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Java J2ee Developer Resume

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St Charles, MO


  • Result - oriented Java/J2EE Developer wif over Seven (7+) years of development experience specializing in an environment building enterprise application using various J2EE technologies.
  • Well versed wif complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process which includes Designing, Developing, Testing and Implementation along wif strong interpersonal, analytical and Organizational skills.
  • Core expertise in development and deployment of enterprise applications for J2EE platform using Java, J2EE, EJB, JSP, Servlets, Struts, JNDI, JSTL, JMS, JIVE, JTA, JSF and JDBC, Hibernate, Spring, Web Services, WSDL, XML, DOM, SAX, JSON, JavaScript, JAAS, Custom Java Tag Library.
  • Expertise in Web application development using JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap, Sass/Less, Angular JS.
  • Experience working wif Waterfall and AgileSCRUMmethodology.
  • Having experience wifCloudComputingenvironment like Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Experienced in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and publishing Web Services dat include several components like WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, Axis, RESTFULL and JAX-WS.
  • Developed applications wif a technology stack ofMongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js (MEAN Stack)
  • Rich experience in Application/Web servers like IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, Apache Tomcat and JBoss.
  • Expertise in applying Java Messaging Service (JMS) for reliable information exchange across Java applications.
  • An in depth understanding of Scala programming language.
  • Rich experience in Jive.
  • Expertise in using open source framework and testing technologies like Struts, ANT,MAVENJUnit, SOAP UI and Apache log4j.
  • Experience in working wif the Columnar NoSQL Database like HBase,Cassandrato manage extremely large data sets.
  • Well versed in using Software development methodologies like Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rapid Application Development (RAD), Agile Methodology and Scrum software development processes.
  • Experience wif tools like Git,Jira, Maven, Apache Ant, JUnit and Jenkins for building and deploying automation scripts.
  • Implemented SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) using XML Web Services like (SOAP&REST styles).
  • Expertise in XML related technologies like XSL, XSTL and parsers like JAXP (SAX and DOM) and JAXB.
  • Strong Experience wif various J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Command, Factory, Observer, Front Controller, DTO, DAO, MVC, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Transfer Object and View Object in the development of enterprise applications.
  • Have a detail understanding of Cloud watch and can monitor resources ofAWSthrough it.
  • Excellent experienced in RDBMS Design and databases like Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server, MongoDB and Stored Procedures.
  • Excellent knowledge in working wif various databases like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MYSQL and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB,Cassandra.
  • Experience on building and deploying applications usingJenkinsContinuous Integration tool.
  • Actively involved in theDevOpsstreamlining process through Jenkins CI and CD Release Automation.
  • Extensive experience wif Java complaint IDE's like Eclipse Luna, WSAD/RAD, JBuilder.
  • Experience in writing Ant build and Jenkins Scripts for project development and deployment.
  • Well versed wif core Java concepts like Collections, Multithreading, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Serialization and Java Beans.
  • Good knowledge onAWSdatabases like RDS, DynamoDB, Redshift, ElastiCache
  • Extensive experience in technologies such as UNIX/Linux/Windows, also in Planning, Installing, Configuring, Administering, Tuning and TroubleshootingIBMWebSphereApplicationServer … WebSpherePortal Server.
  • Have good experience and knowledge in banking, financial, Industry, and health care domains.
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills, self-motivated, willing to take initiative and able to learn quickly and apply new tools and technologies in the projects.


Languages: Java, Scala, C/C++, PL/SQL, JSP, PHP

Java j2ee Technologies: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, EJB, JNDI, ANT, JMS, JAXP (DOM-SAX), JAXB, RMI, EJB, JSF

Frameworks: spring, JSP struts, Hibernate, JSTL.

Databases: Oracle 10g, MySQL 5, DB2, Sybase, Postgre, SQL

Web Technologies: AWT, Swing, Applets, HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, DHTML, AJAX, XML, XSL, XSLT, XSL-FO, JSON,SASS/LESS.

Web Service Specifications: JAX-RPC, JAX-WS (SOAP), JAX-RS (RESTFUL)

Servers: Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, IBM Web sphere, Oracle WebLogic.

IDE: My Eclipse, IBM RAD, Eclipse 3.x

Revision control: CVS, SVN (Subversion), GitHub

Design Patterns: Business Delegate, MVC, DAO, DTO, Session Facade, Singleton.

Other tools: IntelliJ, ACCUREV, PVCS, StarTeam, Splunk6.0, Jenkins, RAD, Rational Rose, Star UML, Soap UI, Dynatrace, FireBug, JUnit, JWebUnits, and Selenium

Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, Windows 98 / 2000 / NT / XP/7/8/10


Confidential, St. Charles, MO

Java J2EE Developer


  • Involved in design and development phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Primarily focused on the spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver.
  • Involved in the integration of spring batch using shell scripting.
  • UNIX scripting for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IOC).
  • Used Spring AOP for transaction management and developing advices for various cross cutting.
  • Developed the Java Code using MyEclipse as IDE.
  • DevelopedRESTfulWeb Services inJavadat provides support for JAX-RSAPIsand serves as a JAX-RS using JerseyRESTfulWeb Services framework.
  • Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework for developing reusable services using open standards such as JMS and Web Services.
  • Involved in defining build process wifMavenscripts and customizing through CI builds using Jenkins.
  • Involved in design/programming wif Oracle9i, EJB class frameworks on BEA Web logic, and XML based asynchronous messaging wif queues and topics (JMS).
  • Follow theDevOpsculture by installing and configuring Jenkins, and integrating it wif code analysis tools such as Sonar
  • Established connections wif other applications by usingRabbitMQand JMS.
  • Designed and developed the front-end wif Spring MVC framework, Tag libraries and Custom Tag Libraries and development of Presentation Tier using JSP pages integrating AJAX, Custom Tag's, JSP TagLibs, HTML, JavaScript and JQuery.
  • Involved in configured and administered AWS (Amazon Web Services) EC2 (ElasticCloudComputing) resources such as instances, EBS volumes, snapshots, elastic load balancers.
  • Using Lisp in transaction management.
  • Worked in agile software development usingScrum, attended dailyscrummeetings, sprint planning meeting and sprint retrospective.
  • Worked in Agile environment for developing environment usingJIRAtool.
  • Performed deployment ofApplicationonWebsphereApplicationServer.
  • Responsible for all server side Validation and implementing Business logic based user transaction wif an Encrypted tokens.
  • UsedMongoDBas data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets, sharding and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise.
  • Administered and developed on a HP Tandem Nonstop SQL system, working wif transaction processing and database administration.
  • Create Maven pom.xml files and integrated wifJenkinsCI worked closely wif build engineers.
  • UsedCassandrato handle the large data storage.
  • Maintained SVN repositories forDevOpsenvironment: automation code and configuration
  • Design and developed Ant scripts to build and deploy the application in JBoss.
  • Using Jenkins in the company customized tool called BIB.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous build integration and Maven profiling for building multiple projects and generating war.
  • Involved in the design and development of Business Tier using spring, DAO's (Data Access Objects), Data Access Layer using Hibernate.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) dat offers reliable and inexpensive cloud computing and remote computing services.
  • Apache Wink framework is used for the development ofRestfulWeb services.
  • Implemented the function to send and receive AMQP messages onRabbitMQ.
  • Involved in using Persistence API Hibernate, to views and queries data wif Oracle database.
  • Using CFML in a tag-based Web scripting language supporting database access in a Web server environment.
  • Created Various UML Diagrams e.g. Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams.
  • Designed and developed the application to be responsive for desktop and mobile devices using Bootstrap.
  • Developed web services, SOAP message envelopes and headers using WSDL, UDDI, XML and JAXP. Used Git to implement version control System.
  • Maventool has been used for the build and deploy procedure scripts in UNIX, Linux and Windows environment using Hudson.
  • AnalyzedCassandradatabase and compare it wif other open-source NoSQL databases to find which one of them better suites the current requirements.
  • Used Log4j Logger for all logging purposes and JUnit for integrated test runs, XML for building data structures required for Web Services and JMS for sending a-sync messaging using the Event based Framework.
  • Using Load Runner tool to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load.
  • Developed reusable components to be used across the modules and refactored code for increased reusability.

Environment: Core java 1.6, J2EE, Maven 3.0, JUnit 4.1,WebSphereApplicationV8.5, Oracle10g, Maven, SCRUM, JSP 2.1, Servlets 2.5, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.2, RabbitMQ, JBOSS, AWS, JMS, JSLT 1.2, Jenkins, HTML, XML, XSLT, AJAX, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS PL/SQL, Eclipse 3.7, log4j, Mongo DB, Windows and Linux

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Java/J2EE Web Developer


  • Involved in functional requirements review and creating technical design documents and Integration Solution Design documents.
  • Interacted wif BA team to gather and understand the requirements.
  • Created Various UML Diagrams e.g. Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams.
  • Used Java-J2EE patterns like Model View Controller (MVC), Business Delegate, Session façade, Service Locator, Data Transfer Objects, Data Access Objects, Singleton and factory patterns.
  • Involved in the design and development of Business Tier using Spring, DAO's (Data Access Objects), Data Access Layer using Hibernate.
  • Participate in dailySCRUMmeetings and assist in clarifying any details.
  • UsedMongoDBas data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets, sharding and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise.
  • Manage configuration of Web App and Deploy toAWScloud server through Chef.
  • Design and Develop email sending process wif encryption for user details enabling un-subscription.
  • Designed and developed the front-end wif Spring MVC framework, Tag libraries and Custom Tag Libraries and development of Presentation Tier using JSP pages integrating AJAX, Custom Tag's, JSP TagLibs, HTML, JavaScript and JQuery.
  • Performed deployment ofApplicationonWebsphereApplicationServer.
  • Designed and developed the application to be responsive for desktop and mobile devices using Bootstrap
  • Used AngularJS framework to associate HTML elements to models and also used Angular directives, working on attribute level, element level and class level directives.
  • Knowledge on both Waterfall and Agile-ScrumMethodologies for developing applications.
  • Developed different SOAP and RESTful based Web Services to integrate wif the Web Application.
  • Design and developed Ant scripts to build and deploy the application in JBoss.
  • Implementation of the Business logic layer forMongoDBServices.
  • UsedJenkinscontinuous integration tool to do the deployments.
  • Helped develop various documentation artifacts related to the application.
  • Co-ordinated wif QA team to ensure the quality of application.
  • Participated in the analysis of defects, tracking issues and fixing them
  • Participated in UAT testing and product readiness (production support).
  • Actively involved in the enhancement, maintenance and design for the application.
  • Managing the version control for the deliverables by streamlining and re-basing the development streams of CVS.
  • Used Log4J Appenders for local & remote logging and also for writing the logs to the database and fixed the problems.

Environment: Core java 1.6, J2EE,WebSphereApplicationServer 6.1, Maven 3.0, JUnit 4.1, Oracle10g, JSP 2.1, SCRUM, Servlets 2.5, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.2, Jenkins, AWS, JBOSS, JMS, JSLT 1.2, HTML, XML, XSLT, AJAX, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS PL/SQL, Eclipse 3.7, Tortoise SVN, Log4j, Mongo DB, Windows and Linux

Confidential, CT

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Part of a design team wif extensive usage of Rational Rose in detail design phase through the detailed use cases wif Sequence, Activity, Collaboration and Class diagrams.
  • Designed and generated the classes from the Class Diagrams in Rose and Reverse engineer, which generated classes into Web Sphere.
  • Used ApacheMavenfor building and Hudson for Batch building.
  • Followed agile methodology for development process.
  • Used Concurrent Version System (CVS) for the version control of the project.
  • Designed and developed the front end using HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, JSP, JSF and Struts Tag Library.
  • Used Java Script to perform validation on the client side and to handle events on the client side.
  • Custom tag library was used to create standard tag.
  • UsedJIRAfor tracking work items and communicating wif testers,developers, and program managers.
  • Created XML schema documents based on the requirements and used JAXB for marshalling and un-marshalling of the XML documents.
  • Spring 3.x is used as framework to write the application code andRESTfulwebservices for external clients
  • Developed web services using JAX-WS utility.
  • Designed the Architecture of the project as per MVC standards.
  • Used Struts MVC for the developing funds module and mortgage module.
  • Used spring’s IOC, AOP and auto wiring concepts in developing the application.
  • Used Spring Container to performed dependency injection.
  • Developed SOAP message envelopes and headers using WSDL.
  • Deployed the application on JBOSS application server.
  • Designed and developed the Java bean components and O/R Mapping using Hibernate.
  • Maintained Connection Pooling for each connection to the Database.
  • Used PL/SQL, Stored Procedures for handling Oracle database.
  • Stateless Session beans were used wif Session Facade Design pattern for flexibility and re-usability.
  • Environment: Java, J2EE, UML, JSP, Servlets, Struts, JBoss, XML, Web Services, Maven, JAXB, JAX-WS, PL/SQL, Oracle, CSS, CVS, Rational Rose, Hibernate, Spring, HTML, AJAX, Java Script.


Java Developer


  • Developed the Servlets programs and associated Html files.
  • Involved in Connection RDBMS from Servlets.
  • Involved in more of front development.
  • Developed both Session Beans and Entity Beans representing business logic abstractions.
  • Used Tomcat as a web application server to manage all container managed transactions and data sources.
  • Involved in Development of JUnit test cases for the various modules.

Environment: HTML, JSP, Java, Servlets wif Oracle and JBoss, NetBeans

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