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Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • Expert working knowledge in using methodologies Agile Methodology & Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Having work experience in different domains like Healthcare, Banking, Finance, Telecom, and Retail.
  • Proficient in developing front - end systems with JavaScript, ReactJs, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Tag Libraries, Custom Tags and JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, NodeJS.
  • Experienced in Client-side validations using Ajax in NodeJS, AngularJS, dash boards reports using BackboneJS.
  • Expert in Java/J2EE technologies such as Struts, Spring Framework, JSP, EJB, Hibernate and Webservice.
  • Developed applications with Spring using technologies Spring Core, MVC, DAO, ORM, Boot, Heroku, Security, Integration, Spring Zuul, Spring Eureka, Spring Hystrix, Spring Ribbon.
  • Used Spring Boot Acurator to monitor and manage your application and to interact with different HTTP endpoints such as health, bean details, version details, configurations.
  • Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping,MyBatis SQL Maps, Slick, and Java Ultra-Lite Persistence.
  • Expertise in back-end/server side Java technologies such as webservice, JPA, JMS, JDBC.
  • Expert in using SOA and Webservice Technologies and Tools like Webservice, SOAP, REST, UDDI, SOAP UI.
  • Experience in XML related technologies like XML, DTD, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, JAXB, JAXP, SAX and DOM Parsers.
  • Adapt in server side development skills using Apache and good knowledge of database connectivity (Data Source) for SQL databases like Oracle, MySQL and NoSQL like MongoDB, Cassandra.
  • MongoDB is used to develop dynamic queries on documents using a document based query language.
  • Expertise in using Cassandra for achieving denormalization through features like collections.
  • Hands on experience on Amazon Webservice provisioning and good knowledge of AWS services like EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, VPC, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, IAM, SNS.
  • Used Microservice with Spring Boot through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.
  • Expertise in Microservice using Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud to develop loosely coupled processes.
  • Expertise in deploy J2EE applications on IBM Web Sphere/Web Logic Application Servers, Tomcat and JBOSS.
  • Used Scala for anonymous functions to increase productivity, applications scalability, and reliability.
  • Familiar with Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory Design, MVC, Data Access Objects,, Adapter, Service Locator, Session Facade, Observer, DAO, service proxy and circuit breaker.
  • Used Apigee for enterprise business use APIs to securely share data and services across various devices.
  • Expertise in Docker containers, leveraging Linux Containers and AMI's to create Docker Images/containers.
  • Used Swagger for designing and describing APIs and for keeping the API design and documentation in sync.
  • Expertise in working on building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle, Groovy, Log4j .
  • Worked with Version Control Systems like GIT, WinCVS, CVS, SVN, VSS and Rational Clear Case.
  • Experience in Webservice Technologies like SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and Restful.
  • Experience in various Agile methodologies like Test Driven Development, SCRUM, and Pair Programming.
  • Developing Unit & Integration testing with JUnit, Karma, Jenkins, Camel, Selenium, Jasmine and Mockito.
  • Used Selenium as an automated testing for web applications across different browser and platforms.
  • Strong knowledge in implementing Singleton, Service Locator, Model View Controller (MVC) Session Facade, Business Delegate and DAO Java/J2EE design patterns in the projects.


Platforms: Windows 2000/NT/ XP/Vista and Sun Solaris 2.8/2.9, UNIX

Programming: JDK 1.5, 1.6, 1.7,1.8, C, C++

Server Scripting: JSP1.2,2.1, JSP-EL, JSTL, Custom Tags

Client Scripting: JQuery 1.8,1.9, JQueryUI, Javascript, CSS2, CSS3, HTML4, HTML5, NodeJS, AngularJS 2, AngularJS 4, Grunt, Protractor, Jasmine, Typescript, Ecmascript 5, Ecmascript 6

Java Frameworks: Struts 1.2, Struts 2.1, Spring MVC,DI, AOP, JSF 1.1, JSF 2.1, GWT, Vaadin

Database Tools: Toad for Oracle, Toad for MySQL, Toad for DB2, Toad for MS-SQL, ERWin, Altova Database Spy, MySQL WorkbenchDatabases: DB2, MS-SQL Server, HSQLDB, PostgresSQL, MySQL

Middleware Specifications: EJB 2.1, EJB 3.0, CORBA, RMI, JMS

Version Control: Tortoise SVN, Rational Clearcase, Accurev, GitHub, CVS

IDEs: Eclipse 3.0, 3.1, MyEclipse 4.1, IntelliJ, Netbeans, JBuilder 2007, JDeveloper.

Build Tools: ANT 1.7,1.8,1.9, Maven, Gradle

Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Hudson

XML Tools: Altova XML Spy 2005,2008


Webservice Specifications: JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAX-RS

Webservice Tools: SoapUI 4.0,5.1, TcpMon

Webservice Implementations: Axis 1.0,2.1, JWSDP2.1, Sun Metro, Sun Jersey, Apache XFire, Apache CXF

Whitebox Testing: Junit 3, Junit 4, DBUnit, JUnitPerf, HttpUnit, LoadTest, TimedTest, Selenium, Fitnesse, EasyMock, Mockito

Blackbox Testing: JMeter, LoadUI, LoadRunner, HP Quality Center, WinRunnerApplication Servers: Weblogic 8.1, 10.0, Websphere 6.1, JBoss 4.0, Glassfish 4.0

Web Servers: Tomcat 5.0,6.0,7.1, Joans

UML Tools: Altova UML Model, Rational Enterprise, MS Visio

ORM Frameworks: Hibernate 3.0,3.1,4.1, TopLink, OpenJPA, iBatis

Defect Tracking: JIRA, Bugzilla, Rational ClearQuest

Methodologies: Agile (XP, Scrum), Rational Unified Process(RUP), Waterfall, Kanban

Reporting: iReports, JReports

Batch Jobs: Quartz Scheduler, Cron, Spring Batch

HTML Editors: MS-Frontpage 2003, Adobe Dreamweaver, Coffee Cup HTML

Templating: Velocity, Freemarker

Search APIs: Solr, Lucene

Cloud: AWS, IBM Bluemix, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Spring Cloud


Sr. Java Full Stack Developer

Confidential, MO


  • Involved in developing Webservice operations in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Used JAXB for marshalling and unmarshalling of work order, billing XML documents, and JAXP for processing.
  • Developed REST Web services to make web service calls simple and easy for the client to access it with the help of standard HTTP URIs.
  • Developing Intranet Web Application using J2EE architecture, using JSP to design the user interfaces and Hibernate for database connectivity.
  • Developed DAOs using JPA, Hibernate persistence API for the database operations to interact with Oracle Database.
  • Developed web service client using Spring Framework and REST HTTP protocol to get customer credentials and information.
  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX and JSON.
  • Implementing JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL) along with Expression Language (EL).
  • Batch jobs were automated using the Quartz scheduler.
  • Used Maven for the project management like build, install.
  • Used GIT for version control and repository.
  • Involved in writing Unit test cases for unit testing using Junit.
  • Used Mockito for mocking downline services.
  • Used Selenium for UI automation.
  • Experience in developing scalable front-end user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular JS and Node JS.
  • Developed CSS based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and used Bootstrap and Media Queries for making responsive web pages.
  • Worked with Angular 4 components, directives, pipes and injectables.
  • Created TypeScript reusable components and services to consume REST API'S using components based architecture provided by Angular 4.
  • Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Micro Services and develop Spring based application with very less configuration.
  • Implemented Spring Boot Microservices to divide the application into various sub modules.
  • Implemented the application using Spring IOC, Spring MVC Framework, Spring Batch, Spring Boot and handled the security using Spring Security.
  • Performed REST validations and created REST exception Handlers and used Postman to test REST services.
  • Developed reusable and interoperable Web service modules based on SOA architecture using RESTful services.
  • Developed REST based web services using Spring web services module and consumed web services from other vendors to retrieve information using Spring Rest Client.
  • Proficient in developing SOA based enterprise application in NetBeans using popular Java Web-Services technology including JAX-RS, AWS and RESTful Web-services.
  • Integrated Hibernate with spring for Handling Transactions.
  • Managed Spring Core for dependency injection/Inversion of control (IOC), and integrated with Hibernate.
  • Implemented MVC architecture by using Spring framework 3.0, Spring MVC, Hibernate3.0 in terms of JSPs and Servlets.
  • Used Spring-Hibernate integration and JPA ORM in the back end to fetch data from Oracle database.
  • Used Oracle 11g database for tables creation and involved in writing SQL queries using Joins and Stored Procedures.
  • Involved in designing and developing the JSON, XML Objects with NoSQL database viz MongoDB.
  • Used Java 8 Lambda Expressions, streams and other new feature of Java 8 during development phase of an internal application.
  • Used WebSphere server to route our JMS queue messages to different business floors and configured routes in WebSphere.
  • Followed TDD Test Driven Development and developed test cases by using JUnit for unit testing for each module developed.
  • Configured EC2 instance and Route53 for DNS hosting on AWS for dev environment and Used AJAX framework for server communication and seamless user experience.
  • Used AWS SDK for connection to Amazon S3 buckets as it is utilized as the object storage accommodation to store and retrieve the files.
  • Working knowledge of Cloud Computing Service environment like (AWS) Amazon Web Services (EC2, EBS, S3, Lambdas, Cloud Watch, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling).
  • Involved in installing and configuring Maven for application builds and deployment.
  • Extensively used Junit and Mockito for writing unit test cases.
  • Used Sonar, Jenkins to build the projects.
  • Developed the UML use cases sequence and class diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Used JIRA to fix bugs and track the workflow and used Confluence to create Wiki for Team Collaboration.
  • Used GIT repository for version control.

Environment JDK 8, Hibernate 4.0, JAX-RS Webservices, JAX-WS Webservices, Apache CXF, AJAX, UML, MS Visio, JSTL, IntelliJ, Junit, SOAPUI 5.1, Log4j, Maven 3.1, GIT, PMD, AWS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, AngularJS 4, HTML5, CSS3, Toad, Maven, Junit 4.1, Selenium, JIRA, Rally, Velocity, Apache POI, Quartz, Fitnesse, Node JS, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch, REST, Postman, JAX-RS, Hibernate, JPA, JSP, Servlets, ORM, Oracle 11g, JSON, XML,AJAX, GIT, AWS, Websphere 7, Jenkins, Maven, Mockito, JIRA, Confluence.

Sr. Java Developer

Confidential, KY


  • Implemented Different Design patterns like singleton, factory and J2EE design patterns like Business delegate, session facade, Value object and DAO design patterns.
  • Used Spring Framework’s IOC Dependency Injection to inject Service Object using Service Locator Design Pattern into Action Classes.
  • Used Struts tag libraries in the JSP pages.
  • Developed a controller Servlet that dispatches request to appropriate Action Classes.
  • Developed the application under J2EE Architecture using Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Servlets, Web logic and JSP.
  • Used Java Persistence API(JPA) and Hibernate for performing the Database Transactions.
  • Used join point and advice Spring AOP modules for cross cutting concerns and IOC for dependency injection.
  • Designed extensive additions to existing Java Web Application utilizing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) techniques.
  • Extensively worked on Spring Bean wiring, Spring DAO and Spring AOP modules.
  • Designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) for various WebPages using AJAX, HTML, CSS, JSF, JQuery and JavaScript.
  • Implemented SOA architecture with web services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML.
  • Identified and resolved programming issues, Servlets and EJBs performance tuning opportunities.
  • Used JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting the messages in the Message queue.
  • Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, UDDI) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
  • Involved in Developing Web Application with Full Software Development life Cycle (SDLC) from Design to Deployment using agile methodologies.
  • Created detail design documents which has the UML Design diagrams, table information, object model etc which are required for the developer.
  • MVC architecture is implemented by struts framework.
  • Exposed Survey API to other applications in DOE using Apache Axis2.
  • Page design and development are done using Oracle BPM.
  • Involved in implementing JQuery for providing interactive user interfaces.
  • Written Test cases using JUnit to validate the application flows in different scenarios in the standalone application.

Environment Jdk1.6, JSP, Servlet, EJB, Spring, JavaScript, Hibernate, JQuery, Struts, Design Patterns, HTML, CSS, JMS, XML, Eclipse, Apache, Oracle ECM, Struts, Webservice, SOAP, ILOG, Web2.0, Oracle BPM, JSF, WSDL, Apache CXF, Apache Axis2, Apache Tomcat Server, SOA, PL/SQL, Oracle10g, UML, Weblogic, Junit.

Java Developer

Confidential, MO


  • Develop application flow as per business requirement using java web based technologies.
  • Project was developed on Agile based SCRUM methodology.
  • Developed web front end using JSP, CSS, HTML and Struts MVC.
  • Implement various frameworks like spring framework, Spring JDBC, Hibernate to improve robustness, performance and usability of the application.
  • Used GWT for loading of Health History pages for good look and feel.
  • Implemented JMS for subscriber Id automatic upload.
  • Use various features spring framework provides like dependency injection, DAO services and integration with Struts MVC.
  • Develop and deploy the application to Web logic 10.3.4.
  • Write JUnit, Mock test cases for unit testing the task once the development is completed to a particular task.
  • Consumed Agent Load Webservice to send the IFP enrollment application to Under Writing team.
  • Have worked on Quoting Module to enhance features with respect to changing market and Healthcare reform.
  • Used Team Site content management system to deploy banners, advertisements and for quick Web changes deployment.
  • Will be stamped on the PDF using iText Framework API.
  • Involved in Implementing AZ Migration Quote project by Using JSP, JSF and Oracle 10 g
  • Used cygwin and putty to connect to unix servers and winscp to navigate files from unix servers in Stage, QA, UAT and Prod environments
  • Need to Use Maven script for generating jar files and used them to build work space and for generating the impl classes from the WSDL while creating the web-service.

Environment Java 1.5, J2EE, Struts 2.0, Spring 2.0, JSP 2.0, JPA, JMS 1.1, Web-services, SOA, XML, SOAP, WSDL, JDBC, JavaScript, Agile, AJAX, UML, HTML, Multi-Threading, CVS, XSLT, Log4J, Maven, JUNIT, Mock Test, Jboss4.x Jboss5.x and DB2.

Sr. Java Developer

Confidential, IL


  • Involved in complete software development life cycle management using UML (Unified Modeling Language) - Requirements gathering, Conceptual design, Analysis, Detailed design, and Development.
  • Coding interfaces for Web Services
  • Application was developed using Spring MVC Web flow modules
  • Implemented spring framework for application transaction management
  • Created connections to database using Hibernate Session Factory, using Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data to the database with Hibernate transaction control.
  • Involved in the development of Page Flows, Business Objects, Hibernate database mappings and POJOs. Used xml style syntax for defining object relational metadata.
  • Used Spring ORM to integrate Spring Framework with hibernate and JPA.
  • Used Springs Jdbc and DAO layers to offer abstraction for the business from the database related code
  • Used Spring AOP module to handle transaction management services for objects in any Spring-based application.
  • Used Spring MVC framework & Integration for Server side programming.
  • Responsible to update/verify CDM for release level tasks.
  • Developed JavaScript code for Client Side Validations. Involved in JAD sessions, documenting system requirements, creating application designs, validating high-level designs (HLDs) to ensure accuracy and completeness against the business requirements and programming the solutions.
  • Developed Servlets and JSP to interact with Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) containing all the Business Logic.
  • Used Hibernate as the persistence layer to interact with Oracle DB.

Environment Spring Framework 3.0, Hibernate, Java 1.6, DHTML, HTML, CSS, Servlets, UML, J2EE,JSP, EJB, Struts Framework Taglibs, SQL, Java Script, Oracle 11g,Websphere Application Server, Eclipse, JUnit, JMock, WSDL, Web services, XML, XSLT, XSD (Schema Designs), SOAP 1.2,XPath, XQuery, UNIX, UML, JNDI, JDBC, JMS, Rational Clear Quest, Tortoise CVS.

Java Developer



  • Part of the technical team in the development of Model View Controller (MVC), Model architecture to handle configuration, database connectivity, and template management.
  • Created a Reporting tool using JSP and Servlets that calculates the amount of state and federal taxes.
  • Developed the GUI of the system using HTML, CSS, JSP and client-side validations was done using JavaScript.
  • Used JQuery for developing asynchronous web applications on client side. Built and accessed the database using JDBC for ORACLE 9g.
  • Involved in the development of a web authentication module using Java Servlets.
  • Handled Session Time-outs with HTTP Session Listener interface.
  • Performed XML parsing using DOM parser.
  • Tracked software errors with Clear Quest and coordinated with help desk staff in resolving bug.
  • Maintained version control using CVS.
  • Developed Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP).
  • Created test case scenarios for Functional Testing.
  • Used Java Script validation in JSP pages.
  • Helped design the database tables for optimal storage of data.
  • Coded JDBC calls in the Servlets to access the Oracle database tables.
  • Responsible for Integration, unit testing, system testing and stress testing for all the phases of project.
  • Prepared final guideline document that would serve as a tutorial for the users of this application.

Environment Java, J2EE 1.3, JSP 1.2, Servlets 2.3, EJB 2.0, Struts 1.1, JNDI 1.2, JDBC 2.1, Oracle 8i, UML, DAO, JMS, XML, Weblogic 7.0, MVC Design Pattern, jmeter, Eclipse 2.1, Log4j and Junit.

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