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Full Stack Java Developer Resume

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Rockefeller, NY


  • 8 plus years of experience as a programmer in Object Oriented Analysis and Design, developing, testing and maintenance of distributed and Client server Java applications.
  • Experience in web application development using JAVA, J2EE technologies, hands on Extensively worked onJava8features like Lambda Expression, Functional Interface and Stream API
  • Experience in Core Java concepts such as Multi - threading, IO, Exceptions and Collections.
  • Extensive experience with both core and advanced Java technologies including Java, XML, JavaScript, JEE, JSP, JDBC, Struts, Servlets, JMS, JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JSF, Spring and Hibernate.
  • Handled operations and maintenance support forAWScloud resources which includes launching, maintaining and troubleshooting EC2 instances, and S3 buckets, Virtual Private Clouds (VPC), Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) and Relational Database Services (RDS), DynamoDB.
  • Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI) or Inversion of Control (IOC) using annotations.
  • Experienced in developing front-end systems with HTML5, ECMAScript6, JavaScript, CSS3, Bootstrap and AngularJS/2/4, JSON, JQuery and Ajax.
  • Extensive experience implementing SOAs using Web services with XML, SOAP, WSDL, Apache Axis, CXF, JAX-WS, and JAX-RS.
  • Expertise in software design patterns/frameworks J2EE Design Patterns (MVC, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Data Transfer Objects and Data Access objects) and GOF Design Patterns (Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Singleton, Session Façade, Template Method, Strategy Pattern).
  • Experienced in all stages of Software development life cycle (SDLC) starting from gathering Business specifications, analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of projects using various methodologies like Waterfall, Agile.
  • Worked onAngular4concepts like building the components, Data binding, String Interpolation, Property Binding, Event Binding, Two-way Data binding, Directives to Output Data.
  • Configured Spring boot application, beans forPCF, Entity manager and Rest templateand managing Docker volumes.
  • Involved inReactJSfor Data patterns which improves readability and made it easier to maintain larger apps and usedReactJSfor declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Proficient in using Unit testing along with Jasmine, Karma test runners.
  • Expertise in designing and developing J2EE compliant systems using IDE tools like Eclipse, NetBeans, WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD).
  • Worked with object-centric framework like Hibernate and Database-centric framework like iBATIS.
  • Experience with Databases like Oracle 10g/11g, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, PL/SQL.
  • Extensively used SQL and CCL in writing queries, database triggers, and stored procedures and functions for database application.
  • Experience with version control using SVN, GIT, ClearCase and error logging using Log4J.
  • Implemented Unit Testing using JUNIT testing during the projects.
  • Worked extensively on Java Collections API (different data structures in Java) like ArrayList, Vector, HashSet, HashMap, LinkedList etc. Used Java concurrency package for concurrent access in multithreaded application calls.
  • Good Experience in Developing Applications using JAVA AKKA Framework.
  • Experienced in implementing IOC/Dependency Injection features in various aspects of Spring Framework like SpringCore, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, MVC.
  • Implemented Spring MVC architecture and increased modularity by allowing the separation of crosscutting concerns using Spring Boot.
  • Used Spring Batch and Hibernate for creating batch jobs to read multiple formats of data and write it into flat file.
  • Used Jenkins which is an open source continuous integration tool written injavawhich provides Integration services for software development.
  • Extensive experience in Application servers likes Web logic, Web Sphere, JBoss, Glassfish and Web Servers like Apache Tomcat.


Java - J2EE: Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC, JAVA8, JSTL

Framework: Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Struts, Angular 4/2(front-end)

XML Related: XML, SOAP, XSLT, XML-Schema, DTD.

O/R Persistence: Hibernate, IBatis

Build Tools: Maven, ANT

Scripts: Java Script, jQuery, TypeScript

Middleware: Web Services (Spring WS,SOAP and REST), RMI

Tools: SOAPUI, Rest client, Amazon WebServices

Design Patterns: MVC, Session Facade, DAO, Factory, Adapter, Singleton, Strategy

App Servers: Tomcat, WebLogic and Jboss, Tomcat, Apache Web Server, NodeJS

RDBMS: NoSQL, PL/SQL, Oracle, MYSQL, MangoDB, PostgreSQL, Cassandra

IDE Tools: Eclipse, JEdit, NetBeans, MyEclipse

Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/NT/XP, DOS, & Sun Solaris, Linux

Agile Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, Test Driven and Scrum Models

Version Control: Rational Clear Case, CVS, VSS & SVN

Testing tools: JUnit, Mockito, TestNG, Jasmine


Confidential - Rockefeller, NY

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in daily Scrum meetings, Sprint planning and estimation of the tasks for the user stories, participated in retrospective and presenting Demo at end of the sprint. Communication with external teams, verbally and written on a daily basis.
  • Used the Lambda Expressions and Streams in Java 8 for writing the business logics
  • Migrate database from EC2 to RDS usingAWSData Migration Service(DMS).
  • Involved in writing the front-end code for the single page application usingAngular2 and recently migrated to Angular 4.
  • Designed and developed the Presentation layer usingAngular4 and written logics using TypeScript.
  • Developed RESTful API's, which takes in an HTTP request and produces the HTTP response in JSON Format using micro services.
  • ImplementedMicroServicesarchitecture using Spring Boot for making application smaller and independent.
  • Implemented modules intoNodeJSto integrate with designs and requirements.
  • Used JSON objects, ECMAScript6, TypeScript, JavaScript and Bootstrap intensively to create interactive web pages.
  • Involved in writing the front-end code for the application usingReact.js
  • Developed web service client based on WSDL's provided by middleware team for retrieving bill credits and customer agreement data from backend systems.
  • Implemented unit test for testing Angular components with frameworks using KARMA and JASMINE.
  • Used Spring IOC for object instantiation, resource lookup.
  • UsedSpringBatchto setupbatchjobs to email the daily reports and that which run on Pivotal Cloud Foundry withSpringBoot as its MVC layer.
  • Extensively Used Jenkins as Continuous Integration tool to deploy Spring Boot Microservices to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) using build pack. Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry to quickly build, deploy & update the applications.
  • Developed Unit testing and Integration testing with unit testing frameworks like JUnit
  • Proficient in CoreJavaDesign Patterns like Singleton, Proxy, Factory.
  • Expertise inJ2EEPatterns, including MVC, DAO, POJO, Business Delegate.
  • Test-driven the scripts by having CCL unit tests with multiple scenarios.
  • Used web services and wrote Restful services on the server in NodeJS to listen to requests from devices.
  • Experience in developing web applications using Spring, EJB, Hibernate, MDB, JDBC,JavaServer Pages, Servlet, Web Services, JavaScript, JavaBeans, POJO's and Log4j, AngularJS.
  • Extensively used AJAX technology to add interactivity to the web pages.
  • Used Angular4 to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single page applications.
  • Use Spring data JPA to communicate with PostgreSQL &DynamoDB
  • Develop AWS Lambda based Microservices interacting withDynamoDB& SNS/SQS using AWS SDK.
  • Build the applications using Maven and Jenkins tool.
  • Designed and developed Micro Services business components and RESTful service endpoints using Spring boot.
  • Created variousspringbootandspringbatch applications to connect them to various databases and created queries to retrieve data and modify the tables for the databases.
  • Used Spring MVC Framework to develop portal applications.
  • Created advice to define aspects and its functionality using Spring AOP support.
  • Involved in analysis, specification, design and implementation and testing phases of Software
  • Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and participated in the daily stand-up, iteration review, kick-off and Retrospective meetings as a part of Agile.
  • Extensively used Hibernate Query Language (HQL).

Environment: Java, TypeScript, Spring AOP, SVN, Maven, Jenkins, CCL, Junit, Spring Batch, Hibernate, SOAP & Restful services, Mockito, XML, EC2, EBS, SNS, RDS, log4J, PostGreSQL, PCF, Linux, NodeJS, Angular 4/2, ReactJS, GitHub, JavaScript, Jasmine, Spring boot, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS, Cucumber, JIRA, Maven, DynamoDB, Weblogic.

Confidential - Sacramento, CA

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in various stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project using the Agile methodology.
  • Experience in creating and maintainingAWSuser accounts, security groups, VPC, SNS, SES andAWSstorage services like S3, EBS.
  • Coded soap and Rest web services using Spring boot to rewrite existing application to micro web application.
  • Used Angular.JS multiple in-built directives and API's in Angular JS & Node Js such as filters, root scope, child scope, modal, template, state etc.
  • Expertise in building rich, interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Angular.js and later used Angular 2.
  • Created TypeScript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided byAngular2.
  • Implement modules into Node JS to integrate with design and requirements and also created Restful web services/ API's usingNode.js.
  • Strong hands on experience in developing REST Microservices with Spring Boot
  • Experienced best practices for integratingMicroservicesinto an existing system architecture
  • Configured Jenkins to handle application deployment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) server and to integrate with Git Hub version control.
  • Gathered and clarified requirements with business analyst to feed into high-level customization design, development and installation phases.
  • Used Spring Framework for dependency injection for Action classes using Application Context XML file.
  • Involved in implementation of MVC pattern using JSP and Spring Controller.
  • Developed business objects using Spring IOC, Spring MVC and Spring AOP. Implemented MVC architecture using JSP Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services.
  • Used Maven to build and configure projects
  • Used Jasmine frame work for unit testing on Angular Components
  • Designed and developed Mongo DB Databases to support analytics of unstructured data.
  • Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI and XML. .
  • Used Collections for Model classes in the DAO layer (Data Access Object) Involved in modifying some changes in DAO layer using Hibernate.
  • Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from theMongoDBfor the application on devices
  • Implemented Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary.
  • Used Entity Beans to persist the data into IBM DB2 database like database access components, Creating Schemas and Tables.
  • Used SQL to perform data mapping and backend testing, also documented all the SQL queries for future testing purpose.
  • Created process flow for deploying application in Web Sphere application server.
  • Managed build, reporting and documentation from the project information using Jenkins, SVN for version control.
  • Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
  • Used JUnit for testing and used JIRA for tracking bugs.
  • Responsible for the dealing with the problem, bug fixing and troubleshooting.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, HTML, CSS, XSLT, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Jasmine, ECMAScript5/6,REST, SOAP, XML, Eclipse, JUnit, SVN, MongoDB, PCF, JIRA, Jenkins, SVN and IBM Web Sphere, IBM RAD, AngularJS/Angular 2, VPC, Route 53, SNS, SES, Auto scaling.

Confidential - DixHills, NY

Java/J2ee Developer


  • Designed the system with OOAD methodology using various design patterns like factory method, Singleton, Adaptor, Template etc.
  • Developed JSP and extensively used tag libraries.
  • Implementing and planning the server-side architecture using Spring and Hibernate.
  • Configured the spring framework for entire business logic layer with XML bean configuration files.
  • Preparation of Low Level Designing and High Level Designing and relevant documentation.
  • Extensively used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection and worked on implementing various cross-project functionalities usingSpringAOP.
  • Wrote Controller classes in Spring MVC framework in the web layer.
  • Produced the shopping cart on the client Front-end using jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.
  • Extensively used Eclipse based STS IDE for building, developing and integrating the application.
  • Used Table per hierarchy inheritance of hibernates and mapped polymorphic associations.
  • Developed one-much, many-one, one-one annotation based mappings in Hibernate.
  • Implemented the persistence layer using Hibernate-ORM. Worked on Spring Web Flow on Spring MVC for building flows in our web application.
  • Configured Maven for dependency management, Log4j for logging and debugging and Git for version control.
  • Wrote queries Using Cassandra CQL to create, alter, insert and delete elements.
  • Developed DAO service methods to populate the domain model objects using hibernate.
  • Used javacollections API extensively such as Lists, Sets and Maps.
  • Wrote DAO classes using Spring and Hibernate to interact with database for persistence.
  • Developed components of web services (JAX-WS, JAX-RPC) end to end, using different JAX-WS standards with clear understanding on WSDL, SOAP using various message patterns
  • Performed on e-Commerce by using JSF framework and JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 pages.
  • Wrote and tested JavaBeans to retrieve trading data and subscriber's information from Cassandra database server.
  • Extensive experience in Angular.JS for application implementation, proficient in creating modules, controllers, route-Providers, factory services, ng-repeat, customizable filter, http get/post methods and directives to realize functionalities like REST service with Ajax call, input validations, searchable and sortable contents.
  • Implemented Unit and Integration test cases with JUnit Framework based on Functional Flow.Solid Experience in writing test cases using Cucumber.
  • Used tools like My Eclipse IDEconfigured and deployed the applications onto Web Logic application server
  • Configured Log4j for logging and debugging

Environment: Eclipse,JavaJ2EE, HTML, JSP, JAX RPC, JAXB, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery, Spring MVC, Hibernate, RESTful web services, Apache Tomcat7.0, Cucumber, Junit, Jenkins, Maven, GitHub, XML, Log4j, EJB, Cassandra, NoSQL, Ajax.

Confidential - Canton, OH

Java/J2ee Developer


  • Developed the dynamic User Interface using Java Server Pages utilizing Custom Tag Libraries, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Used AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to implement user friendly and efficient client interfaces.
  • DeployedWeb Servicesfor updating the information to the workflow steps and getting the pre-configured workflow processes.
  • Involved in development of cascading style sheets (CSS) to make the HTML documents to be displayed using different output styles.
  • Designed and implemented Struts (MVC Paradigm) components such as Action Mapping, Action class, Dispatch Action class, Action Form, DynaAction Form, Validation Framework, Struts Tiles and Struts Tag Libraries.
  • Implemented business tier using STRUTS and MVC.
  • Developed Client Side Validations using Java Script and Server Side Validations using spring validation framework.
  • Used version control tool i.e GitHub for pushing and pulling and also co-ordinating within team members.
  • Application and use of various design patterns such as DAO, Data Transfer Objects, Front Controller, and Business Delegates.
  • Beans in the application for storing Customer information and billing work.
  • Designed and implemented DAO layer using Hibernate 3.0.
  • Used Hibernate in the persistence layer and implemented DAO's to access data from database.
  • Involved in the development of Queries, Joins, Triggers and Stored Procedures for Oracle Server 10g backend implementation.
  • Used Eclipse to develop the Web Application and deployed on WebLogic application server.
  • Responsible for Unit testing with JUnit and support for Integration testing and User acceptance testing.
  • Used Log4J for logging and debugging process.
  • Merging the code using Rational Clear case.

Environment: Java, GitHub, Servlets, Struts, JSP, Spring, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Design Patterns, Oracle, Hibernate, WebLogic, Ant, Junit, Web Services, SOAP, Clear case, Eclipse, Log4j, WebLogic.


Java/J2EE Developer


  • Designed the workflow for the client side and server side in UML using Rational Unified Process (RUP) and created the detailed Design documentation
  • Designed and developed Business Services using Spring Framework (Dependency Injection) and DAO Design Patterns.
  • Involved in walk through with the analysis for Use Cases and feasibility scope
  • Developed front-end using JSPs, HTML and used JavaScript for client side validations
  • Implemented Session beans that encapsulate the backend business processes
  • Used JMS (Java Messaging Service) for asynchronous communication between different modules.
  • Interacted with the business teams and worked on modeling the database schema and created tables, SQL queries, PL/SQL stored procedures, database triggers.
  • Used XML, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, SAX parser and Web Services for communicating data between different applications
  • Developed various service codes to provision the lines and configured them with iBatis and Rest Web services.
  • Developed the user interfaces using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Developed logging module-using Log4J to create log files to debug as well as trace application
  • Used CVS for version control across common source code used by developers
  • Tested the application functionality with JUnit Test Cases
  • Used ANT scripts for automated deployment and preparing the build of the entire application
  • Deployed the applications on IBM Web logic Application Server
  • Completely documented the flow and functionality of the code for further reference

Environment: Java, J2EE, WSAD, IBatis, Spring, Servlets, JSP, JNDI, XML Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Windows XP, PL/SQL, JUnit, CVS, ANT, Log4J, IBM Web logic.


Java Developer


  • Involved in Drawing Case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagram for each scenario.
  • Designed and developed web interfaces and business logic using Jakarta Struts Framework (MVC architecture), JSP, Servlets,JavaBeans, JDBC, AJAX,JavaScript, HTML, DHTML and XML Technologies.
  • Also responsible for developing the client side of this n-tier product, this is a Swing-based application that makes extensive use of the drag-and-drop idiom.
  • Implemented caching techniques, wrote POJO classes for storing data and DAO's to retrieve the data and did other database configurations using EJB.
  • Implementation of Struts MVC architecture by separating the Business Logic from Presentation Logic using JSP and used JDBC for creating Data Access Layer.
  • Used JSTL and developed required tiles and tile definitions for templating and defined configuration in the struts configuration.xml.
  • Object Relational Mapping is done using the Hibernate framework.
  • TDD is achieved by implementing test scripts using Junit framework.
  • Extensively used JavaScript for client side validations and for capturing dynamic events.
  • Used Struts tiles to achieve reusability among the view pages.
  • Consumed a SOAP web-service to achieve desired functionality.
  • Wrote model classes for specific database actions, added methods to the existing DAO's.
  • Loading data from Text Files to Database by using SQL Loader.
  • JDBC is used for connecting to the database Oracle 8.0
  • Developed a Controller Servlet for Single Point of Control and fetching Connection from Connection Pool.

Environment: JSP, Struts, Hibernate, JDBC, JDK, HTML, Web Logic, XML, HTML, Oracle 8i, SQL, PL/SQL, Windows NT.

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