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Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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Austin, TX


  • Over 8+ Years of experience in analysis, design and development of Java Applications in a highly dynamic and challenging environment.
  • 2 years of experience in using AWS EC2, S3, Route 53, Elastic Beanstalk, Elastic search, Cloud Watch, AWS Mobile Hub, Amazon messaging services (SQS and SNS), Lambda and Amazon Kinesis Services
  • 8 years of experience in full stack application software development.
  • Good experience in developing dynamic websites using teh MEAN stack
  • Experience on working wif CSS background, CSS layouts, CSS positioning and CSS behaviours
  • Expertise in GUI Design using HTML, XML, jQuery, Java Script, Polymers, AngularJS, Node JS, DHTML, and JSP.
  • Strong Experience in using XML Suite technologies (XML, XSL, XSLT, DOM and XML Beans).
  • Experienced on Agile Methodology
  • Good experience in developing web service development.
  • Good knowledge in Concepts of Object oriented JavaScript.
  • Good knowledge in developing single page applications (SPA s) using teh JavaScript libraries like Angular js and Meteor js.
  • Good understanding on using Aurelia, teh next generation JavaScript MVC framework and writing ECMASRIPT 6 and ECMASCRIPT 7
  • 2 years of experience in using Apache SOLR search platform.
  • Hands on experience in using Apache Solr Cloud
  • Hands on experience in using Amazon Dynamo db.
  • Hands on experience in working wif both angular 1 and angular 2versions.
  • Hands on experience in working wif Denodo platform on AWS for data virtualization
  • Good knowledge in using other successful data virtualization tools like Citrix.
  • Good understanding on basic switching and routing.
  • Hands on experience on using SDNand SDMN technology.
  • 1 - year experience using teh Yang Data modelling language
  • 1-year experience in using Jasmine open source testing framework
  • Hands on experience in CLI scripting
  • Participated in all phases of SDLC like Requirements Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, and Deployment.
  • Expertise in J2EE Technology's (Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JNDI, JSTL, JSON, POJO, JMS, JSF My Faces, Prime Faces, JPA, JAX-WS, JAX RS).
  • Excellent understanding of Object Oriented design methodology and Core Java concepts such as multi-threading, exception handling, generics, annotations, Collections and I/O.
  • Provided support and configuration services of IP data networks on continuous basis.
  • Experience in Connect device platform used toreduce OPEX and TCO for device management and deliver better customer experiences for mobile, home and Internet of Things (IoT) services.
  • Expertise in open source frameworks Spring, Hibernate and Struts.
  • Actively involved in Service Oriented Architecture using web services.
  • Expertise in using SOAP and RESTFUL for implementing web services.
  • Experience in Application Servers like WebSphere, WebLogic and Tomcat.
  • Good experience in databases such as SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle, DB2, NoSQL and MySQL.
  • Strong experience wif rule engines like Drools, ILOG.
  • Experienced in developing middleware applications using Spring IOC, Spring Integration, Spring WS, and Spring WS Security.
  • Actively involved in using business process management tools like JBPM, Activiti BPM.
  • Proven experience in Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse, Net Beans, RAD.
  • Experience in design, development and implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC-2) architecture, IOC, AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), DAO (Data Access Object) using Spring Framework and good knowledge of Struts Framework.
  • Good Experience in understanding and usage of JVM.
  • Customized E Commerce framework to integrate wif SALTA web services for getting live product availability for various zip codes based on teh florists in that particular location.
  • Extensive experience in Software Configuration Management using Version Control Software such as SVN, CVS and GIT.
  • Experience in build tools like Ant & Maven, logging wif Log4j, Test Driven Development using Junit.
  • Good knowledge in implementing various Design Patterns Singleton, Factory pattern, Abstract Factory pattern and DAO pattern.
  • Worked in both Unix/Linux and Windows based development environments.
  • Good programming and debugging skills in Unix Shell Scripting.
  • Quick learner wif strong problem-solving skills, interpersonal skills and a good team player.
  • Writing JUNIT test cases for Service methods
  • Self-starter, fast learner and a team player wif strong personal and group communication skills.
  • TEMPHas good ability to develop scalable, monitor able and maintainable solutions for using complex use cases on their own end-to-end at rapid pace.
  • Excellent analytical capabilities and good communication skills.
  • Good Knowledge of using IDE Tools like Eclipse, NetBeans, Rational Application Developer (RAD) for Java/J2EE application development.
  • Expertise in database modelling and development using SQL and PL/SQL in Oracle (8i, 9i and 10g), DB2 and SQL Server environments.
  • Experience in using ANT for build automation.
  • Experience in using version control and configuration management tools like SVN, CVS and Subversion.
  • Experienced in using Operating Systems like Windows 7/ 98 / 2000 / NT / XP, UNIX.
  • Proficient in software documentation and technical report writing.
  • Versatile team player wif good communication, analytical, presentation and inter-personal skills.
  • Experience in Configuring and deploying applications on BEA Web Logic 8.x/7.x, Apache Tomcat 4.x and Web Sphere Application Server.


Programming: Java/J2EE (JSP, Servlets, JSTL, and other java related technologies.) Scripting jQuery, JavaScript, Shell Script

Frameworks: Spring (MVC, AOP, ORM, Web Service, DAO, Social, Security, etc.), Hibernate, Bootstrap, Struts, Tiles, DWR (Direct Web Remoting), Apache camel IDE Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD)

Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS, SSL, XML, AJAX, Web Services, REST Web Servers JBoss, Web logic, Web Sphere, Tomcat, Jetty, Apache

Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL Server, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Mongo DB Database Tools SQL Developer, DB Artisan, TOAD, MSSQL Server Management Studio Reporting Tools Jasper Reports, BIRT, Crystal Reports

Build Tools: Gradle, Maven, ANT

Other Tools: JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, Sonar, Fisheye Version Control Git, SVN, CVS, VSS (Visual Source Safe)

Operating Systems: Windows (XP, 7, 8/8.1, 10), Linux, Unix


Sr. Java Full Stack Developer

Confidential - Austin, TX


  • Created Maven build file to build teh application and deployed on Web Sphere Application Server.
  • Built REST full web service using spring.
  • Deployed and developed my project using AWS EC2, S3, Data pipeline, Elastic Beanstalk, cloud watch, Elastic search, AWS server migration service, Lambda, Amazon messaging services (SQS and SNS) and Amazon Kinesis services.
  • Used teh AWS mobile hub service for creating and configuring powerful mobile app backend features required for our company's new mobile app
  • Did teh testing and monitoring and visualized how our mobile app built is being used.
  • Used teh AWS mobile hub for quick storing and retrieval of app data in AWS Dynamo DB
  • Used teh AWS mobile SDK which halps to build high quality mobile apps quickly.
  • Used AWS data pipeline service for moving data between AWS compute and storage services and created complex data processing fault tolerant and repeatable workloads.
  • Used AWS Elastic Beanstalk service for deploying various infrastructures which orchestrates various AWS services.
  • Used Amazon Elastic search service for application monitoring and full text search.
  • Used Amazon SQS queuing service for reliable communication among distributed software components and micro services and used Amazon SNS push notification service for sending individual messages to mobile device users, email recipients and to distributed users.
  • Used GWT and Amazon AWS (EC2/S3/EBS) for prototyping and subsequent evaluation.
  • Responsible for maintaining and expanding our AWS infrastructure using AWS (EC2/EBS).
  • Used JBOSS application server for run time integration of j2ee applications.
  • Used teh Apache SOLR web application for Index Replication and fast indexed search, hit highlighting, caching, replication and filtering.
  • Developed search handlers by using Apache Solr which includes custom search handlers and custom functions.
  • Developed teh core search module using teh Apache Solr and customized teh Apache Solr for handling fallback searching and to provide custom functions.
  • Used Solr Cloud for providing high scale, fault tolerant distributed indexing and search capabilities for our websites
  • Used Apache CXF for building and developing services and used frontend programming API s like JAX WS and JAX-RS
  • Used Apache CXF for supporting variety of webservice standards like SOAP and WSDL
  • Experience in Connect device platform used toreduce OPEX and TCO for device management and deliver better customer experiences for mobile, home and Internet of Things (IoT) services.
  • Used NoSQL databases like Mongo DB and AWS Dynamo DB handle to large volumes of data flow.
  • Because of teh need to manage big data flow our company started to use Denodo platform for AWS for accelerating teh adoption of data virtualization
  • Worked on Denodo Express 6.0 version for fast deployment on AWS cloud.
  • Used teh Mongo DB cloud manager for managing and monitoring teh Mongo DB infrastructure and used cloud manager backup for data backup and data restoration
  • Used teh Mongo DB atlas a cloud hosted database service for managed backups in point in time recovery and one click automated scaling and built in security
  • Optimized UML design using patterns like DAO, Factory, Service Locator and Business Delegate
  • Used JavaScript for client-side validations.
  • TEMPHas created PL/SQL procedures, functions and complex SQL queries for admin services.
  • Using Java Messaging Service JMS for messaging, configured queues and topics on teh WebLogic 10.3 Application Server and used them for messaging.
  • Developed Oracle PL/SQL Stored Procedures and Queries for Payment release process and authorization process.
  • Defined and constructed layers, server-side objects and client-side interfaces based on J2EE design patterns, Developed and implemented spring, JSF My Faces and J2EE based MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework for teh application.
  • Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Struts framework and Spring Framework.
  • Deployed teh application on WebLogic Application Server cluster on Solaris 10 environment
  • Implemented Persistence layer using Hibernate to interact wif teh Oracle database, Used Hibernate Framework for object relational mapping and persistence.
  • Designed and developed Enterprise Eligibility business objects and domain objects wif Object Relational Mapping framework such as Hibernate.
  • Adopt Agile Methodology to plan using JIRA.
  • Development of UI modules using HTML, JSP, JavaScript, AngularJS and CSS.
  • Worked on Angular 2.0 version for mobile app development.
  • Used ECMAScript6 (ES6) for writing complex applications and modules.
  • Implemented application level persistence using Hibernate and spring.
  • Consumed Restful Web services where teh transmission of data is in JSON format, DATA MAPPING, Addressing and Secure to Routing.
  • Worked on AWS ROUTE 53, a scalable cloud DNS web service for TEMPeffective routing, configuring DNS health checks.
  • Setup and worked on private VPC and used SDN technology
  • Used NETCONF configuration protocol for selective data retrieval, configuration change transactions and transaction management
  • Used teh data modelling language YANG model and wrote data structures representing in xml format
  • Wrote XPATH expressions for defining constraints on teh elements of teh YANG data model.
  • Worked on teh Visual Yang designer 6.2 version for loading existing YANG and YIN models.
  • Developed JSP custom tag libraries, and associated support in teh Action Servlet, that assists in creating interactive form-based applications, which is teh one of teh primary area of functionality using Struts Framework.
  • Used jQuery to make teh frontend components interact wif teh JavaScript functions to add dynamism to teh web pages at teh client side.
  • Analysed changes in online transactional processing, business processes, and modifications, to improve quality of applications and meet additional requirements through MongoDB.
  • Built a highly scalable, low-latency Node-JS API Gateway to interact wif MongoDB database wif JSON.
  • Worked on teh Node v6.0.0 version of Node JS.
  • Used teh web application n framework Express for designing web applications and API s
  • Used Ajax calls extensively - using jQuery, inside teh Web Apps and create a seamless flow of Quotes.
  • Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Spring Framework.
  • Developed and implemented teh business logic component in middle tier using JDBC and EJB framework including stateless session classes and Entity bean classes
  • Developed PL/SQL procedure for login module and registration module.
  • Used JDBC to connect to teh information model tier.
  • Used Eclipse IDE for designing, coding and developing applications
  • Written JUNIT (TDD) test cases for testing Spring Framework classes and wrote many Java Scripts to do client-side validations.
  • Used Jasmine testing framework for JavaScript. Run teh Jasmine tests by using Karma, a simple JavaScript test runner tool.
  • Used Apache Hadoop framework for distributed storage and teh processing of big data sets.
  • Used Amazon Elastic search service for full text search and application monitoring
  • Developed teh Web Based Rich Internet Application (RIA) using J2EE (spring framework) and Macromedia/Adobe Flex.
  • Configured Maven dependencies for application building processes that created Pom.xml files.
  • Make files and teh like. Worked wif Clear case source management.
  • Enhanced and created new Jasper Reports according to teh requirements.
  • Installed and configured a multi-server, clustered ILOG environment. Documented architecture and trained client administrators.
  • Worked extensively in Struts, EJB 3.0 and JPA in other maintenance projects.
  • Involved in agile planning and Estimation Sessions of user stories and also participating in Scrum Meetings to update teh status daily.
  • Utilized Web 2.0 social media strategy tactics to increase company visibility by 110%
  • Design develop and test of SOA services using SOA / Web Service / Oracle Fusion Middleware.
  • Customized E Commerce framework to integrate wif SALTA web services for getting live product availability for various zip codes based on teh florists in that particular location

Environment: Spring, Hibernate, WebLogic, Rest, jQuery, JavaScript, JSON, JSP, WebSphere, Drools, JSTL, Servlets, AWS, SDN, Oracle, Denodo Express 6.0, Mongo DB, Apache SOLRCRUD, PL/SQL, JDBC, EJB, UML, Eclipse, JUnit, JSF, Maven, JBOSS, Apache, Hadoop, Apache CXF, Mongo dB, Amazon Elastic search, Express, GWT, HTML, JSP, JavaScript, Angular 2.0, ECMAScript6, Node.js v6.0.0, CSS, Clear case, Jasmine, Jasper Report, ILOG, Agile, Web 2.0, Adobe Flex, SOAP, RCS, TCP/IP, LAN, WAN, DNS, WINS.

Full Stack Java Developer

Confidential - Washington, DC


  • Was responsible for designing and developing Manage Purchase Order Web Service and presentation layer wif Spring MVC.
  • Responsible for Requirement gathering, coding, testing and documentation.
  • Architected and deployed Java based web product matching framework that matches products across multiple retailers.
  • Responsible for developing and maintaining all teh entity and session beans.
  • Extensively worked on Drools Rules Engine and Expectation Engine for writing Business Rules Validation.
  • Designed and developed teh messaging framework for communication between workflow manager and other Enterprise Applications over Java class and MQ-Series using JMS.
  • Designed and integrated teh full-scale Spring/Hibernate persistence solution wif teh application architectures.
  • Worked on generating teh web services classes by using Service Oriented Architecture SOA, WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP.
  • Developed and implemented teh MVC Architectural Pattern using Spring Framework including JSP, Servlets and Action classes.
  • Worked on Angular JS 1.2.0 version for client-side JavaScript MVC framework for teh development of dynamic web applications.
  • Worked on Node.js v0.11.10 version of Node JS framework for server-sideJavaScript framework
  • Downloaded data from teh Amazon Cloud Database for detailed display by teh app.
  • Worked wif teh development team to create appropriate cloud solutions for client needs.
  • Implemented database layer using EJB 3.0 and Java Persistence API(JPA) in maintenance projects
  • Responsible for developing Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and process flow diagrams for teh modules using UML and Rational Rose.
  • Involved in Preparation of teh technical design documents and involved in identifying and implementation of different J2EE design patterns like Singleton and DAO etc.
  • Developed teh presentation layer using JSP, JSTL, HTML, JSON, XHTML, CSS and client validations using JavaScript.
  • Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, indexes, sharing, replication, schema design.
  • Using Apache Camel frame work provided concrete implementations of all teh widely used Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) and connectivity to a great variety of transports and APIs.
  • Contemporary applications rely on relational databases, NoSQL databases and messaging infrastructure for achieving teh internet scale. Cloud Foundry exposes MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ and Redis as services that offer teh database and messaging capabilities
  • Involved in designing and development of web interface using JSP, Servlets, JavaScript and JDBC for administering and managing users and clients.
  • Developed teh application using My Eclipse 8.5 and used eclipse standard/plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, and formatting and build automation.
  • Handling user requests such as code enhancements, bug fixes.
  • Designed reports per teh need of teh user
  • Created stored procedures, triggers and functions using SQL Plus to meet user requirements.
  • Used Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance l.
  • Integrated wif MDM for managing user data, login and registration information are retrieved from MDM and synced wif E commerce database

Environment: Java, J2ee, Java beans, Servlets, JMS, JSP, Drools, Angular 1.2.0, Node.js v0.11.10, Servlets, GWT, Hibernate, EJB, JPA, Spring, Java Script, JDBC, UNIX, HTML, XHTML, XSLT, JSON, SOAP, WSDL, Eclipse, Web Services, MySQL, SQL Plus, LDAP, Log4j.

Full Stack Java Developer

Confidential - Richmond, VA


  • Involved in teh architecture team for design and implementation of system.
  • Working in a team of 10 members and involved in architecture, requirements gathering, analysis, detailed design, preparing class diagram, flow diagram etc.
  • Developed Web Services using XML messages that use SOAP. Developed Web Services for Payment Transaction and Payment Release.
  • Created WSDL and teh SOAP envelope
  • Generated Model layer of MVC using EJB
  • Developed application using Spring MVC and AJAX on teh presentation layer, teh business layer is built using spring and teh persistent layer uses Hibernate.
  • Wrote huge JavaScript to do client-side validation like login, address, email, Tel No. validation.
  • Improved performance for interactive components through use of AJAX.
  • Developed Custom Tags to represent data in a desired unique table format and to implement paging logic.
  • Developed views and controllers for client and manager modules using Spring MVC and Spring Core.
  • Used Spring Security for securing teh web tier Access.
  • Business logic is implemented using Spring Core and Hibernate.
  • Developed and modified database objects as per teh requirements.
  • Involved in Unit integration, bug fixing, acceptance testing wif test cases, Code reviews.
  • Interaction wif customers and identified System Requirements and developed Software Requirement Specifications.
  • Implemented Java design patterns wherever required.
  • Involved in development, maintenance, implementation and support of teh System.
  • Involved in initial project setup and guidelines.
  • Implemented Multi-threading concepts.
  • Developed teh application using Core Java, J2EE and JSP's.
  • Used teh JEE7 version which adds a complete solution for teh batch applications of • Installation and deploying in Tomcat server
  • Different Types of testing viz Unit, System, Integration testing etc. is carried out during teh testing phase.

Environment: Java/ J2EE, JEE7 JSP, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Hibernate, Spring MVC, XML, EJB, Web Services, SOAP, Eclipse, Rational Rose, HTML, XPATH, XSLT, DOM and JDBC.

Full Stack Java Developer



  • Consuming and exposing various Web services using JAX-RS and JSON to different systems for business services.
  • Extensively worked wif core java like collections, String Builder and interfaces
  • Used APACHE CXF framework to build complex frameworks.
  • Developed complex Web Services and tailored JAX-RS API to suit teh requirement.
  • Development of UI models using HTML, JSP, JavaScript, AJAX, Web link and CSS.
  • Primarily focused on teh spring components such as Spring MVC, Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver.
  • Worked on SOAP/Web Services and created request and response WSDLs.
  • Developed Spring Beans and configured spring using applicationContext.xml.
  • Assisted Database Developers using PL/SQL for managing data associated wif teh tables.
  • Used JDBC to connect to teh oracle database and JNDI to lookup administered objects.
  • Developed a multi-user web application using JSP, Servlet, JDBC, Spring Bootand Hibernate framework to provide teh needed functionality.
  • Involved in implementation of enterprise integration wif Web Services and Legacy Systems using SOAP and REST (Using Axis and Jersey frameworks).
  • Generated DAO's to map wif database tables using Hibernate. Used HQL (Hibernate Query Language) and Criteria for database querying and retrieval of results.
  • Use Second Level Cache to enhance performance and Proper Memory Management
  • Involved in J2EE Design Patterns such as Data Transfer Object (DTO), DAO, Value Object and Template.
  • Used Spring IOC, AOP modules to integrate wif teh application.
  • Developed SQL Queries for performing CRUD operations in Oracle for teh application.
  • Used Maven for generating system builds and Bamboo for continuous integration.
  • Used LOG4J, JUnit for debugging, testing and maintaining teh system state.
  • Wrote JUNIT Test cases for Spring Controllers and Web Service Clients in Service Layer using Mockito.
  • Designed and developed teh application using AGILE-SCRUM methodology.

Environment: Java/J2EE, Core Java, Jdk1.6, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Webservices, JAXRS, Mockito, WADL, SOAPUI, JSP, JDBC, jQuery, AJAX, Html, CSS, Maven, log4j, Oracle, MY SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Developer, JIRA, JMS, APACHE AXIS, Source Tree, IntelliJ, GIT, UNIX, AGILE-SCRUM.

Full Stack Java Developer



  • Developed multiple user tools wif core Java and DB2 using eclipse IDE.
  • Implemented multiple design patterns like factory, façade, etc.
  • Extensive code reviews on adherence to design and performance.
  • Wrote HQL queries as part of development.
  • Designed and implemented XML parsing for XML order conformations.
  • Created database pool, multi-pool, data source and mapped them to roles.
  • Used spring for creating teh object using dependency injection (IOC).
  • Developed teh web-services and analysis of SOAP envelope using SOAP UI.
  • Configured action mapping (in XML) for each logical request that may be submitted.
  • Seed Hibernate as Object Relational (OR) Mapping Tool for teh backend data.
  • Have used DOJO toolkit to construct Ajax requests and build dynamic web pages using JSP, HTML5 and JavaScript, Angular JS.
  • Wrote batch jobs and was involved in performance tuning of complex queries.
  • Monitored teh error logs and fixed teh problems.
  • Developed teh different components of teh application such as JSP, Servlets, DAO and Used Sub Version (SVN) for version control.
  • Involved in teh Development of Spring Framework Controllers. Developed Controller for request, response paradigm by Spring Controllers using Spring-MVC.
  • Developed additional UI Components and implemented an asynchronous, AJAX (jQuery) based rich client to improve customer experience.
  • Built ANT scripts for automated deployment and for teh build operation of teh entire application.
  • Developed web pages using HTML5/CSS and JavaScript, Angular JS
  • Developed many JSP pages, used Dojo in JavaScript Library, jQuery UI for client-side validation.

Environment: Core Java, SQL (DB2), Design Patterns, Spring, OOPS/OOAD (UML), XML, Hibernate, DOJO 1.5, Eclipse IDE, Tortoise SVN source control, BugZilla, Autosys, Aqua Studio, JIRA, Cygwin.

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