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Java Tech Lead Resume

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Atlanta, GA


  • 13 years of IT experience in analysis, design, and implementation and testing of various Client/Server Applications, Web Based Applications, Web Services using Java, spring boot and spring microservices, J2EE Technologies, Object oriented programming Concepts.
  • Worked in Web application development using Spring framework, Springboot, Microservices, Spring Cloud foundry, Eureka server, AngularJS 2, DHTML, CSS, UML, JavaScript, J2EE (JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI, Struts, AJAX, JSF), Struts, Springframework, JavaBeans, JMS, XML, XSLT, EJBs, Oracle, SQL, MVC architecture.
  • Experience in developing Front - End using AngularJS 2, Struts, JSP, JSF, Ice Faces, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
  • Developed different Web components such as JSPs, Servlets, Filters, Custom Tag Handlers and Business components such as EJB, JMS, and Web Services.
  • Good Working experience with web/applications servers IBM Web sphere 6.1/5.1.2/4.0, BEA Web logic 6.1, JBOSS 4.x/EAP6, Apache Tomcat 4.1/5.1/6.0.18/7.0.42.
  • Expertise in various open source frameworks and tools like, Spring, Hibernate, Log4J, Ant, Maven.
  • Developed dynamic web applications and web services using RAD, WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), and Eclipse.
  • Designed and developed SOAP/Rest based web services both producing and consuming services.
  • Developed message handlers to log request and response.
  • Developed JMS durable subscriber client to consume messages from topic.
  • RabbitMQ configuration with exchanges and queues.
  • Spring RabbitMQ integration application to produce and consume messages from queues.
  • Good experience in writing SQL Statements, triggers, and stored procedures for database transactions
  • Experience with Design patterns like Singleton, Proxy, Service Patterns, Business Delegate, Data Access Object and Data Transfer Object.
  • Implementing and using Microservices design patterns server-side discovery, client-side discover.
  • Designed Use Cases, Class diagrams, Sequence and Collaboration diagrams for multi-tiered object-oriented system architectures utilizing Unified Modeling Tools (UML) such as StarUML, VISIO.
  • Used Hibernate to integrating legacy databases, writing custom CRUD statements, integrating stored procedures and functions and also performed polymorphic associations.
  • Hands on experience in working on XML Suite of technologies (XML, XSL, XSLT, DTD, XML Schema, SAX, DOM).
  • Experience in Configuration of WAS environments to Application specific requirements JDBC, JMS, JNDI, JTA, Web Services, WebSphere Clustering and Session Management, Security, etc.
  • Performed Unit testing, Integration Testing and generating of test cases for web applications using JUnit, Log4J.
  • Worked with different configuration management tools like git, CVS, VSS, Visio, Perforce and Cobertura.
  • Strong working experience of relational database management systems like Oracle, DB2, SQL Server 2000/2005/2008.
  • Experience in developing database Triggers, Stored Procedures and Functions
  • Written and developed scripts for automating tasks using Ant, UNIX shell programming.
  • Good team player with excellent communication, written and presentation skills with strong aptitude towards learning new technologies.
  • Used various application servers like Websphere4,6, Jboss4, EAP 6.2, Weblogic7, Tomcat


API Management: Swagger

Log Management: Kibana, Splunk

Languages: Java 1.6,1.7

Operating Systems: Windows 7/10, UNIX, Linux SUSE 10.2, Ubuntu 12.04.

Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g, DB2,SqlServer 2000/2005, MySql 3.2/4.1/5.0.5/5.5

WebApplication Servers: WebLogic 6.1/7.0, WebSphere 7.0/4.0, JBoss 4.3.0, Jboss EAP 6.2, Tomcat 5.5/5.0/6.0.18/7.0.42, Eureka Developing

Environment: Eclipse 3.1,3.5,3., Eclipse Kepler, JBuilder 2006,2005, Net Beans 4.1,5.0, RAD

MicroServices: Spring cloud foundry, Eureka server, Zookeeper, Kibana

Web Technologies: JSP (1.2/2.0/2.1), Servlets, EJB 2.0/3.0/3.1, HTML,CSS, XSLT and DHTML

Frameworks: Struts 1.1, Struts 1.2, Hibernate 2.x/3.x, AJAX, JSF2.0, GWT 2.1, SWT.

Spring Framework (3/4): Core, RabbitMQ, spring-boot, AOP, MVC, JMS, Mongo, AMQP

Design Patterns: J2EE - Singleton, Value Object, MVC, Factory, ESB, Proxy

Front End Technologies: Angular2, Java Server Pages, Java Server Faces

Cloud Storage: AWS-S3

UML Tools: Rational Rose, OOD, Visio, Altova UML Model

Version Controls: ClearCase, CVS, SVN, Git

Build Tool: Apache Ant 1.8.2, Maven 2.0.9/3.0.5, Gradle

Testing: JUnit, Quality Center, TestNG, PowerMock

Web Services: Apache AXIS, SOAP, RESTEasy


Java Tech Lead

Confidential, Atlanta GA


  • Designed high level document from system requirement document in Jama tool.
  • Developed account management micro service, followed agile methodology for development.
  • Swagger for API management, Cucumber for micro service testing and Kibana for consolidated logs.
  • Develop restful services using spring boot.
  • Migration from EJBs 2.0 to EJB 3.0, from Jboss5 to Jboss EAP 6.4
  • Developed integration components like Prime Home (Rest API), SBN (SOAP WS), and update to MongoDB.
  • Developed and consumed rest web services for various downstream applications.
  • Implemented PL/SQL procedures and functions for various requirements like self connect enhancements, Location code enhancements.
  • Used ANT and Hudson continuous build integration tool to build and deploy code.
  • Spring integration - consumer and producers spring - RabbitMQ integration. Rabbit MQ - configure queues, exchanges, routing keys etc.
  • Spring Boot to implement Rest APIs and micro service components like autantication for XAIL APIs.
  • Linux environment - deploy code, update properties and restart JBoss server using shell scripts.
  • Spring layer unit testing by Powermock and Junit testing.
  • ActiveMQ for product update, initiation. Tested using Solace.
  • Redis cache to cache credentials for XAIL message autantication.
  • POJO based Spring application configuration, Spring Boot, Spring JMS (Producer and Consumer) integration with RabbitMQ.
  • Angular 2 UI development for Technicians. JSON structure using Jackson API.
  • AWS Amazon S3 integration for cloud storage of files.
  • Fix issues raised during development operation meetings.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Spring boot, Spring cloud foundry, Microservices, Zookeeper, Eureka, Angular JS2, Swagger, Kibana, Cucumber, EJB2.0, EJB3.1, Log4j, ANT, Jboss5.0, Jboss EAP 6.4, XML, SOAP, Apache HTTP client, Apache Configuration, SVN, Oracle- SQL & PL/SQL, JMS-Rabbit MQ, Mongo database, Spring Boot, Microservices, Angular JS 2.0, WebServices - SOAP and Rest, Hudson - continuous build integration, AWS - S3, Jackson API, PowerMock, Maven, Ant.

Technical Analyst

Confidential, Atlanta, GA


  • Designed and developed SOAP/REST web services for various downstream applications like ETADirect, ICOMS, Accuweather and Singo.
  • Developed low level design based on high level design and SRS document.
  • User login autantication using Active Directory.
  • Used Hibernate Object Relational (OR) Mappingfor teh backend data persistence and wrote teh hibernate pojo’s.
  • Developed and implemented teh business layer, transaction management and timer service using spring framework.
  • Worked on developing Web Services using SOAP over XML and REST.
  • Converted RMI services to Rest services and extended with new services.
  • Used Maven for building project and Jenkin build configuration for automated builds.
  • Involved in bug fixing of various modules that were raised by teh testing teams in teh application during teh integration testing phase.
  • Involved and participated in Code reviews and writing release notes.

Environment: Java 1.6, ETADirect, Accuweather, ICOMS, ESB - Apache Camel, SOAP web services, Rest Web Services, Java EE, Spring Framework 3, Hibernate3.0, Log4j, Maven, Jboss EAP 6.3, XML, SOAP, RESTEasy, Oracle, Maven, LDAP.

Technical Analyst

Confidential, Charlotte, NC


  • Designed and developed as part of Agile/Scrum team.
  • UsedAgileMethodology for teh application and attended Scrummeeting as part of Iteration development process.
  • Designed batch processing job for FX rates.
  • Used Hibernate Object Relational (OR) Mappingfor teh backend data persistence and wrote teh hibernate pojo’s.
  • Developed and implemented teh business layer, transaction management and timer service using EJBframework.
  • Developed Web Services using SOAP over XML and REST.
  • Converted RMI services to Rest services and extended with new services.
  • Used Maven for building project and Cobertura to deploy ear in repository.
  • IBM RADfor teh development and developed test cases usingJUnit.
  • Involved in bug fixing of various modules that were raised by teh testing teams in teh application during teh integration testing phase.
  • Involved and participated in Code reviews and writing release notes.
  • UsedLog4Jlogging framework for logging messages.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Spring 3, Hibernate3.0, EJB, Log4j, Maven, IBM Web sphere, XML,SOAP, Resteasy, Perforce, Oracle.

Technical Lead



  • Developing teh reusable components like migrating teh PLSQL code to java and injecting them to other modules using spring framework.
  • Designed HLD and LLD using StarXML and sign off for teh same.
  • Designed and developed teh application using Spring Framework, Hibernate, Rich faces.
  • UsedAgileMethodology for teh application and Scrummeeting as part of Iteration development process.
  • Implemented business layer, persistence layer and web services using Spring Framework.
  • UsedHibernateas Object Relational (OR) mappingfor teh backend data persistence.
  • Involved in writingHibernate POJO’s.
  • UsedJasper reports for generating PDF reports.
  • UsedEclipsefor teh Development and Perforcefor teh version control.
  • Developed test cases usingJUnit.
  • Involved in Bug fixing of various modules that were raised by teh Testing teams in teh application during teh testing phase.
  • Involved and participated in Code reviews.
  • UsedJBoss4Application Server.
  • UsedLog4Jlogging framework for logging messages.

Environment: Java, J2EE 5, Spring 3, Ant, Eclipse, Log4j, Hibernate 3.0, JBoss4, SQL Server, JUnit, Rich faces, Perforce Jasper Reports, UML.

Technical Lead



  • Involved in analyzing requirements gathering, creating using and providing estimations for teh same.
  • Developed UI using Rich faces widgets and controls. Used components such as Panel Popup, Menu Popup, Layouts, Header Panels, Calendar features, Data Table.
  • Involved in writing JSF Backing Beans for controlling teh UI and writing custom components and validators.
  • Used Spring MVC framework for running teh jobs using Job launchers and job repositories and defined teh necessary steps and task let for each domain.
  • Involved in all layers of applications like controller Servlets, service controller, screening manager and rule engine.
  • Implemented JNDIObjectFacoryBean for injecting JNDI objects in Spring configuration setup for fetching a database connection.
  • Database design, entity beans of EJB3 generation and annotating teh relationships.
  • Implemented Spring’s Acegi Security feature which includes configuring Spring Provider Manager for delegating autantication responsibilities to LDAP autantication provider.
  • Implemented Hibernate mapping with polymorphic one-many associations with database and used Lazy default fetch plan based annotations and worked with database team for creating Stored procedures and triggers in Oracle 10g.
  • Participated in unit testing and functionality testing and used wrote shell scripts for maintaining builds.
  • Onsite-offshore communication of resolving and understanding of teh business requirement.
  • Preparation of automated test cases using TestNG as a part of unit testing.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring 2.5, JSF2.0, My Faces, Servlets, JSP, XML,EJB 3.0,Ant, Eclipse, JBoss4, Log4j, Hibernate 3.0, SQL Server.

Technical Lead



  • OO and DB design Coding and testing for teh Agreement Module.
  • Designed and developed teh application using Agile methodology and followed TDD, Scrum, pair programming.
  • Involved in design and implementation of MVC architecture in different modules.
  • Integrated business layer using Hibernate with Spring DAO and generated Hibernate Mappings, POJO’s, DAO’s using reingineering tool in Eclipse.
  • Design (OO), Code, Resolving teh Hibernate issues for all teh modules.
  • Configured and integrated Hibernate frameworks for Spring DAO framework and wrote Service Finder class to locate teh Spring managed bean.
  • Wrote and maintained Spring bean configuration files for data sources, IOC beans, AOP, DAO and different injection types.
  • Designed and Developed teh UI Framework using JSF, My Faces, Rich Faces and Ajax4JSF.
  • Involved in writing JSF Backing Beans for controlling teh UI and writing custom components and validators.
  • Implemented JSF Converters to handle formatting and Localization and configured teh faces-config.xml to create a web application navigation rules.
  • Developed various reusable Helper and Utility classes which are used across all teh modules of teh application.
  • Wrote and called Stored Procedures using Java, HQL, Hibernate.
  • Wrote Hibernate configuration file, Hibernate mapping files, developed persistence DAO classes to persist teh data into Database using Hibernate Query Language (HQL).

Environment: Java 5.0, JSP, Ajax4JSF, JSF, JUNIT, Apache MyFaces, Spring Frame Work, Hibernate, XML, HTML, Log 4j, WebSphere 6.1, Eclipse, Oracle, SVN, Ant and Windows XP.

J2EE Developer



  • Played a key role in teh design and development of application using J2EE technologies.
  • Played a key role in developing Use Case, Sequence and Class diagrams during design phase using Rational Rose.
  • Developed server components using EJB’s. As part of it, implemented Stateless session beans.
  • Implementing JUnit test cases to test Java classes.
  • Developed teh Participant Conflict Report, Duplicate Account.
  • Analyzing Use case and teh efforts for each Use case.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, EJB 2.0, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, IBM DB2, Eclipse, SVN, RightNow, Weblogic7.

J2EE Developer



  • Successfully migrated teh application from WAS4.0 to WAS6.0
  • Played a key role in teh design and development of application using J2EE technologies.
  • Developed entity beans using EJB’s, implemented Session Façade and Service Locator Patterns.
  • Implementing JUnit test cases to test Java classes.
  • Analyzing Use case and teh efforts for each Use case.
  • Production Log Analysis. Preparing Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram & Collaboration Diagram.
  • Designed & Developed modules: Quick Order Screen, Product UI, etc.
  • Writing Unit Test Cases for above mentioned modules.
  • Reviewing modules written by other team member

Environment: Java, J2EE3, XMLSPY, VSS, Servlets, EJB 2.0, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript, XML, IBM DB2 7, WSAD, SVN, Merant Dimensions, WebSphere 6.

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