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Senior Java/j2ee Developer Resume

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Beachwood, OH


  • 7+ years of progressive experience in software design and development with meeting deadlines and delivering quality software.
  • Involved in developing distributed Enterprise and Web applications using UML, Java/J2EE, Web technologies that include JSP, Servlets, Struts, JMS, JDBC, HTML, XML, Java Script and Hibernate.
  • Experience with IDE’s like Eclipse, WSAD and RAD for developing J2EE/JAVA applications.
  • Good working knowledge with Spring framework and modules.
  • Experience with design Patterns like MVC, Singleton and Factory Methods.
  • Experience in Web Services Technologies like SOAP, WSDL and Restful Service
  • Experience with J2EE application server like WebLogic and Tomcat.
  • Experience in Relational Database Management Systems such as Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 and PL/SQL.
  • Experience in Build, Ant, Maven, Jenkin.
  • Knowledge on Implementation of the version control software Subversion, VSS, SVN, and CVS.
  • Configured Log4j, JUnit, and developed unit test cases and determining application functionality.
  • Experienced in developing UML diagrams like Use Case Diagrams and Class diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Behaviour Diagrams.
  • Ability to work effectively in cross - functional team environments and experience of providing training to business users.
  • Willing to learn and adapt to new technologies


Languages &Scripts: Java, Java Script, Shell Script, SQL

Web Technology: HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript

J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, Design Patterns, JNDI, JMS

Frame work or tools: Spring DI, MVC, Spring: JDBC, AOP, Spring Batch & Spring Templates, Struts, Hibernate, ANT,MAVEN,Log4J,Junit,Jenkins,ETL

Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, Web Services and RESTFUL

IDE Tools: Eclipse, RAD

Databases: SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access.

Version Control: VSS, SVN, and CVS

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, MAC and UNIX


Confidential, Beachwood, OH

Senior Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in the development of presentation layer and GUI responsive development using JSP, HTML5, CSS/CSS3 Bootstrap & Client Side validations were done using Angular JS, XSLT and JQuery (Masking), and Google graphs XML DOM.
  • Developed UML class diagrams, sequence and use case diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Used Dependency Injection feature of Spring MVC framework and O/R mapping tool Hibernate for rapid development and ease of maintenance.
  • Migrateda number of in house shell scripts that supported deployment and configuration of multiple applications toUdeploy(Urban code) to reduce the administrative overhead of QA and production releases.
  • Expertise in JDBC Connection Pooling, Persistence, Caching, EJB Server, HTTP, HTTP Tunneling.
  • Developed the DAO layer for the application using Spring Hibernate Template support.
  • Extensively involved in writing Object relational mapping code using hibernate, developed Hibernate mapping files for configuring Hibernate POJOs for relational mapping.
  • Implemented Transactions using spring 3.0 framework.
  • Used Spring MVC and Web Flow to bind web parameters to business logic.
  • Installed, configured and maintainedWebSphereApplication Servers (WAS) in a network deployment.
  • Used agile development environment and involved in daily SCRUM and worked on UAT issues and production support issues as a part of the Release support team.
  • Used JSP Tag Libraries (JSTL) to implement the logic inside the JSPs.
  • Used plain JavaScript and JQuery, JavaScript Library to do the client side validations.
  • Used IBMWebSphereStudio Application Developer (WSAD) as the IDE for writing code.
  • Developed Web Services using REST, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML.
  • Used AJAX to get the data from the server asynchronously by using JSON object.
  • Have worked on Oracle10g database for storing and retrieving the application data.
  • Created a range of user interfaces, implemented complex business logic, simple and complex SQL queries and stored procedures implementation, Jasper report generation, testing and bug fixing process.
  • Used Spring Web Module integrated with Java Server Faces (JSF) MVC framework.
  • Developed pages using JSF features like converters, validators, actionListeners, custom components, etc.
  • Created conditional logics in pages using JSF tags and JSTL
  • Developed JSF components to use similar features in multiple pages.
  • Worked with development team to migrateAnt scriptstoMaven.
  • Involved in configuring JMS and JNDI in rational application developer.
  • Used Business Delegate, Service locator, Factory, Session Facade, DTO and DAO design patterns.
  • Performed unit testing using JUNIT framework and tested DAO’s and Business Services.
  • Wrote JUNIT Test cases for Spring Controllers and Web Service Clients in Service Layer using Mockito.
  • Designed and developed the application using AGILE-SCRUM methodology.
  • Used CVS as a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM).Maintained relationship between objects using Spring IOC.

Environment: Java JDK, J2EE, JMS, JSF, JavaScript, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Log4J, Ant, UML, Ext JS, AJAX, TOMCAT, Apache, DFC, Hibernate, Udeploy, Oracle 11g, SQL, PL/SQL, HTTP, HTTPS, TCP/IP, Windows, Web Services, SOAP, REST, WSDL, EJB 3.0, My Eclipse, Junit, XML/XSL, Ant, Core Java, Design Patterns, Maven, OOPS/OOAD (UML), XML.

Confidential, Bloomington, IL

Senior Java/J2EE Developer


  • Designed, developed and FollowedAgilemethodology with 3 week iterations and dailyscrums
  • FollowedJ2EEstandards andMVCarchitecture in implementing the project
  • UsedSpringopen source framework for development of the project
  • UsedHibernatefor the ORM framework
  • Involved in coding usingJavaandJ2EEtechnologies
  • DevelopedServlets, JSP,andJavaclasses for business logic
  • UsedHTML, Java Script and CSS for front-end validation, customizing, error messages
  • Consumed Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa usingSOAPandWSDL.
  • UsedSOAP UIfor testing web services
  • UsedJUnitfor unit testing all Java code
  • GITwas used as the version-controlling tool
  • The web application was deployed onWebSphereapplication server
  • UsedApache ANTandMavento integrate the build process
  • Used UML for designing class diagrams and sequence diagrams.
  • Used Spring Framework for DI (Dependency Injection), Transaction Management and AOP.
  • Used IBM Rational clear case for workspace management, version control and parallel development support.
  • Configured hibernatewith SQL Server, configured data sources in web sphere.
  • Assisted with development environment concerns, such as deploying Struts applications on IBM Web sphere, Workspace configuration & Server setup.
  • Involved in writing all client side validations using Java Script.
  • Defect analysis and finding the resolution of the defect raised by the user.
  • Assisted in designing and development of Complex ETL structure for transformation of data structure of data source into data warehouses.
  • Conducted reviews of database designs and system integration issues for further improvements.
  • Implemented procedure for validation, reconciliation of metadata and Error handling in ETL process.
  • Reviewed Test plan, involved the Testing phase
  • Automated & integrated the JUnit test.
  • Fixed bugs, providing production support & enhanced the applications with additional features.

Environment: Java (JDK1.4), Spring, Hibernate,Eclipse IDE, IBM WebSphere, SQL Server-2008,JUnit 3.8, Maven.

Confidential, New Brunswick, NJ

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Designed and developed front-end using HTML, CSS and JSP.
  • Worked on JavaScript for validations.
  • Developed the Presentation layer using the MVC paradigm, implemented by Spring MVC.
  • Used Spring IOC to inject services and their dependencies.
  • Used the spring framework features like spring modules (IOC, MVC, Web Services, and Integration).
  • Involved in creating, modifying and updating database tables in Oracle Server.
  • Implemented HQL queries to perform data base operations.
  • Implemented SOAP based web services.
  • Used Maven to build the application and deploy on WebLogic Application Server.
  • Created test cases using JUNIT and Eclipse for IDE.
  • Developing REST APIs for communication to external application, application integration
  • Implemented Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Debugging the application by running the server in debug mode and having the experience in usage of log4J to log the information in log files.
  • Involved in Code Reviews and Code deployment process.
  • Used SVN for version control.
  • Implemented Spring AOP for logging and exception handling for common logic.
  • Used Log4J for logging and tracing the messages.
  • Involved in integration testing and defect fixing.

Environment: Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Eclipse, WebLogic, SOAP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSTL, Oracle, PL/ SQL, SQL, Web Services, Maven, Log4J, JUnit.

Confidential, New York, NY

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in low level design of the architecture.
  • Used Spring MVC for cross cutting concerns and IOC for dependency injection.
  • Used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Hibernate frame work is used in persistence layer for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database (oracle).
  • Involved in writing and business layer using BO, DAO and DTO.
  • Implemented J2EE design patterns.
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton.
  • Used SQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database.
  • Designing and development of the web-tier using Html, JSP’s, Servlets,
  • Used log4j for logging messages.
  • Used ANT scripts to fetch, build, and deploy application to development environment.
  • Involved in producing and consuming of Web Services (RESTful) to interact with the external system i.e WEBNMS, which will be a framework used to poll the data from the device.
  • Used Rational Rose for use case diagrams, Active flow diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and Object diagrams in design phase.
  • Used Eclipse as a IDE and extremely worked with the WAS 7.0(WebSphere Application Server)

Environnent: Java/J2EE, Spring, WebService, RESTFUL, JAX-WS, SQL Déveloper, RAD, JBOSS, Oracle Data Base, JAXB, Eclipse

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