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Full Stack Java Developer Resume

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Los Angeles, CaliforniA


  • About 6+ years of experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Maintenance of applications usingJava/J2EE Technologies.
  • Hands on experience in working wif Collections, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Generics, Enums and Annotations.
  • Extensive experience in developing applications using JSP, Servlets, JSF, and frameworks like Spring, Struts, Hibernate.
  • Experience wif different spring modules like Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring ORM, Spring Boot, Spring Security.
  • Experience working in client - side development wif AngularJS, HTML, XHTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and AJAX.
  • Hands on experience in developing applications using J2EE Design Patterns like MVC Architecture, Singleton, Abstract, Factory, Facade, DAO.
  • Well versed wif consuming and publishing Web services as SOA Architecture based SOAP, WSDL, UDDI Components and REST working wif data-exchange formats like XML and JSON formats.
  • Having experience wif Cloud Computing Service environment like Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Experience in Persistence Framework like Hibernate ORM (Object Relational Mapping) in a typical n-tier architecture.
  • Working experience of Relational DBMS like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Toad for performing SQL and PL/SQL programming and NoSQL DB like MongoDB.
  • Extensive experience in Deploying, Configuration on Application & Web Servers such as WebLogic, JBoss, IBM WebSphere and Apache Tomcat.
  • Experienced wif Middleware Technology Messaging Brokers like JMS, Active MQ and Mule ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) in SOA (Service-oriented) Architecture.
  • Significant experience in web development tools like Eclipse, IBM RAD and Spring Tool Suite.
  • Experienced using WARs and EARs to build and deploy the applications in application servers using ANT scripts and different IDEs.
  • Experienced using the Micro services using the Spring Boot.
  • Experience in development, deployment and troubleshooting Web based and enterprise based applications on Windows, UNIX and Linux platforms.
  • Hands-on experience working wif Continuous Integration (CI) build-automation tools such as Maven, Jenkins and Apache Ant.
  • Experience working in PTC applications tools Wind-chill, Arbor text. Excellent knowledge of GXT.
  • Good knowledge and hands on experience in working wif Selenium, JUnit and TDD.
  • Extensively worked on Pivotal Tracker and JIRA tools for tracking stories in a Project. Experience in using various configuration management tools like Visual Source Safe, IBM Clear Case, SVN and CVS.
  • Good experience in developing applications using Agile (XP and Scrum) and Waterfall methodology.
  • Flexible team player who prospers in a fast-paced work environment. Excellent communication, interpersonal, analytical and prioritization skills.


Languages: Core Java, Java/J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL

Enterprise Java: JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Log4J, Java security

Mark-up/XML Technologies: HTML, XHTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Node.js, AngularJS, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, GWT

Tools: & Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Data, Spring Boot, JSF, JUnit

Web services: SOAP, RESTful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JAX-B, Apache Axis2, Apache CFX, AWS, Micro Services

Middleware Technologies: JMS, Spring Integration, Digest Authorization, OAuth

Web/App Servers: Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss EAP, Web Logic, Glassfish

Database: Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL server, TOAD, Mongo DB/ NOSQL, DB2

IDEs: Eclipse, Net Beans, IBM RAD, STS

O-R mapping: Hibernate, MyBatis

Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, Mockito, Selenium, SoapUI, Putty, Rational Clear Quest, RTC

Version Control Tools: CVS, SVN, Rational Clearcase, Git, Checkstyle

Build-Automation Tools (CI)/Issue Tracking Tools: Maven, Jenkins, Ant, JIRA, Pivotal Tracker, FireBug, Mantis

OS & Environment: Windows, UNIX, Linux


Confidential, Los Angeles, California

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of application, developed usingAGILE/Scrum methodology.
  • Created UI screens usingHTML, CSS, AngularJS, Node.js, jQuery and JavaScript.
  • Used Spring MVC Design Pattern to hold the UI data and serve the request and to send the response.
  • Designed and developed business components using Spring Boot.
  • Recommended and develop strategy for integrating internal security model into new projects wif Spring Security and Spring Boot.
  • Build Microservices for the delivery of software products across the enterprise.
  • Connected to Data sources and performed operations using Spring Data Framework features like Spring JDBC and Spring ORM.
  • Oversee and develop Notification Service Microservices to use across the enterprise.
  • Implemented RESTful Web services in Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) to retrieve data from client side and made REST API calls from Angular JS and parsed the data to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security and OAuth authentication protocol respectively.
  • ConfiguredAWSCloud watch to monitorAWSresources and application.
  • Good understanding ofAWSElastic Block Storage (EBS), various volume types and utilization of different types of EBS volumes based on requirement.
  • We have used frame work SWAGGER for the online editor for design, build, document, and consume RESTful web services.
  • Developed Single page web application(SPA) using JavaScript framework Angular. We have also used Kafka as the messaging tool to connect to the Data bases. we have also kubernetes for the checking the applications wif the different values changing in the pods.
  • For checking the REST applications, we have used postman for checking the response of the code.
  • TroubleshootAWSEC2 Status check including System Status checks and Instance Status check alerts.
  • Provided Trouble shooting and Integration Maintenance Support on 24x7 bases for MQ and Websphere Message Broker Systems.
  • Design and developed Webservers, WSDL's and integration wif ODM business rules API's. Responsible for solution design and build/construct usingIBMWebSphereIntegration Designer.
  • Took part in the maintenance ofWebSphereMQ on different platforms and set up the development, testing and production environments.
  • Experience in deploying the .JAR, WAR and EAR applications in clustered environment and maintaining, troubleshooting of applications inWebSphereenvironment.
  • Build Micro services for the delivery of software products across the enterprise.
  • To lookup queues, usedSpring JMSmodule and MDBs for listeners. Extensively usedHQL and SQLfor querying databases.
  • We also used POSTMAN for testing the Rest application on dev end.
  • For testing the application in Jenkins we have preinstalled Junit. This is basic test case which is done be developers.
  • There are some predefined test steps in the developer side where we do Junit test
  • Created TypeScript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 5.
  • Created Stored Procedures, functions, views, indexes and constraints, triggers required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application.
  • Built NoSQL schemas and maintaining sessions byMongoDB. To get AJAX functionality for the website wrote JavaScript and jQuery programming.
  • To identify user login information writtenUNIXshell scripts. Developed and executing unit test cases using JUnit.
  • Packaged and deployed the application inIBM WebSphere. Used Maven building tool for creating EAR file deployed in application servers and used for dependency management of code in application.
  • Resolved bugs/defects in application by coordinating wif team members of the project to assure a positive outcome.
  • Overseas and develop Notification Service Micro service to use across the enterprise. Utilize Camel to integrate Microservices wif other Microservices and RabbitMQ messaging exchanges.
  • Integrate Gradle wif Artifactory for artifact repository. Integrate project release management wif Gradle and Bamboo.
  • Configure Bamboo for deployment of Artifact to target environment. For application logging and notification, tracing mechanisms used Log4J.
  • To keep track of issues and tasks on individuals used JIRA ticketing system. As a version, control tool used Tortoise SVN. Used Eclipse integrated IDE to build the application.

Environment: Java, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, Angular JS, Kafka, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring, Security, Spring Data, JSP, Hibernate, Servlet, kubernetes, Swagger, JDBC, Restful, OAuth, JAX-RS, Jersey, POSTMAN, XML, AWS, Oracle, MongoDB, Eclipse, WebSphere, Tortoise SVN, GIT, JUnit, Maven, JIRA, Agile/Scrum Methodology.

Confidential, Chevy Chase, MD

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Involved in analysis, design and development and testing phases of SDLC using Agile Methodology.
  • Involved in implementation of the presentation layer (GUI) for application using HTML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Implements responsive design template to get a new interface in Bootstrap, HTML.
  • Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using AngularJS.
  • Created webapplication using Spring MVC framework
  • Using Spring Framework implemented dependency injection, Action classes through Application Context XML and initialized managed beans and services.
  • Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring Boot for Micro-services. For reporting, logging and Transactions purposes used Spring AOP.
  • Used Spring Front Controller class to map all the client requests to it and navigated to Business Controller classes accordingly.
  • Built Spring based Java and Scala Microservices to support enterprise web application
  • Designed and documented REST/HTTP APIs, including JSON data formats and API versioning strategy.
  • Created and consumedSOAPWebServicesusing JAXB annotations. Developed persistence layer Data access objects usingDAO pattern, JDBC, Hibernate.
  • Developed custom queries using hibernate criteria, nativeSQLandHQL.
  • Used MongoDB as data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets, sharding and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise.
  • Create RFP (Request for proposal) Micro services to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot wif Spring11 MVC.
  • Configured EH Cache to load the static tables into secondary storage area.
  • Responsible for provisioning, maintaining and improving upon server infrastructure, split between physical data centers and AWS. Also, provided 24/7/365 on-call support.
  • Designed and coded application components utilizing a test-driven development approach (TDD).
  • Focused on Test Driven Development thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before actually writing the functionality.
  • As a passionate advocate of AWS wifin Gracenote, I migrated my department from a physical data center environment to AWS. I also designed, built, and deployed a multitude applications utilizing almost all of the AWS stack (Including EC2, R53, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, SQS, IAM, and EMR), focussing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
  • Developed applications on Rational application developer (6.0) and Rational suite. Used Jenkins as build management tool for continuous integration process.
  • JIRA, used to keep a track of bugs and Git as version control tool. Deployed applications on WebLogic application server.

Environment: Java, HTML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, AngularJS,Spring (dependency injection, AOP, MVC), Struts, Restful, Jersey, SOAP, JAX-RPC, WSDL,Hibernate, Oracle, MongoDB, TDD, WebLogic, STS, UNIX, JUnit, JIRA, GIT, Jenkins.


Java/J2EE Developer


  • Designed and coded application components in an Agile/TDD environment utilizing a test-driven development and pair-programming.
  • Developed the application using spring framework dat leverages model view layer architecture, also configured Dependency Injection.
  • Design of GUI using Model View Architecture (SPRING Frame Work). Integrated Spring DAO for data access using Hibernate.
  • Created hibernate mapping files to map POJO to DB tables. Involved in the Development of Spring Framework Controllers.
  • Developing application using Spring core module and POJO’susing Eclipse and worked on Messaging service.
  • Web application to manage Unix build stations using C#, MVC, Java Script, Angular JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, plink.exe (for sending remote commands),bash, SQL Server.
  • Used Hibernate ORM tools which automate the mapping between SQL databases and objects in Java.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, JSP Tag libraries JSTL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript to simplify the complexities of the application.
  • Currently working on fitness tool which aids inTest Driven Development.
  • Used JMS for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events among J2EE components and legacy system.Worked wif Map/Reduce and stream processing (e.g. Storm).
  • Programmed custom Portlets based on JSR 168 specifications using WebSphere portal server 5.0 and RAD IDE.
  • Supported and provided important feedback to various development teams wif regards to the grid computing and caching technology.
  • Designed and developed RESTful Style Web Service layer and WSLD. Expertise in Elastic search wif oracle database.
  • Deployment of web, enterprisejavacomponents, messaging components and multi-threading.
  • Performed statistical analysis using control charts, process flow charts, cause-effect diagrams & six sigma methods. Designed and developed the XSD for WSDL.
  • Developed XML Schemas - XSD, DTD for the validation of XML documents, also used Subversion.
  • Used XML web services using REST to transfer the amount to transfer application dat is
  • Used SWING for GUI based coding.
  • Implemented the frontend Portlets using the Struts Pattern Using RAD 5.0 and validations using Struts frame work wif EJB 2.0 as backend and message driven bean were used to send the entire batch request in XML and format and parsing the XML to Backend.
  • Performed statistical analysis using control charts, process flow charts, cause-effect diagrams & six sigma methods.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, AngularJS, PL/SQL, Spring, EJB, JMS, JNDI, Oracle, XML, DOM, SOAP, JUnit, Apache Camel, WebSphere, Hibernate, JDBC, MS SQL Server, RESTful Web service, WebLogic 8, JBoss Drools, SOA Design Patterns, Cassandra.

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