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Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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San Francisco, CA


  • Over all 6 years of experience in analysis, design,implementation,and testing ofObject - Oriented Applications in Client/Server environments usingJava/J2EE.
  • Experienced inJavaWeb-based, Desktop Based Development with Concepts of,Object Oriented Design (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object OrientedProgramming(OOP) and its implementation.
  • Good noledge of latest version ofobject-orientedJavaScriptframeworks like AngularJS,Node.JS, Backbone,Bootstrap.
  • Good experience in designing and developing business applications with technologies such as core and advancedJavatechnologiesJAVA,J2EE, Servlets, JSP,JavaScript,jQuery, Web Services, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Maven, Gradle,ANT, HTML, XML, XSLT, XSD, JDBC, Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), JNDI, JUnit and XML-related technologies.
  • Expertise in design and development of various web and enterprise-level applications using Java/J2EE technologies Such asSpring, Hibernate, Struts framework, EJB, Servlets 3.x.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence framework likeHibernate/JPAfor mappingJavaclassesto the databaseand usingHibernate QueryLanguage(HQL).
  • Experienced in Front Endframeworkssuchas jQuery, Ajax,JavaScript,NodeJS, ReactJS, BackboneJS,and AngularJs.
  • Hands on Experience inAWSCloud in various AWS Services such asRedshift, Cluster, Route53Domain configuration.
  • Experience with setup and maintenance ofWebLogic Server, Apache, Tomcat, LDAP.
  • Implemented based on corresponding view components with view componentsJSP, Html,html5, CSS 3, XSD, XSTL.
  • Hands on experience in implementing client-server business applications usingMVC, SOA architectureandMicro Services.
  • Proficientin Java Swing, AWT, SWT,JBoss,and Hibernate.
  • Experienced in implementingService-orientedarchitecture and Web Services usingSOAP, RESTFUL.
  • Experience withJava8 features such aslambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections and for TEMPeffective sorting mechanisms and new Date Time API.
  • Developed and executed software systems utilizingJavaScriptandGroovy.
  • KnowledgeonNodeJS,AngularJS, React JS,Knock outJS.
  • Developed applications and deployed them on aCloud computing architectureslike AWS.
  • Experience in developing and asolidunderstanding ofService Oriented Architecture and MicroServices Architecture.
  • Proven experience in writingQueries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors,Functions,and Packagesusing TOAD.
  • Experience in software configuration management usingCVS, SVN and IBMClear Case.
  • Hands on experience with build tools likeANT, Maven, Jenkinsand logging tools like Log4J.
  • Expertise in using IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans,and RAD for developing and debugging rapid web and enterpriseJavaapplications.
  • Good working experience in usingANT and Mavenscripts for building and deploying the application in web/App servers.
  • Extensive experience in working on multiple operating systems includingUNIX, Sun Solaris, Linux and Microsoft Windows.
  • Goal oriented individual with excellent analytical,problem-solving, communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to interact with individuals at all levels and work independently.
  • Developed and executed software systems utilizingJavaScriptandGroovy.
  • KnowledgeonNodeJS,AngularJS, React JS,Knock outJS.
  • Developed applications and deployed them on a Cloud computing architectures like AWS.


Languages: C, C++,Java,J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL

Tools: & Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, JSF, JUnit, SOAP UI, UML, Rational Rose

J2SE/J2EE Technologies: Java,J2EE, Swing, RMI, Sockets, JDBC, Servlets, JSP,EJB,JMS,JavaBeans, JSTL,JSF,Struts, EJB, Spring, JTA, JNDI, JPA

Web services: SOAP, RESTful, UDDI, WSDL, MicroServices, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, CFX

Web/App Servers: IBM Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Web Logic Server, Camel

Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, XHTML,JavaScript,ReactJS,AngularJS,Node JS,CSS, AJAX, JQuery, JSON RESTful, DOJO,Bootstrap,BackboneJS, JSF

XML Technologies: XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM,DTD, XQuery

Cloud Technologies: AWS EC2, S3 storage,EC2, Amazon SQS, AmazonSNS, RDS, Beanstalk, DynamoDB

Database: Oracle, SQL-Server 2005, MySQL server, MongoDB, NoSQL, Elastic Search

Testing Tools/ Others: Selenium, JUnit, Soap UI, Postman, Log4j and JIRA

Version Control: Tortoise SVN, CVS and GIT

Build Tools: Docker, Open Shift, Docker Trusted Repository, ANT, Maven and Jenkins

IDEs: Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite(STS), IntelliJ IDEA, Adobe Dreamweaver

Platforms: Windows, UNIX and LINUX


Confidential, San Francisco, CA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC)including analysis, design, development, and testing of the project.
  • Worked onAgileScrum methodology and involved in stand-up meetings to monitor the progress.
  • UsedJIRAfor requirement and issue tracking.
  • Created user interface using JSP, HTML, CSS and JQuery.
  • Used AngularJS and jQuery library functions for the logical implementationpart at client side for all theapplication.
  • ImplementedSpring MVCarchitecture andSpring BeanFactory using IOC concepts.
  • ExtensivelyusedSpringFramework for Controller components and View components.
  • Used Spring Boot for developing Customer loyalty application.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring Boot forMicroServices.
  • Created Single Page Application with loading multiple views using routeservices and adding more user experience to make dynamic by Angular 2.0 framework and NodeJS.
  • Utilize Spring Boot to integrateMicro serviceswith other Micro services andRabbitMQmessaging exchanges.
  • UsedSplunktool to monitor production logs, dashboard and to create alerts.
  • Worked on Soap UI to validate the request and responses of the services.
  • UsedJAVA8 functional expressions to manipulate the complex user defined data types ofCassandra and developed Micro services.
  • Designed and developed RESTFUL web services for both external and internal users.
  • UsedHttp Clientto make all rest calls.
  • Worked on Swagger API and auto-generated documentation for all REST calls.
  • Automated the continuous integration and deployments usingJenkins.
  • Developed and continuously deployedjavabased applications usingCICDtechniques. Worked onAngularJSroutesusingscopeobject to create a view using controllers.
  • UsedAngularJS(grid) for Grid data displays all over the application.
  • Implemented the search functionality for Internal Application usingAngularJS.
  • Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces usingHTMLand CSS.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST APIs and Spring Boot formicro-services.
  • Configured internode communication betweenCassandranodes and client using SSL encryption.
  • UsedGradletools for building and deploying the Web applications, implemented the Junit testing.
  • ImplementedJunit(TDD) test cases for testing both internal and external API’s functionality.
  • Involved in deploying and testing the application using tomcat application server.
  • UsedGITas centralized repository to make changes, creating pull requests and push the commits.

Environment: Java 1.8,J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, Junit, Cassandra, WebLogic HTML 5, CSS 3,JavaScript,Jenkins, Gradle,Node.js, jQuery,MicroServices,CICD,Spring Boot, JIRA, Eclipse, AJAX, AngularJS, JSON, JSF

Confidential, Lansing, MI

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Responsible for the analysis, documenting the requirements and architecting the application based onJ2EE standards.
  • Extensively used corejavaconcepts likecollectionframe work, multi-threading, OOPSand Exception Handling.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages usingHTML5, DHTML, CSS3, BOOTSTRAPand JavaScript.
  • UsedHibernate, object relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation fromMVCmodel to OracleRelational data modelwith SQL-based scheme.
  • Used theJavaCollections API extensively in the application as security protection forXML, SOAP, REST and JSONto make a secure Web Deployment.
  • Involved in developing web pages usingAngular JS Frameworkand familiar with various Angular JS directives and services.
  • Developed various Action classes and Form bean classes using Struts framework.
  • Worked on theREST Web Servicesand usedSpring Frameworkand developed the Spring Features like Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Data Access, and spring web test, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and Spring Integration.
  • Developing Intranet Web Application usingJ2EEarchitecture, usingJSPto design the user interfaces and Hibernate for database connectivity.
  • Implemented functional interfaces withjava1.8.
  • Extensively worked on developing front end, business, and persistence tier using the Struts,Spring MVCandHibernate frameworksduring the application development.
  • Created database objects like tables, views, Materialized views, procedures, and packages using PL/SQL.
  • Development of Hibernate objects for data fetching for batch and front-end processing.
  • Worked withJava1.8new version ofJavacollection API.
  • Extensive working experience inRDBMSdesign and implementation inOracle, DB2, MySQL, PL/SQL, MS SQL,andPostgreSQL.
  • Implemented different Design patterns like DAO, Singleton Pattern and MVC architectural design pattern of spring framework.
  • Designed and developed the new features in the existing application to meet the customer's satisfaction.
  • Worked with data parsing forms such asJSON, to dynamically display data.
  • Created Persistence classes usingJPA.
  • Involved in writingOracle PL/SQLStored procedures,triggers,and views.
  • WroteJUNITtest cases for web servers.
  • Involved with Sprint Planning, Sprint grooming, Allocation of User Stories using Jira.
  • UsedLog4J APIfor logging and debugging.

Environment: Java,J2EE, JDK 1.8,Hibernate framework,AngularJSframework,Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Struts, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, spring Security, Spring Integration,JSP, Oracle, PL/SQL, XML, Maven, JUnit, ReactJS, REST WebServices, HTML, CSS, SASS, AJAX,JIRA, AngularJS

Confidential, Milwaukee, WI

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in design, develop and implementation of the application using Spring 3.0 and J2EE framework.
  • Implemented Hibernate for data persistence.
  • Used JSP, Servlets, and HTML5 to create web interfaces. Developed Java Beans and used custom tag libraries for embedding dynamic into JSP pages.
  • Used advanced level of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and pure CSS layouts (table less layout).
  • Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML5 and CSS.
  • Developed and Refracted the Action Servlets and JSPs using Struts following MVC architecture.
  • Involved in exposing the application as a Web Service (RESTful, JAXB, JAX-RPC, SOAP) and configuring to connect to other web services.
  • Developed the application using Spring MVC Framework by implementing controller and backend service classes.
  • Responsible for design and implementation of various modules of the application using Struts-Spring-Hibernate architecture.
  • Responsible for writing Struts action classes, Hibernate POJO classes and integrating Struts and Hibernate with spring for processing business needs.
  • Used Spring framework along with JSP, HTML, CSS, AngularJS and Java Script to construct the dynamic web pages (presentation layer) for the application.
  • Developed J2EE application using Spring framework with Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Test Context Framework and JUnit for unit testing.
  • Used Spring MVC for loading database configuration and hibernate mapping files, created data source instance for instantiating Hibernate DAO Support’s session factory object.
  • Involved in developing Classes diagram in UML showing generalization and other relationships,
  • Combined Spring MVC and JQuery to perform the Ajax request and response to create and validated a form on server side.
  • Created web application prototype using jQuery and AngularJS.
  • Involved in the JMS Connection Pool and the implementation of publish and subscribe using Spring JMS.
  • Involved in the designing and developing modules in application using Spring.
  • Used dependency injection, AOP and transaction management.
  • Designed and developed User Interface using JSP, JSTL, HTML, AJAX, and JQuery.
  • Using hibernate implemented JPA for persisting backend database transaction results in persisted classes.
  • Built web-based applications using Spring MVC Architecture suitable for Apache Axis framework.
  • Created an XML configuration file for Hibernate for Database connectivity.
  • Created connections to database using Hibernate Session Factory, using Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data to the database with Hibernate transaction control.
  • Client side scripts using JAVA, JSP, and Java Script.

Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE, Servlets, EJB, Spring, Hibernate, AngularJS, SOAP Web Services, REST, HTML5, JMS, JavaScript, JDBC, CSS, SQL, JUnit, XML, Agile SCRUM Methodology, UNIX, Oracle 10g, Tomcat, JBoss, Maven, SVN.


Java/J2EE Developer


  • FollowedAgilesoftware development with Scrum methodology.
  • Developed class diagrams, sequence diagrams and object diagrams usingUMLmethodology.
  • Used the J2EE design patterns like ValueObject Pattern, Business Delegate, Service Locatorand Session Façade, Singleton, FactoryandDAO.
  • Designed and programmedJSPpages, usingStrutsframework.
  • Developed web pages usingHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQueryandAngularJSfor interactive cross browser functionality and complex user interface.
  • Implemented MicroServices usingspring boot, spring based MicroServices.
  • Deployment of Application in theJBossapplication server environment usingANTtool and Struts architecture with the JSP Client.
  • Designed and developed the application withJ2EEarchitecture, frameworks likeSpring MVCand Spring Bean Factory.
  • Involved in the integration ofSpringfor implementingDependency Injection (DI/IOC).
  • Developed code for obtainingbean referencesinSpring IOCframework.
  • UsedApachefor routing between destinations and implemented message translators.
  • Worked withjQueryplug-ins likejQueryData Tables andjQuery validationEngine inHTMLpages for interaction controlling theData Tablesand Validating theForm fields.
  • UsedSVNas the Version control for Code Management and Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
  • Involved in developingJavaServer Pages for implementing interactive front end and integrated it with Spring Controllers using Spring Tag Library.
  • Worked withAngularJSMVC framework including authoring complex directives, services, controllers and filters.
  • Worked withNoSQLdatabaseMongoDBand developed custom MongoDB applications specific to client needs.
  • Experience in managing MongoDB environment from availability, performance and scalability perspectives
  • DevelopedRESTWeb Services using JAX-RS and Jersey to perform transactions from front end to our backend applications, response is sent in JSON or XML formats based on the use cases.
  • ConfiguredMavendependencies for application building process that created POM.xml files.
  • Involved in testing the application by writing the test cases for various scenarios. Used JUnit testing tool to test the code.

Environment: Java/J2EE 1.7, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS, JQuery, ExtJS, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, JBoss, RESTFUL, Unix, Maven, Jenkins, JSTL, JSON, Log4J, Ant, RAD, JUnit.


Java Developer


  • Developed application using Eclipse IDE and BEA WebLogic Server.
  • Responsible for gathering the requirements of the whole system.
  • Used Java mail for automatic generation of mails to the corresponding users/agents regarding claims processing status.
  • Used Singleton pattern for accessing property files and factory classes.
  • Involved in writing the Middleware components (Business helpers) like logging framework, WebServices helpers and login information which are used in various java applications
  • Responsible for creating/generating Hibernate classes and configuration XML’s and to also manage CRUD operations (insert, update, and delete)
  • Worked with core Java code extensively using interfaces and multi-threading techniques.
  • Involved extensively in architecture, design and development using JSP, XSLT, XML, Object Oriented JavaScript, AJAX API, and Metavante Web frame UI Presentation framework.
  • Involved in extensive architecture, design, coding, debugging, and testing of the J2EE components and the Java Objects adhering to the application framework.
  • Added the required jar files to the application as dependencies to the pom.XML file.
  • Used JSF & Struts frameworks to interact with the front end.
  • Developed J2EE components on Eclipse IDE.
  • Involved in extensive coding using Hibernate as the Persistence layer and JMS MDBs as the JMS Messaging Components, Stateless and Stateful Session Beans as the Workflow Components.
  • Extensive use of SOAP web services and Struts Framework for the UI development.
  • Extensively used Java Collection API to improve application quality and performance.
  • Used JExcel framework for reading and writing excel files.
  • Configured log4j to enable/disable logging in application.

Environment: Java1.6, Servlets, JSP, EJB, J2EE,JavaMail, XML, SAX, DOM, Oracle, SQL, Eclipse, CVS, Unix, JUnit, Hibernate, BEA WebLogic, JSP, JavaScript, JSP Custom Tag Libraries (JSTL), HTML, CSS, XML,JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, JUnit Testing framework, SQL Server 2008.

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