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Java Developer Resume

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Talented software developer with 4+ years of hands on experience developing and improving critical web and enterprise desktop applications as well as core modules. Ensure project excellence by effectively communicating and implementing proven software development methodologies. Skilled in employing best practices and technologies such as Java / JEE, Spring MVC, JPA, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Angular, Express.js, Node.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, and RESTful Web Services through all phases of software development life cycle. Excellent team player.


Software Development Life Cycle Backend / Frontend Technologies Troubleshooting / Debugging Enterprise Applications Coding Object Oriented Programming Database · Testing / Deployment TDD Technical Implementations · Team Collaboration & Communication · Algorithm Design


Languages: Java, C++

Web: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, XML, JSON, JSP, Servlets, Java BeansNode.js, Angular, TypeScript

Web Service: REST, SOAP, JAX - WS, JAX-RSWeb | App Servers Tomcat, Glassfish

Frameworks: Spring (Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring AOP, Spring IOC, Spring Integration), Hibernate, Jersey, Mockito, Express.js

Databases: MySQL, MS SQL Server, MongoDB

Design Patterns: Abstract Factory, Builder, Singleton, composite, Decorator, Façade, Proxy, State, Observer, Template Method, Mediator, Prototype, DAO, MVC

SDLC: Agile, RUP, TDD, RAD Waterfall

Tools: Eclipse, STS (Spring Tool Suite) NetBeans, IntelliJ IDE, JUnit, Log4J, UML, MavenVisual Studio Code, MySQL Workbench, Postman

Code repositories: Git, SVN

Platforms: Linux, Windows


Confidential, Maryland

Java Developer


  • Designed web applications with Spring Boot, Spring MVC, JPA for data persistence, HQL for data manipulation, and Spring Security for user authentication.
  • Designed and developed REST Web Services using Spring MVC and JSON.
  • Used Hibernate ORM framework as persistence engine, configure O/R mapping and wrote Hibernate ORM queries and native queries to boost performance.
  • Implemented Spring Aspect Oriented Programming and Inversion of Control.
  • Programmed source and version control using Git.
  • Developed code using design patterns such as Singleton, Abstract Factory, Factory Pattern, and Prototype.

Technologies used: Java, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Angular 2, JPA, JTA, JSP, JMS, JSON, JUnit, Mockito, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, jQuery, MySQL, Git, Eclipse, Windows.


Software Developer


  • Integrated structure and technologies with the architecture of the existing system.
  • Implemented front end using Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Spring MVC, Spring Web-flow and JSON.
  • Designed and developed RESTful Web Services API components.
  • Developed back-end logic and data access logic to create the Object Relational Mapping using Hibernate/JPA with MySQL database.
  • Performed validations using Spring validation controls and regular expressions in Java.
  • Designed and implemented DAO, Singleton, Factory and DTO Design Patterns.
  • Enabled partial page loading and improved application security by using AJAX with RESTful web service calls.
  • Introduced more dynamic user interfaces with HTML, CSS, JSP, Spring MVC, jQuery, and JavaScript for the frontend, resulting in reduced client maintenance costs.
  • Coordinated meetings to identify and prioritize critical customer issues; established plans addressing issues to regain client trust.
  • Improved forecast accuracy.

Technologies: Java, Java EE, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, XML, JSON, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, MySQL, Eclipse, Entity Framework, Visual Studio Code, Spring MVC, NetBeans, DevExpress, RESTful, JUnit, UML, Maven, Redmine, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008

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