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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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Nyc, NY


  • 8 years of experience in analysis, design, implementation, and testing of Object - Oriented Applications in Client/Server environments using Java/J2EE.
  • Experienced in Java Web-based, Desktop Based Development with Concepts of, Object Oriented Design (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and its implementation.
  • Experience working with various Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies based on Agile, Scrum, Waterfall Modeland Iteration.
  • Expertise in design and development of various web and enterprise-level applications using Java/J2EE technologies Such as spring, Hibernate, Struts framework, EJB, Servlets 3.x.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence framework like Hibernate/JPA for mapping Java classes to thedatabase and using Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
  • Experienced in Front End frameworks such as JQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, ReactJS, Backbone JSand Angular Js.
  • Experienced in, Client-side validations, Client-Server data interaction using Ajax in NodeJS.
  • Experience in configuring WebLogic server in a Cluster solution for High Availability, Load balancing, and failover support.
  • Experience with setup and maintenance of Web Logic Server, Apache, Tomcatand LDAP.
  • Implemented based on corresponding view components with view components JSP, Html, Html5, CSS 3, XSD, XSTL.
  • Proficient inJava Swing, AWT, SWT, JBoss, and Hibernate.
  • Experience in developing Mobile web applications using Android Mobile and phone gap for Smartphone’s& Tablets.
  • GUI development using Swing and Eclipse RCP.
  • Experience with Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections and for effective sorting mechanisms and new Date Time API.
  • Experience in developing and a solid understanding of Service Oriented Architecture and Microservices Architecture.
  • Red Hat JBoss was used for Building, deploying, and hosting enterprise Java applications and services.
  • Proven experience in writing Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors, Functions, and Packages using TOAD.
  • Worked in Building application platforms in the Cloud by leveraging Amazon Web Services, open source technologies & best engineering practices of CI/CD.
  • Proficient in NoSQL DB with Apache Cassandra DB, Mongo DB.
  • Performance optimization by indexing, grouping, map-reduce on NoSQL DB.
  • Knowledge of Grid Controls, Pie Charts,and other Swing Components
  • Experience in software configuration management using CVS, SVN and IBM Clear Case.
  • Hands on experience with build tools like ANT, Maven, Jenkins and logging tools like Log4J.
  • Use Eclipse as IDE tool to develop the application and JIRA for bug and issue tracking
  • Good working experience in using ANT and Maven scripts for building and deploying the application in web/App servers.
  • Extensive experience in working on multiple operating systems including UNIX, Sun Solaris, Linux, Mac and Microsoft Windows.
  • Working knowledge of version control tools like SVN, CVS, GIT, and Visual Source Safe.


Languages: Java 8 (JDK 1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8 ), Android, SQL, Oracle (PL/SQL), C, C++, JavaScript, Python.

Methodologies/Design patterns: OOAD, OOP, UML, MVC, DAO, Factory pattern, Session Façade, Singleton, Agile, Scrum, Test Driven Development.

Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, AngularJs, jQuery, React.JS, EJB, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, JDBC, HTML5, DHTML and XML, CSS3, Web Services, WSDL, SOAP, MQ Series, Kafka, Spring Boot

Web Services: SOAP, RESTful Web Services

Frameworks: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Groovy.

Application/Web Servers: JBoss, Glassfish 2.1, WebLogic, Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat Server.

IDE Tools: Eclipse (Juno, Galileo, Helios, Indigo), Rational Application Developer (RAD) and Net Beans, STS.

OR Mapping: Hibernate

Databases: Oracle 11g, MySQL, SQL, MongoDB.

Reporting/Messaging Tools: Crystal Reports, BO XI R3

Cloud: AWS.

Version Control Tools: CVS, SVN, Clear Case, Git.

Tools: Rational Rose 2000, JBuilder 3.5/5.0, Visual Cafe 4.0, Visual Age Java 3.5, eclipse 3.X, MS-Office, Front Page, Ultra Edit 32, Clear Case, iReport -1.2.5.

Operating System: Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, Solaris.


Confidential, NYC, NY

Sr. Java Developer


  • Developed web components using JSP, Servlets and Server-Side Components using EJB under J2EE Environment.
  • Followed Java & J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Service Locator, Session Facade, DAO, DTO and Business Delegate during development and the coding guidelines to design and develop the application.
  • Utilized Java 8 features like Lambda expressions for collection evaluation and comparing the data, Stream API for bulk data operations on Collections and Parallel operations for effective sorting mechanisms.
  • Experienced in writing complex SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, Cursors, Joins, Constraints, DDL, DML and User Defined Functions to implement the business logic.
  • Implemented Hibernate ORM mapping technique for the interaction with thedatabase.
  • Experience working in agile development following SCRUM process, Sprint and daily stand-up meetings.
  • Used Angular JS in development of the web application to bind the data/model that is being retrieved from a database through services provided by a controller to the view using a scope.
  • Created Node.JS backend for creating RESTful Web Services using the Express Framework.
  • Deployed Spring Boot based micro services on Docker containers using Amazon ECS and used Docker Hub for registering the Docker images.
  • Participated in coding Spring AOP components for the Logging, Exception handling and Transactional Models.
  • Implemented Spring Security for authentication and authorization and used Spring Quartz for scheduling tasks to generate reports.
  • Used JMS, Mule ESB for implementing Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) for sending and receiving messages while using web services.
  • Developed an AWS lambda function to send a request for internal service endpoints through API Gateway using Apache Http Client.
  • Consumed SOAP-based JAX-WS webservice interfaces for the backend business service.
  • Developed Restful Web Services to call the backend services to access the Enterprise Service Bus.
  • Worked extensively in designing and developing Portal Applications, Portlets and deploying them to Web Sphere Portal Server
  • Worked on thecreation of custom Docker container images, tagging, pushing images, integration of Spring boot.
  • Involved in writing code for JSP. Used JSTL Tag library (Core, Logic, Nested, Bean and Html tag libs) to create standard dynamic web pages.
  • Developed web services to allow communication between the applications using REST Web services.
  • Deployed the application jar files into AWS instances.
  • Wrote SQL-scripts for to test the provisioned data.
  • Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design pattern in Hibernate Utility class.
  • Configured the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro services and lambda functions using Jenkins CI/CD server.
  • Managing and maintaining NoSQL database mainly Mongo DB and used Multithreading at back-end components in theproduction domain
  • Worked with GIT as a version control tool in the project. Done with Unit testing using JUnit and Mockito.
  • Worked with putty to access server logs from the cloud.
  • Used Splunk to check the application logs.
  • Participated in Build/Deployment schedules and used to release/Freeze the wars as per requirement.
  • Fixed defects identified during QA, UATandProduction.
  • To keep track of issues and tasks on individuals used JIRA ticketing system.

Environment: Java1.7/1.8, J2EE, Web Services, Spring 4.x, Micro services, Hibernate 4.x, JDBC,Docker, AWS, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, CSS3, AngularJS 2, SOAP UI, XML, WSDL, Agile Methodology, Design Patterns, JUnit, Web Sphere server, Maven, Jenkins, Eclipse IDE, MySQL, Mongo DB, JIRA processes, GIT.

Confidential, Little Rock, AR

Sr. Java Developer


  • Created single page applications with nested and multiple views using AngularUI-router, custom directives for reusable components used in the application.
  • Extensively used Core Java collections, Generics, Exception handling, Design patterns for functionality, such as portfolio summary and user information also developed Services, Business Delegate, Controller and DAO.
  • Create RFP (Request for Proposal) micro service to provide Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
  • Developed mock-up screens in the prototype to demo the application screens to business users using HTML, Angular JS and Bootstrap.
  • Used Angular-JS, AJAX for asynchronous validations for the input fields of the forms with the data existed in the database.
  • Created entities in Scala and Java along with named queries to interact with the database. Used Scala collection framework to store and process the complex Customer information.
  • Extensively Implemented Spring boot, Dependency Injection (DI) and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) features along with hibernating.
  • Used JMS (Java Mailing Service) API to mail notifications upon the success or failure when the backend processes are completed and to send mail notifications regarding any system related problems.
  • Wrote Hibernate Criteria queries for data retrievals and have performed the ORM mappings to map java entities to database tables.
  • Configured spring declarative transaction manager and implemented transaction management in DAO layer.
  • Implemented Restful web services using Rest Easy (JAX-RS).
  • Implemented RESTFUL web services using spring boot and consumed using spring REST services. Published Rest services for performing CRUD operations from the database.
  • Used JSON for data exchange between application modules along with XML and WS-Security for authenticating the REST messages along with encryption and decryption.
  • Performed code build using MAVEN.
  • Involved in setting up AWS services with EC2 instances, S3 bucket, IAM, RDS took part in deploying the application in AWS.
  • Writing and retrieving files to and from AWS S3 bucket for UI to render data faster that involves complex and time-consuming server-side logic.
  • Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before writing the actual functionality.
  • Worked on Atlassian products such as Git for Version control, Source tree, Jira for project tracking, Confluence for project Wiki.

Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE, Struts, Spring 4.3, Spring boot, Spring AOP, Scala, Hibernate 4, JMS, JSF, MAVEN, REST, log4j, JUnit, Jenkins, Gradle, XML, Ajax, XSD,javaScript, jQuery, Angular-JS 1.5, Mongo DB, Linux, Tomcat, Spring Tool Suite(STS), IBM RAD, Jenkins.

Confidential, NYC, NY

Java Developer


  • Involved in complete software development lifecycle (SDLC) of client's business process by using their current system and continuous client feedback.
  • Identifying different components of the business workflow and writing description of each component.
  • Utilized Java Swing framework to develop client-side components.
  • Interacting with the business analysts in the development of requirements definition and Use-Case analysis.
  • Developed JSP pages for presentation layer (UI) with client-side validations using JavaScript and JS framework Angular JS.
  • XML parsing using DOM/SAX Parsers for displaying XML Data.
  • Utilized RCP Rich Client Platform to integrate independent software components.
  • Each Interface module was designed as a separate service interacting with SOAP Web services between each other.
  • Used the frameworks and libraries such as Spring (Dependency Injections) and jQuery.
  • Developed DAOs using JPA, Hibernate Criteria API for the database operations to interact with Oracle Database.
  • Created database tables using Hibernate Annotations and developed business objects which use these tables.
  • Configured and worked on the Application Servers such as Tomcat.
  • Used Maven to build projects and Provided deployment whenever necessary.
  • To handle the exceptions in the application we designed and implemented customized exception handling.
  • Used GIT as Source Version control management system and worked on GITHUB repository.
  • Used Apache Tomcat Server as an application server and Eclipse as IDE.
  • Using Maven build tool created EAR, WAR & JAR files and deployed.
  • Written stored procedures using Oracle and SQL. Used Hibernate to populate the data from the Database.
  • Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI) from thethird party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
  • Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) fortheirliable and asynchronous exchange of essential information such as payment status report.
  • Usage of FTP clients such as FileZilla for comparison of local files to server files, synchronized directory browsingand server bouncing at higher levels.
  • Worked on various technologies like HTML, JSP, Servlets. Responsible for change requests and maintenance during the development of the project.
  • Worked extensively on struts 2.0 frame working order to insert the panel data into the panel container.
  • Used continuous Integration development methodology and verified the code using automated build.
  • Worked on the Spring framework like Spring IOC and Spring DAO.
  • Developed ANT scripts to build and deploy the application in the JBossApplication Server.

Environment: Java (JDK1.6& 1.7), Spring, Hibernate, RESTful&Soap-Based Web services Eclipse, Oracle 10g, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, JavaScript, Maven, SVN, Tomcat 7.0, SOAP, SVN, Scrum Methodology, Unix, XML, WSDL, Putty.

Confidential - Tampa, FL

Java Developer


  • Utilizing AGILE methodology daily to ensure proper project workflowthroughout the SDLC Process within the development team.
  • Develop a news website using Word Press, SASS.
  • Leveraging HTML, CSS, jQuery/JavaScript, Adobe Creative Suite and other related technologies to design/develop and maintain complex user interfaces and responsive solutions for a variety of internal and external applications.
  • Design the images and graphics by using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CS5.
  • Used, INT GeoToolkit for high-performance 2D/3D tools and libraries that display seismic, log, schematic, contour, real-time data, and more.
  • Involved in developing the UI pages using HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, Backbone.js, and Ajax.
  • Used D3.js, to Create visualizations like graphs, chartsand maps.
  • Developed AJAX functionalities using frameworks like JSON, DOJO,andJQuery.
  • Built main applications in Django leveraging technologies such as Tasty pie, Angular.js, Backbone.js,
  • We have followed with Agile and Scrum development methodologies.
  • Used, unit testing frameworks like Jasmine, karma.
  • Designed Mobile applications and Mobile sites also.
  • Used Protractor in my TDD workflow but not for unit tests. Used it for tests like integration tests which require interfacing with a running site.
  • Written SQL (NoSQL) Queries to interact with Oracle database and Mongo DB, Cassandra.
  • Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.
  • Good hands on GitHub, for solving the problems in Project.
  • Animated images using Illustrator graphics on web pages. Designed web pages for image modification using Photoshop.
  • Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions using Firefox and IE Developer Toolbar for IE.
  • Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript for client-side presentation and, data validation on the client side within the forms.
  • Worked on Curation of data involves the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of the data.
  • Worked for JavaScript, In Transforming the data in structural migration to persisted documents.
  • Also used thepower of transducers to create efficient data transformation functions.
  • Skilled at consuming and producing JSON data by building Rest APIs.
  • Built Rest APIs to provide JSON objects for communication with Client-Side Application.
  • Developed a fully functional prototype application using JavaScript (Angular.js) and Bootstrap, connecting to a RESTful server on a different domain.
  • Involved in writing SQL Queries, Stored Procedures.
  • Effective management of Oracle11g capabilities ensures the integrity and security of data.

Environment: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Spring, Hibernate, JSF, Apache, SOAP, Web Services, Data Transformation, Restful,, SNA, SQS, Bootstrap, Git,, Illustrator, INT GeoToolkit, GitHub, AJAX, SERVLET, DB2, PL/SQL, JDBC, UML, Mongo DB, Cassandra, Eclipse, XML.


Java Developer


  • Created user interface and navigation structure from wireframes.
  • Implemented page designs in standard-compliant DHTML and CSS.
  • Developed the Front-End User Interface using HTML, JavaScript, jQuery,and CSS.
  • Created interactive navigation lists using list elements in HTML.
  • Implemented client-side validations in registration forms, login and logout forms using JavaScript.
  • Worked extensively with the File management and image libraries.
  • Performed Client-side validations using JavaScript.
  • Extensively used JQuery, JSON, AJAX,and DOM scripting to create interactive web applications like message posting and autocomplete form validations.
  • Worked with widgets to create more interactive web pages.
  • Responsible for code optimizing and test across browsers.
  • Actively participated in meetings with clients to determine website goals and develop strategies.
  • Developed the application based on MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture using Spring Web MVC.
  • Used Microsoft Visio for designing the Use Case Diagrams, Class model, Sequence diagrams, and Activity diagrams for SDLC process of the application.
  • Used e-Commerce API using our robust JavaScript.
  • Implemented GUI pages by using JSP, JSTL, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and AJAX.
  • Extensively used Java multi-threading to implement batch Jobs with JDK 1.5 features.
  • Configured the project on Web Logic application servers.
  • Implemented the online application using Core Java, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services, SOAP, and WSDL.
  • Tested the web services with SOAP UI tool.
  • Implemented Singleton, Factory Design Pattern, DAO Design Patterns based on the application requirements.
  • Used SAX and DOM parsers to parse the raw XML documents.
  • Used RAD as Development IDE for web applications.
  • Designed and developed base classes, framework classesand common re-usable components.
  • Used SVN for Version Control tool and Silk Central for bug tracking tool.

Environment: Java, Java EE, Web Sphere Application Server, SOAP, Eclipse, Struts, Hibernate, Web Services, HTML, CSS, XML, Ant, UML, JavaScript, jQuery, Rational Rose, JUnit, Log4j, Clear Case, Windows XP.


Jr. Java Developer


  • Involved in development and implementation of Client Access Module using Java.
  • Created tables & records as specified by the client
  • Used JDBC to connect to the Oracle database and validate transaction entries.
  • Used JSP/HTML for creation of web pages
  • Involved in developing Servlets, JSP, XML based communication
  • Developed EJB components encapsulating business logic
  • Developed the presentation layer with Spring MVC using JSP and JavaScript
  • Designed UI screen for Insurance Quote to get User information with JSP, Struts tag library.
  • Developed Action Classes, Service Classes for Resident Insurance premium payment module
  • Involved in Coding JavaScript code for UI validation and worked on Struts validation frameworks.
  • Involved in the development of both the back end and the frontend of the application using Struts, Hibernate and Web Services
  • Involved in Unit testing and Integration testing
  • Maintenance of the system and updating of the system as per client requirements.

Environment: Java, J2EE, STRUTS Framework, JSP, JSTL, Webservices, JavaScript, CSS, Servlets, JDBC, HTML, XML, JDBC, JBOSS, Eclipse, ANT, Clear Case, Windows.

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