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Java Developer Resume

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San Ramon, CA


  • Over 7+ years of IT experience involving all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance of Multi - Tier distributed, secure enterprise applications using Java and J2EE technologies.
  • Expertise in designing and developing enterprise applications in Health Care, Telecom, Finance and Banking domains.
  • Expertise in application development using Java/J2EE components which include Servlets, JSP, JSTL, EJB, JMS, JNDI, JDBC, JPA, Swing, JAXB, JavaFX.
  • Extensive experience in implementing Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture for enterprise applications using Spring, Struts, Hibernate, iBatis, EJB, JSF, JPA and JMS frameworks.
  • Extensively used IDE tools like Eclipse, IntelliJ, STS (Spring Tool Suite), Net Beans for Java/J2EE application development.
  • Extensively used Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to create RICH Internet Application(RIA).
  • Extensively used FindBugsand Checkstyleplugins for Eclipse for defect detection and for reporting any violation while coding.
  • Good Knowledge on OWASP Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks.
  • Experience in deploying the web applications using Application Servers like Apache Tomcat, BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss.
  • Strong knowledge on developing and implementing the back-end services for web applications using Microservices Architecture and proficient in developing microservicesSpring Boot.
  • Used Spring-Security module for Authentication and Authorization for Web Applications.
  • Extensive experience in developing front-end applications using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJs, XML, XSLT, Parsers (SAX, DOM), AJAX, JAXP, JSON, JSP, JSTL.
  • Extensively implemented Event Listeners, Adapers, Layouts and Containers of Java SWING for developing light weight front end screens.
  • Goodexperience in consuming and producing REST Web Services using Spring Rest Controller with data exchange format as JSON/XML.
  • Experience in SOAP services (JAX-WS) with Apache CXF as runtime enginethat include using WSDL, XML, XSD, UDDI.
  • Good experience in Templating frameworks like Velocity andThymeleaf.
  • Expertise in working with Multi-node distributed Coherence Cache.
  • Expertise in creating UML diagrams (Use-Case diagrams), Class diagrams, Sequence and Activity diagrams using tools like MS Visio, Rational Rose during the design phase.
  • Experience on ORM frameworks like Hibernate/JPA used for mapping Java classes with database tables usingHibernate Query Language (HQL).
  • Good experience in Spring (Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data MongoDB, Spring DAO, Spring ORM, Spring AOP, Spring Batch, Spring Transaction).
  • Strong knowledge in the development of cloud hosted applications and REST API using Spring Boot with Tomcat.
  • Sound knowledge in use of build tools such as Apache Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Ansible, Hudsonand project tracking tools like JIRA and QC.
  • Experiences in SQL queries, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers in databases like MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle 8.x/9i/10c/11g.
  • Experienced in writing test cases using Junit, Mockito,Spock,TestNG and testing the services using SoapUI, Postman, Advanced Rest Client.
  • Experienced in writing test cases for JavaScript using JasmineJSand Karma.
  • Sound knowledge of TDD (Test Driven Development) using Junit, Log4J 1.2.17 and collaborated in developing testing plans for Unit test, System test, performance test and acceptance test.
  • Good knowledge of various design patterns like Strategy, Factory, Builder, Service Locator, DAO (Data Access Object), DTO (Data Transfer Object), Delegate, Front Controller and Singleton design patterns.
  • Worked with version control tools such as GIT, Clear Case and SVN.
  • Worked on various projects using various models ranging from Waterfall to Agile development models with small to large-scale teams both onshore/offshore.
  • Extensive usage and good understanding of Core Java concepts like OOPS, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Generics, Collections Framework, Serialization, Networking.
  • Good knowledge on scriting languages like Shell scriting and Perl.
  • Good knowledge on concepts of Java 8 like Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions.
  • Good knowledge, development experience and excellent troubleshooting skills on various OS platforms like Windows, Linux and Unix based.
  • Good knowledge on integration of services in SOA by using Oracle Enterprise Service Bus(ESB).
  • Experience in Cloud computing infrastructure such as Amazon web Services (AWS) and created Development Environments in Amazon Web Services using services like VPC, ELB, EC2 and RDS instances.
  • Good knowledge in working with AWS services like Elastic Block Storage (EBS),S3, Elastic Load-Balancers(ELB), Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2), VPC, RDS, Route 53, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Elastic Filesystem, Identity and Access Management(IAM), CloudFormation, Glacier.
  • Highly motivated, quick learner, effective communication and strong analytical, organizational skills with an ability to get things done on time.
  • Excellent Communication and Interpersonal Skills with Strong Technical and Analytical reasoning ability.


Languages: C, Java, SQL, PL/SQL, Shell Scripting, Gemfire

J2SE Technologies: JDBC, AWT, RMI, Swing

J2EE Technologies: Servlet, JSP, JNDI, JSTL, JSF, Web Services(Rest with JAX-RS, SOAP with JAX-WS), Java Mail API, JPA.

UI Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, EXT-JS, NodeJS, Webpack, JSF, XML.

Frameworks: Spring, Struts 2, Hibernate, Log4J, Junit, JasmineJs, Spock

Spring Framework: Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, Spring ORM, Spring Web Services, Spring Transaction, Spring AOP, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot

Unit Testing: Junit, TestNG

Design Skills/Tool Kit: UML, Anti-Patterns, Enterprise Architect, GWT.

Web/Application Servers: Tomcat 6.x/7.x, WebSphere, JBoss, WebLogic Server 10


IDE: Eclipse, STS, Net Beans, Brackets, Atom

Databases: Oracle 11g, MongoDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL

GO4 Design Patterns: Template Method, Command Pattern, Facade, Singleton, Factory Method

Build Tools: Maven, Gradle, ANT, Jenkins

Version Control Tools: CVS07, SVN, GIT

Operating Systems: Windows XP,7,8,10, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS, Red Hat Linux

Methodologies: SDLC, OOPS, AGILE

Other: Docker, HP Quality Center


Confidential, San Ramon, CA

Java Developer


  • Analyzed the requirements and wrote Technical Design document.
  • Designed Use Cases, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and high-level technical documents by applying Ration Unified Process(RUP), UMLand OOAD and by using tools like MS VISIO, Rational Rose.
  • Developed Spring Boot application, which includes the development of producing and consuming REST Services as part of user and Health MicroServices.
  • Developed Spring REST web services to serve multiple clients across the application and organization. The data is provided in JASON and used Jackson library and consumed REST web services.
  • Involved in designing front-end screens using Java script, JSP, Angular.js,React.js, Ext.js, Bootstrap, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3 and DHTML.
  • Extensively used HTML5media elements like Audio and Vedio for displaying the dynamic data.
  • Create External Style Sheets to web pages using SASS, LASS, CSS and Bootstrap.
  • Configured Spring Security 3.2.3 for authentication and authorization to ensure the back-end security by discriminating the role of users as well as access authority for the URIs and Server side assets.
  • Implemented the Spring MVC framework by creating controllers, validators, models and request mappings for all the action URLs.
  • Build servers using AWS which includes importing necessary volumes, launching the EC2 instance, IAM, ELB, Route 53 and SNS as per the architecture.
  • Deployed Spring Boot based micro services Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and using AWS admin console.
  • Captured Amazon Machine Images (AMI's) of EC2 Instance for snapshots and creating clone's instances for their application elsewhere.
  • Good experience onAWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS), different volume types and use of various types of EBS volumes based on requirement.
  • Constructed S3 lifecycle of Applications & Database logs, which includes deleting old logs, archiving logs based on the retention policy and granting rights to authorized users.
  • Used Amazon S3 for database backup regularly and save snapshots of data.
  • Used SpringDataMongo as the persistence framework in retrieving the user & medical benefits details from MongoDB.
  • Wrote Restful web services to communicate with MongoDB and performedCRUD operations on MongoDB using restful web services.
  • Achieved code quality and inspection by using SonarQube.
  • Implemented REST Based Web services using Apache Axis.
  • Used Apache Camel, a lightweight integration framework integrating different modules of the application.
  • Used Tomcat server for the application development and deployment.
  • Used Apache Kafka as the messaging infrastructure for asynchronous processing.
  • Extensively used AngularJS, jQuery UI to add functionalities and effects like Accordion, Infinite Scroll bar, Slider bar, Draggle/Droppable, Resizable, Progress bar.
  • Extensively used React.jsfor developing front-end UI components which are need to used data change over time.
  • Developed front-end code with Ajax call in AngularJS and jQuery to retrieve data as JSON Object from controllers in back-end RESTful Server, then display the well-organized result in web pages by writing AngularJS controller, directives, services, and route providers. Also, used Angular.js filter to make the data searchable and sortable.
  • Used JasmineJStesting tool and Karma test runner for testing the JavaScript source code.
  • Expertise in debugging and troubleshooting existing code using Firebug and Developer Tools.
  • AdobeUsedMaven as build tool and Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
  • Used GitHub as repository and Jira for bug and stories tracking.
  • Implemented Test Driven development(TDD) using frameworks like Junit, Mockito and Easy Mock.
  • Participated in scrum related activities and Daily Scrum Meetings.

Environment: Java 1.7, HTML4/5, CSS2/3, JavaScript, Ajax, Apache Axis, JSON, JQuery,SpringBoot,Spring MVC, Angular.js, XML, SQL, PL/SQL, agile, Linux, Log4j, Oracle 10g, Junit, Spring Framework 4.1.6, Tomcat 7.5, SpringDataMongo, Maven, MyEclipse Blue, SQL Developer, Git, MongoDB, JIRA, Microservices, Docker, SASS, LASS.

Confidential - San Jose, CA

Java Developer


  • Responsible for gathering and understanding the system requirements by interacting with clients.
  • Generated the Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams extensively for all the process flows using RAD, MS VISIO and Creatly.
  • Designed and developed GUI screens for user interfaces using JSP, JavaScript, XSLT, AJAX, XML, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery, JavaFX and DHTML.
  • Developed some part of front end sreeens in Java using GWT.
  • Extensively involved in coding with Core Java concepts like Collections, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Java I/O, and Generics to implement some business logic.
  • Used Core, Context, and Security, Bean modules of Spring Framework.
  • Implemented MVC, Singleton, Factory, DAO, Value Object, Session, Facade, Data Access Object, Business Object paradigm.
  • Configured the XML files for Hibernate 3 and applied its Object Relational Mapping ORM to enable the data transactions between POJO and Oracle Database using caching on Session Factory as well as caching on query.
  • Used SQL Loader for moving bulk data from external files into the Oracle database.
  • Improved the performance of the application by using JVM Performance Tuning.
  • Used JQuery framework for creating front end applications and for Client Side validations.
  • Used iBatisfor designing, developing and maintain the data layer.
  • Consumed SOAP Services with Apache CXF as runtime engine.
  • Worked on Marshalling and Un marshalling the XML using JAXB.
  • Worked on JMS andIBMMessaging Queue (MQ) configurations.
  • Experience in developing Web Services using - SOAP, WSDL and developing DTDs, XSD schemas for XML (parsing, processing, and design)
  • Implemented Apache Axis2as a stand aloneapplicatin server and implemented asynchronous web services.
  • Extensively worked for deployment, configurations of application on WEBSPHERE server (DEV and QA-Smoke) and WEBSPHERE PORTAL for Integration of all modules.
  • Used Eclipse IDEfor the development of application and having sound knowledge on shortcut keys.
  • Used Gradleas a build tool and Jenkinsfor continuous integration process.
  • Ansible, an automation engine is used for software provisioning.
  • Used CVSfor project and version management.
  • Created Stored Procedures, SQL Statements and triggers for the effective retrieval and storage of data into database.
  • Application developed on Agile methodologies scrum and iterative method process.
  • Used Apache Log4J logging API to log errors and messages.
  • Deployed applications on Unix Environmentand on Red Hat Linux for Dev, QA-Smoke.
  • UsedAWS CloudFront, including creating and managing distributions to provide access to S3 bucket or HTTP server running on EC2 instances.
  • Configured and managed AWS Glacier, to move old data to archives based on retention policy of databases/ applications.
  • Created JUnit test suite to automate the testing of the business logic.
  • Used Selenium Web Driver and written test cases in Java for integration testing.
  • Involved in 24x7 support, Maintenance and enhancement of the application.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, Oracle, Spring, AJAX, CVS, XML, JSP, HTML, Tomcat, UML, SOAP, DOM, Web Services, Java Script, JUnit, Windows XP, TOAD, SQL, jQuery, CSS, log4j, Agile, Eclipse.

Java / J2EE Developer

Confidential - IL


  • The entire application was developed in J2EE using an MVC based architecture with help of Spring 3.2.
  • Designed and developed User Interface of application modules using HTML, CSS 3.0, JSF, JavaScript.
  • Extensively used design patterns like Singleton, Factory Pattern, Service Delegator and Data Access Object.
  • Developed the core component of recovery management module using Spring MVC Framework.
  • Extensively used JavaScript for the client side validations.
  • Used VMWare Tomcat server and IBM web sphere WAS 8.5 to deploy the services.
  • Used Jenkins build tool and generated Sonar reports. And validate code using Check style.
  • Provided utility to connect to LDAP to get the user details and the authorized packages.
  • Developed Web Service client interface with JAX-RPC from WSDL files for invoking the methods using SOAP. And used SOAP UI tool to run the service.
  • Implemented RabbitMQ for storing the JMS messages from the queues.
  • Extensively used STS and RSA as IDEs for building, developing and integrating the application.
  • Used Postgres database to load the customer information.
  • Provided JUnit test cases for the application to support the Test Driven Development (TDD) and Easymock for mocking the objects. Used EMMA coverage to check the Junit coverage.
  • Provide Apache Maven 3.4 build tool for building and deploying the application.
  • Managed source repository using SVN for version control tool.
  • Provided Log4j support for the application for debugging the system
  • Implemented Log4J 1.2 for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders components.
  • Perform deployment of Application on BEA WebLogic Application Server 10.3.

Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE, Spring 3.2, JUnit, Web services, JAX-RPC, JMS, LDAP, Enterprise Architecture, JSP, HTML, CSS, XML,JDK, XSLT, JavaScript, STS 3.2,Postgres, SVN, Log4j, Maven 3.4, WAS 8.5.


Associate System Engineer


  • Developed front-end scripting for Core Banking Project using JQuery plugins
  • Developed common functions for using AJAX and response parsing across the applications.
  • Used JSTL, HTML, Ajax and CSS for front-end deliverables.
  • Involved in all phases of application development.
  • Developed view pages and Java Beans (Java Beans, HTML, SQL).
  • Wrote abstract classes and also used common design patterns which developing applications.
  • Defined controllers, action mappings, forms and view pages for appointment management system.
  • Developed User Interface using JSF, ICEfaces.
  • For efficient results to manipulate data, used Hadoop ecosystem.
  • Designed and implemented Java Classes, Interfaces, Model design, and interface layer design with other team members.
  • Developed JSP’s and Servlets to dynamically generate HTML and display the data to the client side. Extensively used JSP tag libraries.
  • Developed interaction framework for asset database interaction and developed save and conversion specific servlets for applet interaction.
  • Designed and developed web-based software using STRUTS MVC Framework and Spring web flow.
  • Used AJAX and Java Script to handle asynchronous requests, and CSS was used to keep uniformly in look of the application.
  • Developed light weight and highly customizable front-end screens with Java SWING.
  • Extensivelyused EJBs in the application and developed Session beans for the business logic at the middle tier level.
  • Created Test plan documents and testing using Junit Framework.
  • Used JAXB parser for parsing valid .xml files as defined by XSD.
  • Used DB2 as back end database and created and modified Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers Complex SQL Commands for the application using PL/SQL.
  • Monitored the error logs using Log4j and fixed the problems.
  • Designed JDBC Connection for data retrieval and updating purpose, also developed connection pool to avoid waiting time for database connection.
  • Used Tomcat server for application development with Eclipse.
  • Extensively used CVS for version control management.

Environment: Java, J2EE, AJAX, HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, JSTL, SQL, Unit, Hadoop

Java Developer



  • Gathered user requirements followed by analysis and design. Evaluated various technologies for the Client.
  • Developed HTML and JSP to present Client side GUI.
  • Involved in development of JavaScript code for Client Side Validations.
  • Designed the HTML based web pages for displaying the reports.
  • Developed Java classes and JSP files.
  • Extensively used XML documents with XSLT and CSS to translate the content into HTML to present to GUI.
  • Developed dynamic content of presentation layer using JSP.
  • Develop user-defined tags using XML.
  • Developed Java Mail for automatic emailing and JNDI to interact with the Knowledge Server.
  • Used Struts Framework to implement J2EE design patterns (MVC)
  • Developed, Tested and Debugged the Java, JSP and EJB components using Eclipse RCP.
  • Developed Enterprise Java Beans like Entity Beans, Session Beans (both Stateless and State Full Session beans)
  • Developed JSP as the view, Servlets as Controller and EJB as model in the Struts Framework.
  • Worked on WebLogic application server to deploy JSP and EJB applications.
  • Created and implemented PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers on MySQL Database
  • Deployed and Tested code on Apache Tomcat Server in both Local and Dev. Environments.
  • Used Ant build scripts to build and deploy the application.

ENVIRONMENT: Core Java, J2EE, EJB 2.1, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, JNDI 1.2, Java Mail 1.2, JDBC 3.0, Struts, HTML, XML, CORBA, XSLT, Java Script, Eclipse3.2, Eclipse RCP, MySQL, WebLogic 8.1.

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