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Sr. Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • 9+ years hands on experience in IT industry, worked in all phases of software development life cycle from requirements gathering to teh production and successfully implemented several projects wif responsibilities as developer at different locations.
  • Expertise in designing and developing Web applications using HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, JSON, JavaScript, AJAX, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Bootstrap.
  • Extensive Experience wif Java and J2EE technologies using Servlets, JSP, EJB, Struts Spring, JSF/Ice faces, Hibernate Java Beans, Java Swing, JDBC, JNDI, Collections, XML(DTD and Schema), DHTML, HTML, DOJO, CSS, AJAX and Web Service(SOAP, JAX - RPC, AXIS) on Unix and Windows environment.
  • Can (and prefer) to work wifphpframeworks: Symfony3, ZF, Laravel
  • Extensive web development and application development experience including an extensive programming background in both front end and back end driven apps in languages such asPHP, SQL, CSS3/HTML5, etc..
  • Good working experience in designing and implementing various web applications in both LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL,PHP) and WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL,PHP) Environments.
  • Working experience wifPHP5 which includes configuration, security, object-oriented programming, creating web services, custom frameworks.
  • Experienced in WEB and GUI development using HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, XSL, CSS3, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, DOJO, POJO,AJAX, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) technologies.
  • Strong programming skills in Java, Multi-Threaded applications and J2EE technologies.
  • Hands on experience in DBMS like Oracle, Node.js, MySql, MS-Sql, Toad, Crud, Postrage Sql.
  • Experienced in web/application servers like Apache Tomcat, WebSphere, JBoss and Weblogic
  • Set up, configured, and maintained multiple web/application servers like Confidential Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat and BEA Web logic
  • Experienced in Managing build files using ANT and logging using Log4j.
  • Experienced in writing test-cases in Java environment using JUnit.
  • Experienced in using Operating Systems like Windows, Linux, UNIX, AIX and UNIX Shell Script.
  • Sequence, class and database diagrams are made using teh UML design tool and RAD.
  • Experienced of Databases dat involve writing SQL queries, Views, Triggers and Stored Procedures.
  • Experience on RUP, Agile/Scrum and Extreme Programming (Test Driven development, Pair Programming, Code Reviews).
  • Possess excellent communication skills along wif dedication, and commitment for work
  • Quick learner, possess problem solving skills, and strong team player


Confidential, IL

Sr. Full Stack Developer


  • Developed teh Java web application using Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Servlets, Weblogic, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSP
  • Implemented User interface(UI) entire application using JSP, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries, JavaScript, XML/ XSLT, HTML and CSS
  • Involved in teh Maintenance of application usingPHPand Involved in Fine Tuning of application in Drupal.
  • Designed, Developed Custom Drupal Modules for implementing Oauth and REST API.
  • Gathered requirements from teh client. Developed teh Software Requirements Specifications.
  • Created a Wish List using Drupal where customers have teh ability to set aside items of interest for purchase at a later date.
  • Used Drupal Views module for controlling teh presentation of lists of content.
  • Used Drupal CCK for creating and customizing fields using a web browser.
  • Responsible for migrating apps from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8
  • Used MYSQL tools: MYSQL Query Browser, MYSQL administrator, MYSQL Migration tool.
  • Developed teh configuration programs to compatible to different browsers and resolutions on IE, Firefox, and Opera & Mozilla.
  • Deployed teh application on Apache Web Server on Linux Platform.
  • Designed, Developed, and Maintained Web sites wifPHP, MYSQL, CSS, HTML, DHTML.
  • Used HTML/DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX to produce high performance, rich and user-friendly Web interface.
  • Integrated payment gateways such as Authorize, setup data interchange wif fulfillment vendors, performed security audits.
  • Developed web applications and e-commerce web sites wifin a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MYSQL, andPHP) environment dat includes distributed web servers and a MYSQL database cluster.
  • Performed Client-side validations using JavaScript.
  • Involved in Security Fixes in teh application level (by updating core and contributed modules).
  • User account & Group account Management.
  • Developed applications in WAMP architecture.
  • Expert inPHPsession variables and cookies implementation.
  • Prepare Java/J2EE development structure for Eclipse, maven, Jetty
  • Designed and developed used XSLT transformation components to convert data from XML to HTML, Used XML DOM API for parsing XML.
  • Developed common reusable component libraries (CRUD Scaffolding) to be reused in different projects throughout teh company's IT team using GWT, Spring data, JPA.
  • Comprehensive experience in designing and developing applications using UML wif Rational Rose.
  • Involved in teh deployment of Web-Service End-Points using Apache CXF.
  • Created Real-time Reporting systems and dashboards using Adobe Flex, xml, MySQL and Perl
  • Configured JMS Server setup and DB Connection pool setup & deployed Returned items in Weblogic
  • Implemented SOA architecture wif web services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML.
  • Developed user interfaces using JSP, XSL, CSS, XHTML, Java Script and HTML to provide personalized look-and-feel for managers, attendees and promoters of teh system.
  • Built main application in Python, Django leveraging technologies such as Tastypie, Backbone.js,
  • Designing teh web client by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, EXT JS, and DOJO wif JSON.
  • Extensively used Oracle programming using SQL, MySQL, MS SQLl and PL/SQL
  • Worked in RDBMS implementation using SOAP, SQL, PL/SQL, MySQL on Oracle database.
  • Corrected foreign language files and submitted to Tortoise Subversion.
  • Place orders for and fill prescriptions for mail order pharmacy through CVS Caremark.
  • Involved in Creation, Manipulation and Supporting teh SQL Server Database.
  • Utilized Agile Methodology/Scrum (SDLC) to managed projects and team.
  • Developed automation test cases using Java and selenium on Eclipse for web 2.0 Ajax application
  • Worked wif business teams using Agile methodology to integrate business line of apps wif SOA in a seamless fashion.
  • Responsible in configuring and setting-up Apache Tomcat/Spring-TC Server for teh development.
  • Mentoring of junior members for Agile (Scrum) process & Junit testing
  • Designed and modified User Interfaces using JSP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Bootstrap and jQuery.
  • Involved in designing teh UI component using Angular.js, Backbone.js and Bootstrap.
  • Made SDLC recommendations and implemented Flex, xml development best practices.
  • Accessed and manipulated teh Oracle database environment by writing SQL queries in teh oracle sql developer for testing purpose.
  • Used Clear Case for source Version Control.
  • Use of multiple tools, including Apache POI, iText and JFreeChart to create reports and charts
  • Used JIRA to keep track of bugs and issues

Environment: JavaScript, DOJO, HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, AJAX, JSP, JSON, Jquery, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, PHP, Drupal, Core Java, Spring, Hibernate, UNIX, Linux, Sybase, JDBC, Oracle, SQL, MySql, MsSql, Toad, CRUD, Eclipse, Apache CXF, Clear Case, Struts, Tomcat, JUnit, JIRA, Maven, iText, Weblogic, SVN, UML, Agile.

Confidential - North Carolina

Sr. Full Stack Developer


  • Designed UI using JSP and HTML, and validated wif JavaScript for providing teh user interface and communication between teh client and server.
  • Prepare Java/J2EE development structure for Maven and implemented MVC architecture by developing struts framework.
  • Developed and deployed teh applications wif huge customer base of more TEMPthan a million users.
  • Designed Graphical User Interface for various WebPages using AJAX, HTML, CSS, JSF, JQuery and JavaScript.
  • Used PhpMyAdmin to handle teh administration of MYSQL over teh World Wide Web.
  • Involved in writing queries and stored procedures using MySQL.
  • Normalized database tables and performed extensive query optimization.
  • Consumed RESTful Web Services using PHPcURL Library.
  • Worked wif Symfony 2 and 3 frameworks to create bundles, event listeners, Doctrine listeners, commands, and for our company web application services.
  • Implemented Search Engine Optimization techniques.
  • Involved in teh development using Drupal andPHP.
  • Worked heavily on Drupal CMS development and developed various custom modules.
  • Responsible for migrating apps from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.
  • Developed API using Hibernate to interact wif teh Oracle database
  • Implemented Different Design patterns like singleton, factory and J2EE design patterns like Business delegate, session façade, Value object and DAO design patterns.
  • Used Spring Framework’s IOC Dependency Injection to inject Service Object using Service Locator Design Pattern into Action Classes.
  • Use of multiple tools, including Apache POI, iText and JFreeChart
  • Involved in Developing Web Application wif Full Software Development life Cycle (SDLC) from Design to Deployment using agile methodologies.
  • Created detail design documents which has teh UML Design diagrams, table information, object model etc which are required for teh developer.
  • Served as developer architect for teh application involving heavy use of ASP.NET, C#.NET, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, SQL, T-SQL, XHTML, CSS.
  • Developed .NET components using C# and involved in teh deployment of those components.
  • Development of web pages in PHP/FX.PHP using Filemaker as teh database.
  • Responsible for requirements gathering, designing, coding web applications using Ruby on Rails, JavaScripts, HTML, CSS and jQuery
  • Built up a client base and experience in teh web field. Maily HTML/CSS and WordPress.
  • Design and Develop programs in C++ to integrate as per teh users requirements.
  • Used Java Persistence API(JPA) and Hibernate for performing teh Database Transactions. Using JPA for designing and creating teh entities and establishing teh relation between teh entities in a persisted way for EJB.
  • Wrote complex Database PL/SQL Statement and Did PL/SQL tuning for teh perform Database.
  • Worked extensively on teh Oracle database.
  • Used JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting teh messages in teh Message queue.
  • Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, UDDI) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
  • Architect and design for new Application as J2EE Web application and Oracle ADF.
  • Developed web-based customer management software using JSF.
  • Involved in teh deployment of Web-Service End-Points using Apache CXF.
  • Developed teh Web Based Rich Internet Application (RIA) using Adobe Flex.
  • Used Subversion for version control and created automated build scripts.
  • Used SQL statements and procedures to fetch teh data from teh database.
  • Installed, configured, and maintained Websphere server and DB2.
  • Implemented Web services by applying SOA concepts in conjunction wif SOAP.

Environment: JSP, JSTL, PHP, JSON, Drupal,Struts, JMS, EJB, DOJO, JavaScript, GUI, Angular.js, Node.js, HTML, XML, Apache, DB2, Spring, Apache CXF, CRUD, SVN, Web services, GWT, Subversion, Maven, UML, Junit, ASP.Net, C/C++, C#.

Confidential, NC

Web Application developer


  • Struts Validator framework is used to do client side validation.
  • Responsibilities include analysis of these various applications, designing of teh enterprise applications, co-ordination wif client and offshore team, meetings wif business users, functional and technical guide to teh offshore team, project management
  • Implemented teh Spring dependency injection of teh Database helper instance to teh action objects.
  • Used AJAX, DOJO, Java script, Spring and GWT to create interactive user interface.
  • Created Real-time Reporting systems and dashboards using Adobe Flex, MySQL and Perl
  • Configured Struts-config.xml wif all teh mappings required by teh architecture.
  • Involved in developing custom taglibs, JSP, Servlets, EJB’s, Portlets and DB2 - stored procedures
  • Worked wif various version control tools like CVS, Clear Case and Subversion (SVN).
  • Core developer of teh application infrastructure using GWT as teh front-end
  • Involved in Object Oriented Design/Object Oriented Analysis wif usage of UML Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams wif Rational Rose.
  • Developed EJB components (Session Beans, Entity beans) using EJB design patterns to business and data process.
  • Use of multiple tools, including Apache POI, iText and JFreeChart
  • Worked on Hibernate object/relational mapping according to database schema.
  • JSP interfaces were developed. Custom tags were used.
  • Involved in coding for JUnit Test cases.
  • Developed teh Servlets for processing teh data on teh server
  • Used Dojo for teh client side development and validations
  • Experience wif SQL and basic CRUD operations
  • Used Hibernate annotations to avoid writing a mapping file.
  • Implemented SOA architecture wif web services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML
  • Identified and resolved programming issues, Servlets and EJBs performance tuning opportunities
  • Setting teh development environment on eclipse.
  • Exposed Survey API to other applications in DOE using Apache Axis2.
  • Used Apache to build projects, which assisted in testing, and produce reports on projects
  • Used Web 2.0 to scrape teh event data from various web sites
  • Integrated wif Apache Tomcat.
  • Developed teh application under J2EE Architecture using Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Servlets, Web logic and JSP.
  • Expert in teh enterprise implementation of Oracle Enterprise Content Management solutions. Specialized in UCM, Portal and SOA implementation
  • Layout and design teh overall architecture and migration approaches using Oracle ADF.
  • Installed and configured a multi-server, clustered ILOG environment. Documented architecture and trained client administrators
  • Designed extensive additions to existing Java Web Application utilizing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) techniques.
  • Written Test cases using JUnit to validate teh application flows in different scenarios in teh standalone application.

Environment: JAVA, JSP, Servlet, Spring, JavaScript, Hibernate, JQuery, Struts, Design Patterns, Agile, HTML, CSS, DOJO, XML, JMS, XML, Eclipse, Itext, Apache, Oracle ECM, Struts, Webservice, SOAP, ILOG, Web2.0, Oracle BPM, JSF, WSDL, Apache Axis2, Apache Tomcat Server, SOA, PL/SQL, Oracle10g, UML, Weblogic, Rational Rose, Junit.

Confidential, FL

Java Programmer


  • Performed Java web application development using J2EE and Netbeans.
  • Created Various UML Diagrams e.g. Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams.
  • Responsible for teh design and development of teh framework. Teh system is designed using J2EE technologies based on MVC architecture. Teh Views are programmed using struts, JSP pages, Model is a combination of EJB’s and Java classes and Controllers are Servlets.
  • Developed user interface using JSP JQuery, and AJAX to speed teh application.
  • Writing teh java script and designing teh JSP GUI frame work.
  • Involved in developing EJB’s for teh business logic and deploying them in Apache tomcat.
  • Responsible for creating of Action classes, JSPs, Model classes.
  • Used business delegate to call EJB from struts action class.
  • Used JBoss application server to deploy application into Production environment
  • Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring, iBatis and Hibernate
  • Used Java Messaging Services for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information.
  • Deployed Application to BEA weblogic server.
  • Involved in designing teh user interfaces using JSP
  • Used JQuery to make teh frontend components interact wif teh Javascript functions to add dynamism to teh web pages at teh client side.
  • Extensively worked on spring’s framework.
  • Used JDBC for database connectivity wif MySQL Server.
  • Implement teh presentation layer (GUI), based on open source framework, involving Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JSF, CSS, HTML, JavaScript and Beans.
  • Designed Interactive GUIs using Java Applets and Swing.
  • Developed Servlets and Worked extensively on Sql.
  • Worked wif MySQL for MySQL, SQLYog and Workbench.
  • Implementation of Spring IOC container, Spring JDBC template, Spring Exception Strategy and AOP.
  • XML messages are used to communicate between web services dat are written using SOAP and WSDL.
  • Created different database objects (Stored Procedures, Functions, and Triggers) for teh backend MS SQL server.
  • Involved in debugging teh product using Eclipse 3.6 and JIRA Bug Tracking.
  • Involved in creating unit testing of various layers using junit and created automated test scripts for integration testing using Selenium.
  • Created war files & deployed on Tomcat using ANT deployment tool.
  • Expertise in employing Water Fall Model and best practices for software development
  • Maintenance of data in different Oracle Databases and environments using TOAD.
  • Built CVS and XML file loaders and splitters for financial data
  • Used Clear Case for source Version Control.
  • Working Closely wif EMC Documentum to implement Engineering Design Storage Repository and Project Document Management.
  • Tested wif teh Junit Test Cases for both Professional and Institutional Claims.
  • Coordinated wif QA team to ensure teh quality of application.

Environment: Java, Servlet, EJB, Struts. JMS, JDBC, Hibernate, Spring, Java Script, AJAX, UML, Eclipse, Weblogic, SOAP, Selenium, JBoss, ANT, JQuery, NetBeans, JSP, EJB, WSDL, Toad, Water Fall Model, iBatis, EMC Documentum, web services, HTML, XML, MS SQL server2005, My SQL, CVS, JIRA, ClearQuest, Swing, Clearcase, Junit.

Confidential, NY

Sr. Java Developer


  • Designed Interactive GUIs using Java Applets and Swing.
  • Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate dat use teh POJOs to represent teh persistence database tables. These POJOs are serialized Java Classes dat would not have teh business processes.
  • J2EE to communicate legacy COBOL based mainframe implementations.
  • Designed and developed Message Flows and Message Sets and other service component to expose Mainframe applications to enterprise J2EE applications.
  • Wrote multithreaded programs to measure system performance
  • Worked on GUI internationalization using JSP and Core Java
  • Used Mercurial to keep track of versioning of teh source code
  • Worked on bug fixing
  • Used JDBC APIs for database connectivity and data retrieval. backend. Extensively used Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers in Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Worked on various client websites dat used Struts 2 framework, Hibernate and OGNL
  • Wrote test cases using JUnit testing framework and configured applications on Weblogic Server
  • Involved in debugging teh product using Eclipse 3.6 and JIRA Bug Tracking.
  • Involved in writing stored procedures, view, user-defined functions and triggers in SQL Server database for Reports module.
  • Implemented real-time patient prescription history verification system using C, Oracle PL/SQL on VMS platform.
  • Planning and applying latest Service Packs to different versions of SQL Server
  • Involved in Creation, Manipulation and Supporting teh SQL Server Database.
  • Work wif clients on their day to day interactions wif CVS Caremark.
  • Developing a new Content Management System backed by subversion using java EE technologies.
  • Created Node.js middleware application server to encapsulate modern JS widget framework.
  • Development of AJAX toolkit based applications using JSON.
  • Design and Developed using WebService using Apache CXF.
  • Extensively used Jquery, Confidential Websphere Portal APIs for autantication and personalization features
  • Used Visual Source Safe for source control.
  • Manipulated data and performed data preparation using TSO, ISPF and SPF system utilities.
  • Developed and implemented Legacy system programs by using COBOL, DB2, CICS, JCL, JAVA and VSAM.
  • Wrote stored procedures in Oracle PL/SQL for data entry and retrieval.
  • Extracted and modified data from VSAM files for PDF reports.
  • Automate nightly batch processing and job alerts using REXX.
  • Responsible for migrating Websphere server from v6.1 to v8.0 and migrating Confidential CICS Transaction.
  • Use FileAid datasets to validate backend results of test events.
  • Configuring and analyzing JCL to execute mainframe batch.
  • Actively involved in contributing to RFP and POC activities in IMS.
  • Used standard data access technologies like JDBC and ORM tool like Hibernate
  • Designed, implemented new website features and provided support, maintenance

Environment: Core Java, JSP, JUnit, Mercurial, Eclipse, JIRA, JDBC, Strut, Hibernate, Visual Source Safe, Weblogic, Oracle, OGNL, Linux, MS SQL Server, COBOL, FileAid, REXX, ISPF, Mainframe, CICS, IMS, VSAM, JCL

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