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Fullstack Java Developer Resume

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Mclean, VA


  • 6 years of experience in design, coding, unit testing and deployment of Java/J2EE based applications (Web Applications, Web Services and WCF Services) and Front end Applications.
  • Strong experience in developing Single Page Applications (SPA).
  • Experience in User Interface using HTML 5, CSS, LESS, Bootstrap and Angular.js.
  • Strong experience in developing responsive web design.
  • Experience in designing Single Page Application using Angular JS and Angular4.
  • Strong Experience in developing optimized web applications with JavaScript, JQuery, Require.js, Angular.js and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Strong experience in designing N - tier architecture applications.
  • Solid experience in using Java Design Patterns and Unified Modeling Language (UML) in designing JEE applications.
  • Extensive development experience in object oriented analysis, design and programming (OOA/OOD/OOP) throughout complete SDLC in various models like Waterfall and Agile.
  • Excellent programming skills in JAVA, HTML, JavaScript(NodeJS on serverside), TypeScript and XML Technologies.
  • Expertise in using J2EE design patterns including Front Controller, Data Access Object, Session Façade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, MVC, Data Transfer Object and GOF patterns - Factory, Abstract Factory, Singleton, Adapter, Observer, Composite etc.
  • Strong in design and development of SOAP & Restful Web Services using WSDL, SOAP, JAX-WS, CXF, AXIS, JAX-RS, JERSEY and WS-Security.
  • Hands on experience in using Micro Services.
  • Extensive experience in design and implementation of MVC architecture using STRUTS 1.x/2.x, SPRING 3.x/4.x and JSF Frameworks.
  • Good working experience with HIBERNATE 3.0/4.0 open source object/relational mapping framework.
  • Strong experience in database design using SQL, PL/SQL-Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Sequences, Packages and Views.
  • Excellent hands on experience with Servlets, JDBC, EJB 3.0-Session beans, entity beans, JMS, XML, XSLT, DTD, XSD and DOM/SAX.
  • Experienced in dealing with Cross Browser issues very effectively and work on almost every web Browsers Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • Experience with Workflow management & Batch processing.
  • Experience with Apache Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere and WebLogic application servers.
  • Expertise in Unit testing using JUnit, Mockito & Karma/Jasmine, Selenium, Integration testing, Smoke testing & System testing.
  • Hands on experience in creating build scripts using Maven, Gulp and Grunt
  • Excellent problem solving, analytical and leadership skills and ability to perform independently or as part of a team.
  • Excellent Team Player.
  • Excellent communication skills.


Programming Languages: Java, J2EE,Javascript (ES6) and Typescript

Frame Works: Spring, Spring Boot, ExpressJS, AngularJS.

IDEs: Eclipse, Net Beans, MS Visual Studio.


Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB

Scripting languages: Python & Bash


Web/Application Servers: Tomcat, Nginx, JBoss, WebSphere application server

Testing: JUnit, Mockito, Mocha, SOAP UI, Jasmine/Karma, Protractor and Selenium

Build tools: Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Gulp, Grunt and Web pack

Version Control: Git, Subversion, Microsoft Team Foundational Server (TFS)

Environments: Windows XP/7/8, Unix/Linux


Confidential -McLean,VA

FullStack Java Developer


  • Involved in creating Single page Application using Angular 4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, DOM, Bootstrap, AJAX, XML and JSON.
  • Developing non-functional HTML, CSS pages from the mockups and involved in UI review with UI architect and Business Units.
  • Developing pages using AngularJS directives, expressions, routing capabilities for bookmarking, filters, validations and Angular UI components such as grid, buttons, dropdowns, carousels, date pickers, modal dialogs and other input components.
  • Creating new validations through AngularJS for the form field validation implemented through HTML5.
  • Created each component as reusable component to avoid duplicate code using Angular 4.
  • Created JSON Mapping to getting data from backend.
  • Used REST API for service calls.
  • Coded Angular JS components for application functionality and filters for heavy DOM manipulation.
  • Used Angular JS to create custom components for pagination, search filters and other re-usable sections
  • Converted UI screens from XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) framework to AngularJS framework which resulted in better performance and reduced code count.
  • Developed AngularJS components which isolates scope to perform operations in UI. Developed reusable code and libraries for future use by creating services/factories and injected them to controllers using Dependency Injection.
  • Used Angular JS for two-way data binding to achieve the feedback functionality from user
  • Used Spring framework to inject services, entity services, transaction management, and concerns by factory class corresponding to the use case operation executing.
  • Involved in using spring concepts - DI/IOC, AOP, Batch implementation and Spring MVC Used spring JDBC Template for persistence with Data Base.
  • Created WSDLs as per wire frames, UI pages & generated client jars using JAX-WS.
  • Used Apache CXF to create SOAP based & Restful webservices.
  • Developed and deployed Web services to interact with partner interfaces, and client interfaces to consume the web services using CXF, WSDL, SOAP, AXIS and JAX-WS technologies. Involved in event-driven, stream-oriented XML parsing, XML serialization, XML Schema validation.
  • Integrating third party libraries to augment those lacking or inefficient. Used Restful web services using CXF tool to develop web services easily and to be invoked by different channels.
  • Involved in fixing issues in IST, QA & UAT environments.
  • Configured Swagger-UI registered Micro service with Eureka server to monitor service health check from Spring Boot admin console.
  • Creating test cases using Jasmine and Karma by following Test Driven Development (TTD) approach.
  • Worked with off shore team to troubleshoot development environment, performance tuning and optimize code.

Environment: Angular 4, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, LESS Pre-processor, Jquery, Type Script, NPM, Angular-CLI, Rest API, Web Pack, MVC, Spring 4.2.5, Spring Boot, Micro Services, Spring Batch, AWS, EC2, S3, Netflix Eureka, Rabbit MQ, Restful, SQL server,, Jasmine/Karma, Protractor, Zeplin, Share Point, Github, Jira, AJAX, JSON.

Confidential, Charlotte, NC

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Worked with Requirement leads, Architect and Project managers totranslate business requirements into technical specifications.
  • Involved in implementation of server layer services like business services, entity services and integration services.
  • Worked on business modules like Loan status, Application Management, Assets, Closing/Funding and Product Pricing.
  • Developed reusable AngularJS directives.
  • Converted UI screens from XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) framework to AngularJS framework which resulted in better performance and reduced code count.
  • Developed AngularJS Controllers which isolates scope to perform operations in UI. Developed reusable code and libraries for future use by creating services/factories and injected them to controllers using Dependency Injection.
  • Developed rich user interface UI’s using Bootstrap directives.
  • Utilized features of Spring Core layer and Spring DAO support layer in order to develop the application.
  • Configured Hibernate into a Spring application and used Spring’s DAO support to build Hibernate DAO classes.
  • Persistence mechanism implemented using Hibernate framework utilizing table per subclass inheritance based mapping, componentmapping and other association mapping strategies.
  • Developed JAX-WS and JAX-RPC SOA service binding producers and client implementation from WSDL contracts.
  • Consumed RESTful Web services provided by different vendors to submit/fetch theAppraisal/Valuation Orders, Tax/Flood Orders and their statuses, and fetch Employment/Income information.
  • HQL and named queries are used throughout the application for consistency andmaintainability.
  • Involved in the development of Job Scheduler software module using Apache open source Java based scheduler called as QUARTZ Scheduler and Spring HTTP INVOKER Webservice.
  • Developed data access object (DAO) layer for Job Scheduler module using Spring JDBC API (Stored Procedures).
  • Involved in writing SQL queries &PL/SQL - Stored procedures, function, triggers, cursors, object types, Cursors, sequences, indexes etc.
  • Developed micro services as a strategy to gradually replace the fragile core monolithic Java application while still being able to add new business features.
  • Integration of spring modules with AWS modules in order to consume third party services.
  • Used JBOSS application server for deploying the apps on different servers in different environments like Dev/QA/IST/Production
  • Performed bug tracking using JIRA and maintained documentation for using Confluence.
  • Used Splunk for server logs analysis and real time defect tracking.
  • Implemented Unit Testing using JUnit, TestNG, Mockito/PowerMock and Selenium.
  • Implemented JavaScript test cases using Jasmine/Karma.
  • Involved in fixing issues in IST, QA, UAT & Production environments.
  • Involved in building the code & deploying on the server using tools Maven and Jenkins
  • Used GruntJS to test the JavaScript with SonarQube (with JSHint, HTMLHint, etc. plugins), concatenate, minify and Gzip the source code as well as pass it through templates to create the Jasmine test codebase and made custom configurations for testing and deployment.
  • Used advanced java features like Lambda expressions for array operations, collections.
  • Following Coding guide lines & maintain quality of code by checking with SonarQube/Sonar Lint
  • Providing On call support for Production and Integration environments.

Environment: Java 1.7/1.8, Spring 4.3.2, Hibernate 4.2, Web Services, REST, WSDL, SOAP, XML, XSD, AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Java Script,JSON, Oracle 11g, Oracle SQL developer, JBOSS Application server, Eclipse, Maven, TestNG, WordPress, Mockito, Jasmine/Karma, PowerMock, Selenium, Tortoise SVN, JIRA, Fish Eye, Confluence, Web Builder, Splunk, SonarQube/SonarLint, Windows 7, Linux, AWS, Docker.

Confidential, Lowell-MA

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Used HTML 5, CSS, Bootstrap, Java script and Angular.js for client side validations.
  • Develop components using Node JS and consume REST Services in Node JS.
  • Used Angular JS to create custom directives for pagination, search filters and other re-usable sections.
  • Worked on Angular JS, used its two-way data binding to achieve the feedback functionality from the user.
  • Used Node.JS server in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-end JQuery Ajax calls.
  • Built an API facade layer using NodeJS (with ExpressJS).
  • Using Core java concepts - Generics, Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading and Serialization.
  • Implementing the Singleton Design Pattern for the entire creation of objects.
  • Developed the application using Spring Web MVC and spring web flow architecture.
  • Worked extensively on Spring IOC/ Dependency Injection. Configured the crosscutting concerns
  • Like logging, security using Spring AOP and Spring Security.
  • Developed Data Access Layer using Hibernate ORM framework.
  • Used Spring frame work to maintain MVC and created action forms, action mappings, DAOs, application properties for Internationalization etc.
  • Used Apache CXF to create SOAP based & JAX-WS to create Restful Web services Used Spring Validation frame work to do business validation from server side.
  • Used Restful web services using JERSEY tool to develop web services easily and to be invoked by different channels.
  • Single page application developed using AngularJS and NodeJS as the backend and MongoDB as the database.
  • Developing customized reports and Unit Testing using JUnit.
  • Involved in fixing issues in IST, QA, UAT & Production environments.
  • Involved in building the code & deploying on the server using tools Maven and Jenkins
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) for loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous exchange ofCustomer information among J2EE components and legacy system.
  • Supporting the application in QA and Production environments.
  • Designed and implemented the MongoDB schema.
  • Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from the MongoDB for the application on devices.
  • Used Sonar Qube for deprecated code removal.
  • Played major role in migrating from CVS to GIT repository.
  • Involved in implementing the logging mechanism using log4j framework
  • Involved in building the code & deploying on the JBOSS application server.
  • Developed Jenkins scripts to deploy EAR, WAR files for deployment into server.
  • Fixed the environmental (build, deployment etc.,) issues in development phase and extensively using Maven tool to build and configure application.
  • Working with different servers Windows/Linux/WINSCP servers.
  • Using Jira for issues update and track of issues.
  • Playing major role in Build and support the application
  • Involved in validating the application for different browser compatibility & users load.
  • Working with offshore/onshore team for supporting and developing application.
  • Meeting project deadlines and delivering on time.
  • Used Confluence tool for publish documents and to get business documents related to project and other.
  • Working with Telecom environment for running and tracking the issues and solving them in time.

Environment: JAVA 1.7,J2EE, Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Spring 4.0 Hibernate ORM 4.3, EJB-Session Beans, Entity Beans, JMS, XML, HTML, DHTML, Java Script, CSS, Angular JS, Node JS, JDBC, MongoDB,Log4J,CVS,GIT/stash, Drupal, Maven, Jenkins, Jira, SonarQube, WINSCP, CMS, Confluence, Windows, Unix/Linux, JBoss, NetBeans IDE.

Confidential, PA

Sr. Java/JEE Developer


  • Involved in Requirements gathering, analysis, design, development, Testing and Maintenance phases of EA application.
  • Involved in using HTML, DHTML, Java Script, AJAX, DOJO, Require.js, Backbone.js Angular JS, Node JS Tag Libraries to develop view pages
  • Involved in preparing design TSD document with Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams using Microsoft VISIO.
  • DOJO toolkit Used for UI development and sending asynchronous AJAX requests to the server
  • Involved in using Core java concepts - Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading and Serialization.
  • Used Spring framework to inject services, entity services, transaction management, and concerns by factory class corresponding to the use case operation executing.
  • Used Node JS to do expressions for manipulations, directives for binding the HTML controls, filters, modules, and controllers for controlling the data
  • And also used Node JS to implement HTML Events, displaying the data, Forms validations and integrated with Bootstrap style sheets.
  • Consumed Node JS REST API in angular services and created internal websites.
  • Used Spring framework to inject services, entity services, transaction management, and concerns by factory class corresponding to the use case operation executing.
  • Involved in using spring concepts - DI/IOC, AOP, Batch implementation and Spring MVC Used spring JDBC Template for persistence with Data Base.
  • Created WSDLs as per wire frames, UI pages & generated client jars using JAX-WS.
  • Used Apache CXF to create SOAP based & Restful webservices.
  • Developed and deployed Web services to interact with partner interfaces, and client interfaces to consume the web services using CXF, WSDL, SOAP, AXIS and JAX-WS technologies. Involved in event-driven, stream-oriented XML parsing, XML serialization, XML Schema validation.
  • Integrating third party libraries to augment those lacking or inefficient. Used Restful web services using CXF tool to develop web services easily and to be invoked by different channels.
  • Provided security for REST using SSL& for SOAP using Encryption with X.509Digital signature.
  • Configured database with Hibernate.cfg. xml & amp; database mapping with hbm.xml and made easy to access and update Hibernate (ORM) objects on initial load of application and throughout the process.
  • Involved in WebSphere server configuration, Data Sources, Connection Pooling, MQ Series Queues set up for messaging and deploying the apps on different servers in different environments like QA/IST/Production.
  • Involved in creating JUNIT test cases and ran the TEST SUITE using EMMA tool.
  • Ran check style, PMD defects & Find bugs and fixed them.
  • Involved in fixing defects identified in QA and IST phases. And tracked QC status as per the guild lines.
  • Involved in doing Unit testing using MOKITO, Selenium and also Integration testing
  • Done with Authorization & Authentication using Site Minder and spring security.
  • Implemented the logging mechanism using log4j framework.
  • Supported IST, QA and UAT builds and identified issues in Smoke testing and tracked them efficiently.
  • Involved in deploying the application in Unix and to connect to see logs for fixing UAT/Production defects.
  • Fixed the environmental (build, deployment etc.,) issues in development phase and extensively used Ant tool to build and configure application.

Environment: JAVA 1.6, J2EE, Servlets 2.4, EJB 2.0, JDBC 2.0, JAXB, Spring 4.0 Spring-IOC/DI, AOP, MVC, HTML, Java Script, XML, CSS, Angular JS, Node JS, Ajax, Require.js, Backbone.js, JRules, Selenium, Hibernate 4.2, Websphere Application server 8.0, LDAP, Oracle 10g, Log4J, Eclipse 3.2, SVN, DOJO, Ant 1.5, SOA, SOAP,SSL,X509, Encryption, Dreamweaver, DB2, PL/SQL, SQL, Web Services-WSDL, SOAP UDDI, SOAP UI, Axis2, JAX RS, JERSEY, Rest API Windows XP.

Confidential, San Leandro, CA

Java Developer


  • Involved in Agile - Sprint methodologies to do requirements gathering, analysis and planning.
  • Prepared User stories corresponding to the features taken from Backlog.
  • Involved in preparing High & low level design docs with UML diagrams using Rational Rose tool.
  • Involved in preparation of developer test cases, execution and preparation of scope & traceability matrix.
  • Used REST API for translated UI text.
  • Used HTML, DHTML, Java Script, AJAX, JQUERY, JSP and Tag Libraries to develop view pages in SAI portal.
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using Node JS.
  • Developed single page web application using JavaScript framework AngularJS and NodeJS.
  • Defined new validations through AngularJS for the form field validation implemented through HTML5.
  • Applied techniques for cross-browser and cross-platform interface development using AngularJS
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information for status report.
  • Support & Enhancement to the existing implementation of correspondence components which are developed using EJBs, JPA and Web Services / JMS Technologies.
  • Used Spring-Hibernate template for database access and implementing persistence mechanism for the application.
  • Used Spring Core to define beans for Services, Entity services and corresponding depended services.
  • Involved in doing spring transaction management using AOP and using Spring Batch.
  • Implemented Batch framework to run set of processing at a time to handle large data in a day.
  • Used Apache CXF, WSDL, SOAP, JAX-WS and JAX-RS technologies to create web services, generate stubs and consuming the existing services.
  • Used CXF to create REST as well as the SOAPweb services.
  • Used JMS to pass messages as payload to track different statuses, milestones and states in the workflows.
  • Involved in the setting up configurations for WebSphere server, Data Sources, JMS queues and deploying the application.
  • Involved in using Core Java concepts - Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading, Serialization and Java 1.5 features etc.
  • Created Hibernate mapping files, sessions, transactions, Query & Criteria’s to fetch the data from DB.
  • Have written Hibernate HQL queries as well as Named Queries.
  • Done with marshalling & un marshalling using JAXB and xml parsing using JAXP.
  • Identified check style, PMD and Find bugs and fixed them.
  • Involved in building the code & deploying on Web logic server.
  • Involved in creating JUNIT test cases and ran the TEST SUITE using EMMA tool.
  • Involved in building and deploying scripts using Maven to generate EAR and JAR files.
  • Done with continuous integration using Jenkins.

Environment: JAVA/J2EE, HTML, XHTML, DHTML, Angular JS, NodeJS, AJAX, JQUERY, CSS3, Servlets, JSP, XML, XSLT, XPATH, XQuery, CXF, WSDL, SOAP, CXF, REST, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Websphere server, JMS, Eclipse, Elastic Search, JUNIT, Mockito, CVS, SOAPUI, JNDI, Java/J2EE design patters, Spring framework 3.2 - DI, AOP, Batch, Hibernate 4.0, EJB-Session Beans, Ant, IVY, OSB, JUNIT, HP QC, Coherence.


Java Developer


  • Designed user interfaces, object model, application server logic and schema by analyzing requirements.
  • Used J2EE patterns for designing applications.
  • Designed UI pages using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, DOJO, JSP and Struts tag libraries.
  • Using Model View Controller (MVC) architecture of Struts developed client User Interface.
  • Used Restful web services to upload a request agreement to process to hit Credit Engine to get the approval agreement details.
  • Used Web Services - WSDL and SOAP for getting credit card information from third party and used SAX and DOM XML parsers for data retrieval.
  • Implemented spring core module properties like IOC and Dependency Injection
  • Reverse Engineered to generate Hibernate mapping files using Eclipse IDE.
  • Part of the team to convert the project to Spring Framework.
  • Designing the application with reusable J2EE design patterns like Front Controller, Session
  • Used Spring framework for client/server validations.
  • Extensively used design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory etc.
  • JMS is used for exchanging the information like Author publication status report between the author and company.
  • Used EJB Session beans and entity beans to develop business services and the persistence.
  • Involved in using Core java concepts – Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading, Serialization.
  • Designed UI using HTML, DHTML, Java Script, CSS and JSP.
  • Implemented business logic components using POJOs
  • Developed distributed java components using EJB and JPA for persistence.
  • Involved in peer design and code reviews using JProfiler.
  • Involved in writing Oracle SQL & PL/SQL-Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Sequences, Indexes & Views.
  • Involved in doing performance tuning by observing AWR reports & execution plans.
  • Involved in IBM MQ Series set up & messaging using Queues.
  • Involved in setting up rules & apply to the application using JRules.
  • Production server issues investigation and providing solutions (Common and reusable) for technically challenged problems
  • Involved in JUnit & Integration testing.
  • Involved in doing build using Maven and deployed on Web sphere server.
  • Involved in building and deploying scripts using Maven to generate WAR, EAR and JAR files
  • Extensively involved in Unit testing and coordinated with the testing team and fixing Bugs at various stages of the application development.
  • Ran check styles, find bugs and configured EMMA tool for test coverage.

Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, JSTL, Java Script, EJB-session bean, entity beans, Restful Web Services, JMS, HTML, DHTML, Hibernate 3.0, Eclipse, Websphere Application Server, CVS, Windows 2000, JAVA/J2EE Design Patterns, Edit Plus, TOAD, Spring 3.1, Struts Tag Libraries, Validation framework, JUNIT, JProbe, JPA, Oracle-SQL, PL SQL, EMMA, QC, Maven etc.

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