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Senior Java Developer Resume

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Philadelphia, PA


  • Having 6+ years of extensive IT experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which includes Development, Design, Analysis, Testing and Integration of various web based and client/server applications in multi - platform environments with JAVA/J2EE technologies.
  • Expertise in JAVA, J2EE and SQL based web services and frameworks like Spring and Hibernate.
  • Experience in developing applications using SDLC methodologies like Waterfall, Agile(SCRUM) and Test-Driven Development.
  • Created and developed Web Pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, modern JavaScript libraries like Angular and writing SQL, PL/SQL, stored procedures, triggers for database.
  • Achieved 100% Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap Grid for styling the web pages.
  • Experienced in developing web-based applications using Java/J2EE, Servlets, Struts, Spring IOC and Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring Boot, JDBC, Web Services (SOAP & RESTful services) and ORM frameworks like Hibernate.
  • Expert in Core Java and implementing concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, File Handling, IO, Generics and Java collections in various projects.
  • Expertise in implementing design patterns like Singleton, Prototype, Session, Front Controller and DAO pattern.
  • Developed Web and other components using Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) and Micro Services Architecture based J2EE applications.
  • Excellent ability to design and implement fast, dynamic, user-friendly interfaces that provide critical functionality across complex applications.
  • Has end-to-end knowledge in the principles and Architecture of EAI. Promotes pattern specific and Object-Oriented(OOP) approaches to software development.
  • Responsible for creating functional, technical and design documents for the projects.
  • Extensive experience in SQL server, MySQL, Oracle, Apache Tomcat, JBoss.
  • Very good understanding of Object Oriented Design (OOD), Design Patterns and multi-tier architectures.
  • Experience in working with IDE’s like Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite(STS) and Intellij.
  • Extensive experience in LINUX and Windows operating systems.
  • Excellent Technical, Communication and Interpersonal Skills with strong Customer Orientation and Client Interfacing Skills.
  • A self-motivated professional and natural communicator possessing good technical, initiating, leadership and problem-solving skills and has proven to be a good team player.


Languages: Java 1.8, C++, J2EE, SQL and PL/SQL

Tools & frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring Boot, JSP, Servlet

Web Services: RESTFUL, SOAP, Micro services

Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, Bootstrap

Databases: MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle

SDLC: Agile (Scrum), Waterfall

Design Patterns: Singleton, MVC, Factory, Observer, Strategy, Template Method

Web/App Server: Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Visual Source Safe(VSS), Github, TFS, SVN Tortoise.

Operating System: Windows, LINUX

Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall

IDE: Intellij IDEA, Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite


Confidential, Philadelphia, PA

Senior Java Developer

Description & Responsibilities:

  • Confidential is an American global telecommunications conglomerate that is the largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world. It is the second largest pay TV, largest cable TV and home Internet service provider in the United States.
  • Participated in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application.
  • Possess good experience in working with AGILESCRUM methodology and sound working knowledge with AGILE project management tool Rally.
  • Solid experience in Object Oriented Programming concepts and writing code in Java.
  • Implemented core features of Angular framework such as Dependency Injection, Data-binding, filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking Designing.
  • Used Java 1.8 features like stream and Lambda expressions for writing concise code.
  • Developed designs using Spring Framework, its components such as AOP and implemented Web Sockets Protocol for two-way communication.
  • Used Spring AOP for solving crosscutting concerns like keeping logged data and transactions details etc.
  • Participated in developing and migrating several authentication services using Spring Security
  • Worked on setting up Maven scripts to build, package and deploy application code to the target WebLogic Application Servers and worked on continuous integration servers like Jenkins.
  • Hands on experience in deploying the application in pre-prod and production environment.
  • Hands on Coding to build REST Micro Services using Spring Cloud, Oracle, XSD, Spring Configuration and Jenkins.
  • Used Hibernate ORM framework as persistence engine and wrote Hibernate Queries to automate the mapping between Oracle database and Objects in Java
  • Updating the web application in Web-Logic application server as a part of deployment.
  • Involved in consuming RESTful web services and pre-testing the web-services using POSTMAN tool.
  • Pushed the code to Jenkins and integrated the code with Apache ANT.
  • Deployed multiple builds in a day as part of Sprints on various test environments.
  • Created detailed user stories and corresponding test cases.
  • Documented detailed versions of the user stories, corresponding test cases and tasks in sub version tool Tortoise SVN.
  • Designed automated testing tool using JUnit framework for helping developers to test the wrappers.
  • Worked in Agile TDD environment using SDLC tools like GIT, Jira, Jenkins and Maven for build packaging and deployments of the application components.

Environment: Java 1.8, Spring with Web Sockets, Agile Methodology, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Angular, Spring Security, Web Services, CXF, JSON, UML, HTML, Eclipse, JUnit, Windows, WebLogic, JAX-B, Jenkins, ANT, RESTful, SOAP, Rally, Oracle.

Confidential, MD

Java J2EE Developer

Description & Responsibilities:

  • In an effort to be HIPAA compliant, Anthem was changing the messages displayed to the providers, so that it
  • comes under the boundaries of HIPAA. Worked on the Providers portal of the application. The sections involved
  • in this application were 1. Eligibility Inquires: Coverage and Benefits, Prior Authorization, Participating Providers
  • List and 2. Claim Inquires: Claim status and Remittance. Scope of the application was to update the error
  • messages for HIPAA compliance and Update COB for CT, ME and NH for HIPAA compliance.
  • Worked on High level and low-level system design, planning, estimation and implementation.
  • Converted form files to the respective JSPs and implemented Session Facade pattern within EJB and DAO Layer.
  • Implemented Spring AOP for admin services.
  • Developed the application using Spring Framework
  • Worked on upgrading the existing code to migrate to next release of the product build and implemented hibernate versioning code changes.
  • Modified and developed the client interactive List screens in System Admin module using JSP and custom tag libraries and cascading style sheets.
  • Added and modified new Screens for Agency Filter Definitions and Values, the Credit Review, Credit Financials, Credit score screens.
  • Used Spring for cross cutting concerns and IOC for dependency injection.
  • Used Hibernate as the ORM tool to communicate with the database.
  • Application was modernized and recoded using Spring Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • EJB components are deployed on the Web Logic Integration with MQSeries using JMS. The database was Oracle.
  • Developed User Interface Design and developed using Struts Framework, EJBs, DAOs, Action classes and JSP’s with JavaScript.
  • Used Hibernate ORM framework as persistence engine and wrote Hibernate Queries to automate the mapping between Oracle database and Objects in Java
  • Experience in Hibernate which includes integrating legacy databases, writing custom CRUD statements, integrating stored procedures and functions.
  • Developed the Spring AOP programming to configure logging for the application
  • Used Controller feature of struts framework for mapping different kind of actions and invoke respective services classes to access Sessions Beans and Entity Beans.
  • Performed client-side validation using JavaScript.
  • Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Struts framework.
  • Deployed and maintained LCMS in Oracle WebLogic Application server

Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Angular, EJB, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, JSF, Oracle, SQL Server, JAXB, XML, XSD, JDBC, Eclipse, JIRA, Squirrel, PL SQL, iReport (Jasper Report), JBoss, Maven, WebLogic, Apache AXIS2, JQuery


Java Developer

Description & Responsibilities:

  • Involved in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application: Requirement gathering,
  • Design Analysis and Code development.
  • Implemented Struts framework based on the Model View Controller design paradigm.
  • Struts-Config XML file was created and Action mappings were done.
  • Designed the application by implementing Struts based on MVC Architecture, used simple Java
  • Beans as a Model, JSP-UI Components as View and Action Servlet as a Controller.
  • Designed and developed business components using Session and Entity Beans in EJB.
  • Used JDBC for data access from Oracle tables.
  • Implemented EJB’s Container Managed Persistent strategy.
  • Worked on triggers and stored procedures on Oracle database.
  • Apache MAVEN was used for the entire build process.
  • JUnit was used to implement test cases for beans.
  • Application was deployed on WebSphere Application Server.
  • Coordinated with testing team for timely release of product.

Environment: JSP 1.2, Servlets, Struts, JMS, JavaScript, Eclipse 2.0, Web Sphere Application Server 5.0, Oracle 8i, EJB, ANT.


Java Consultant


  • Analyzing Business Requirements and preparing the High-level test conditions and review them with the Business Team
  • Develop user interface using JSP and Custom Tags.
  • Implemented MVC architecture using Struts. Involved in developing action classes to implement the renewal functionality.
  • Preparing Test cases and Test scripts based on RSM (Requirements Specification Matrix).
  • Conduct Test Cases walkthrough on the test cases with development and Business People.
  • Prepare Business Flow Module, Scenario Template, Object Repository and Data Tables
  • Test Case Execution using QTP
  • Validate the Test Results produced by QTP
  • Validate XML Based Test Result Document for Traceability Report.
  • Onsite and Offshore Coordination

Environment: JAVA, JSP, Struts, Servlets, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WSAD, MySQL, QTP tool.

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