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Sr Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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Atlanta, GA


  • Having 8 years of experience in software development includes Analysis, Design and Development of Web - based applications.
  • Strong experience in design & development of applications usingJava/J2EE components such asJava,Servlet, JSP, JSF, Struts, Springs, Hibernate,WebServices, JDBC, XML, JavaScript, JQuery.
  • Having domain experience in Banking, Healthcare and Telecom.
  • Sound Knowledge and Experience on Collections, Multithreading, Garbage Collection, Exception Handling,OOPsconcepts and Design Patterns in CoreJava.
  • Expertise in implementing Web Services by using JAXB,JAX-WS,JAX-RS, JAX-RPC, SOAP, WSDL and xml for marshaling and unmarshaling.
  • Worked on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) such as Apache Axis web services.
  • Implemented Web-services using JAX-WS. And also RESTful WebServices withJersey implementation.
  • Experience in client side technologies like HTML, CSS, Java Script and Jquery, Angular JS
  • Expertise in J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, DAO, DTO, Front controller, Proxy, Factoryand Singleton.
  • Worked on different modules of Spring including Spring IOC, Spring ORM, Spring Security and Spring AOP
  • Good at writing Maven POM.xml for managing the dependencies.
  • Experienced working on Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture by using Struts, Spring andJSF frameworks.
  • Experience in API Development.
  • Used Junit for implementing the test cases and log4j for logging.
  • Experience in ANT, Maven build tools and expertise in testing tools like JUnit.
  • Worked with ORM implementation technology like Hibernate.
  • Experience working withNO SQL database like MONGO DB.
  • Experience in developing Mobile Application for Android/IOS.
  • Extensive knowledge of OOPS, OOAD, UML concepts (Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Deployment Diagrams etc.)
  • Experienced in leading J2EE Application servers Weblogic9.0, Jboss5.0, Websphere Application Server7.1, IBMRAD.
  • Experienced in Development tools like Eclipse, MyEclipse, RAD, Net Beans, Maven, used Data Modeling tool Toad9.0.
  • Experience in developing queries, stored procedures and triggers using SQL.
  • Experience in version control system tools like CVS,GIT,SVN, and Clearcase.
  • Highly organized with the ability to manage multiple projects and meet deadlines.
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with ability to interact with individuals at all levels with utmost hard work, dedication and punctuality.
  • Experience working with BPM(Business Process Management).
  • Development exposure in both Windows andUNIXcentric applications.


Programming Languages: OOPS, Java, SQL,PL/SQL, Groovy, Scala

Web Technologies: PHP, JSP, Java Script, HTML, CSS, Angular JS, Node JS Bootstrap, JQuery

Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql, NoSQL database MongoDB, Oracle


Tools: MS Office, MAVEN, ANT

IDE: Eclipse, Net Beans, Visual Studio 2008,JDeveloper, IBM RAD, JDeveloper

Web Servers: Apache Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss, Web logic, web sphere


J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlets, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring-AOP, Aspectj, Spring DAO, Spring-Security, Spring WS, Spring-TX, Spring-ORM, Spring-JdBC, JSTL, EJB, RMI, JDBC, JPA, JTA, SOAP Web Services, Restful Web Services. JDBC, JSF.

Network Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, SOAP

Version Control Tools/ Mobile / Others: SVN, GIT Hub, CVS, Clearcase Junit, Jira, Bugzilla, Firebug, MVVM, Jenkins, Ajax, iBATIS, RMI, JMS, Android, IOS, SEAM, SOA, BPM.


Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Sr Java/J2EE Developer


  • Gathered user requirements, analyzed and wrote functional and technical specifications.
  • Involved in all phases of software development life cycle, design, development and maintenance of the application.
  • Worked with service oriented architecture (SOA).
  • Involved in Strong fundamentalsobjectorientedand data structures.
  • Used agile methodologies and SCRUM for managing the projects.
  • Worked extensively on concepts like design patterns, UML, OOAD, OOPS
  • Implemented Web Services for communicating one application to another application by using SOAP, WSDL and EJB Technology.
  • Developed user-friendly web-based GUI usingJSF, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS, JSP, XML and JSON.
  • Designed, implemented and deployed J2EE web application using JSF and SpringIOC.Developed Spring Beans and configured Spring using annotations.
  • Primarily focused on Spring components such as Spring MVC, Sprint Integration, Spring AOP, Spring Batch, Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Service, Repositories, Model and View Objects, View Resolver
  • Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and data persistence.
  • Written test cases by using JUnit framework. WrittenIntegrationtests for the DAO layer usingSpringBean Injection.
  • Implemented business processes to develop email notification components using JMSAPI.
  • Wrote SQL commands and Stored Procedures to retrieve data from Oracle database
  • Used log4j for logging and GIT for version control.
  • Worked on different procedures, prepared statements using PL/SQL.
  • Used JIRAfor tracking the flow of team activities.
  • Involved in Production Support and Maintenance of the application.
  • Developed MAVEN scripts to build and deploy the application onto Tomcat Server and ranUNIXshellscripts for the deployment process
  • Participated in configuration management, change management activities and code re-views.
  • Used Android and IOS for Mobile App Development.

Environment: Java, Servlet, JSP, HTML, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, XML, CSS, JDBC, Eclipse, SOAP, Web Services, Struts, HTML, Java Script, Angular JS, AJAX, Node JS, Oracle10g, JIRA, Junit, Android, IOS, UNIX, Maven.

Confidential, Gainesville, Florida

Sr Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in Technical and High level Design Review Meetings with Business Customers.
  • Developed high level functional specifications for documenting requirement.
  • Used agile/SCRUM methodologies for managing the projects.
  • Wrote front-end code for developing new pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSTL and JSP.
  • Developed DAOAPIto manage the payment information using JDBC
  • Used the JQueryjava-script framework to complement with AngularJs as needed.
  • Developed UI layer components using SpringMVC framework.
  • Extensively worked with Servlets and Spring based multitier applications in developing J2EE Components.
  • Created dynamic and interactive Data visualizations with D3 charts, AngularJS and NodeJS. Performed indexing and searching on large documents using Apache Lucene.
  • Designed and developed the Data Access Layer modules with the help of Hibernate Framework for the new functionalities.
  • Configured Spring xml files from scratch with core concepts of Dependency Injection
  • Developed the application using SpringIOC to communicate with the persistence layer.
  • Used various Core Javaconcepts such as Multithreading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
  • Implemented MVC architecture using spring, Custom and JSTL tag libraries.
  • Wrote development of POJO classes and writing Hibernate query language (HQL) queries.
  • Used Java/JEE Design patterns like MVC, FactoryMethod, Singleton, DataTransferObject (DTO), DAO.
  • Used log4j for logging information into log files
  • Developed test cases with Junit
  • Performed code build and deployment using MAVEN.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Java Servlet, JSP, Apache JDBC,Node.js, Apache Maven, Apache Derby, JBOSS Server, HTTP Web Action Servlets, NetBeans IDE, Oracle 11g, JSTL, Java API, Jersey Web Service, JMS Interface, AJAX, JSON, Angular JS, JavaScript, JSP, Bootstrap - Twitter, Web Servlet Annotations, Cloud Database Component, No SQL, Scala.

Confidential, Northbrook IL

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in the Design and Development of the Auto and Property Business Application project.
  • Developed User Interface Layer using Struts 2 MVC framework with JSP/Tiles, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed Web Service Clients to fetch Quoting Data from legacy systems using SpringWebServices.
  • Analyzed the requirements to define business process and workflow for each of the Use cases. Designed and developed the UI usingJSP, Spring, Servlets, HTML, CSSandJavaScript, Bootstrap, NodeJS, JQuery.
  • Worked in the environment of developing mobile application through Android/IOS.
  • Used Node JS in most of the JSP’s to make an application act like a stand-alone web-server.
  • Implemented the Persistence Layer using Hibernate.
  • Wrote Action classes, Business Objects and Service classes.
  • Configured Struts-config.xml with all the mappings required by the architecture.
  • Used Struts tag libraries in the JSP pages.
  • Used various design patterns like BOs, DAOs, TOs, Facades etc.
  • Used Object/Relational mapping Hibernate framework as the persistence layer for interacting with SQL.
  • Worked on Hibernate object/relational mapping according to database schema.
  • Developed Data Access Service Layer using Spring and Hibernate Frameworks.
  • Implemented Logging mechanism using Log4j APIs.
  • Modified existing database structures to support additional features using SQL queries.
  • Interacted closely with the QA team to understand and fix issues.
  • Involved in analyzing and fixing bugs reported by the customers.
  • Performed Unit Testing using JUNIT Framework.

Environment: Java, JSP, Spring 2.5, Struts 2.1, Spring-WS, Node.js,SOAP Web Services, WSDL, Hibernate 3.0, Log4J, Maven, Websphere 7.0,Mobile(Android/IOS),Oracle 11g, SOAPUI.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Sr Java Developer


  • Responsible for the overall design & implementation.
  • Developed and prepared FRD (Functional Required Document) and Technical Design Documents portraying the design flow of the project.
  • As a team member responsible for Analysis and Low Level Design (Class and Sequence diagrams, Functional Specification Diagram’s, Flow Diagrams).
  • Designed user interface screens to create solutions to business problems defined by specific business requirements.
  • Designed UI using HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, JSP, XML and JSON
  • Designed and used a loosely coupled architecture consisting of UI layer (JSP, JQuery) and Middle tier (Java, J2EE) and Backend hibernate and SOAP Web Services.
  • Extensively used Web 2.0 technologies like AJAX and JavaScript frameworks to create rich user experience interfaces.
  • Designed& Developed Front end Screens using JSF and JQuery, Controller to interpret the requests, Value Objects to transfer data and JAX-WS Web services to access customer data.
  • Worked on SEAM Framework for navigating the application using JPDLs
  • Develop and build the XML Web Services (JAX-WS).
  • Marshalling and Unmarshalling the XMLs with JAXB.
  • Testing the Services using SOAP UI.
  • Developed presentation layer usingJSF, Ajax and Jquery.
  • Involved in writing Unix Shell Scripts.
  • Developed MAVEN scripts to build and deploy the application onto Application Server and ran UNIX shell scripts and implemented auto deployment process. Used Maven as the build tool and is scheduled/triggered byJenkins(build tool).
  • Involved in testing applicationusing debug traces by comparing existing and present system.
  • Used Clearcasefor version control and Log4j for logging.
  • Performed unit testing for modules using JUnit

Environment:Java 1.5/1.6, Spring3.0, JAXWS WebServices, JSF1.2,SEAM, Sybase, JQuery, Ajax, Angular JS, JSON, Java Script,SOAP UI, WSDL, XML, Mobile(Android/IOS), Apache Maven, UNIX Shell Scripting, JAXB, Tomcat6.0, JBoss server, Eclipse Kepler, Putty

Confidential, Memphis, TN

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in Technical and High level Design Review Meetings with Business Customers.
  • Developed high level functional specifications for documenting requirements.
  • Developed the presentation layer with responsive web design experience using Bootstrap, Angular JS, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and JQuery.
  • Used the MVC feature of the AngularJSjava-script framework for developing UI screens.
  • Developed the UI screens using AngularJs, java script, HTML 5, JQuery, and CSS3.
  • Designed and developed Service layer using Spring framework and Hibernate.
  • Extensively used AOP concepts using Spring for logging and declarative transactions using SpringproxyBeans.
  • Designed and developed Service layer using Spring framework and Hibernate for MobileWebService application.
  • Configured the Spring Configuration XML file that contains declarations and other dependent objects declaration.
  • Developed application service components and configured beans using SpringIOC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema.
  • Involved in writing SQL queries in Oracle using SQL Developer.
  • Extensively used Spring JDBC template and Hibernate for performing Database Transactions.
  • PL/SQL queries and JDBC module is developed for querying the database to get members.
  • SOAP UI is used for Unit Testing the web services and Altovo XMLSpy for testing XSD’s.
  • Tested persistence layer and service layer using JUnit test cases.
  • Experience in using various version control tools such as CVS and SVN.
  • Experience in writing build and deployment scripts using Apache Ant, Maven.
  • Involved in Fixing the UAT Bugs, change requests (CRs) analysis and impact analysis of CRs.
  • Worked on various activities deployment and integration of all the modules as part of Integration Team.
  • Involved in analyzing and resolving production issues during production support.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the SQL database.
  • Developed Maven Profiles for the build process and deployed in the server.

Environment:JDK 1.6, Angular JS, Bootstrap UI, Spring 4.0, Hibernate 3.0, JPA (EJB3.0), XML, XML Schemas, XSLT, SOAP-UI, WSDL, JMS, Oracle 10g, Toad, Maven 4.0, Log4j, Web Services(JAX-WS), JAXB, REST FUL, Web logic.


Java Developer


  • Implemented business process using JSP and Servlets.
  • Developed UI using HTML, CSS, Java Script and AJAX.
  • Development of the application that was used to create dynamic JSPs, given input from a database table containing information about the contents of the JSP being developed.
  • Designed and developed Application based on MVC design pattern using Struts Framework.
  • Used Struts in the presentation layer for validations.
  • Used Exception handling and Multi-threading for the optimum performance of the application
  • Responsible for coding SQL Statements and Stored procedures for back end communication using JDBC.
  • Participated in weekly design reviews and walkthroughs with project manager and development teams.
  • Used Hibernate and JDBC for development of DAO layer.
  • Application deployed on ApacheTomcat.

Environment:HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Apache Tomcat, Eclipse IDE, Struts

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