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Sr. Full Stack Java Developer Resume

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Pleasanton, CA


  • Having 8 years of experience in developing enterprise, distributed web applications using Java, J2EE, Struts, JPA, Hibernate and Spring.
  • Experience in Full SDLC cycle which involves architecture, analysis, design, development, testing, Implementation, deployment, Enhancements, and production support using Agile and Waterfall Methodologies.
  • Experienced in leveraging RDBMS like Oracle, MySQL, DB2, and Sybase.
  • Experience in developing applications using web/application servers like Weblogic, WebSphere, JBoss and Tomcat.
  • Used Apache POI and HSSF to generate excel reports.
  • Experience in implementing Java/J2EE design patterns such as Singleton, Factory Pattern, Adapter, Front Controller, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Intercepting Filter, Data Transfer Object and Value Object.
  • Experience in using Find Bugs & PMD tools to write efficient code.
  • Good knowledge on Object Oriented Analysis, Design and Object modelling using UML like Class diagrams, Use cases, Sequence and Test Cases.
  • Experienced in Behavior driven development (BDD) and Test - driven development (TDD) approach using SCRUM framework under Agile Methodology.
  • Expertise in implementing applications with Model-View-Controller(MVC)pattern and implementing various Java/J2EE design patterns including Singleton, Factory, MVC, Front Controller, DAO, Data Transfer Object and Session Facade.
  • Extensive experience in developing scalable reliable and efficient enterprise applications using in JAVA/J2EE Technologies which includes Servlets, JSPs, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Microservices, Java Beans, JDBC, JPA, JNDI, EJBs, JMS, SQL, PL-SQL, Socket programming.
  • Experience in writing JUNIT test cases with Mockito and running the test suites and test coverage using EMMA tool.
  • Hands on experience on Jenkins which provides continuous integration services for software development for various projects and implemented cruise control using Ant scripts.
  • Experience in using MVC, SOA architecture and Microservices for implementing the client server business applications.
  • Experience in using Hibernate, MyBATIS, as ORM tools and Java Objects.
  • Exposure in implementation of different Database management tools (Oracle … SQL Server, DB2, MySQL 5.x) and experience in NoSQL Databases like MongoDB and Cassandra.
  • Extensive experience in Amazon Web Services (R53, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Simple DB, Amazon SQS, Amazon Cloud, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon EBS).
  • Strong experience in developing and automating Selenium testing with Web Driver, Selenium IDE, Java, Jenkins, Junit.
  • Experience in developing automated unit testing using Jmeter and Unit test cases using Junit,EasyMock, Mockito and PowerMock Frameworks.
  • Exposure building Java applications using tools like ANT, MAVEN andGradle.
  • Experience in version control tools like SVN, GitHub and CVS.
  • Good Knowledge on working of various components of Splunk and installing, organizing and managing Splunk Clusters.
  • Extensively used Java 8 Streams, Lambdas and Filters to process Order data.


Languages: Java, J2EE, XML, PL-SQL, Unix Shell Script, C, C++, JavaScript.

Databases: SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle … DB2, MS Access, Mongo DB, Cassandra.

Web Technologies: JSP, JSON, Servlets, XML, HTML, XSLT, JSF, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS, Angular 2.0/4.0, Bootstrap, DOJO, JAXB 2.2.11, JMS. J2EE Technologies Struts, Spring, JDBC, EJB, Java Beans.

Application Servers: JBOSS, BEA WebLogic

Web Servers: Tomcat 6.x/7.x/8.x, IBM WebSphere.

Database Tools: TOAD, SQL Developer, MySQL Work bench.

Operating Systems: Windows, Unix and Linux. IDE's Eclipse, Rapid SQL,My Eclipse, RAD 7.5, IntelliJ

Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2, JSF 2.x, Angular JS, Spring 4.x/3.x, iBatis 2.x, Hibernate 3.x/4.x, JSP and velocity.

Tools & Packages: CVS, SVN, GIT, GitHub, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, ANT, Log 4J, Mockito, Junit, Jenkins, JIRA, Design Patterns.


Confidential, Pleasanton,CA

Sr. Full Stack Java Developer


  • Design and develop auto generation of JAVA Objects from JSON Schema using Faster Xml libraries.
  • Designed and developed Use-Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Object Diagrams using UML Rational Rose for OOA/OOD techniques.
  • Language Implementation: Practiced the use of this language by solving a variety of use-test cases with the concept of object-oriented programming and programming logic.
  • Configured several nodes (Amazon EC2 spot Instance) Hadoop cluster to transfer the data from Amazon S3 to BNY Mellon and BNY Mellon to AmazonS3 and to direct input and output to the Hadoop.
  • Worked with various Version Control Systems, mostly GIT, CVS and subversion SVN.
  • Reviewed and worked on the implementation of change requests raised by the client. Involved in complete Agile/SDLC - Requirement Analysis, Development, System and Integration Testing.
  • Worked in Agile Methodologies, Scrum stories and sprints experience in a Java based environment, along with data analytics, data wrangling and Excel data extracts.
  • Involved in coding and supporting the worker portal of Integrated Eligibility System using Java 7&8.
  • Develop JavaScript based UI functionality using AngularJs as base framework using it core features like controllers, custom directives, services and route configuration etc.
  • Developed views using Bootstrap components, Angular-UI and involved in configuring routing for various modules using angular UI router.
  • Integrated the Java code (API) in JSP pages and responsible for setting up AngularJS framework for UI development.
  • Developed scripting using JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, bootstrap, Node.js, Angular.js, backbone.js, Require.js, Perl.
  • Develop functional and smooth, easy-to-operate and eye-catching web applications using EXT JS, Angular JS and react.JS.
  • Analyzed, designed, implemented web based application using Java, XML, JavaScript, JSP, Spring and Oracle.
  • Developed REST Web Services using GET, PUT and POST data to generate JSON for UI rendering using Spring. Worked on Authentication and Authorization endpoints.
  • RESTFUL Web Services with JAX-RS, Spring and Spring Boot
  • Soap Web Services with JAX-WS, Spring and Spring Boot
  • Data Source connectivity with JDBC, JPA and Spring Data
  • Authentication and Authorization with Spring Security
  • Used Spring Boot for the application development
  • Integrated the application with Spring-MVC using Spring Boot, Spring Dependency Injection (DI), and Spring Annotations.
  • Creating M-units, Mock services needed during testing
  • Implementing JAX-RS services using Spring Boot
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes requirement gathering, modeling, analysis, architecture design and prototyping.
  • Worked on Test Driven Development by using JUnit to build unit test cases for most of the components and used Jasmine for JavaScript unit testing.
  • Performed different testing methods like unit testing, Integration testing, web application testing and selenium testing.
  • Worked in design/development of web applications using JavaScript, XML, DHTML, Ajax, Tomcat and Apache Application server over various platforms (UNIX, Linux, and Windows)
  • Involved in multi-tiered J2EE design utilizing MVC architecture Spring, Struts, Hibernate and EJB deployed on Websphere Application Server connecting to an Oracle database.
  • Designed the UML diagrams based on the OOAD principles.
  • Developed and designed automation framework using Shell scripting Java.
  • Used Spring MVC Transaction Management, Spring/Hibernate Batch Transactions and Hibernate cache concepts.
  • Involved in design and development of UI component, using frameworks Angular.JS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap.
  • Extensively worked on OOD concepts in overall design and development of the system.
  • Used SAX for XML parsing, JSON and AJAX to send request to secured web service.
  • Developed test cases and performed unit testing using JUnit.

Environment: java, xml, amazon ec2, hadoop, agile, angularjs Html, jsp, jquery, node.js, struts, spring, xml, junit

Confidential, Fremont,CA

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Developed SaaS solutions with responsive UI's using Java or ReactJs, with NodeJS and CSS.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX and Angular resources.
  • Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like Backbone.js and Node.js.
  • Used LAMP to suitable for building dynamic web sites and web applications.
  • Used Spring Framework modules such as DI (Dependency Injection), Container that applies IOC (Inversion of Control) and Bean container, AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), ORM (Object relational model) including Hibernate and JPA, Web MVC (model view controller) and Spring Boot which accelerates the development of Spring framework.
  • Used Spring Boot for the application development.
  • Develop, enhance and maintain a Spring Boot based microservices application
  • Write RESTFUL microservices with Spring Boot
  • Write Spring Boot batch microservices that run on ControlM
  • Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
  • Enterprise web applications with J2EE, JavaEE and Spring
  • Designed and Developed automation script using Selenium Web Driver in Eclipse.
  • Used Struts framework along with JSP, HTML, CSS and Java Script to construct the dynamic web pages (presentation layer) for the application.
  • Design application using Spring MVC, Request Mappings etc.
  • Designed the Web application layout and forms using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Created standalone Java programs to read data from several XLS files and insert data into the Database as needed by the Testing team.
  • Used Test Driven Approach for developing the application and implemented the unit tests using Java Unit Test framework.
  • Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using Angular.JS, node.Js and JQuery.
  • Involved in collecting requirements from client and explained the planning details to the client on daily basis and share the requirement details to the team.
  • Developed custom directives (elements, Attributes and classes) using angular.js.
  • Developed single page applications using Angular.js, Implemented two-way data binding using AngularJS.
  • Developed dynamic responsive Web Application by integrating AngularJS with Twitter Bootstrap, which is further integrated with Web Services provided by the development team.
  • Generate UI mockups from paper-and-pencil concepts to high-fidelity prototypes that convey the interaction model using HTML, CSS and Angular JS.
  • Developed Responsive Design UI, Single Page Applications and HTML Wireframes using HTML5 Grid Structures/Layouts, CSS3 Media Queries, Angular JS, JQuery and Bootstrap JS.
  • Prepared scripts, executing test cases and debugging, also prepared automation scripts in Selenium WebDriver.
  • Develop customized framework for Open Stack infrastructure in the lab environment.
  • Responsible for creating front end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, AngularJS and Bootstrap.

Environment: java, xml, amazon ec2, hadoop, agile, angularjs Html, jsp, jquery, node.js, struts, spring, xml, junit, XHTML, CSS3 Media Queries

Confidential - Boston, MA

Java Developer


  • Responsible for the design and development of the application framework
  • Designed and Developed UI's using JSP by following MVC architecture.
  • Developed the application using Struts framework. The views are programmed using JSP pages with the struts tag library, Model is the combination of EJB's and Java classes and web implementation controllers are Servlets.
  • Used EJB as a middleware in designing and developing a three-tier distributed application.
  • The Java Message Service (JMS) API is used to allow application components to create, send, receive, and read messages.
  • Full life cycle experience including requirements analysis, high level design, detailed design, UMLs, data model design, coding, testing and creation of functional and technical design documentation.
  • Developed and implemented GUI functionality using GWT, GXT, JSP, JSTL, JQuery and Angular JS.
  • Implemented Google SignIn functionality using REST API.
  • Fixing the existing code issues of platform and maintaining the product belief at customer. Added New features like Profile Management, Patch Management and SQL Query Browser.
  • Involved in developing a Scheduler using Quartz service. Integrated with external service like Google Service, Echosign using API.
  • Developed various helper classes needed following Core Java multi-threaded programming and Collection classes.
  • Deployed the application on WebLogic and JBoss application servers. Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance.
  • Developing ERP based applications using platform. Involved in the testing the functionality.
  • Used JUnit for unit testing of the system and Log4J for logging. Created and maintained data using Oracle database and used JDBC for database connectivity.
  • Created and implemented Oracle stored procedures and triggers.
  • Installed WebLogic Server for handling HTTP Request/Response. The request and response from the client are controlled using Session Tracking in JSP.
  • Reported Daily about the team progress to the Project Manager and Team Lead.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE 1.3, JSP 1.2, Servlets 2.3, EJB 2.0, Struts 1.1, JNDI 1.2, JDBC 2.1, Oracle 8i, UML, DAO, JMS, XML, WebLogic 7.0, MVC Design Pattern, Eclipse 2.1, Log4j and JUnit.

Confidential - Alpharetta, GA

Java/ J2EE developer


  • Implemented the project using the Spring MVC framework. Used Spring Framework's Dependency Injection to have a loose-coupling.
  • Implemented AOP of Spring Framework to implement logging.
  • Also incorporated the validation framework for the project. Built various controller classes and application context file.
  • Used various Java, J2EE design patterns like DAO, DTO, and Singleton etc. Implemented Hibernate instead of traditional JDBC code.
  • Developing and consuming web services like SOAP (JAX-WS), REST (JAX-RS) . Wrote SQL Queries to interact with Oracle Database.
  • Generating REST (JAX-RS) based web services using Server Oriented Architecture. Implemented custom tags in Struts framework.
  • Used Hibernate 3.0 for object relational mapping with the persistent database. Exposed functionally of system to other system by creating Web Services using Jersey.
  • Used XML Beans for data interchange.
  • Built and deployed and tested on BEA Web logic 10.x. Used Hibernate ORM to persist data to Oracle data base.
  • Worked on large volumes of data and database performance tuning. Unit testing was performed using JUnit and Version control through Subversion.
  • Wrote Shell Scripts for executing batch statements. Practiced agile development approaches.

Environment: JDK 1.5/6, AJAX, Hibernate 3.x, JSP 2.1, Spring, Servlets, Weblogic 10.x, Eclipse 3.x, Oracle 10g, SVN, MS-SQL, PL/SQL, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Angular JS, Thymeleaf Engine, open JPA, Web sphere, JUnit, Log4j, Shell Scripting, UNIX


Java Developer


  • Worked with development team to design solutions; implemented client side JavaScript tracking code inJSP web application using s code.js code library
  • Used React Fetch to make REST API calls and used Toaster to show info, warn and error notifications to the user.
  • Designed and implemented application using JSP, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring Batch, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JMS, Oracle and WebLogic server.
  • Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces using HTML and CSS.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and
  • XML.
  • The project uses the graphic database Neo4j, backend is Node.js, and front end is React.js, Redux and D3 to implement the visualization. It also uses S3 buckets to store the forms which can only be accessed by authenticated login
  • Implemented and designed user interface for web based customer application.
  • Designed business applications using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS based on the
  • W3C standards.
  • Ensured tagging implementation is correct by walking through the code, working with digital pulse debugger and Charles web debugging proxy. Finally validate data quality by validating reports in Adobe Analytics and Ad-hoc analysis (Discover) tool.
  • Mentored UI/UX and development team for tagging using implementation guidelines and best practices.
  • Assisted QA teams for creation of different test cases for end-to-end validation of tracking code.
  • Created classification hierarchies for Traffic variables and Conversion variables.
  • Prepared shared dashboards as per requirements of business stakeholders
  • Deployed JavaScript using Bright Tag a tag management solution for Sears and Kmart desktop sites.

Environment: JSP, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, AJAX, JSON, QA, HTML, XHTML


Java Developer


  • Designed and developed java backend batch jobs to update the product offer details. id Core Java coding and development using Multithreading and Design Patterns.
  • Did Core Java development and Support of Java/J2EE applications with emphasis on OOP-based web forms, business logic, database access components. Preparing technical specifications, test plans for unit testing.
  • Hands on experience with Core Java with multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, File handling, IO, Generics and Java collections
  • Used Hibernate 3.2 as ORM solution in persistence layer of the application. Involved in developing custom tag libs, JSP, EJB's, Portlets and DB2 - stored procedures.
  • Defined persistent classes that are mapped to database tables based on the analysis of the business domain.
  • Wrote HBM mapping files and POJO classes to map database tables with java objects. Created an XML configuration file for Hibernate -- Database connectivity.
  • Involved in Preparing Check List for Application Deployment in Implementation.
  • Preparing technical specifications, test plans for unit testing. Actively involved in the code reviews.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting the bugs and resolving the issues. Involved in bug fixing & production support and maintenance activities.
  • Performing Code merge using SVN and Deploying of code to Web sphere.
  • Performed activities for quality process by configuration management to achieve CMMI Level 5.

Environment:: Java 1.6, JSP, Struts, Servlet, EJP, Spring, Hibernate, My Eclipse, Java Script, JSTL, Unix, Shell script, AJAX, XML, Websphere Application Server, SQL, PL SQL, Maven, ORM, Weblogic 10, Web service (SOAP, RESTFUL)

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