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Sr Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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Charlotte, NC


  • Extensive experience as a Full Stack Java J2EE Developer for 8+ years in Object Oriented development, implementation and maintenance of web and distributed Enterprise applications using Java/J2EE technologies for Banking, Insurance, Finance, E - Commerce organizations designing and developing web-based applications using Web Services, both SOAP/WSDL and REST, Spring MVC framework, Hibernate, Struts MVC, Oracle and SQL.
  • Strong experience in building web application using various Spring Framework features like Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC, Spring ORM and Spring Security.
  • Experience in developing projects based on Restful Webservice and SOAP based Webservice using Apache CXF, WSDL.
  • Experienced in creating and consuming both Restful and Soap based Webservices.
  • Strong programming skills using Java 1.8/1.7/1.6/1.5/1.4, Struts2, Spring3.x, JSF2.0, Spring MVC, Hibernate3.2/2.x, JPA 2, JTA, JNDI, JSP, Servlet, Java Beans, JSTL, JDBC. Proficient in J2EE technologies for end to end design and development using JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JMS, EJB, XML, XSD, XSL.
  • Extensive experience in designing User Interface applications and integration of highly transactional and scalable application using HTML, Angular JS, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, REST.
  • Experience working with AWS provided Solutions like EC2, ELB, VPC, Route 53, RDS, S3, IAM.
  • Good experience working on CSS Background CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo Classes, Pseudo Elements and CSS Behaviors in CSS.
  • Extensive experience on AngularJS MVC Framework, AngularJS Tables, Modules, Angular Filters and Angular Events.
  • Experience with teh new Java8 features like Lambda expressions and Default method in Interfaces.
  • Wrote complex SQL queries using joins, sub queries and correlated sub queries to retrieve data from teh database.
  • Expertise in PERL scripting with Object Oriented Perl, writing interactive handlers for HTML/XML/Webpage using Perl, XML data parsing and XML reporting using PERL, SOAP message resolution and interactive SOAP decoding with Perl.
  • Excellent knowledge on generation of reports using Crystal reports, Jasper reports and Dynamic reports.
  • Extensive experience on AngularJS UI components and Client Side AngularJS Validation.
  • Experience with Web Services (JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAXB, SAAJ, Metro, REST, SOAP, WSDL).
  • Experience working with testing tools like Firebug, Firebug Lite, Chrome or safari web inspectors and IE Developer Toolbar.
  • Used a Microservice architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting with REST and leveraging Amazon web services (AWS) to deploy identity Microservices
  • Developed micro services using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP and Dependency Injection and JPA.
  • Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
  • Extensively used Multi-Threading and Concurrent package concepts in various applications.
  • Experience in working with Selenium, JUnit, JIRA to automate and run tests.
  • Have experience on NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra and MarkLogic.
  • Extensively worked on creating database objects like Tables, Views, Store Procedure, Triggers, Functions using T-SQL to provide structure to store data and to maintain database efficiently.
  • Used Maven, ANT and Log4j Extensively.
  • Proficient in XML technologies like XSL/XSLT, SAX, DOM, XPath, SOAP, WSDL, DTD, XSD, JAXB, JAXP, Apache Axis.
  • Experienced in creating high level and low level documentation.
  • Experienced in data analysis, requirements gathering, report analysis, source-to-target mapping, frequency analysis, process flow diagrams, and documentation.
  • Hands on with PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Triggers and Views.
  • Experienced with WebLogic application servers, Apache Tomcat Application Server and JBoss Application Server.
  • Used version controller tool like SVN, CVS and GIT.
  • knowledge of Big Data: Hadoop, HDFS, Map Reduce, Flume, Hive and Pig.
  • Excellent organizational and analytical abilities teamed with TEMPeffective oral and written communication skills and ability to work in complex environments.
  • Ability to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.


Application Servers: WebSphere 8/7/6.1, WebLogic 10/9/8.1, MS Azure, Tomcat 7.0/6.0, JBoss.

Operating Systems: Windows NT/XP/7, UNIX, LINUX, MACINTOSH.

Frameworks/ORM tools: Spring 4.0/3.0/2.5, Structs 2.0/1.2, JSF 2.0, Hibernate 3.3/2.5, Apache Axis2, Apache CXF, Spring Boot.

IDE/Programming Tools: Eclipse 2.1/3.7, PL/SQL Developer, Netbeans 7.

Java Technologies/Cloud: AWS, Java 1.8/1.7/1.6/1.5, JSP, J2EE, Structs, Servlets, JNDI, Java, JDBC, Web Services (SOAP and REST), EJBs, MVC framework, JMS, XML, XSL, XSLT.

Languages: Core Java, Java, C, C++, ASP dotNet.

Scripting Languages: JavaScript, AngularJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax, Perl, Unix, HTML4/5, CSS3.

Markup Languages and Design: HTML, XML, CSS, JAXB, WSDL, XSD.

Query Language: SQL, PL/SQL, TSQL.

Design Patterns: MVC, Singleton, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Session Facade, Role of Responsibility, DAO, Factory Pattern etc.

Version Control: CVS, SVN, GIT

Build and Design Tools: UML, Rational Rose, Maven, ANT.

Functional Domain: Banking, Insurance, Financial and E-Commerce.

Databases: Oracle 10C/11g/12g, MS SQL Server 2008R2/2012, MY SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MarkLogic, DB2.

Libraries and Tools: Maven, Swagger UI, SOAP UI, JMeter, Cristal Reports, Jasper Reports, JUnit


Confidential, Charlotte NC

Sr Java Full Stack Developer


  • Developed teh functionalities using Agile Methodologies.
  • Implemented business logic using Java 8, Spring and Hibernate.
  • Used Lambda expressions and Default method in Interfaces and concepts from Java8.
  • Implemented Spring security to manage access to different users. Designed and Developed Web Services using technologies WSDL, SOAP to communicate to teh other modules.
  • Implemented as well as exposed Web Services using Apache CXF.
  • Designed and developed Microservices business components using Spring Boot. Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST APIs application with Spring Boot and Microservices.
  • Implemented Rest based web services using JAX-RS annotations, Swagger annotations, Spring MVC Rest controller to handle different data representations.
  • Developed custom AngularJS directives to build custom reusable components to use across teh application pages.
  • Enhanced User Interface to enable input of additional personal information for plan generation using CSS3 HTML5, JavaScript, AJAX, and AngularJS.
  • Designed and developed Microservices business components using JAVA/J2EE, Spring Boot. Implemented REST web services based on RESTful APIs.
  • Implemented logic for conducting third party API calls to provide services supporting both JSON and XML requests.
  • Written complex SQL queries using joins to retrieve data and developed logic for calling PL/SQL stored procedures.
  • Hands on with SQL developer tools like sql Developer, DBVisualizer for interacting with databases such as Oracle 12g and DB2.
  • Implemented Spring security to manage access to different users. Designed and Developed Web Services using technologies WSDL, SOAP to communicate to teh other modules.
  • Implemented as well as exposed Web Services using Apache CXF.
  • Implemented multi-threading environments for avoiding deadlocks.
  • Created and managed Database manipulations using Hibernate, JTA and JPA.
  • Extensive use of Collection Framework features like Map, Object, List to retrieve teh data from Web Service, manipulate teh data to incorporate Business Logic and save teh data to DB2 database, Oracle 12g.
  • Developed Swagger UI application pages so dat teh end constituents can visualize our API resources without having to care about teh implementation logic in place.
  • Designed and developed Microservices business components using Spring Boot. Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs.
  • Used Spring IOC to inject services and their dependencies and conducted SOAP UI for web service testing.
  • Implemented AWS solution using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups Created multi AWS VPC instances.
  • Analyzing teh log files by using Cloud Foundry console.
  • Implemented and maintained teh monitoring and altering of production and corporate servers/storage using AWS Cloudwatch.
  • Developed supporting DAOs to process data in and out of DB2 database, Oracle 12g.
  • Developed JUnit test cases to test teh application.

Environment: Java 1.7/1.8, Agile/SCRUM methodology, Spring Boot, Apache Tomcat, Apache CXF, Spring 4.2, AWS, Hibernate 3.0, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, XML, XSL, XSLT, WSDL, AngularJS 4, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST and SOAP Webservices, Microservices, JDBC, Log4J, JUnit, ANT, Swagger UI, SOAP UI, DB2, SQL, Oracle12g, MAVEN, Mockito 2.0, Jenkins, Spring cloud.


Sr Java Full Stack Developer


  • Implemented Spring framework, Spring-AOP, Spring-ORM, Spring-JDBC modules.
  • Implemented business logic using Java 7/8, Spring and Hibernate.
  • Using Agile Methodologies developed teh functionalities.
  • Used Lambda expressions and Default method in Interfaces and concepts from Java8.
  • Created connections to database using Hibernate Session Factory using Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data to teh database with Hibernate transaction control.
  • Analyzed SQL scripts and designed teh solution to implement using Scala.
  • Used Scala Collection Framework to store and process teh complex information.
  • Developed custom AngularJS directives to build custom reusable components to use across teh application pages.
  • Extensively used Angular UI (Angular Bootstrap) for ng-grid and UI components.
  • Used AngularJS predefined directives and developed various Custom directives in changing teh date formats, error checking, Tables.
  • Used AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap in TEMPeffective web design.
  • Implemented persistence layer using various features of Hibernate framework like HQL queries, Criteria, Projections etc.
  • Created connections to database using Hibernate Session Factory using Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data to teh database with Hibernate Transaction Control.
  • Designed and developed all components, JSP, Controller, Spring Configuration and Hibernate Configuration for various modules.
  • Creating S3 buckets, managing policies for S3 buckets and utilized S3 bucket and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS.
  • Implemented AWS solution using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups Created multi AWS VPC instances.
  • Configured Elastic Load Balancers with EC3 Auto scaling groups.
  • Analyzing teh log files by using Cloud Foundry console.
  • Implemented and maintained teh monitoring and altering of production and corporate servers/storage using AWS Cloudwatch.
  • Implemented Spring security to manage access to different users. Designed and Developed Web Services using technologies WSDL, SOAP to communicate to teh other modules.
  • Implemented as well as exposed Web Services using Apache CXF.
  • Designed and developed Microservices business components using Spring Boot. Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs.
  • Enhanced User Interface to enable input of additional personal information for plan generation using CSS3 HTML5, JavaScript, AJAX, and AngularJS.
  • Developed and Modified Crystal reports involving formulas, sub totals and running totals.
  • Responsible to write database driven logic and integrate in Crystal Reports.
  • Designed and developed TEMPeffective mechanism to automate existing processes using PostgreSQL and PL/SQL.
  • Worked on finding data discrepancy in teh PostgreSQL databases with respect to already loaded data
  • Used Web service calls using Java Web Services RPC and Apache AXIS client packages. Generated Client classes using WSDL2Java and used teh generated Java API.
  • Implemented RESTful WebServices with teh use of URI templates and content negotiation.
  • Implemented JMS Listeners and Message Driven Beans(MDB).
  • Responsible for API Platform development and design on High Available & Scalable Microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP and Postgre SQL.
  • Extensively used Jenkins for teh continuous integration, Test and production deployment.
  • Involved in integrating JAX-RS Spring Boot application.
  • Used Spring AOP for teh transaction management and logging.
  • Created an XML configuration file for Hibernate— Database connectivity.
  • Creating documentation of technical functionality.
  • Carried out bug fixing by rigorous testing using JUnit test cases with Mockito.

Environment: Java 1.7/1.8, Agile/SCRUM methodology, JBoss 6.0, Apache CXF, Spring 4.2, AWS, Hibernate 3.0, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, XML, XSL, XSLT, WSDL, AngularJS 2/4, NodeJS, REST and SOAP Webservices, Microservices, Log4J, JUnit, Postgre, Cristal Reports, Oracle11g, MAVEN, Mockito 2.0, Jenkins, Spring Boot and Spring cloud.

Confidential - Malvern, PA

Sr. Full Stack Java Developer


  • Developed application using Web Services for data access from legacy applications and integrated with new GUI developed using JSP, HTML, XML, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Spring Framework and AJAX.
  • Extensively used Spring & JDBC Frameworks and implemented MVC architecture.
  • Developed supporting DAOs to process data in and out of DB2 database.
  • Used Spring IOC to inject services and their dependencies.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST APIs application with Spring Boot and Microservices.
  • Implemented Rest based web services using JAX-RS annotations, Spring MVC Rest controller to handle different data representations.
  • Extensive use of Collection Framework features like Map, Object, List to retrieve teh data from Web Service, manipulate teh data to incorporate Business Logic and save teh data to DB2 database.
  • Involved in JUnit test cases to test teh application.
  • Developed SQL queries, stored procedures and triggers for getting data.
  • Processed user information using teh in-memory computing capabilities written in Scala.
  • Used Log4j Logging for teh application Logging.
  • Experienced and involved in writing build scripts for tests and Continuous Integration with Jenkins.
  • Involved in creation of Low Level Design including sequence diagrams and class diagrams to understand teh existing architecture.
  • Experience in back-end, including implementation and maintenance of web applications, web services, Microservices, and data access layers using MVC, REST, JSON.
  • Worked with NoSQL database MongoDB and developed custom MongoDB applications specific to client needs.
  • Experience in managing MongoDB environment from availability, performance and scalability perspectives.
  • Involved in implementing different security enabled web services using AXIS2 which involves writing WSDL and XSD files (SOAP) for different services.
  • Developed micro services using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP and Dependency Injection and JPA.
  • Worked on Rest Web services as well as Node Rest framework for backend services, used Mongo DB (NoSQL) for database services.
  • Followed Agile software development with Scrum methodology.
  • Used SVN as teh Version control for Code Management.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, AJAX, Web services, DB2, JUnit, Log4j, HTML, CSS, XML, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Apache Axis, SVN, Spring Framework, Maven, MongoDB, Jenkins, Microservices, RESTful and SOAP Services.

Confidential, Alpharetta, Georgia

Sr Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in teh integration of Spring for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/ IOC).
  • Developed code for obtaining bean references in Spring IOC framework.
  • Consumed SOAP WebServices using JAX-WS and REST using JAX-RS. Implemented Java Persistence API(JPA) through Hibernate 3.0.
  • Implemented multi-threading environments for avoiding deadlocks.
  • Created and managed Database manipulations using Hibernate, JTA and JPA.
  • Expertise in using source code control systems such as GIT, JIRA and Jenkins.
  • Developed teh Request handlers application using Struts framework.
  • Teh views are programmed using JSP pages with teh struts tag library, Model is teh combination of EJB’s and Java classes and web implementation controllers and Servlets.
  • Validated teh user inputs using Spring Validators.
  • Developed teh UI with extensive use of JavaScript, JSON and Ajax.
  • Developed a client application API endpoint with NodeJS.
  • Developed server side automation using NodeJS scripting and connecting different types of SQL and NoSQL stores.
  • Implemented Multi-threading concepts for parallel processing and to combat data inconsistency.
  • Developed cross browser and multi browser compatible web pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Implemented pagination/date calendar using JQuery.
  • Worked with JQuery plug-ins like JQuery Data Tables and JQuery validation Engine in HTML pages for interaction controlling teh Data Tables and Validating teh Form fields.
  • Created connections to teh database using Hibernate Session Factory, Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data.
  • Implemented AJAX calls from backend without page refresh using JQuery, AJAX, Spring MVC and Hibernate.
  • Used Java Messaging Services(JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
  • Used CVS version controlling tool for version control.
  • Involved in Bug Fixing of various bugs reported in Bugzilla.

Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, Servlets, Spring 3.0, Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, XML, WSDL, SOAP, Eclipse Luna IDE, Agile, REST Jersey, NodeJS, JUnit 4.0, JQuery, AJAX, IBM WebSphere Application server 7.0, Oracle 11g, CVS.

Confidential, Maryland

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Worked on UI Pages using JSF, XHTML, HTML and JavaScript frameworks.
  • Used JQuery for User Interface Validations and experience in using various JQuery UI controls and corresponding Event handlers etc.
  • Teh Application was designed and developed with Spring MVC and Hibernate as teh ORM.
  • Involved in setting up teh environments for teh applications.
  • Used Spring framework for dependency injection, transaction management and AOP.
  • Designing and coding of Business Classes using Spring IOC and AOP features.
  • JavaScript was used for teh client side validations.
  • Knowledge of security protocols, secure payment gateways and other safety components applicable for e-trading websites.
  • Integrating cross browser compatible applications and secure payment gateways and trading in teh website
  • Creating teh project startup UI dat is generic XHTML facelet templates, generic JSF validators and converters, and backing beans.
  • Creating custom JSF Facelet tags for error handling data tables, true/false markers etc.
  • Implemented JSF converters to handle formatting, localization and configured teh faces-config.xml file to create a web application navigation rule.
  • Used JSF and Rich faces as a MVC Framework to develop user interfaces.
  • Used AJAX call in JSF to develop standalone pages.
  • Worked on teh Common UI layout for defining teh Header, Footer and Menu using JSF Facelets.
  • Wrote PERL code in UNIX environment to integrate teh data into teh Claim request modeling and make necessary call to teh other modules.
  • Query LDAP service using people/application based entitlements for audit requirements using Perl and database technologies.
  • Developed Perl scripts to read data from remote DB and update teh standalone table of local database.
  • Developed content expiry and broken link functionality and Perl and Shell scripting to avoid 404 error on portal.
  • Developed a Deploy and Run Script to run teh baseline on teh application server using Perl and Shell scripting.
  • Wrote UNIX shell scripts and PERL scripts to execute teh scripts and manipulate files and directory.
  • Create multiple Perl scripts dat retrieved data from teh database using Oracle PL/SQL for displaying in reports.
  • Worked in scheduling teh Perl Scripts for end of teh day run.
  • Experience in developing web services with XML based protocols such as SOAP and WSDL.
  • Created new and modified existing SQL and PL/SQL queries as per teh requirements.
  • WroteANT build scriptsto compile java classes andcreate jar as well as performedUnit testing andpackage them into ear files.
  • Responsible for developing teh UI pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • UsedHibernate frameworkforbackenddevelopment and Spring dependency injection for middle layer development.
  • Written database objects like Triggers, Stored procedures in SQL.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP 2.0, JDBC 4.0, AJAX, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Servlets, WebSphere Application Server 6.1, JMS, Rest WebServices, Hibernate 2.5, Perl (Perl Script and Object Oriented Perl), Spring 3.0, CVS, XML/XSL, SQL Server, JUnit, SQL, PL/SQL, ANT Build, JSF, Oracle 10c.


Java developer


  • Analysis, design and development of application based on J2EE and design patterns.
  • Involved in all phases of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).
  • Developed user interface using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Involved in developing functional model, object model and dynamic model using UML.
  • Development of teh Java classes to be used in JSP and Servlets.
  • Implemented asynchronous functionalities like e-mail notification using JMS.
  • Implemented Multithreading to achieve consistent concurrency in teh application.
  • Implemented Struts MVC design pattern and front controller pattern to this project.
  • Used JDBC for database transactions.
  • Used Test Driven Development approach and wrote many unit and integration test cases.
  • Used Eclipse as IDE tool to develop teh application and JIRA for bug and issue tracking.
  • Wrote various SQL queries for accessing data from database and used JDBC API for Java DatabaseCommunication.
  • Used ANT tool for building and packaging teh application.
  • For configuration management of teh project used SVN.

Environment: J2EE, Java 1.5, Core Java, Struts, Servlets, HTML, CSS, JSP, XML, JavaScript, Water fall, Eclipse, Oracle, SQL, JDBC, JBOSS, JUNIT, ANT, SVN, Apache Tomcat Server, JIRA.

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