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Sr. Java User Interface Developer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • 8 years of extensive work experience in developing UI and professional web applications using HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS, Node JS,React JS etc.
  • Used Twitter bootstrap for Responsive Web Design to improve user experience when viewed on different devices and used the JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, Angular and React.
  • Extensive experience in designing applications using AJAX, Object Oriented (OO) JavaScript and JSON.
  • Experience in JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS and NodeJS.
  • Experience in Twitter Bootstrap framework for building responsive pages for Cross - Browsers and Portable Devices Compatible.
  • Good understanding of working with Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM functions.
  • Used Angular JS for building single page web applications (SPA’s) to bind data to the view and perform data operations synchronously with the server.
  • Hands on experience in designing applications using MVC and MVVM architecture using Angular JS/Angular2.0.
  • Used two-way binding techniques to perform data manipulations.
  • Knowledge of using React JS for building reusable UI components in client side.
  • Experienced in developing REST based Web API with Node JS using routing frameworks such as Express JS for mobile applications.
  • Strong experience in using AJAX for implementing dynamic web-pages where the content can be fetched via API calls, using RESTful web services.
  • Extensively used AJAX and JSON to make asynchronous calls to the server to fetch data on fly.
  • Having good knowledge on server side JavaScript programming like Node JS.
  • Used Ajax, jQuery, DHTML, Web Services call and JSON for implementing Auto Complete/Auto Suggest functionality.
  • Well versed in No SQL, MongoDB, MySQL, DB2.
  • Experience in working with LESS and SASS, CSS pre-processors.
  • Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and worked on different browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Knowledge in integrating different Version Controlling Systems like GIT, Github and SVN.
  • Experience in Unit Testing (UT), Integration Testing (IT) and in preparing test cases.
  • Coordinated with the Integration test teams in planning and executing end to end QA and product testing.
  • Well versed in build automation tools like GruntJS and GulpJS.
  • Created unit test cases for Angular applications using Jasmine protractor to test individual functions/ modules using test runner karma.
  • Competent using version control systems such as SVN, GIT, CVS and JIRA for bug tracking.
  • Strong problem-solving, organizing, communication and planning skills and ability to work in team environment.


Web Technologies: HTML, HTML 5, XHTML, XSL, XML, XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, JSP, CSS, CSS3, DHTML, DOM, LESS, SASS, Backbone JS, GRUNT, Node JS

Web/Application Servers: HTTP Web Server, Web logic, Apache Tomcat and JBoss.

Frameworks/ Libraries: Bootstrap, D3 JS, Google Polymers, React JS, Angular JS, Angular 2.0 Ember JS, Express JS

Operating Systems: Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS

Debugging Tools: Google Chrome, Web Debugger, Fire bug

IDE & Tools: Eclipse, Aptana Studio, WebStorm, Sublime Text, Visual Studio.

Databases: SQL, MongoDB.


Confidential, Chicago,IL

Sr. Java User Interface Developer

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Designed Responsive Web pages using media queries and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Experienced in ReactJSand working with React Flux architecture.
  • Experienced in working with Redux architecture.
  • Working with ECMA Script 6 features. For build of JSX and ES2015(ES6) used Babel, webpack.
  • Working with React Router for developing Single Page Applications SPAs.
  • Developed single page applications using Angular2, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap4.
  • Experienced in developing React components.Used Axios with ReactJs for making AJAX Calls.Worked on Webpack for build and webpack-dev-server a server.
  • Used Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript framework Angular JS for developing responsive, mobile-first web application.
  • Designed the front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML4/5, CSS2/3.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular2.
  • Used $http in Angular JS for consuming RESTful web services.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML.
  • Actively involved developing proof of concept for a newly propsed application in using Angular 2.
  • Working experience with Typescript new features block scope, type restrictions, decorators, arrow functions, classes, interfaces, modules (import and exports).
  • Used webpack, babel and gulp for transpilation(compilation) configuration for typescript to be converted to javascript.
  • Worked with Angular 2.0 to develop single page applications, worked with ngrx/store for managing Angular 2.0 applications.
  • Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
  • Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
  • Developed Application using JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax and Angular JS.
  • Worked with http interceptors configurations for security in Angular 2.0 applications.
  • Worked with Angular 2.0 directives, components, pipes, injectables.
  • Used Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern and Dependency Injection (DI) to decouple the code and to separate concerns.
  • For Responsive Web design used Bootstrap to build grids, layouts and components. Used Bootstrap components like dropdown menus, navigation bar, alerts, and labels.
  • Setup Jasmine and Karma for UNIT and Functional Testing of JavaScript with mocking frameworks and spys.
  • Worked with modules like MongoDB and mongoose for database persistence usingNode.jsto interact with MongoDB.
  • Worked with Express.jsfor development of RESTful web services and middleware configurations.
  • Worked with Passport and JSON web tokens for authentication and authorization security configurations usingNode.js.
  • Implemented different validation control on the web-pages using Angular JS.
  • Experience in creating application utilizing Google Maps API and Google Direction API.
  • Worked with npm commands and using package.json for managing dependencies and dev-dependencies ofnodejsapplications.
  • Worked with Grunt, Gulp for task runner configurations for minification, watch, jshint, jscs, css autoprefixer, sass compilation, bundling and test runner configurations and make it available as a command.
  • Worked with unit testing of javascript applications using Karma, Jasmine, apimocker.
  • Worked on multiple cross browser compatibility issues to support browsers according to the business requirement includingFirefox,Google Chrome,Safari, andIE(>8).

Environment: HTML5,CSS3,CSS, bootstrap,JavaScript,Angular Js, Angular 2.0, React Js, Node Js,MVC, Google Maps API,JSON, PHP, REST web services, Protractor, Mocha, Chai,GIT etc.

Confidential, Cincinnati, OH

Sr. UI Developer

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Worked in all the modules of the application which involved front-end presentation logic developed usingHTMLandJavaScript.
  • Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS, AJAX, PHP and JavaScript.
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using jQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, Auto Complete, JSON, Angular JS, JavaScript, Bootstrap.
  • Used Google Polymers to create custom components for application.
  • Designed and implemented the User Interfaceusing JavaScript, HTML5, XML, CSS3 and AJAX.
  • Used Dreamweaver to develop HTMLand CSS front end and emphasized interaction with AJAX and jQuery.
  • Updated a legacy code base using by using modern web technologies such as Backbone, Bootstrap, and Require.
  • Used backbone.js for connecting the API's which enforces the communication to the server while also implemented mock services in Node.js with the help of modules using Express.js.
  • Participated in meetings with the end-clients to develop layout, color scheme for the web page and implemented them with the help ofHTML5, CSS3andJavaScript.
  • Involved in implementing theAngular JSin creating animations based on CSS classes.
  • Co-ordinate with UX designers anddevelopstatic content usingfront end with HTML5, CSS3and AngularJS.
  • Produced content pages with CSS3 layout and style markup presentations and also used JavaScript methods and properties.
  • Using AJAX calls to get data from the backend and display data on multiple types like pie chart, bar chart and so on dynamically by using graph library like D3.js.
  • UsedjQueryplug-ins,autocomplete,validation,drag and dropand more exceptionally.
  • Worked on web application development using JavaScript, Angular JS, Node JS and Rest Web services.
  • Developed AngularJS components that could be reused in various parts of the application and form field validation.
  • Worked on developing custom, object-oriented JavaScript using common JavaScript libraries and frameworks.
  • Involved in developing various generic JavaScript functions used for validations.
  • Used advanced level ofHTML5, JavaScript,CSS3and pureCSSlayouts (table less layout).
  • Debugged the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM functions using Firefox and IE developer Toolbar for IE.
  • UsedAJAXextensively to implement front end /user interface features in the application.
  • Focused on Test Driven Development thereby creating detailedJunittests for every single piece of functionality before actually writing the functionality.
  • Used jasmine to implement test cases.
  • Worked closely with QA team and fixed QA bugs as well as production issues with a quick turnaround time.
  • Involved in using Git, for project management and version management.
  • Developed Functional Requirement Document based on users’ requirement.

Environment:JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS, jQuery, AJAX, SQL, Backbone, Jasmine, Webservices, Windows.

Confidential, Columbus, OH

Front End Developer

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery AJAX and JSON.
  • Worked on creating responsive website for smart devices using responsive design and media queries.
  • Used JQuery Ajax for service calls on pages to interact with the server for information.
  • Rapid prototyping of design concepts.
  • Used JavaScript, jQuery for user interactions in pages.
  • Developed the UI with extensive use of backbone.jsframework that helped to organize the code.
  • Utilized various JavaScript and JQuery libraries, AJAX for form validation and other interactive features.
  • Involved in designing and developing the JSON, XML Objects with MySQL.
  • Experience with jQuery, Backbone Js and Angular Js.
  • Used Ajax, JSON to send request to the server to check the functionality of the websites.
  • Defined new validations through Angular.js for the form field validation implemented through HTML5.
  • Used JSON for storing and exchanging information between browsers and servers.
  • Developed charting components using the Ext JS,charting for the data visualization.
  • Designed flow diagrams which explain the process flow of Schematicdevelopment.
  • Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML and JavaScript.
  • Active participation throughout the entire software development lifecycle from project inception, to code development and elaborate testing of the various modules.
  • Used agile methodology for the software development.
  • Worked closely with SQA team in fixing the reported bugs/defects and checking cross platform compatibility.
  • Developed SQL queries to perform insert, update or delete operation on MySQL database.
  • Responsible for authoring of website functionality with JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
  • Used CSS Sprites to decrease the number of HTTP requests and load time of web pages.
  • Been an active team player, helped in fixing bugs and also carried out troubleshooting.
  • Produced semantically appropriate, standards compliant markup, and produced Rich User Interfaces.
  • Used all the advanced Photoshop features to create appealing visual web interfaces.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular Js, Backbone Js, Ext Js, SQL, XML.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Web UI Developer

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Front end coding with HTML and CSS. Created forms for user input. Extensive use of CSS. Web sites are developed, maintained and run within CMS.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality.
  • Used JSPs in the presentation tier along with various customs tags, JSTL tags, CSS and JavaScript and AJAX.
  • Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages using HTML, CSS, j Query, Angular js and JavaScript.
  • Ensured site design integrity and quality control consistency throughout the project's lifecycle.
  • Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms and links.
  • Developed a complex AJAX application based on the JQuery framework.
  • Designed and Developed Java Script framework which is wrapper on top of jQuery framework and AJAX based UI frame work for UI Configuration widgets.
  • Used Twitter Bootstrap and Responsive Web Design to develop complex page layouts including various sections such as headers, footers, left side bars, content area and marketing area.
  • Created and developed the web-page layout and positioned/developed design elements, using Dreamweaver, HTML and Adobe Photoshop.
  • Produce elegant interactive solutions to complex problems that perform effectively across cross-browser and cross-domain environments.
  • Debugging and testing existing code, JavaScript performance optimization.
  • Worked on Cross Browser Issues for different versions of IE, Mozilla and Chrome.
  • Successfully handled JSON/XML data and carried out JSON/XML parsing for form submissions and DOM manipulation.
  • Used AJAX frameworks like JQuery, JSON to develop GUIs and involved in performance tuning the website.
  • Implemented interaction between frontend and backend using the JSON object.
  • Wrote Cross Browser code of CSS and JavaScript for Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver,XHML, jQuery, Technical writing/documentation.

Confidential, San Antonio, TX

Web Developer

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Responsible to understand the Business goals, objectives and site functionality.
  • Designed and developed several UI Screens.
  • Defined and developed the application’s presentation layer using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Ext JS meeting W3C standards.
  • Involved in designing user screens and validations using HTML 5, jQuery and JSF as per user requirements.
  • Designed data formatted web applications using HTML and CSS and deploy the script by client side scripting using JavaScript.
  • Designed and developed User Interface Web Forms using Adobe Flash, CSS, Dreamweaver, and JavaScript.
  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery AJAX, AngularJS and JSON.
  • Extensively used jQuery, AJAX and DOM manipulation to create interactive web applications likemessage posting and auto complete form validations.
  • Developed the front end mockup screens using CSS and by applying Skinning Effects and Transitions.
  • Produced content pages with CSS layout and style markup presentations and also used JavaScript methods and properties.
  • Used AJAX extensively to implement front end /user interface features in the application.
  • Extensively used Eclipse IDE for developing, debugging, integrating and deploying the application.
  • Involved in cross - browser and multi - browser coding techniques.
  • Experience in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Accessibility Testing.
  • Worked with clients and gather requirements and developed as per their needs and requirements
  • Redesigned the existing site and to create new interfaces.
  • Used Dreamweaver as HTML editor for designing new pages.
  • Responsible for content and UI development.
  • Developed HTML prototypes and ready XHTML documents with CSS style sheets.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation.
  • Worked closely with the programmers and graphic designers for project requirement and analysis.
  • Produced GUI prototypes for business logic presentations.
  • The new website has made it much easier for the users to access the page and check the required info.
  • Created Stored Procedure, Trigger for database access and events.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JQuery, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Javascript, XML JavaScript, MySQL.

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