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Sr. Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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Tampa, FL


  • Around 8 years of IT experience as Java Developer in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) core area such as Analysis, Design, Coding, Implementation, Testing, and Deployment of Object Oriented and Web based Enterprise Applications using Java/J2EE technology.
  • Expertise in development and deployment of multi - tiered web based enterprise applications using J2EE technologies like Servlets 2.3/2.4, JSP 1.1/2.0, Struts 1.0/2.0, JMS, Hibernate 3.0/4.0, Spring 3.0/4.0, JDBC, MongoDB, AngularJS, Enterprise Java Beans and Web services (SOAP, Rest).
  • Extensive design and programming experience with front-end web technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery UI, AngularJS1.X, Angular2, Ajax and Bootstrap
  • Extensive hands on experience in consuming as well as developing API for SOAP and REST based web services to integrate third party functional modules into the core application.
  • Good in Core Java API, multi-threading, Collections, Swing development and Application utilities.
  • Experienced in implementing DAO layer using ORM tools like Hibernate core interfaces, annotations and optimizations.
  • Extensive experience in SQL, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers with databases such as Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL and MS SQL Server 2008.
  • Experience in database design and implementation using different RDBMS like Microsoft SQL Server 2008, DB2.
  • Extensive experience of database programming in oracle environment using PL/SQL with tools such as TOAD, SQLPlus, Squirrel.
  • Worked on MongoDB, which provides the storage for security related information.
  • Having hands on experience in deploying web and JEE enterprise applications on Apache Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere and Glassfish.
  • Good Experience in Windows and Linux/Unix OS, experienced in AWS (Amazon Web Services), which includes EC2, S3, Cloud Formation templates, SQS messaging, RDS environments.
  • Used Jenkins and Ansible with Maven to run the automated deployment process in AWS environment.
  • Expertise in various Java/J2EE design patterns including Data Access Object, Session Façade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, MVC (Model View Controller), Factory and Abstract Factory, Front Controller, Transfer Object and Singleton in the development of Multi-tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
  • Hands on experience with version control systems like CVS (Concurrent Version Systems), SVN (Apache Subversion), CLEARCASE and GIT for providing common platform for all the developers.
  • Experienced in build tools such as ANT, Maven, Gradle.
  • Proficient in using various IDEs like Eclipse STS, IBM RAD, NetBeans, SQL Developer, Soap UI.
  • Good Experience with JMS services using Apache Active MQ, IBM MQS.
  • Experience in deployment of java applications and components as services through SOAP, Restful, UDDI and WSDL.


Web Technologies: JSON, JSP, Servlets, GWT, JNDI, JDBC, JSTL, JMS, JPA, EJB, Web Services, SOAP, REST, WSDL, JAX-RS, JSX-WS, HTML, HTML 5, CSS 3, DHTML, Java Beans, Bootstrap, Groovy, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, Angular2, AJAX.

Framework: Struts, Struts 2, CSS Frameworks, Spring (Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Access. DAO, Factory Pattern, Core, Spring Context, Spring AOP, Spring DAO, Spring IOC, Spring Data, Spring JDBC, Spring Integration with Hibernate), Hibernate, DWR, Log4j.

IDE: Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ, Red Hat Developer Studio, WSAD, IBM RSA development IDE

Programming Languages: Java, SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++, JavaScript, AngularJs, ReactJs

Application Servers: Web Logic 10.1/9.1/8.1/7.0/6.1, Web Sphere 7.0/6.0/5.0, Jboss 4.2.2/4.3, Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.x, JINI Services


Build /Test Tools: ANT, Maven, JUnit 3.8/4.0, JWebUnit, HttpUnit for Junit, JMeter&Jprobe,SOAPUI

Misc Tools: TOAD, Xml Spy, Ant, PL/SQL Developer, JUnit, JMock, I Report, Log4J, SLF4J

Source Control: Rational Clear Case, CVS, SVN, TFS, GIT

Databases: My SQL, MS SQL Server, DB2, Mongo DB

Methodologies: Agile, SCRUM, TDD, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration

Operating Systems: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Sun Solaris 9, Unix/ Linux, Windows 2000/NT/XP


Confidential, Tampa, FL

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, development and testing Followed Agile methodology
  • Extensively worked on Responsive Web Design (RWD) page development using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Ajax, Angular JS, JSON, JSF UI Components and JSP
  • Implemented core features of AngularJS framework such as dependency Injection, Data-binding, Filters, Directives, Templates and Services.
  • Used Core Java concepts like Swing, socket programming, Collections, Multithreading, Event handling, Exception handling and Generics.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection, Spring DI and Spring MVC for RESTAPI and Spring Boot for micro services
  • Used Java 1.8 new features like Lambda Expressions, Method references and Functional Interfaces.
  • Deployed applications on AWS by using Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Created and managed Micro Services. Micro Services were being used as a strategy to gradually replace a core monolithic application while still adding business features.
  • Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as DTO, Intercepting Filters, Singleton and Data Access Object (DAO).
  • Worked on Spring Security and OAuth2 framework to set up authentication and authorization for application using Single Sign On.
  • Used Spring AOP and Spring Security components to handle User Authentication and Transaction management etc.
  • Used Hibernate ORM framework as persistence engine, configured O/R mapping and wrote hibernate queries.
  • Implemented MVC architecture using JSP, Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services.
  • Work on developing UI components using Swing framework.
  • Designed and integrated the full scale Hibernate/spring Used Spring IOC and Spring, Hibernate Support, transaction management.
  • Created Stored Procedures, functions and Packages in Oracle 10g using SQL and PL/SQL for the Audit Trail using Oracle 10g as backend.
  • Implemented Complex Business Delegate layer using DAO created and business logic.
  • Superior project implementation skills using both core and advanced Java technologies (JAVA, Spring, Servlets, JSP, JNDI, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services SOAP and REST ) with various middleware technologies
  • Consumed Web Services for transferring data between different applications.
  • Used REST Web Services to retrieve credit history of the applicants.
  • Build Restful API web services using MongoDB to store and present assessments.
  • Created REST Micro Services APIs using Spring Boot Application.
  • Used Micro service architecture, with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.
  • Focused on Test Driven Development there by creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before actually writing the functionality
  • Performed API functional testing using Postman and Swagger.
  • Used Jenkins to load JAR files from Nexus required for running the application
  • Used Maven building tool for creating WAR file to be deployed in application servers.
  • Used Spring Tool Suite(STS) as an IDE for the Application Development.
  • Deployed the war files in JBoss 5.2 Server in Unix Environment.
  • Developed and Deployed the Application on Eclipse IDE and WebLogic Web Servers, JBoss
  • Developed build script using MAVEN to build, package, test and deployed the application in WebLogic.

Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, Bootstrap, NodeJS, Swing, Hibernate, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Unix, XML, Spring MVC, Micro Services, AWS, RESTful, MongoDB, WebSphere, JUnit, Maven, Log4J, JIRA, GIT and STS.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Implemented by using Agile Methodology focusing on SCRUM.
  • Designed and developed insurance application front end and back end business functionality, used spring, J2EE Design Patterns such as MVC and JSP to develop the application
  • Designed, developed and maintained data layer using Hibernate and performed configuration of Spring Application Framework.
  • Developed RESTFUL web services and used REST Protocol to communicate with Quote provider's insurance claims and premiums
  • Used parser for parsing after downloading data from server using Restful calls.
  • Spring Framework IOC (Inversion of Control) design pattern is used to have relationships between application components. It is also used to separate the application configuration and specification from the actual application code.
  • Developed Restful Web services for transmission of data in JSON format.
  • Use IntelliJ as IDE tool to develop the application and JIRA for bug and issue tracking
  • Created the detailed Design Documents for all the four applications.
  • Developing presentation layer with HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3, JSF.
  • Implemented the necessary changes and tested whether it affects the existing functionality or not.
  • JQuery to select and manipulate HTML elements and CSS manipulation.
  • Maintained the Spreadsheet to keep track of all the issues that have been found during the assessment.
  • Implemented DAO and Business layer with Hibernate, JMS, XML, XSLT, XML schema and J2EE Patterns
  • Used AJAX & JSON communication for accessing Restful web services data payload
  • Expertise in Java Script.
  • Frameworks are used i.e. JSF, Hibernate, Redis
  • Worked on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border.
  • Enhanced the application for multithreaded scenarios. Deployed the application under Wildfly Application Server and resolved the production issues during migration onto the production server.
  • Experience on modern frontend template in frame works for JavaScript-including Bootstrap, js and jQuery.
  • Designed various tables required for the project in MYSQL database and used the stored procedures in the application and Wrote Stored Procedures, Triggers and Functions on SQL Server as well as MySQL workbench on Oracle to support both databases for the application.
  • Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders and components.
  • Experience with Cloud technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • GitHub allows the users to create and follows feeds associated with other projects
  • Designed and Developed Rest services using Java, spring, spring boot, Spring Data Rest, Restful, JPA and Hibernate.
  • Designed and developed the front end as Single Page Application to provide more fluid user experience using AngularJS, Bootstrap, and HTML 5.
  • Knowledge of systems like MongoDB.
  • Used SVN for source code maintenance and for version control. Code collaborator for code reviews and JIRA for defect tracking.
  • Written Maven Scripts to build generate WAR file and deploy the application.

Environment: Java JDK/J2EE (1.8), Spring 3, Hibernate 4, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, Angular JS, Java Server Faces (JSF), GIT, MongoDB, Restful Web Services, XML, JSON, XSLT, MySQL, Redis, RAD IDE, JUnit, Log4j, SVN, Jira Maven, Agile/Scrum, Wildfly.

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in design and development phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Involved in designing UML Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Followed agile methodology and SCRUM meetings to track, optimize and tailored features to customer needs.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, JSP Tag libraries
  • Tag libraries and JavaScript to simplify the complexities of the application.
  • Implemented Model View Controller (MVC) architecture using Jakarta Struts 1.3 frameworks at presentation tier.
  • Developed a Dojo based front end including forms and controls and programmed event handling.
  • Implemented SOA architecture with web services using JAX-RS (REST) and JAX-WS(SOAP)
  • Developed various Enterprise JavaBean components to fulfill the business functionality.
  • Created Action Classes which route submittals to appropriate EJB components and render retrieved information.
  • Validated all forms using Struts validation framework and implemented Tiles framework in the presentation layer.
  • Used Core Java and Object Oriented concepts.
  • Extensively used Hibernate 3.0 in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Used Spring 2.0 Framework for Dependency injection and integrated it with the Struts Framework and Hibernate.
  • Used JDBC to connect to backend databases, Oracle and SQL Server 2005.
  • Proficient in writing SQL queries, stored procedures for multiple databases, Oracle 10g and SQL Server 2005.
  • Wrote Stored Procedures using PL/SQL. Performed query optimization to achieve faster indexing and making the system more scalable.
  • Deployed application on windows using IBM WebSphere Application Server.
  • Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
  • Used Web Services - WSDL and REST for getting credit card information from third party and used SAX and DOM XML parsers for data retrieval.
  • Implemented SOA architecture with web services using Web Services like JAX-WS.
  • Extensively used IBM RAD 7.0 for writing code.
  • Implemented Persistence layer using Hibernate to interact with Oracle 9i and SQL Server 2005 databases.
  • Used ANT scripts to build the application and deployed on Web Sphere Application Server

Environment: J2EE 1.6, HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.3, Struts 1.3, Spring 2.0, EJB 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, Oracle 9i and SQL Server 2005, JDBC, JMS 1.1, XML Web Services, Web GUI design, SOAP, WSDL, dojo, SAX, DOM, JAXB, PL/SQL, Log4J, JUnit, ANT, CVS, PL/SQL, Sybase, Eclipse3.0, Rational Rose, IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.1, IBM RAD 6.0, scrum, agile, Windows XP

Confidential, Madison, WI

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Participated in requirement analysis and design meetings to gather information and prepare the requirement and design documents.
  • Developed the application using Struts2 MVC framework.
  • Used Struts Tiles Framework in the presentation tier.
  • Developed Struts Action classes.
  • Implemented UI screens using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON.
  • Used AJAX for asynchronous communication with server
  • Used Spring Core for dependency injection/Inversion of control (IOC), and integrated frameworks like Struts and Hibernate.
  • Utilized Hibernate for Object/Relational Mapping purposes for transparent persistence onto the Oracle Server database.
  • Developed Session Enterprise Java Beans for encapsulating the business logic
  • Configured JMS on Weblogic server for asynchronous messaging through implementation of Message Driven Beans (MDB).
  • Deployed application WebLogic application server
  • Used Log4J for efficient application logging.
  • ANT was used for the entire build process
  • Used SVN for version controlling and Eclipse as IDE.
  • Working on and fixing the defects

Environment: 2EE, Java, Servlets, EJB, JSP, Struts2, Hibernate, SVN, HTML, JavaScript, XML, Spring IoC, Spring ORM, Design Patterns, JUnit, Weblogic, Eclipse, Linux.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Java Developer


  • Developed the web interfaces using JSP.
  • Developed business logic codes using Servlets at the back end of the system.
  • Involved in developing the database tables to hold lender information
  • Responsible for designing the front-end using HTML.
  • Developed JSP's and Servlets to provide dynamic content to the HTML pages.
  • Developed data access components and multilingual screen generator classes.
  • Developed JSPs, for client-side validations.
  • Created multiple JAX-WS and JAX-RS based web services.
  • Used SOAPUI to test the SOAP services and load testing
  • Used JSP and Servlets for server-side transactions.
  • Create request and call SOAP web service
  • Developed web services component using XML, WSDL and SOAP with DOM parser to transfer and transform data between applications.
  • Experience with JS, jQuery or other JS frameworks.
  • Login authentication is done by JSP by verifying with database security tables.
  • Knowledge of creating responsive web pages using Bootstrap and css3.
  • Designed and developed Entity beans and Session beans
  • Configured and Deployed EJB's Entity and Session beans on Web Logic Server
  • Developed the interface to automatically forward quote requests to qualified lenders using SMTP.

Environment: Java, Servlets, JavaScript, JDBC, JQuery CVS, Eclipse, Web logic Server, JSP, Oracle, Toad, Linux.

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