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Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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Phoenix, AZ


  • Over 8 years of experience in Object Oriented Programming, design and development of Multi - Tier distributed, Enterprise application using Java & J2EE technologies.
  • Well versed with complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using various methodologies like Agile Methodology, Waterfall, and Test-Driven Development.
  • Experience with design patterns like Singleton, Factory Pattern, Prototype, Business Delegate, Session Facade, Service locator, and Observer, Decorator, Front Controller, and DAO pattern.
  • Expertise in developing UI using JSP, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax, Angular JS, React JS and Node.js.
  • Developed Web-based enterprise applications using Java/J2EE, Core Java, Servlets, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST) and MVC Framework (Struts, Spring MVC).
  • Hands on experience with different spring framework modules like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and Spring Boot.
  • Experience with Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Streams, Parallel Operations on Collections.
  • Experience in developing the application with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Micro Services Architecture and Test-Driven Development.
  • Hands-on experience on various AWS Cloud services like EC2, Route53, EBS, Auto Scaling, VPC, Cloud Formation, S3, RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, IAM, Cloud Watch and other services of the AWS infrastructure like Dynamo DB, SQS and EMR focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling.
  • Having Good experience in developing and migrating existing application into cloud based platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
  • Expert in Core Java with strong understanding of Garbage Collector, Collections, Multithreading, Event Handling, Exception Handling, and Generics.
  • Strong experience in developing and consuming SOAP and RESTful based Web Services.
  • Expertise in XML technologies like DTD, XSD, XSLT and various parsers like DOM, SAX and JAXB.
  • Experience using persistence framework like Hibernate, JPA for mapping java classes with Database and using HQL (Hibernate Query Language).
  • Experienced in implementation of JMS to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue.
  • Have Knowledge on Stream frameworks like Kafka.
  • Experience in developing XML based Web Services (SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) using Top Down and Bottom Up approach and REST based services with JAX-RS, Jersey, and Spring Integration.
  • Strong experience in database design using PL/SQL to write tables, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexers and proficiency in writing complex queries to retrieve data.
  • Expertise in using JDBC API and Hibernate for connection and access to databases.
  • Good experience with Relational databases like Oracle, My SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 and No SQL databases like Mongo DB, Cassandra, and Dynamo DB.
  • Experience with application servers like Web Logic, JBOSS, Apache Tomcat and IBM Web Sphere.
  • Expertise in using various IDE tools like Spring Tool Suite, RAD, Eclipse and IntelliJ.
  • Proficient in Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment tools like Jenkins.
  • Experience with JUnit and Mockito in developing test cases and Log4J in determining application functionality.
  • Having Experience on UNIX, LINUX, Python Shell Scripting, and Deployment of Applications in Server.
  • Experience working with version control tools like Git Hub, Subversion (SVN) and CVS.
  • Good experience with JIRA in issue tracking.
  • Experience with build automation tools like Gradle, ANT and Maven for builds and deployments to different environments.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and self-motivated individual showing.


Platforms: Windows 2000/NT/ XP/Vista and Sun Solaris 2.8/2.9, UNIX

Programming: JDK 1.5, 1.6, 1.7,1.8, C, C++

Server Scripting: JSP1.2,2.1, JSP-EL, JSTL, Custom Tags, NodeJS

Client Scripting: JQuery 1.8,1.9, JQueryUI, Dojo, ExtJS, AngularJS, Javascript, CSS2, CSS3, HTML4, HTML5

Java Frameworks: Struts 1.2, Struts 2.1, Spring MVC,DI, JSF 1.1, JSF 2.1, GWT, Vaadin

Database Tools: Toad for Oracle, Toad for MySQL, Toad for DB2, Toad for MS-SQL, ERWin, Altova Database Spy, MySQL WorkbenchDatabases

JAAS, Spring Security: Integration

Spring Integration: Interceptors

Spring AOP, AspectJ: Version Control

XML Tools: Altova XML Spy 2005,2008


Webservice Specifications: JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAX-RS

Webservice Tools: SoapUI 4.0,5.1, TcpMon

Webservice Implementations: Axis 1.0,2.1, JWSDP2.1, Sun Metro, Sun Jersey, Apache XFire, Apache CXF

Whitebox Testing: JUnit 3, JUnit 4, DBUnit, JUnitPerf, HttpUnit, LoadTest, TimedTest, Selenium, Fitnesse, EasyMock, PowerMock

Blackbox Testing: JMeter, LoadUI, LoadRunner, HP Quality Center, WinRunnerClient Testing

Jasmine: Application Servers

Batch Jobs: Quartz Scheduler, Cron, Spring Batch

HTML Editors: MS-Frontpage 2003, Adobe Dreamweaver, Coffee Cup HTML

Templating: Velocity, Freemarker

Search APIs: Solr, Lucene

Cloud Computing: AWS - EC2, RDS, S3, Dynamo DB

Micro Services: Swagger, Pivital Cloud Foundry, Spring Micro Services, Springboot, Netflix Eureka


Confidential, Phoenix, AZ

Sr. Java Full stack Developer


  • Developed Agent Portal with HTML5, CSS, LESS, JSON, AJAX and React JS for developing user interface and server side technology with Node JS.
  • Used Node.js Bower for UI Dependency management. Worked on bower.json and bower.rc files.
  • Extensive usage of Node JS in implementing the server side build deploys automation and building DEVOPS process from TFS.
  • Developed customer GUI using Backbone JS to simplify the complexities of the application and to create single page application.
  • Developed application using Frameworks Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP and Hibernate.
  • Angular JS used for creating single page application using a RESTful service for persisting data.
  • Angular JS communicates via events and helps to develop fast application and easily maintainable code.
  • Implementing the Angular JS and Spring MVC framework for data access.
  • Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application to know the application status.
  • Used Spring Framework IOC (Inversion of Control) design pattern is used to have relationships between application components.
  • Used different type of spring controllers depending on the business requirement.
  • Implementation of Elastic search in web application environment.
  • Development of Spring Boot applications with micro services.
  • Implementation of spring security and LDAP integration.
  • Development of REST web services using spring with the enabled OAUTH.
  • Used various design patterns like Session Facade, Singleton and Factory patterns with the help of Hibernate ORM.
  • Used Hibernate First Level and Second Level Cache for quick accessing data.
  • Extensively involved in developing and consuming Restful web services.
  • Consumed SOAP based Web Services to integrate with the Web Application.
  • Published and consumed Web Services using SOAP, WSDL and deployed it on Web Logic Web Server.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (Amazon EC2, Amazon Simple DB, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon SQS, and AWS Identity).
  • Designed the real time analytics and ingestion platform using Storm and Kafka. Hands on experience with multiple NOSQL databases includingRiak,Couch base, HBase and Cassandra.
  • Designed, configured and deployed Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the Amazon Web Services focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling.
  • Installed the application on AWS EC2 instances and configured the storage on S3 buckets.
  • Experience in Docker engine and Docker Machine environments, to deploy the micro services-oriented environments for scalable applications.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous deployment and integration of the build and release process.
  • Installed and configured Cassandra cluster and CQL on the cluster.
  • Imported data from various resources to the Cassandra cluster using Java APIs.
  • Node.js API server is deployed to AWS via Docker container service
  • Configured and managed Apache Web Server on Linux for web based applications using REST/SOAP, Maven built tool and Weblogic 12
  • Used SOAP based messaging format to transfer requests and responses and validated the request and responses against XML Schema Definition.
  • Used JavaScript Task Runner Gulp for modification of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Live reload, watch, test runner, server configuration and sass compiler sub tasks.
  • Extensively used Mocha and Chai JavaScript unit testing tools for testing JavaScript pages.
  • Used Maven to get dependency jars from Maven Central Repository.

Environment: Node JS, JDKBower, Backbone JS, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Hibernate 4, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Restful Services, Jersey, JSON, HTML5, CSS3, LESS, Maven, AWS, Docker, Jenkins, Linux, RESTful API, Gulp, Mocha and Chai, Cassandra, Solaris, ReactJS, AWS, BackboneJS, Spring Boot, SoapUI, GIT, Weblogic 12.

Confidential, Reston, VA

Sr. Java Full stack Developer|


  • To analyze the root cause for a problem raised, and provide quick solution as soon as possible.
  • Used Agile Scrum to manage the full life cycle development of the project.
  • Software Engineer with extensive full-stack experience and experience in Microservices, Distributed Systems and Test-Driven Development using agile methodologies
  • Performed configuration, deployment and support of cloud services including Amazon Web Services.
  • Developed application using Spring MVC, AJAX, Hibernate and SOAP/Rest web services on the presentation layer, the business layer is built using spring and the persistent layer uses Hibernate with Web Sphere Application Server.
  • Used spring configuration files and its application context object for creating various factory objects with spring container.
  • Created Spring MVC components like Dispatch Servlets, configure Request mapping annotation controllers, view resolver components.
  • Used Hibernate with JPA annotation and created several persistent classes includes Hibernate core interfaces, annotations.
  • Implemented spring controllers with annotations, validations using model attributes to pass request from presentation layer to helper classes.
  • To meet scale and availability requirements, we selected Apache Cassandra for Cassandra's master less architecture, ability to easily and quickly scale horizontally to meet their growing data store needs.
  • Involved in designing, capacity planning and implementing multi-rack Cassandra cluster.
  • Implemented and administered Data center Cassandra Clusters based on the knowledge of architecture and data modeling for Cassandra applications. Developed DAO classes with JUnit using Spring DAO package for data access and data manipulation.
  • Developed JMS components to send messages from one application to other application internally.
  • Integrated spring with Hibernate using configurations and implemented DAO layer to save entities into data base.
  • Build Apache Kafka Multinode Cluster and used Kafka Manager to monitor multiple Clusters.
  • Client Side code were written in AngularJS/JQuery/JavaScript and Server Side Code were developed using MVC4
  • Write custom search handler profile as per business need. Requirements gathering from business and planning for search.
  • Installing, Configuring and Administering Splunk Enterprise Server 6.0/6.3.2 and Splunk Forwarder 6.0 on Red hat Linux and Windows severs.
  • Extensively used Hibernate ORM in data access layer to write DAOs. Developed hibernate mapping and Configuration file.
  • Designed and Developed Client Side application using ANGULARJS, HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP, JQuery.
  • Develop web pages using Struts framework, JSP, XML, JavaScript, HTML/ DHTML and CSS, CTC configure struts application, used tag library. Developed custom directives, Factories and Services in AngularJS.
  • Developed HTML5 Mobile application with HTML5, Java Script, JQuery, JSON and RESTful web service. Involved in design, build and deployment of REST web services components using spring, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB and deploying them to Web logic, Spring Tc and Tomcat servers.
  • Involved in creating http inbound & outbound flows, custom java and XSLT transformers and security of mule endpoint through WSSR.
  • Execute tasks on XML registry, XSLT/XQuery and transformation capabilities.
  • Developed common reusable component libraries (CRUD Scaffolding) to be reused in different projects throughout the company's IT team using GWT, spring data, JPA.
  • Involved in helping the UNIX and Splunk administrators to deploy Splunk across the UNIX and windows environment.
  • Also proficient in the WMS Red Prairie for wave planning /appts/ bills and driver documents.
  • Provide subject matter expertise for building SAML integrations to legacy applications
  • Deployed and maintained cloud hosted ADFS as a SAML gateway between a Shibboleth IdP and Tomcat Fediz SP
  • Provide on-call production support for HL7 interfaces on Seebeyond e*gate and Sybase eBiz Impact. Evaluate requests for changes to existing HL7 interfaces; implications and impact of such changes in terms of other ongoing projects and resource requirements
  • Implemented SOA architecture with web services using JAX-RS (REST) and JAX-WS (SOAP)
  • Experience in installation, configuration, Deployment and management of web and enterprise applications on BEA WebLogic Server and JBoss Application servers.
  • Worked with other engineers to design, implement, test, and tune features of MarkLogic Server, including EC2 integration, system monitoring, flexible replication, and forest replica failover. Taken care of complete Java multi-threading part in back end components.
  • Used Maven to build application and deploy on the server.
  • Configured and created application log files using Log4j required to trace application and GIT for version controlling.
  • Unit testing was done using JUnit.

Environment: JDK, JavaScript, Java, HTML5, CSS3, Kafka, Spring, XSL, XSLT, Elastic Search, Hibernate, SOAP/Rest web services, AJAX, WebSphere, Oracle, Apache-Maven, GIT, JBoss, Junit, Apache Camel, Spring MVC, AOP, JPA, Cassandra, Kafka, SoapUI, XML Spy, SAML, AWS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, GIT

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

SR. JAVA j2ee developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
  • Involved in Agile Development process and daily SCRUM meetings.
  • Created an UML diagram that includes Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams & use case diagrams as part of the application design using Micro Soft Visio tool.
  • Used WSDL, SOAP, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, CXF technologies to create web services, generate stubs and consuming the existing services.
  • Used CXF API to generate Restful web services.
  • Implemented Apache Camel DSL scripts to route messages.
  • Worked on running and managing web Apps using AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Designed and developed UI pages with AJAX, HTML, XHTML, DHTML, JQuery, CSS and JavaScript, AngularJS, Node-JS, JSP, JSON and Tag libraries.
  • Designed and actualized application utilizing Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, Spring JDBC.
  • Used Hibernate as Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Tool for the backend data persistence.
  • Designed, developed, and maintained the data layer using Hibernate and used Spring ORM to integrate with Hibernate. And, developed the Hibernate mapping files
  • UsedKafkafor as a message broker on the cluster as a proof of concept.
  • Used IBM MQ Series in the project
  • Developed an AngularJS workflow manager leveraging Angular-UI's state router for flexible configuration and management of multi-step user input flows.
  • Implemented Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts
  • Written Chef Recipes to perform middleware binary Installation and Configuration tasks involving jdk, Tomcat, WebLogic binaries installation.
  • Configured spring to manage Actions as beans and set their dependencies in a spring context file.
  • Used parsers like SAX and DOM for parsing xml documents and used XML transformations using XSLT.
  • Involved in the JMS Connection Pool and the implementation of publish and subscribe using Spring JMS. Used JMS Template to publish and Message Driven Bean (MDB) to subscribe from the JMS provider.
  • Developed EJB classes in the persistence layer for transaction management.
  • Used IBM Web Sphere application server for deploying Web Services applications, used tc Server to deploy the web applications.
  • Written stored procedures, triggers, and cursors using SQL, PL/SQL.
  • Written JUnit Test cases using Easy Mock for performing unit testing.
  • Used Maven for application life cycle management.
  • Configured and scheduled Jenkins jobs for multiple projects on Jenkins.
  • Experience with HP Service Manager to fix the production defects/incidents. Experience in production support.
  • Used Checkstyle, Emma, JaCoCo, FindBugs, PMD, and PIT for code quality.
  • Used Log4J API for logging and debugging.
  • SVN is used for version control systems and source code management.
  • Involved in various internal releases of the application and supported the application modules during testing and pre-production phases.
  • Installation, Configuration and Administration of IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1 versions, BigFix and IBM License Metric Tool on Windows Environments.
  • Tested SOAP web services using SOAP UI and REST web services using REST Client.
  • Involved in peer & lead level design and code reviews.
  • Used ehCache for caching.
  • Involved in building the code & deploying on Web WebSphere Logic application server.
  • Used BigFix Inventory to collect data about the usage of license metrics other than PVU and RVU MAPC.
  • Configured Fixlets using BigFix.

Environment: Java 1.6, JSP, Spring 3.0, Design Patterns, EJB, XML, Angular2, SQL, PL/SQL Developer, JAX-WS, WSDL, soapUI, Hibernate, Web Sphere 8.5, tc Server, Maven, Jenkins, Trac, SVN, Tortoise SVN, Checkstyle, AJAX, JQuery, RSA, JUnit, UML, Log4j, Web services, SOAP, XSLT, ehCache, BigFix, IBM License Metric Tool, HP Service Manager.

Confidential, Erie, PA

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Development and testing of the website usingStrutsandspringframework.
  • Implemented application logging and exception handling usingSpring AOP.
  • Used theAgileasSDLCprocess for the project execution.
  • Designed and developed GUI components using JSP, HTMLandJavaScript.
  • Developed highly responsive, dynamic user interface components usingAJAXandJQuery.
  • Used object oriented programming concepts of Java Script like Prototypes and Closures for client side data manipulation and encapsulation.
  • Implemented MVC using Spring Framework.
  • Handled the database access by implementing Controller Servlet.
  • Implemented PL/SQL stored procedures and triggers.
  • Used JDBC prepared statements to call from Servlets for database access.
  • Designed and documented of the stored procedures.
  • Developed the CSS Classes for all Error, Form Elements and Warnings.
  • Performed client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Used Log4J to monitor the Error Logs and Used Maven to build the application.
  • Deployed application on WebLogic Application Server and development using Eclipse.

Environment: Java, JEE, Ajax, JavaScript, Web Services, SOAP, Hibernate, JSTL, spring, XML, WebSphere, JUnit, SVN, Servlets, JDBC.

Confidential, Philadelphia, PA



  • Develop and maintain host level applications running on Linux and Windows OS in XML, Java and C++.
  • Contributed to the application design, developing Use Cases based on the requirements using Rational Rose/UML.
  • Implemented Spring MVC for designing and implementing the UI Layer for the application.
  • Developed web pages using JSP Tag Libraries, HTML, and JQuery.
  • Wrote all client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Developed server-side services using Java (multithreading, collections).
  • Implemented Spring AOP for implementing the roles throughout the application.
  • Used Hibernate for mapping java objects to the relational database in.hbm.xml file.
  • Wrote queries for the modifications to existing database structure.
  • Designed, developed and implemented document transformation applications using XML tool.
  • Used DOM parsing methodology for serializing and parsing the XML request and response.
  • Developed unit test cases and functional test cases using Junit
  • Wrote Oracle queries and stored procedures necessary for the application.
  • Used CVS as the source control system.

Confidential, Newyork, NY



  • Developed the use cases and class diagrams using Rational Rose/UML.
  • Performed end-to-end design and development of all layers of the application.
  • Implemented Spring MVC for designing and implementing the UI Layer for the application.
  • Used Spring IOC to inject the services and their dependencies.
  • Used AJAX to retrieve data from server synchronously in the background without interfering with the display and existing page in an interactive way.
  • Wrote JavaScript for dynamic manipulation of the elements on the screen and to validate the input.
  • Wrote Spring Validator classes for validating the input data.
  • Used JAXB to marshal/unmarshal java objects to communicate with the backend mainframe system.
  • Wrote PL/SQL and SQL blocks for the application
  • Wrote data conversion programs for handling the changes to the existing database schema.
  • Used PVCS as the source control system.
  • Worked on persistence layer using Hibernate with Oracle 10g Database.
  • Used Log4j package for the debugging, info and error tracings.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, AJAX, JAXB, JavaScript, Hibernate, Oracle 10g, Toad, XML, Apache, Ant 1.7, Log4J, SQL, PL/SQL, RAD, WebSphere.

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