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Technical Consultant Resume

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Plano, TX


  • Around 9 years of Professional experience in all facets of J2EE Application design and development, including business analysis, system design, implementation, maintenance, support and testing for Insurance and Finance industries.
  • Experienced in using J2EE, EJB2.1, EJB3.0, OpenEJB, JDBC, JSP, Apache Struts, JMS, XML, XSLT, IBM MQ Series and JavaScript.
  • Expertise in Java, J2EE, XSL, Oracle, DB2, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, AJAX, Ext.js DDUI (Data Driven User Interface), UI, Model driven architecture, software configuration management tools.
  • Strong experience in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and publishing web services that include several components like SOAP, WSDL, XSD, UDDI, Axis2 and JAX - WS.
  • Experienced in using Objects Oriented Design, Design patterns, UML and Rational Rose. Expert in gathering Requirements and Systems Analysis.
  • Good understanding on latest approaches in HTML/CSS3 development, JavaScript frameworks JQuery.
  • Good Experience with JavaScript MVC framework Angularjs and knowledge on other frameworks like BackboneJS, NodeJS.
  • Extensive experience in Requirements Gathering and Analysis, Business Process Modeling and conversion to technical requirements with direct client interaction.
  • Experienced is developing Ant and Maven scripts for automated application build and testing.
  • Expertise in Cutting Edge Technologies like EJB, JMS, XML and WebSphere MQ Series with good experience in Developing and Deploying Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) on Application Servers like Web Logic, Web Sphere and JBoss
  • Expertise in different software development methodologies such as agile methodology, Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Waterfall.
  • Good Experience in working with the Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions.
  • Expertise in Client Side designing and validations using HTML, DHTML and Java Script.
  • High level of expertise in CSS pixel-level layout, Consistency with browsers, Version and Platform Independence.
  • Experience in using various tools and IDEs for development and design like Netbeans, EditPlus, Notepad++, Adobe Photoshop, and Dreamweaver.
  • Experience using all popular text-Editors like Eclipse, Komodo Edit, Sublime Text, and Notepad++.
  • Expertise in analyzing the DOM Layout, Java Script functions, Cascading Styles across cross-browser using Fire Bug, Developer Tool Bar.
  • Experience with WebSphere MQ 5.3 and 6.0.
  • Configured MQ objects within the WebSphere Application environment.
  • Mentor, coordinator and leadership roles in creation and execution of QA and testing processes, test strategies and plans using tools such as Mercury Quality Center, Clear Quest, Rational Doors and MS Office
  • Experience developing Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Data and Test Conditions.
  • Extensive experience in performing various types of testing such as Functional testing, Integration testing, Regression testing, Smoke testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
  • Extensive experience in writing automated test cases using IBM rational software and selenium.


J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JPA, EJB, JMS, JNDI

Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Backbonejs, Jquery, Angularjs, Node JS, Reactjs Applets/Swings, JSTL JSP, AJAX, XSL, HTML, XML, iBatisFrameworks: Struts, Hibernate, spring and MVC


Databases: Oracle, MySQL, DB2

Application / Web Servers: JBOSS, Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic

Methodology/Design Patterns: GOF Java Design patterns, OOAD, UML, and J2EE design patterns - DAO, VO, Business Delegate, and Service Locator MVC

IDEs: IBM RAD, Eclipse, NetBeans

Other Tools: ANT, Maven, JUnit, Log4J, CVS, SVN, Rational, Clear Case


Confidential, Plano, TX

Technical Consultant


  • Design and implemented application using Angular JS, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, STS, Hazel cast, websockets
  • Work on system management and the order entry UI.
  • Work on design document and discuss with BP for backlog items.
  • Analyze the business requirement and created the dependency view, topology view and the grid view of the hosts and the components of the trades.
  • Developed ReactJS for front end, web services for middle tier and developed XML and XSL objects for Data conversion/transfer.
  • Involved in developing Classes diagram in UML showing generalization and other relationships, sequence diagram describing the interaction of objects over time.
  • Develop HTML prototypes and UI deliverables, such as wireframes, flowcharts, screen mock-ups, and interface design specifications.
  • Develope and supported the UI web pages using Angular JS, b Jquery, AJAX, loadash, Bootstrap and bower and NodeJS.
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
  • Involved in web designing using HTML 4/5, XHTML, CSS 2/3, JavaScript and extensively used Table less Design in CSS for positioning.
  • Designed Frontend with in object oriented JavaScript Framework like Angular.js .
  • Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using Backbone.js, and JQuery.
  • Participated in making Responsive Web Designs using Media Queries and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Utilized Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Illustrator for the front-end development such as web pages, graphics and multimedia's.
  • Developed the user interface for back office support and worked collaboratively in Agile scrum team on the design and development of application based MVC framework using Angular.js, HTML 5.0 and CSS3
  • Contributed code to the development of mobile and responsive design and customized many features of the application in iterative sprints environment using version control tools like Tortoise SVN and, Less scripts, Omniture tracking and JIRA for bug tracking.
  • Worked onsite at the client place involved in the Build, Configuration, Deployment and Integration phases.
  • Utilized various JQUERY plugins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more intuitive.
  • Developed the user interface for back office support and worked collaboratively in Agile scrum team on the design and development of application based MVC framework using Angular.js, HTML 5.0 and CSS3.

Environment: Java, J2ee, UI, Spring, JSON, Hibernate, JSP, XML, JQuery, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS, Node JS, Grunt, SASS, Twitter Bootstrap, Oracle.

Confidential, Plano, TX

Technical Consultant


  • Responsible for designing and coding of User Interfaces using JSF MVC framework.
  • Implemented Ajax component for dynamic values to get from database and updating forms.
  • Developed Managed Beans for the data binding.
  • Implemented JPA for transaction management.
  • Used JPA for persistence and involved in writing JPA Named Queries, SQL Queries to fetch data from Oracle database.
  • Involved in Full Life cycle implementation of the project and participated in the preparation of business analysis and design documentation.
  • Participated in the daily Agile SCRUM meetings
  • Created JMS resources in application servers and integrated though IBM MQ Series. Developed JMS Listener component.
  • Developed EJBs for the service layer interactions.
  • Involved in consuming, producing SOAP based web services using JAX-WS.
  • Utilized Design patterns MVC, VO, DAO, Factory, Singleton
  • Used SVN for source control repository
  • Developed the Presentation tier using Struts (MVC Architecture).
  • Involved in developing Batch jobs using JMS.
  • Experience in rule modeling and integration using IBM ILog rules engine.
  • Exposed one of the services from two existing system according to their requirement using JAX-WS and implement it on Enterprise Service Bus.
  • Hands on experience on HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT.
  • Developed Unit Test Cases with JUnit.
  • Involved in Module Testing and Integration Testing.
  • Used IBM RAD IDE for application development.

Environment: JDK 1.6, JSF, JSON, JPA, EJB 3, CSS, Ajax, JMS, Web Sphere Application Server v7.0, IBM RAD IDE, IBM Clear Quest, SOAP UI, TOAD, SVN Repository, Log4J, SOAP, Restful, Linux and Oracle11g, Fire bug.

Confidential, Plano, TX

Module Lead


  • Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS and JSP.
  • Developed web application using JSP, Servlets, Java beans that uses MVC design pattern.
  • Used Eclipse as IDE tool for creating JSPs, Servlets, EJBs, and XML.
  • Wrote SQL for JDBC prepared statements to retrieve the data from database.
  • Monitored the logs using Log4J and fixed the problem.
  • Involved in build and deploying the application using ANT
  • Used CVS as version control system.
  • The application was deployed on the Tomcat.
  • Wrote JavaScript for client side validation.
  • Good experience in HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT.
  • Worked on bug fixing and Production Support

Environment: Java, JDBC, JavaScript, Html, CSS, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, PL/SQL, Tomcat, Oracle, NetBeans IDE, CVS, ANT, Log4J and Oracle 9i.


Module Lead


  • Developed application using Java/J2EE platform. Implemented the Model View Control (MVC) structure.
  • Used Subversion for activities tracking i.e., Version Controlling and Change Management that is tracking structure of folders, maintaining global revision number for the whole repository and SVN operations.
  • Struts1.1 was used for actions, validations and to integrate various components. HTML and JavaScript were used for web interface.
  • Involved in developing the User Interface screens for clients using Struts, JSP, JSP Tag Libraries, HTML, XML, XSL and JavaScript.
  • Responsible in configuring the struts-config.xml. For the various modules, developed Action Classes and created form beans, action mappings, tile definitions, validations using Dyna validator and custom validation and wrote Java Scripts for retaining the form fields when validator is done for the Pages.
  • Involved in component development involving EJB and maintained development using J2EE principles.
  • Designed and developed the EJB Stateless Session bean which delegates the call to the Business layer.
  • Oracle 8i database was used for the application.
  • Used JDBC for communicating with Oracle 8i database.
  • WSAD 5 provided the application development environment for developing the application.
  • Used WebSphere Application Sever5.1 to deploy the application.

Environment: Windows NT, Java 1.4, J2EE, WebSphere 5.1, WSAD 5, Struts1.1, Oracle 8i, JDBC, EJB 2.1, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, UNIX.


Technical Lead


  • Involved in development and testing phases of project.
  • Strong experience in front ends, business, tier using the Struts and Oracle Portal 10.1.2.
  • Extensively used Oracle Application Server, Oracle Internet Directory.
  • Involved in Lower Level Design Document
  • Followed Waterfall software development practice paired programming, test driven development
  • Developed use case diagrams, class diagrams, database tables, and mapping between relational database tables.
  • Used Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in entire project development.

Environment: Java 1.4, J2EE, JavaScript, Struts 1.1, AJAX, Oracle Application Server, Oracle Internet Directory, LDAP, Log4j, Eclipse, Accurev.


Sr. Developer


  • Involved in development and testing phases of project.
  • Strong experience in front ends, business, tier using the Struts Framework.
  • Extensively used Oracle Database.
  • Followed Waterfall software development practice paired programming, test driven development
  • Developed class diagrams, database tables, and mapping between relational database tables.

Environment: Java 1.4, J2EE, Javascript, Struts 1.1, AJAX, Oracle 10g, Eclipse, SVN.


Sr. Developer


  • Involved in the System study and setting up the environment.
  • Developed using Struts, Java, Servlet and JSP.
  • Responsible for carrying out the unit test and peer test.
  • Responsible for adding the new module to the existing project.

Environment: Java 1.4, J2EE, Javascript, Struts 1.1, AJAX, Oracle 10g, Eclipse, SVN.




  • Developed using Java, JSP and Servlet.
  • Developed the front end prototypes using Front Page.
  • Developing Validation class using Java Scripts. Involved in testing, debugging, bug fixing.
  • Understanding the business requirements and then creating/developing Source Code.
  • Involved in Bug Fixing sent by user.
  • Writing Test Scripts and Test Cases for QA & UAT.

Environment: Java 1.4, J2EE, Javascript, Struts 1.1, AJAX, Oracle 10g, Eclipse, SVN.

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