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Software Developer Resume

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  • Over 8.3+ Years of IT experience in Application Development and Maintenance using Java/J2EE technologies.
  • 8+ Years of Client facing experience across multiple domains like Banking & Finance, Media & Communication and Telecom.
  • Currently working with latest technology trends like Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring REST Web Services, Spring JMS, Spring AOP, Spring Data, Hibernate, Embedded ActiveMq, Mockito JUnit, PowerMock, Vaadin UI framework.
  • Experience in technologies like JAVA/J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, REST Web Services, JMS, RDBMS, Unix.
  • Experience in CI process and build tools like Git, SVN, Jenkins, Maven, IntelliJ, Eclipse, TeamCity, JIRA, ALM, Kibana.
  • Ensuring code quality using tools like SONAR, FINDBUG and PMD.
  • Ensuring Application Security by addressing vulnerabilities reported by issue tracking tools like BlackDuck, Fortify and Dynamic Scan.
  • Addressing issues reported by profiling tools like AppDynamics and JProfiler.
  • Experience in requirement analysis, identifying generic functionalities and business impact for the changes required followed by Design, Coding, Unit Testing and Deployments.
  • Refactoring, Redesigning and Optimizing the current code logic and implementation.
  • Solely responsible for deliverables as JAVA lead when in a Product based firm of highly efficient team comprising of 12 members.
  • Developed several reusable components/tools in various projects to increase productivity and ease the manual tasks.


Programming Languages/Frameworks: Java/J2EE, Java8, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring AOP, Spring Data, Hibernate, JMS, REST Web Services, Junit (Mockito, PowerMock), Oracle, MySQL, Java Swing, Shell Scripting

Database: Oracle, MySQL

Servers: WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat

Development Tools: Eclipse, IntelliJ, TeamCity, Kibana, SQL Developer, JUNIT, JIRA, Fisheye, Confluence, Jenkins, Sonar, PMD, Find Bugs, ALM, AppDynamics, JProfiler, Fortify Workbench

Version Control: SVN, Git

Platform: Windows, Linux



Software Developer


  • Agile development using Java8, Spring Boot, Spring AOP, Hibernate, REST web services and JMS for coding.
  • Requirement discussion with the business analysts, identifying generic functionalities and business impact.
  • Creating tasks and sub - tasks and defining story points and efforts estimations.
  • Designing, Coding and Unit testing.
  • Build and Deployments.

Technology Used: Java8, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data, Hibernate, REST, JMS, Oracle, IntelliJ, Git, Maven, JIRA, Kibana, TeamCity.

Confidential, Houston, Texas

Software Developer


  • Requirement analysis, identifying generic functionalities and business impact for the changes required followed by design, coding & testing.
  • Refactoring, redesigning and optimizing the current code logic and implementation.
  • Fixing vulnerabilities reported by issue tracking tools like BlackDuck, Fortify and Dynamic scan.
  • Code quality maintenance using tools like SONAR, FINDBUG and PMD.
  • Provide fixes for issues reported by profiling tools like AppDynamics and JProfiler tools.
  • Analyze and fix production logs exception using self developed reusable tool named Logalyzer (Log Analyzer) using shell script to skim out desired production exception report from daily archives, generate report and mail report using Cron job.
  • Create JIRAs and provide fixes for various issues and vulnerabilities reported.

Technology Used: Java-J2EE, Spring, Oracle, JIRA, Fish-Eye, Confluence, Eclipse.


Software Developer


  • Requirement analysis, identifying generic functionalities and business impact for the changes required.
  • Design, Coding & Testing.

Technology Used: Java-J2EE, Java Swing, Spring Framework, Hibernate, MYSQL.


Systems Engineer


  • Meetings with the client for requirement analysis ahead of each module development.
  • Identifying generic functionalities and business impact for the changes required.
  • Design and development.
  • Fixing the issues raised by testing team.

Technology Used: Java-J2EE, Spring MVC, ibatis, SQL, Oracle10g.


Software Developer


  • Meetings with the onsite coordinator and clients for the requirements.
  • Identifying generic functionalities and business impact.
  • Coding & unit testing

Technology Used: Java-J2EE, MVC - Spring, Hibernate, SQL, Oracle10g.

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