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Sr. Android Developer Resume

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  • More than 9 Years of experience in Web Mobile Application Development & Designing.
  • Professional experienced of working on Android and IOS platform and frameworks and customizing it as per requirements.
  • Extensively worked with Android SDK, IOS SDK and Eclipse IDE along with Android ADT plug in.
  • Experienced in Testing across Mobile App, Mobile Web Testing for iOS and Android Platforms.
  • Expert in iPhone, iPad, Objective C, Cocoa/Cocoa Touch, XCode, Swift, Jqtouch, Sencha Touch, Dojo Mobile, Jquery mobile with rich understanding of frameworks, memory management, multi - threading, best practices, and development tools.
  • Excellent knowledge and experience in Oracle Database, DB2, PL/SQL, MS SQL Server, My SQL Server, Mongo DB.
  • Experience working in various Software Development Methodologies like Waterfall, Agile SCRUM and TDD.
  • Expertise in integrated environment for java such as Eclipse, MyEclipse, RAD, NetBeans, ClearCase and VSS.
  • Experience in developing and implementing Web Services using SOAP, WSDL
  • Good at Documenting and Understanding User requirements and System Specifications.
  • Excellent Client interaction skills and proven experience in working independently as well as in a team.
  • Hands on UML compliant high level design with data flow diagram, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagram and Use Cases and documenting for peer developer.
  • Excellent Leadership, Technical, Communication, Analytical and Problem Solving skills and ability to get on well with people including cross-cultural backgrounds.
  • Expertise in developing SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) andJ2EE Web Services based on SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, JPA, JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RPC using tools like Apache Axis.
  • Good understanding of Apache Tomcat, Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere Application Server, GlassFish, Jboss in areas of development, deployment, configuration setting, and deployment descriptors.
  • Experience with AWS instances spanning across Dev, Test, Pre-Production and Cloud Automation through Open Source DevOps tools like Chef, Jenkins & Docker
  • Implemented GitHub for uploading, branching, versioning and maintaining source code.
  • Extensive experience on Build Automation and Continuous Integration concepts by using tools like ANT, Maven, Jenkins, Hudson. Performed integration of Code Quality Analysis Techniques like Find Bugswith CI tools.


  • Android
  • IOS
  • Android SDK
  • Titanium
  • Phonegap
  • Kotlin
  • Wireframes
  • Cordova
  • Retrofit2
  • Sencha Touch
  • Swift
  • Xcode
  • Objective C
  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • C
  • C++
  • Asp.Net
  • C#.



Sr. Android Developer


  • Involved in developing hybrid mobile applications in iOS and Android development. usingJavascript, and Phonegap.
  • Architected a customized network protocol used by client applications including Android, iOS and Windows Phone 7 to communicate with cloud architectures.
  • Developed new features using Cordova and Angular JS.
  • Wrote and integrated custom Cordova plugins, OAuth and GPS using native code, Objective C and Android Studio, Java.
  • UsedKotlinandandroidstudio to develop a social app for ETH block chains
  • Architected and coded mobile hybrid applications (iOS and Android) using pure HTML5, CSS and JavaScript codebases (Cordova).
  • Designed and created iOS App Artboards, User Interfaces and Wireframes. Utilized expertise in Sketch 3, Origami/Quartz
  • Worked closely with Devops team to set up CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, Ansible, AWS, Maven and GIT.
  • Developed Hybrid Mobile App with Ionic and Cordova framework on both Android and IOS platforms.
  • Design hybrid mobile app for Android and iOS using Ionic, Cordova, AngularJS.
  • Used cordova, HTML5, backbone, amber.js, requirejs, knockout, jasmine, .less, google material and many new UI technologies.
  • Media buying through ad networks including Adwords, Chartboost,Applovin, InMobi, Taptica, SupersonicAds, Tapjoy and Millennial Media, etc.; hands on experiences in Facebook Ads and PMD buys.
  • UsingSwift iOSas a programming language to develop the application.
  • Developing a multi platform phone app for iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7.
  • Taking charge of the user interface for the development of iOS and Android applications by using Swift, Xcode, Objective C, JQUERY mobile, JAVASCRIPT, Backbone.js, and PHONEGAP.
  • Installed HDFS, AWS and developed multiple MapReduce jobs in PIG and Hive for data cleaning and pre-processing.
  • Building client and server technology using HTML, CSS,Cordova/Phonegap, Objective C, Xcode and Swift
  • Development mobile web application for Android, iOS.
  • Developed severalAndroidapplications by usingAndroidSDK, Java, and ButterKnife
  • Created design mock-ups and wireframes using Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
  • UsedAndroidStudio to develop a full production application available onGooglePlayStorewith scalable capabilities
  • Full redesigned of the Mobile App from Objective C toSwift.
  • Worked on JDBC to select and update the data from the MySQL database
  • DevelopingiOSapplication and networking API features foriOSusing Xcode, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch,iOSSDK, Core Data
  • Built a series of Android applications for multiple company clients using the Android SDK, HTTP, Restify, Kotlin.
  • Used AdMob, iAd, adWhirl, Revmob,Tapjoy, StartappMopub, Chartboost
  • Implemented apps with Google newSDKimplementation, new features inAndroidSDK
  • Used native and third party technologies to optimize the app functionality includingAndroidStudio.
  • Repurposed the Content of web for Mobile using jQuery mobile & launched a Mobile Application.
  • Cooperated with R&D team for developing front end solutions using JQuery Mobile
  • Worked on the MySQL migration project .To make the system completely independent of the database.
  • Installed and configured the development environment using Web-logic on Windows NT and LINUX
  • Used Resource Manager to schedule the job in Unix server.
  • Implemented functionality to consume REST services usingRetrofit2with custom OKHttp3 client.
  • Technology leadership for the direction of the Cloud based application using Node.JS, PDFJS, Sencha, MongoDB and MS SQL Server integrating to a proprietary framework.
  • AddedTapjoyad browser to help monetize the application.
  • Implemented server/client integration written in Kotlin, compiled to LUA.
  • Built Rest client module to consume Rest services using RxAndroid and Retrofit with custom OKHttp object
  • Developed website functionality usingPHPOOP
  • Responsible for uploading the app to theGooglePlayStore.
  • Converted wireframes into comps by using Adobe Fireworks CS3.
  • Played a key role in writing application logic using Eclipse IDE andAndroidSDK.
  • Developed anandroidmobile application based onAndroidStudio
  • Worked asandroiddeveloper who responsible for building everything from the client side, including sign up and log in, layout design and all the functions usingandroidstudio andandroidSDK.
  • Architected and implement REST api interfaces using javascript and Node.js
  • Created ASP.NET User Controls and Master pages to reduce the complexity of user interface design and to have a common look and feel.
  • Implemented server/client integration written in Kotlin, compiled to LUA. Bound C# Unity APIs using Slua.
  • Developed a C# and Silverlight front-end application to access the web service
  • Created Flex classes (actionscript and MXML files ) using Flex PureMVC pattern.
  • Developed applications using a combination of Java with Android SDK, and Java .
  • Develop mobile time tracking user interface for iPhone and Android using PhoneGap library

Background Skills: Android, Android SDK, Wireframes, Kotlin, IOS, Retrofit2, Phonegap, Silverlight, Cordova, Iphone, Ipad, Objective C, XCode, Swift, Asp.Net, C#, Angular, Typescript, Wireframe, HTML, CSS, IronSource, AdMod, AppLovin, Tapjoy, JSON, Jquery Mobile, Eclipse, RAD, Oracle, PL/SQL, MySql, AWS, PHP OOP, MS-Sql, JDBC, Android Studio, Web Services, SOAP, REST, Agile, Scrum, Linux, Unix.


Sr. Android Developer


  • Designed mobile websites and apps for iOS and Android using jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap.
  • Mobile application development utilizing Javascript API Framework
  • Creation of mobile applications utilizing both HTML/JavaScript (PhoneGap) and native technologies Java on Android and Objective C on iOS platforms
  • Mobile-Web, Enyo R&D, created 8 PhoneGap Android, iOS, Window-Mobile plug-ins
  • Worked in team to develop iOS and Android application.
  • Sketch, Balsamiq, InDesign, and Photoshop (among others) to produce wireframes, prototypes and other specification documents.
  • Managed servers on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform instances using Puppet, Chef Configuration management.
  • Responsible for creating, maintaining, and updating mobile application using PhoneGap/Cordova.
  • Create and build Android/IOS applications using frameworks such as Phone Gap and Cordova
  • Utilized several cordova plugins to provide and consume native capability on the application.
  • Developed the hybrid side of the application using Ionic framework, AngularJS and cordova plugins
  • Designed, implemented, tested, and deployed one web app using JavaScript on Cordova platform
  • Both native mobile platforms such as Eclipse for Android, Hybrid Mobile app platform using HTML5, Phonegap, Cordova.
  • IntegratedTapjoyadvertisement plugin
  • Worked asandroiddeveloper on both backend and front end of the module usingAndroidSDKandAndroidStudio
  • Architected and built Android Native, iOS and AppMobi/PhoneGap-based mobile applications interfacing with external RESTful and SOAP-based web services, interacting with external design group for UX and transforming/translating design-level requirements into functional requirements for same..
  • Worked on full software development cycle from concept through deployment for iOS and Android.
  • Worked on Linux based systems administration skills in a Cloud Computing and Virtualized environment for AWS and experience in implementing new and migration of AWS systems.
  • Maintaining and debugging Android project that communicates with proprietary Bluetooth devices
  • Develop a real time sports management web platform using SQL, JQuery Mobile and Flex.
  • Designed and implemented database structure in MySQL Server.
  • Designed, Developed and maintainediOSapplications usingCocoaTouchand Objective C.
  • Designed the UI and function module of the application “Long Long Ago” with MVP framework and published onGooglePlayStoreand presented on Long Long Ago.
  • Conceptualized, designed, developed and deployed mobile applications usingiOSSDK, Xcode.
  • UsedAndroidSDKand Eclipse IDE for development
  • Responsible for testing and approving theTapjoyIOS SDK's for all Apple device with different ios versions, before the SDK's are available for publishers to integrate into their app's.
  • Code major modules usingAndroidSDKandAndroidstudio.
  • Developed an app for an augmented reality device that points towards the direction of the sound source usingAndroidStudioand machine learning methods.
  • Implemented AWS solutions using DynamoDB, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups.
  • Involving in Building the modules in Linux environment with ant script.
  • Created directory structure flow using UNIX to receive and send data to internal and external systems
  • Designed and implemented using iPhone SDK, XCode, Objective C and Interface Builder.
  • Implementing native libraries in application by usingAndroidSDK andAndroidNDK.
  • Debugging and problem-solving skills with Eclipse,AndroidStudio, IntelliJ IDEA, and RAD.
  • Designed and developed multi-protocol telecom Single-Page Architecture application using Node.js, Express and Jade on the backend
  • Involved in Application registration inGooglePlayStore.
  • Design all UI elements, wireframes, and comps with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
  • Created design mock-ups and wireframes using Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
  • Worked with iPhone application development using iPhone SDK, C#.NET,XamarinStudioand Xcode
  • Data modeling using Database development skills in Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
  • Developed .NET components using C# and involved in the deployment of those components.
  • Design and Develop programs in C++ to integrate as per the users requirements.
  • Co-developed a new tool on the Express nodeJS/backBone.js MVC platform that allows marketers to insert dynamic content in email sends based on location and temporal factors
  • Developed localizable GUIs using JavaScript, C#, WCF and Silverlight for Microsoft.
  • A native android application with the same functionality is developed in Java using Eclipse, Android SDK, HTML, jQuery Mobile, CSS, PhoneGap.

Background Skills: Android, Android SDK, IOS, Phonegap, Cordova, Objective C, XCode, C#, ASP.Net, JQuery Mobile, Silverlight, Actionscript, Iphone, Ipad, Angular, IronSource, AdMod, AppLovin, Tapjoy, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Dojo Mobile, Agile, Scrum, Eclipse, Android Studio, AWS, PHP OOP, RAD, DB2, PL/SQL, JDBC, Oracle, SOAP, Web Services, Linux, Unix, Eclipse, Git, Github, UML


Android Developer


  • Ported an iPhone iOS application to Android to include SQLite database management and several data entry views and GUIs.
  • Publishing the application in production for all platforms (Android).
  • Developed the presentation layer (UI) using JSP, Tag libraries, HTML, Flash, CSS and client validations using JavaScript.
  • Developed Coding the presentation layer using WPF and Silverlight.
  • Developed prototypes using Flex, ActionScript, JavaScript, HTML, GWT and Java
  • Responsible for building the application front end UI in Flex, ActionScript, FlashBuilder4 and Parsley.
  • Developed UI components for email and link sharing of documents and files for a Content Management System using Backbone.js and jQuery
  • Implemented custom search solutions using Coveo (an enterprise search engine), Backbone.js, and .NET web services (see Goodwin Procter's site for an example).
  • Develop mobile time tracking user interface for iPhone and Android using PhoneGap library
  • Developed iPhone and Android mobile app using Sencha Touch and Phonegap framework
  • Using sencha touch for development to find relevant people for the same social Networking Websites
  • Assisted in the logistical parameters of the iPad deployment process by keeping a daily count of total iPads and monitoring the shipping methods.
  • Involved in updating the application UI and application data structure for both Iphone/Ipad.
  • Using JavaScript, JQuery, JQuery Mobile and EJS developed UI for a J2EE web application.
  • Redesign part of an existing web application that was meant for desktops to work on mobile phones using JQuery Mobile
  • Used JQuery JavaScript libraries for providing richer user interface and facilitates asynchronous request invocations using AJAX.
  • Prepared statements are used for communication with MySql database
  • Wrote Servlets programming and JSP scripting for the communication between web browser and server.
  • Coded scripts to clean normalize, reformat data for loading into the system using Ruby scripts
  • Website development based on WordPress as a content management system.
  • Designed and developed the individual components of the system using C++ and CORBA
  • Developed code using C, C++ for secure transaction.
  • Involved in packaging, deployment and upgrade of different modules of SAS on JBoss App Server. VB code Analysis and Sybase store procedure converted into SQL

Background Skills: Android, IOS, Phonegap, Jqtouch, Sencha Touch, Java, JQuery, MySQL, TOAD, SQL, DB2, Mercurial, ClearCase, Selenium, Water Fall Model, UML, JSP, Servlet, Ant, XML, EMC Documentum, Jira, Swing, Cognos, iLog, Oracle ADF, Oracle BPM, IBM MQ Series, Apache Tomcat, Linux, Unix, Ruby, COBOL, PL/I, JCL, SQL, SAS, VB.


Mobile Developer


  • Worked on full software development cycle from concept through deployment for iOS and Android.
  • Integrated various plugins to access and customize native iPhone and Android features.
  • Developed an Android keyboard entry game with different selectable skins in a dynamic drawing threaded environment.
  • Started the Android codebase for the topi mobile app and responsible for all following updates.
  • Developed UI components for email and link sharing of documents and files for a Content Management System using Backbone.js and jQuery
  • Created re-usable custom components in Flex and ActionScript.
  • Developed Silverlight add-on applications for use with CRM solutions
  • Implemented business requirements using Actionscript
  • Design and written Unit test cases and scenarios for Windows Phone 7.
  • Developed iPhone and Android mobile app using Sencha Touch and Phonegap framework.
  • Developed share view using Sencha Touch for non flash supporting devices.
  • Delivered mobile app for book reading capability with HTML5 Sencha and online service with Flash/Flex.
  • Work closely with the web application development team to ensure proper integration between mobile application and web application.
  • Used services, Asynchronous tasks and Alert Notification API to implement event reminder feature into the mobile app.
  • Participated in the quality assurance of the app including, testing of the User Interface and testing the app on different mobile devices.
  • Developed client-side AJAX application that uses XSLT, XPath, JavaScript OOP, and more Bind objects and retrieve them via JNDI interface

Background Skills: Android, IOS, Phonegap, Jqtouch, Sencha Touch, Java, JQuery, MySQL, TOAD, SQL, DB2, Mercurial, ClearCase, Selenium,REST, Android SDK, Eclipse IDE, API, DDMS, XML, JSON, Android, Android API's, Eclipse IDE

Confidential, Charlotte-NC

Java Developer


  • Mobile application development with Titanium SDK.
  • Develop mobile time tracking user interface for iPhone and Android using PhoneGap library
  • Design, development, testing and implementation of WEB applications using Sencha touch framework.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using JSP, Servlets, HTML5.
  • Used JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, CSS3, and HTML5 as data and presentation layer technology.
  • Design and development of Web Pages using PHP, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, Ajax.
  • Developed the presentation layer (UI) using JSP, Tag libraries, HTML, Flash, CSS and client validations using JavaScript.
  • Design UI screens using JSP, CSS, Struts Framework, Flash, Java Script and HTML.
  • Designed User manuals in CorelDraw.
  • Worked with Core Location and MapKit framework for the purpose of showing current locations on a map on iPhone applications
  • Provide recommendation for app purchase for iPad use.
  • Developed the presentation layer (UI) using JSP, Tag libraries, HTML, Flash, CSS and client validations using JavaScript.
  • Design UI screens using JSP, CSS, Struts Framework, Flash, Java Script and HTML.
  • Designed User manuals in CorelDraw.
  • Worked with Core Location and MapKit framework for the purpose of showing current locations on a map on iPhone applications
  • Provide recommendation for app purchase for iPad use.
  • Used BlackBerry JME JDE to test software on the device.
  • Configured Struts, Hibernate framework with Spring MVC.
  • Implemented JBOSS Cache provider with Hibernate second-level cache for clustered caching using cache factory interfaces.
  • Data modeling using Database development skills in Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Have used the Apache CXF to build web service client.
  • Worked on major bug fixes, which included UI issues and functionality issues as well

Background Skills: Android, IOS, Phonegap, Jqtouch, Sencha TouchHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, DHTML, DOM, JSON, Bootstrap, AJAX, Adobe Flash, Photoshop, AEM, PLSQL, Oracle, Windows

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