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Full Stack Developer Resume

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Kansas City, MO


  • 7+ years of experience wif proven expertise in system development activities including requirement analysis, design, and implementation and testing wif emphasis on Object Oriented, J2EE and Client Server technologies.
  • Exposure to AWS technologies like EC2, S3 etc.
  • Experienced in developingUMLdiagramslike use cases, class diagrams and sequence diagrams usingRational Rosetool.
  • Experience in cloud native applications like twelve factor apps.
  • Extensive experience indeveloping Enterprise applications using Java and various J2EE technologies includingJSP, Servlets, RMI, EJB 2.0/3.0 (Entity Beans, Session Beans, Message Driven Beans), JSP Custom Tags Libraries, JavaBeans, JDBC, JNDI involving optimized usage of Networking, Threads, IO concepts.
  • Proficient wif Web Page Development using HTML, DHTML, XHTML, Java Swing, JavaScript, AJAX, Angular JS, XML, XSL, DTD and CSS.
  • Experience of working on CSS Pre - processors SASS and LESS wif JavaScript task runner Grunt.
  • Strong expertise in Object Oriented Design and Programming.
  • Expertise in a sync programing in Nodejs.
  • Experience in developing Web Applications wif various Open Source frameworks:Jakarta Struts Framework,Struts Validation and Tiles Frameworks, Java Server Faces,Spring Framework 3.0,Spring MVC, Spring AOP,SpringWeb Flow,Hibernate 3 ORM, JPA.
  • Proficient in Persistence tier technologies likeJDBC, iBatis, & Hibernate.
  • Well versed wifJ2EE Design PatternslikeSingleton, Factory, Front-Controller, Session Façade, Service-Locator, Data Access Object (DAO), Data Transfer Object (DTO), Singleton, MVC (Struts), Business-Delegate. Also well versed wif Agile and Scrum methodologies.
  • Expertise in applyingJMS(Java Messaging Service) for reliable information exchange across Java applications using RabbitMQ.
  • Less than 1 year experience in python and Django.
  • Experience and expertise in Angular 2 by developing individual components. Validating user actions on the client side and providing responsive feedback by using angular 2.
  • Experience in creating and consuming SOA Web Services using JAX-WS, JAX-RS, WSDL and SOAP, JSON messages.
  • Experienced in consuming and creating webservices using REST via HTTP.
  • Experience in database programming using Oracle 12, MySQL and proficiency in developing SQL in JDBC as well as client server environments.
  • Experience on Tomcat 4.1 Server which uses the Jasper 2 JSP Engine.
  • Expertise working onApplication servers,Web serverslikesApache Camel 2.4.
  • Worked on IDE's like Eclipse, NetBeans.
  • Experience in working on Mobile Platforms through Android.
  • Performed unit testing using JUnit, Integration and deployment of applications done using tools like ANT and Maven and debugging through log4j.
  • Good experience in using various version controls like GIT, SVN and CVS.
  • Worked on many Operating system environments including Windows 95/ 98/ NT/ XP/ 2000 Server/Windows 7, UNIX (including Sun Solaris, Ubuntu, FreeBSD), some flavors of LINUX(including RedHat) and writing shell scripts for automation of different tasks.
  • Emphasis on performance tuning and code optimization activities.
  • Flexible and easy adaptation to all kinds of work environment wif good team/independent management for best quality end results.
  • Excellent communication skills, interpersonal, strong architectural skills, hardworking and a very good team player and ability to effectively communicate wif all levels of the organization such as technical, management and customers.
  • Involved in preparation of docs like Functional Specification document and Deployment Instruction documents, High level design and low level design.
  • Having good domain noledge in Financial, Banking Communication and Media.
  • Participated in all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design & Analysis of the Customer Specifications, Development and Customization of the application.
  • Excellent Technical, Analytical, Problem Solving skills, strict attention to detail and ability to work independently, work wifin a team environment.


Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, PL/SQL, JavaScript, J2EE

J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Hibernate, Struts, Spring

Web technologies: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and frameworks, Ajax

Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, Spring

XML/ Webservices: Apache Axis, Angular JS,JAXP, JAXB, Angular 2, Rest, Soap

Messaging Technologies: JMS

Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MS-SQL.

Applications/ Webservers: JBOSS, Apache Camel, IBM, WebSphere, BEA WebLogic

Methodology / Design Pattern: OOAD, UML, DAO, Singleton, Pattern, Front, Controller, Factory Pattern, Agile Scrum.

IDE’s: Eclipse, NetBeans

Distributed Technologies: RMI, EJB

Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/NT/XP, 7, Unix (Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux)

Other Tools: ANT, JUnit, Log4J, Toad, CVS, SVN, ClearCase


Confidential, Kansas City, MO

Full stack developer


  • The entire application was developed in J2EE using an MVC based architecture.
  • Created use cases, class diagrams, activity diagrams and collaboration diagrams using Rational Rose UML design.
  • Involved in UI design along and UX team for client demos of our new ideas/features.
  • Used JavaScript for client side validations.
  • Developed the front end using JSP, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JavaScript, JSTL, Custom Tags, JQuery, and JSON.
  • Developed Custom Tags to simplify the JSP2.0 code. Designed UI screens using JSP 2.0, Ajaxand HTML.
  • Designed and developed the Presentation layer using Angular 2 and Angular Material.
  • Worked on CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and preprocessors like SASS.
  • Gaining noledge and interacted wif service developers on Creating Typescript reusable
  • Designed and developed the login portal using framework Angular 2 and wif HTML5, CSS3 and Type Script.
  • Developed Web UI interface using Angular JS SPA framework.
  • Designand Development of Objects usingObjectOrientedDesignin Java.
  • Used Ajax for Validations by communicating wif server.
  • Used Core Spring for setter dependency injections.
  • Developed the business logic using stateful session beans, EJB 2.0.
  • Used a Message Driven Bean (MDB) for supporting user subscriptions and notification features.
  • Consumed a Web service for exchange rate calculation.
  • Providing feedbacks to the UX designer for creating and improving prototype for UI development.
  • Creating interactive prototypes using HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, Bootstrap front end code from a combination of wireframes, visual designs and design standards.
  • Used Data Access Object (DAO) pattern to introduce an abstraction layer between the business logic tier and the persistent storage tier.
  • Implemented Multithreading andObject Orienteddesignconcepts to develop programs to send and receive data from database through XML, parsed the XML file.
  • Build microservices for the delivery of software products across the enterprise.
  • Create RFP (Request for Proposal) micro service to provide RESTful AP utilizing Spring Boot wif Spring MVC.
  • Oversee and developer Notification Service microservice to use across the enterprise.
  • Utilize Came to integrate microservices wif other microservices and RabbitMQ messaging exchanges.
  • Handled the business logic and database interfacing wif JDBC, EJB and the asynchronous calls using JMS API wif MQ Series.
  • Designed and developed Message driven beans dat consumed the messages from the Java message queue and generated emails to be sent to the customers.
  • Used Hibernate for Database Persistence.
  • Developed single page web application using JavaScript framework Angular JS.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2 and NodeJS.
  • Used Nodejs as a server and Mongo Db as database for some applications.
  • Implemented PL/SQL queries and used MySQL stored procedures, and built-in functions to retrieve and update data from the databases.
  • Created and developed Angular 2 applications.
  • Deployed applications on tomcat server.
  • Work wif UX designer to customize UI.
  • Used CSS Preprocessor SASS to make CSS more efficient.
  • Used Web services for transmission of large blocks of XML data over HTTP.
  • Implemented Angular 2 services to connect the web application to back- end API's.
  • Extensively working wif tools like SOAP UI for testing the SOAP and REST services.
  • Used Collections extensively to store, retrieve and manipulate objects in the business logic layer.
  • Create gulp task to generate deployable file for Angular 2 application.
  • Involved in unit testing using JUnit, system testing and creation of various test scripts.
  • Wrote test cases which adhere to a Test Driven Development (TDD) pattern.
  • Built scripts using ANT dat compiles the code, pre-compiles the JSPs, built an EAR file and deployed the application on the application server.
  • Used SVN/GIT as a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM).
  • Used Log4j for logging.

Environment: J2EE (JSF, EJB, JDBC), AWS(S3), Angular JS, JDK 1.6, Spring 3.0, Open Shift, XML, Angular 2, Nodejs, Java Script, Tomcat Application server, Rational Rose 2000, Oracle 8i.

Confidential, Burlington, VT

Software Engineer


  • Involved in the analysis, design, and development and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Developed integration modules for disparate clients usingApache Camel.
  • Use Agile(SCRUM) methodologies for Software Development.
  • Involved in Object Oriented Design/Object Oriented Analysis wif usage of UML Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams.
  • Part of AWS cloud development team.
  • Creating interactive prototypes using HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, Bootstrap front end code from a combination of wireframes, visual designs and design standards.
  • Providing feedbacks to the UX designer for creating and improving prototype for UI development. and troubleshooting of all issues related tomiddlewarefrom deployment phase.
  • Utilized various interactive plugins, widgets to design UI/UX.
  • Implemented the application using Struts2 Framework which is based on Model View Controller design pattern.
  • Usedspringas middle tier application framework, persistence strategy using spring support for iBatis and declarative transaction management.
  • Used Nodejs to develop proxy server logic.
  • Responsible for setting up virtual hots on WebSphere.
  • Developed Custom Tags to simplify the JSP2.0 code. Designed UI screens using JSP 2.0, Ajaxand HTML. Used JavaScript for client side validation.
  • Used Ajax for Validations by communicating wif server.
  • Actively involved in designing and implementing Value Object, Service Locator, MVC and DAO design patterns.
  • Maintenance of PostgreSQL RFID tracking databases.
  • Used Angularjs integrated wif Bootstrap framework for UI development.
  • Created REST API’s in java & nodejs using spring boot technologies.
  • Responsible for GWT development to enhance user experience on the front end.
  • Used Java Message Service for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as Order submission.
  • Designed and developed Message driven beans dat consumed the messages from the Java message queue and generated emails to be sent to the customers.
  • Worked on defining solutions wif excellent Object Oriented Design using several design Pattern.
  • Implemented User friendly interfaces using AJAX, and created components using Angular Js for client side form validations and used JSON for creating objects in Java script.
  • Used Data Access Object (DAO) pattern to introduce an abstraction layer between the business logic tier (Business object) and the persistent storage tier (data source).
  • Implemented Session EJB’s at a middle tier level to house the business logic.
  • Used Web services for sending and getting data from different applications using WSDLmessages, such as Submitting the order to downstream, getting the status on the same, etc.
  • Used SOAP for creating the Web Services.
  • Used Oracle 10gas the backend database. Involved in creating the PL/SQL scripts for the database. UsedStored Procedures in the application.
  • Implemented the responsive Web designs using the SASS CSS preprocessor, CSS3 media queries, and Bootstrap.
  • Used JUnit framework for unit testing of application and ANTto build the application and deployed on Tomcat.
  • Used JIRA Center for Defect Reporting and Tracking.
  • Used Sax and Dom parsers for reading and putting XML messages into SOAP messages.
  • Prepared Low level Design, High level Design, Unit Test Results documents.
  • Used Log4J for logging.
  • Used GIT for version control and used Eclipse for development.

Environment: Aws (EC2)Tomcat, Java 1.7, Apache Axis, JSP 2.0,Angular JS, Servlets 2.5, Angular JS, Nodejs, Open shift JMS, XML, SOAP, WSDL, SAX, DOM, JavaScript, UML, HTML, JNDI, GIT, Log4J, JUnit, Selenium, ANT, Oracle 10g, Eclipse.

Confidential, Vancouver, Washington

SR Java Developer


  • Responsible and mentored the team in complete software development lifecycle (SDLC) tasks - design, coding, testing, and documentation using Rational Unified Process (RUP) for analysis and design of application.
  • Involved in the development of business module applications using J2EE technologies like Servlets, JSF and JDBC.
  • Business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern.
  • Using custom Java AnnotationSpring AOPand created Maven modularized projects.
  • Implemented Spring Bean Factory to create proxies object using AOP framework.
  • Developed auditing components usingSpring AOPAspectJ
  • Used Spring framework extensively to develop core utilities audit and AOP components
  • Handled the business logic and database interfacing wif JDBC, EJB and the asynchronous calls using JMS API wif MQ Series.
  • Exposed few business services from our application to another through web services and consumed third party web services also using SOAP, WSDL, and XML.
  • Performed a detailed study on the web layer of existing Struts based web application and prepared the user actions and usability report for new application.
  • Laid out the base configurations for JSF 1.2 framework for the new application.
  • Designed the Face let pages using RAD and integrated the Rich Faces components for better look and feel.
  • Designed and developed User interface wif the use of JSF Managed Beans and rule navigations.
  • Worked in the styles (CSS) and images for the web application.
  • Working wif Agile Methodology.
  • Involved in the Low-level design of few modules including class diagram for business classes.
  • Designed the business object wif Hibernate ORM mapping and interfaced wif the business mangers using Spring DAO.
  • Implemented Criteria API, Native Queries and Hibernate Query Language (HQL) at business manager.
  • Implemented asynchronous messaging service using JMS and MDB to send and receive the object messages between different sub systems of the application.
  • Used Java Naming/Directory Interface (JNDI) and JDBC connection pooling to access the database seamlessly.
  • Involved in writing Stored Procedures, Triggers and Cursors.
  • Involved in writing ANT scripts for new modules to compile and deploy the files.

Environment: Java, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, Ajax, JavaScript, Selenium, AWS cloud Architecture, Ant, Quartz, Eclipse, Putty, SVN, SQL Developer, Win SCP and Spring AOP.

Confidential, Dallas TX

Java Developer


  • Responsible for documenting the requirements of the application through the creation of Class, Sequence and State Diagrams in Rational Rose.
  • Implemented Spring Business objects (BO), Spring Data Access Objects (DAO) and Data Transfer Objects (DTO).
  • Implemented the application using Struts Framework which is based on Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.
  • To develop persistency and mapping in beans to metadata used Hibernate 3.2, annotations, one to one, many to one, one to many, many to many associations, used IBatis SQL mapping.
  • Responsible for generating the quote and policy PDF using Jasper reports.
  • Developed middleware components (EJB Entity, JMS, JNDI) to manipulate business Transactions processing (ACID).
  • Designed, developed, debugged and tested the web based application using the J2EE architecture.
  • Implemented client side data validations using JavaScript and Server side data validations using JSF validators.
  • Formulated Use Cases for each business requirement and normalized the use cases to suit the requirements.
  • Developed SQL, PL/SQL wif Stored Procedures to interact wif Persistent database using Oracle 10g.
  • Designed the data base and Normalized the Data Base in 3NF. In Normalization resolved the trivial dependences, non-key attribute & transitive dependences using 1NF, 2NF & 3NF.
  • Developed the Action Classes, Action Form Classes, created JSPs using Struts tag libraries and configured in Struts-config.xml, Web.xml files.
  • Experienced in testing and test driven development using python.
  • Experience in manipulating and updating using python.
  • Made a few design changes to improve the systems performance and tuned SQL queries for quicker results.

Environment: J2EE, J2SE 5.0, XML, EJB, JNDI, SOAP, WSAD 5.1, WebSphere Application Server, Linux, SQL Server 2000, Rational Rose, Oracle 10g


Java Developer


  • Involved in analysis, design and implementation of business requirements.
  • Extensively worked in integrating the different layers of the project.
  • Developed numerous UI (User Interface) screens using JSP and HTML, CSS, Java Script.
  • Responsible for writing the JavaScript code for validating the application.
  • Developed based on MVC Architecture.
  • Used XML for Developing Deployment descriptor files.
  • Involved in Unit Testing of the specified Modules.
  • Used JDBC for calling PL/SQL Stored Procedures.
  • Involved in production support of the application.
  • Implemented in various design patterns (Go4) in the project.
  • Involved in bug (Debugging) of the application.
  • Involved in System Testing and Integration Testing of the application.

Environment: & Tools & Technologies: Java1.6, Core Java, J2EE, Struts1.1, JavaBeans, Servlets 2.4, JSP’s, JDBC, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Apache Tomcat, DB2, SQL, Windows XP, LINUX, Eclipse, VSS Log4j, JUnit, ANT, JBOSS.


Software Developer Intern


  • Involved in basic design for the project at high level using UML.
  • Responsible for uploading the project on EC2 on AWS.
  • JSP and CSS used to implement the User Interface for the application.
  • Created test cases and did gap analysis.
  • Used Scrum (Agile) as Development methodology.
  • Developed database structure at high level using Clay files.
  • Implemented the layered structure of business structure collaborated wif database using core java.
  • Written stored procedures and complex queries.

Environment: Java 1.6, Struts2, JSP, spring, Hibernate, Tomcat, Eclipse, CSS, Amazon EC2

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