database at Confidential ( Confidential ).
  • Experienced in development methodologies like Agile, waterfall, scrum, Kanban and Interactive life cycle and software engineering processes.
  • Experience in different Operating Systems/ platforms like Windows, Linux and UNIX.
  • Experience in creating Business Requirements, Design Specification, Test Specifications, Test Result documents.
  • Strong experience in client interaction and understanding business application, business data flow and data relations from them.
  • Committed to excellence, self-motivator, fast-learner, team player, ability to deal with people diplomatically and a prudent developer with strong problem-solving skills and communication skills.
  • Good knowledge of Healthcare domain and worked in MAGI, Error Prone Profiling, Discrepancy Creation, Single Streamlined application, Income verification, Real time eligibility initiatives of DHS, Confidential .
  • Involved in creating technical design from the business requirement and creating Use case, sequence and deployment diagrams.
  • Good experience in Java workflow engines such as Oracle SOA .
  • Designed and implemented a highly scalable asynchronous Messaging systems using IBM MQ (Dashboard and work item events)
  • Worked on web service authorization and authentication using digital certificates.
  • Good knowledge and hands-on experience in Hadoop, big data technologies such as Hive, Pig map reduce, Yarn, oozi, sqoop and cloud environment such as AWS
  • Good experience on installing Hadoop in AWS environment and worked on POC’s to extract data from traditional database to HDFS environment, data transformation and data ingestion.


Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++, PL/SQL, SQL, HTML,XML, Bash shell scripting

Java, J2ee specific skills: J2EE Common Services APIs, Web Services,Java JSP, Servlets, Spring and Struts framework, Struts driven web sites, JDBC connections, Hibernate, Applet, SOAP, REST, JUNIT.

Database: Oracle 11g, MS Access, MySQL, SQL Server 2012, Apache Derby, TomcatNoSQL- Mongo DB.

Web Server & Web Application Server (WAS): Apache Tomcat 7.0, Derby, IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0

Designing and modeling Tools: OOAD- DIA, MS-Visio, Star UML

Tools: & Utilities: Eclipse IDE, Net Scape,JDK1.6,SQL*Plus, SQL & PL/SQL Developer, SQL * Loader, Github,Docker, SVN, JIRA, JAMA, IBM WebSphere, IBM Rational Application Developer(RAD), My Eclipse Blue,Intellij Idea,, WebSphere portal 8 Javadoc, liferay portal java8

Domain: Government,Manufacturing, Health care, Medical Insurance, Telecom, Automotive

Internet Technologies: Oracle Web Tool kit, Java Script, HTMLVisualization tools & Program R Studio, R-Programming, Tableau8.0,Advanced Excel VBA, Macro

Methodologies: Agile and Water fall methodology, Kanban, Test Driven Development(TDD)

Operating system: Windows XP/2000/7/8, UNIX, Virtual Machine


Confidential, Madison, WI

J2EE Developer - Data And Application Analyst


  • Involved in Analysis, Design, and Implementation of software applications using Java, J2EE, XML and XSLT and Web Services (SOAP, Restful, Restless, AWS,WSDL).
  • Migrate to cloud and write new API and writing python scripts for automate the job
  • Working with NoSQL- mongo db.and writing code in JavaScript.
  • Enhancement the applications using Advanced xml, html, with java integration for the fix.
  • Working with Java messaging services and WebSphere portal 8 Javadoc.
  • Implemented J2EE design patterns like Singleton and Session Façade.
  • Developed Façade classes to encapsulate the business logic and hide the implementation details of the data access classes and EJBs.
  • Developed Action Classes, Action Form Classes, created JSPs using Struts tag libraries and configured in Struts-config.xml, Web.xml files.
  • Involved Java multithreading to cascade multiple changes on multiple records in only one transaction and developed a batch process framework.
  • Developed User Interface having animations and effects using JSF, JavaScript and HTML.
  • Designed, developed and maintained the data layer using Hibernate and performed configuration of Struts Application Framework.
  • Used JSF framework with AJAX in developing user interfaces using JSF UI Components, RIA components, Validator, Events and Listeners.
  • Implemented the Struts frame work with MVC architecture.
  • Developed the presentation layer using JSP, HTML and client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Developed middle-tier application with J2EE using Servlet, EJB, Java Beans and Web Services Standards (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI).
  • Developed DAOs (Data Access Object) using Hibernate as ORM to interact with DBMS - Oracle.
  • Created XML Schema, XML template and used XML SAX/DOM API to parse them.
  • Applied J2EE design patterns like Business Delegate, DAO, and Singleton etc.
  • Deployed and tested the application using Web logic application server.
  • Involved in coding, code reviews, Junit testing, Prepared and executed Unit Test Cases.
  • Implemented and used Web Services with the help of WSDL, SOAP and JAX-WS to get updates from the third parties.
  • Used Log4j for External Configuration Files and debugging.
  • Designed various tables required for the project in Oracle 11g, Oracle 12c, DB2, MySQL, Sql Server, Bobj, Metasolv and Seibel databasesand used the Stored Procedures in the application.
  • Wrote and debugged the Maven Scripts for building the entire web application.
  • Used CVS for version control across common source code used by developers.
  • Worked with QA team in preparation and review of test cases.

Environment: Java1.6, Java EE 6, Python, Maven, Servlets, Spring, JAXB, IBM MQ Series, XML, XSL, XSD, CSS,PVCS, Java Script, AJAX, MVC,HTML, Multithreading, Eclipse, JUnit, websphere portal 8 javadoc, HttpUnit, JTS, UNIX, Hibernate, MongoDB, JSON,Oracle11g, Linux / Windows

Confidential, Madison, WI

J2EE Developer - System Analyst


  • Involved in System Analysis and Design methodology as well as Object Oriented Design and development using OOAD methodology to capture and model business requirements.
  • Responsible for Object Oriented Design using Enterprise Architect.
  • Review and guide the application architects with Object Oriented Design using Rational Unified Process (RUP) using Enterprise Architect.
  • Implemented the web-based application following theMVC IIarchitecture using Struts Framework.
  • Used JSF framework with AJAX in developing user interfaces using JSF UI Components, RIA components, Validator, Events and Listeners.
  • Implemented the Struts frame work with MVC architecture.
  • Developed the presentation layer using JSP, HTML and client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Developed middle-tier application with J2EE using Servlet, EJB, Java Beans and Web Services Standards (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI).
  • Developed DAOs (Data Access Object) using Hibernate as ORM to interact with DBMS - Oracle.
  • Created XML Schema, XML template and used XML SAX/DOM API to parse them.
  • Applied J2EE design patterns like Business Delegate, DAO, and Singleton etc.
  • Deployed and tested the application using Web logic application server.
  • Involved in coding, code reviews, Junit testing, Prepared and executed Unit Test Cases.
  • Implemented and used Web Services with the help of WSDL, SOAP and JAX-WS to get updates from the third parties.
  • Used Log4j for External Configuration Files and debugging.
  • Designed various tables required for the project in Oracle 11g, Oracle 12c, DB2, MySQL, Sql Server, Bobj, Metasolv and Seibel databasesand used the Stored Procedures in the application.
  • Wrote and debugged the Maven Scripts for building the entire web application.
  • Used CVS for version control across common source code used by developers.
  • Worked with QA team in preparation and review of test cases.

Environment: Java1.6, Java EE 6, Maven, Servlets, Spring, JAXB, IBM MQ Series, XML, XSL, XSD, CSS,PVCS, Java Script, AJAX, MVC,HTML, Multithreading, Eclipse, JUnit, Javscript framework, WebSphere Portal 8,junit test, JTS, UNIX, Hibernate, Oracle11g, Linux / Windows, VM

Confidential, Madison, WI

J2EE Developer - Web Analyst


  • In architecting various Business Layer and Data Management components of multi-tiered web based system over J2EE architecture.
  • Participated in Functional Document reviews and created Technical documents.
  • Actively designed, developed and integrated the Metrics module with all other components.
  • Development using Java, JSP and Servlets on WSAD.
  • Developed Struts Action and Form classes to access Java Beans and UI.
  • Developed and deployed various Sessions beans
  • Used Hibernate to access database and perform database updating.
  • Wrote complex queries and mapped database views using DAO in Oracle.
  • Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.

Environment: Java 1.6, Java EE, JSP,IBM-RAD, Servlets, JSF, Spring DI/IOC, Hibernate, XML, HTML, JDBC, Oracle,Web services, Rational Software Architect,Web sphere Application Server, UNIX, Junit, Maven, Log4J, Tortoise-SVN,IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, Liferay portal Java 8,Linux / Windows

Confidential, SantaClara, CA

J2EE Developer


  • Involved in System Analysis and Design methodology as well as Object Oriented Design and development using OOAD methodology to capture and model business requirements.
  • Responsible for Object Oriented Design using Enterprise Architect.
  • Review and guide the application architects with Object Oriented Design using Rational Unified Process (RUP) using Enterprise Architect.
  • Implemented the web-based application following theMVC IIarchitecture using Struts Framework.
  • Developed front-end components using JSP,StrutsTiles layout.
  • Implemented J2EE patterns like,Data Access Object, Session facade, Business Delegateand Value Object.
  • Implemented the service layer using Spring 2.5 with transaction and logging interceptors.
  • Used spring framework for middle tier and spring-hibernate for data access.
  • Extensively worked on theStrutsDAO module and ORM using Hibernate.
  • Extensively developed User defined Custom JSP tags to separate presentation from application logic.
  • Involved in developing Java APIs, which communicates with the Java Beans.
  • Implemented Struts Validation Framework for Server side validation.
  • Implemented Java/J2EE Design patterns like Business Delegate and Data Transfer Object (DTO), Data Access Object.
  • Developed application using Spring MVC, JSP, JSTL and AJAX on the presentation layer, the business layer is built using spring and the persistent layer uses Hibernate.
  • Data Operations were performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate and Implemented Hibernate Template and criteria API for Querying database.
  • Designed and developedWeb Services (SOAP, WSDL).Created and compiledXML SchematogenerateJava Beanclasses usingAxis.
  • Designed and developed usedXSLTtransformation components to convert data from XML to HTML, Used XMLDOM API for parsing XML.
  • Installation, Configuration & administration of WebLogic and JBOSS application Servers.
  • Involved in writing SQL,Stored procedure and PLSQL for back end. Used Views and Functions at the Oracle Database end. Developed thePL/SQLscripts for rebuilding the application Oracle Database.
  • Developed HTML and JavaScript. Developed Scripts forUNIXplatform deployment.
  • Used ANT for compilation and building JAR, WAR and EAR files.
  • Used Log4J for logging and tracing the messages.
  • Involved in unit testing using Junit.
  • Project coordination with other Development teams, System managers and web master and developed good working environment.

Environment: Java EE, JSP, Servlets, JSF, Spring DI/IOC, Java Portal services, Hibernate, XML, HTML, JDBC, Oracle,Web services, Rational Software Architect,Web sphere Application Server, UNIX, Junit, Maven, Log4J, SVN, CVS, Linux / Windows


J2EE Developer


  • Involved in Analysis, Design, and Implementation of software applications using Java, J2EE, XML and XSLT and Web Services (SOAP, WSDL).
  • Implemented J2EE design patterns like Singleton and Session Façade.
  • Developed Façade classes to encapsulate the business logic and hide the implementation details of the data access classes and EJBs.
  • Developed Action Classes, Action Form Classes, created JSPs using Struts tag libraries and configured in Struts-config.xml, Web.xml files.
  • Involved Java multithreading to cascade multiple changes on multiple records in only one transaction and developed a batch process framework.
  • Developed User Interface having animations and effects using JSF, JavaScript and HTML.
  • Designed, developed and maintained the data layer using Hibernate and performed configuration of Struts Application Framework.
  • Used JSF framework with AJAX in developing user interfaces using JSF UI Components, RIA components, Validator, Events and Listeners.
  • Implemented the Struts frame work with MVC architecture.
  • Developed the presentation layer using JSP, HTML and client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Developed middle-tier application with J2EE using Servlet, EJB, Java Beans and Web Services Standards (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI).
  • Developed DAOs (Data Access Object) using Hibernate as ORM to interact with DBMS - Oracle.
  • Created XML Schema, XML template and used XML SAX/DOM API to parse them.
  • Applied J2EE design patterns like Business Delegate, DAO, and Singleton etc.
  • Deployed and tested the application using Web logic application server.
  • Involved in coding, code reviews, Junit testing, Prepared and executed Unit Test Cases.
  • Implemented and used Web Services with the help of WSDL, SOAP and JAX-WS to get updates from the third parties.
  • Used Log4j for External Configuration Files and debugging.
  • Designed various tables required for the project in Oracle 10g databaseand used the Stored Procedures in the application.
  • Wrote and debugged the ANT Scripts for building the entire web application.
  • Used CVS for version control across common source code used by developers.
  • Worked with QA team in preparation and review of test cases.

Environment: Java EE 6, Servlets, Spring3.0, JAXB, IBM MQ Series, XML, XSL, XSD, CSS,PVCS, Java Script, AJAX, MVC,HTML, Multithreading, Eclipse, JUnit, HttpUnit, JTS, UNIX, Hibernate, Oracle11g, Linux / Windows, JBoss, portal services


J2EE Developer


  • In architecting various Business Layer and Data Management components of multi-tiered web based system over J2EE architecture.
  • Participated in Functional Document reviews and created Technical documents.
  • Actively designed, developed and integrated the Metrics module with all other components.
  • Development using Java, JSP and Servlets on WSAD.
  • Developed Struts Action and Form classes to access Java Beans and UI.
  • Developed and deployed various Sessions beans
  • Used Hibernate to access database and perform database updating.
  • Wrote complex queries and mapped database views using DAO in Oracle.
  • Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
  • Co-ordination with offshore team on development activities.
  • Developed Use Cases, UML diagrams such as Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Class Diagrams, for my application modules (Metrics).
  • Developed Web Services using XML messages that use SOAP. Developed Web Services for Payment Transaction and Payment Release.
  • Developed the application using RAD as the IDE and used its features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation and version control (CVS).
  • Wrote test cases in Junit for unit testing of classes and implemented the logging using Log4j.
  • Retrieving code from the repository and deploying in Production using ANT.

Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, XML, DHTML, JSP, Servlets, Soap, Ant, Struts, Oracle, EJB, JNDI, Hibernate, WebSphere, Windows.


Java Developer-Data Analyst


  • Requirement gathering,analysis and customer interaction.
  • Create reports and dashboards created and distributed in pdf format.
  • Design the database object.
  • Module development, Involved to create views for the Ford of Mexico region.
  • Inline views join conditions given based on the requirement and conditions.
  • Packages,Procedures, Triggers, functions developed for this application.
  • Prepared Application Design Document.
  • Involved in data modeling- constraints, relationship decided based on the business logic.
  • Enhancements.
  • Data Warehouse(DW) data integrated from different sources in different format (PDF,TIFF,JPEG, web crawl and RDBMS data MYSQL, oracle, SQL server etc).
  • Small change document preparation.
  • Client interaction- interact with business unit, assigned schedule and organized the meeting.
  • Prepared unit test cases.
  • Upload the developed database codes(Views and database objects) to the database under VIP schema in DEV environment and migrate to QA and Prod environment.
  • Give privileges and create synonym to these objects.
  • Packages,stand alone procedures and functions, triggers compiled and executed using DBCR-ADS tool.

Environment: Java 1.6 Hibernate web services framework, Oracle PL/SQL, SQL developer, Excel, Oracle 11g, Access, NOSQL connector, Mongo DB, Linux - putty.

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