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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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  • Expertise in designing, developing and deploying applications using J2EE technologies including Spring, Hibernate, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JSTL, Struts, JSF, JMS
  • 8+ years of IT experience as Sr. Java/J2EE Developer and wif expertise in B2B, EAI, Web and Client/Server Applications.
  • , AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, Java Beans and Web Services.
  • Experience working in various Software Development Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM and TDD.
  • Actively involved in architecting various Business Layer and Data Management components of this web based system over J2EE architecture.
  • Proficient in using Design Patterns like GOF Design patterns(Creational, Structural and behavioral) and J2EE design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Front Controller, Business Delegate, Service Locator, DAO, VO, DTO etc.
  • Database Design, Modeling, Migration using SQL and PL /SQL, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server.
  • Experience in Big Data space like Hadoop and NoSQL.
  • Experienced in Developing and Deploying Applications using Web sphere, Web Logic, Apache Tomcat and HTTP Server.
  • Good noledge in Log4j, JUnit, Maven and Jenkins.
  • Specialized in RDBMS design using normalization techniques and expertise in using SQL and PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages and Triggers.
  • Experience in various software developments IDE's like Eclipse, My Eclipse.
  • Excellent Leadership, Technical, Communication, Analytical and Problem Solving skills and ability to get on well wif people including cross - cultural backgrounds.


Tools and Technologies: Spring, Hibernate, JSTL, Struts, JSF, JMS, Angular.JS, Node.JS, Backbone.JS, Bootstrap.JS, jQuery, React.JS

Languages: Java, Flex, JavaScript, PL/SQL, T-SQL, C# .Net, HTML, XML

Markup languages: HTML5, CSS3, XHTML and XML

Web Services: RESTful and SOAP

Data-interchange format: JSON, XML

Change Management tools: SVN, GIT

Database: Hadoop, NoSQL, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server

App/Web Servers: IIS and Apache

Methodologies: Agile/XP (Extreme Programming) and SCRUM



Confidential, Georgia


  • In an Agile environment, developed new functionalities for a large-scale, high-volume web application using Java, SOAP, REST, Eclipse, JUnit, Spring, and Git.
  • Involved in modifying the existing JSP's and writing the new controllers using Spring MVC and used IBatis for object relational mapping.
  • Created Hibernate mapping files for Java classes using table per class hierarchy strategy.
  • Extensively involved in Spring and DAO business logic implementation for this application.
  • Development of Spring Config file and Web.xml.
  • Wrote Java Servlets to manage an XML-based persistence layer to cut down on server round-trips during development.
  • Consistently maintained 95% (or better) code coverage.
  • Used Java Servlets, JSPs, XML, and CSS for developing the web component of the application.
  • Developed generic Java packages to produce and consume JMS messages through topics and queues in asynchronous message processing wif guaranteed delivery.
  • Worked on presentation layer to develop JSP pages and embedding CSS, JavaScript, DOM and HTML5.
  • Bulk loading of the data into Cassandra cluster using Java API's.
  • Used Spring AOP for logging for crosscutting concerns of the application.
  • Used GitHub for source control management.
  • Responsible for creating RESTful Web services using JAX-RS.
  • Created and deliver client-facing Big Data and NoSQL learning products for consulting practice
  • Responsible for cluster maintenance, adding and removing cluster nodes, cluster monitoring and troubleshooting, manage and review data backups, manage and review Hadoop log files.
  • Designed, automated and lead Enterprise level high volume Java and WebLogic upgrades and migration effort.
  • Used SOAP protocol, JAX-WS and Apache CXF in development of web services.
  • Experience using various Java, J2EE and open source frameworks - Servlets, JSP, JMS, Java Mail, REST and XML.
  • Unit testing was performed using JUnit and Version control through Git.
  • Backend testing and development of the DB by writing scripts to test the integrity of the application NoSQL/Hadoop databases.
  • Experience in working wif the HBase as a NoSQL DB in the MapReduce framework.
  • Created Class Diagrams and sequence diagrams using UML.
  • Designed and implement scalable Big Data architecture solutions for various application needs.
  • Developed an Angular.JS workflow manager leveraging Angular-UI's state router for flexible configuration and management of multi-step user input flows.
  • Implemented client side Interface using React.JS.
  • Implemented the validation, error handling, and caching framework wif Oracle Coherence cache.
  • Developed SQL and PL/ SQL scripts for transfer of data between databases.
  • Developed complex SQL queries for reports.
  • Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, Sharding, replication, schema design.
  • Experience in managing MongoDB environment from availability, performance and scalability perspectives.
  • Used JUnit Framework for the unit testing of all the java classes.
  • Involved in the development of project back-end logic layer by using most of the core java features such as Collection Framework, Interfaces, and Exception Handling programming.
  • Created Single Page Application wif loading multiple views using route services and adding more user experience to make it more dynamic by using Angular.JS framework.
  • Involved actively in designing web page using HTML, Backbone, JavaScript, Bootsrap.JS and CSS.

Technologies: Java, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, IBatis, SOAP, REST, PL/ SQL, Oracle, SQL, Cassandra, Hadoop, NoSQL, MongoDB, Agile, SOA, JavaScript, Angular.JS, React.JS, Node.JS, Backbone.JS, JSP, Bootstrap.JS, Eclipse, Weblogic, Junit, Git, Github, Selenium, UML, XML


Confidential, Herndon, VA


  • Worked on the Re-architecture of the JAVA application using Spring MVC and designing the Data Migration from various External systems.
  • Integrated Struts wif Spring by delegating Struts action management to Spring framework.
  • Configured Java objects wif back end database tables using O/R mapping in Hibernate.
  • Implemented Spring Security for user autantication.
  • Developed Spring REST services for all the modules.
  • Worked in Agile environment wif active scrum participation.
  • Deployed J2EE components (Servlets) in WebLogic Application server.
  • Worked wif REST client web services to pull data from web service.
  • Used Subversion in Eclipse which maintains versioning for directories renames and file metadata.
  • Developed a RESTful service to provide all the CRUD capabilities.
  • Designed and developed HTML front screens and validated user input using JavaScript.
  • Used JDBC to invoke Stored Procedures and database connectivity to Oracle.
  • Worked on migration of application from WAS to Tomcat by participating in all aspects of migration plan starting from Development to production environments.
  • Performed Validations on UI data using JSF validations and JavaScript and HTML5 pages.
  • Used WSAD Application Server to deploy this application.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and JavaScript.
  • Written SQL queries and used DB2 stored procedure, functions, triggers, cursors, objects, sequences.
  • Involved in writing Maven scripts for merging jar files into existing repository.
  • Used JMS for consuming requests, validations, message queuing.
  • Developed Shell scripts for deployment of the application on Linux.
  • Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from the MongoDB for the application on devices.
  • Created Single Page Application wif loading multiple views using route services and adding more user experience to make it more dynamic by using Angular.JS framework.
  • Built and configured WebSphere Portal components including navigation, menu, and content view portlets.
  • Worked on creation of MongoDB databases, collections and deploying JavaScript's using mongo shell.
  • Planned and Implemented SSL encryption for Mongodb intra-cluster communications.
  • Designed and developed a web-based catalog tool using Java, Maven, Hibernate wif Annotations, MySQL, JSP, and CSS.
  • Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Struts framework and Spring Framework.
  • Wrote PHP codes to interact wif the JSON services to provide an easy to configure web service server interface.
  • Participated in development of a well responsive single page application using Angular.JS.
  • Worked wif Bootstrap for compiling CSS, JavaScript and building the System wif the convenient methods.
  • Used ANT to built the project and JUnit to develop unit test cases.
  • Used Angular.JS, HTML5, CSS3, SOA, RESTful and JavaScript framework for creating Dynamic Reach Design Layout wif JSP.

Technologies: Java, Spring, Hibernate, SOAP, PL/SQL, Struts, JSF, SOA, EJB, Eclipse, Servlet, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Angular.JS, JavaScript, Backbone.JS, Bootstrap.JS, Node.JS, Junit, SVN, MongoDB, Apache Tomcat, DB2, Scrum, JSTL, MAVEN, UML, XML, JMS, CRUD, Linux, JSP, PHP, JDBC, Apache CXF, Websphere Portal, WSAD


Confidential, New York City, NY


  • Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring, iBatis and Hibernate.
  • Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Struts framework and Spring Framework.
  • Developed Spring MVC controllers for all the modules.
  • Developed Java/J2EE application (JSP, EJB) using Struts/Tomcat for Sybase, JBuilder.
  • Created the stored procedures using Oracle database and accessed through Java. Expertise in MVC Architecture using JSF and Struts framework and implementing custom tag libraries.
  • Implement enhancements / additional Java code logic for existing customers
  • Followed Java & J2EE design patterns and the coding guidelines to design and develop the application.
  • Involved in developing the UI panels using JSF, XHTML, CSS, and DOJO.
  • Used Jenkins to do different environment builds which is integrated wif mercurial version control tool.
  • Implemented content management system enhancements leveraging Web 2.0 technologies.
  • Managed large sets of data using Oracle and MySQL databases.
  • Created distributed Oracle coherence domains, configuration and system design based on coherence.
  • Implemented and customized web services application using JAX-WS wif EJB.
  • Developed automation test scripts using Java and Selenium Web Driver
  • Created and customized WordPress themes using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • Expose PL/me database access layer as web service using Z. Worked wif JCL to schedule jobs on Mainframes.
  • Installed and configured a multi-server, clustered ILOG environment.
  • Used Ruby to write cloud computing applications.
  • Developed a web 2.0 control console using GWT to manage data matching for data staging.
  • Used Netbeans IDE for development, configured and deployed the application on Tomcat Server.
  • Developed ANT scripts for automating build process.
  • Improved code quality and reduced development time by creating JRules analysis and Oracle database tools.
  • Used J2EE to communicate legacy COBOL based mainframe implementations.
  • Designed, Implemented and Test Oracle ADF applications using JDeveloper.
  • Created ASP User Controls to reduce the complexity of user interface design.
  • Utilized Clearcase for version control of the application. This involved creating development streams and defect streams.
  • Standardized core logging architecture using Java.
  • Developed web-based reporting front-end using WebLogic, Java, JavaScript, Struts, and JSP against an Oracle database.
  • Wrote Web services using Apache Axis2 and generated the WSDL.
  • Involved in the development of Services using Oracle BPM, WSDL and XSD.
  • Experience in setting up Linux Environment on AWS cloud infrastructure.
  • Used IBM MQ Series to send information from mainframe to web and back to mainframe.
  • Used centralized configuration for multiple servers in JBOSS domain mode.
  • Created Cognos content store, data source connections and Cognos configuration.
  • Used JQuery for creating different menus and dialog boxes.
  • Designed and Developed Drupal based web application.
  • Developed the Java Graphical User Interface for end users using JavaFX and Swing frameworks
  • Generated PDF reports using iText.
  • Designed, developed, and maintained Mainframe COBOl and JCL.

Technologies: Java, Spring, IBatis, JSF, EJB, JSP, Servlet, ANT, Dojo, SQL, MYSQL, Oracle, Oracle ADF, GWT, Struts, Jquery, Sencha Ext.JS, Javascript, Mercurial, Clearcase, Selenium, TOAD, DB2, Coherence, Apache Axis2, WSDL, Jasper Report, Ilog, Jrules, Web 2.0, Netbeans, JBOSS, WaterFall Model, UML, XML, Itext, EMC Documentum, Oracle BPM, JIRA, SWING, COGNOS, IBM MQ Series, Apache Tomcat, Linux, Unix, Ruby, Wordpress, Drupal, Z, ASP, C, C++, Mainframe, Cobol, Pl/me, JCL, SAS VB

Full Stack Developer

Confidential, Menlo Park, CA


  • Designed and developed server controllers and their mapping, using Spring and service code.
  • Used Spring Beans to encapsulate business logic and Implemented Application MVC Architecture using Spring MVC.
  • Participated in all the stages of SDLC from requirements gathering to deployment of software.
  • Used MVC architecture, Business Delegate, Session facade, Data Access Object, Value Object and Singleton patterns.
  • Created JUnit test cases to cover unit testing for the components.
  • Developed and designed Interfaces using Swings.
  • Involved in designing and implementing persistence layer using Hibernate following the Generic Data Access pattern.
  • Involved in writing client side validations using Java Script.
  • Used Log4j for logging and handling defects of the application
  • Developed various UI (User Interface) components using Struts (MVC), JSP, and HTML, JavaScript, Ajax.

Technologies: Java, Spring, Weblogic, Hibernate, JUnit, EJB, Log4j, Ant script, JDBC, Web Service, Java Script, TOAD, Swing, Net Beans, MS Visio, Oracle


Time Warner


  • Implemented Dynamic Data source routing using Spring framework.
  • Designed and developed of server side Jave code using the Spring framework.
  • J2EE to communicate legacy COBOL based mainframe implementations.
  • Used standard data access technologies like JDBC and ORM tool like Hibernate.
  • Wrote test cases using JUnit testing framework.
  • Developed and implemented Legacy system programs by using COBOL, DB2, CICS, JCL and Java.
  • Simulation was developed using C++.
  • Worked on GUI internationalization using JSP and Core Java.
  • Designed and developed Message Flows and Message Sets and other service component to expose Mainframe applications to enterprise J2EE applications.
  • Wrote stored procedures in Oracle PL/SQL for data entry and retrieval.

Technologies: Core Java, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JSP, JUnit, MS SQL Server, Weblogic, Oracle, Eclipse, JIRA, JDBC,.Net, IMS, VSAM, JCL, Linux, CICS, Mainframe, COBOL,C, C++

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