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Sr. Java/j2ee Full Stack Developer Resume

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Des Moines, IA


  • Over 8+ years of experience as Full Stack Javadevelop involving analysis, design, implementation, integration, administration, and testing of various enterprise applications.
  • Good experience in Software Development life cycle using various methodologies like Waterfall, Agile and Test - Driven Development.
  • Experience in developing applications using Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Spring 3.2, Spring 4.0, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP, REST), JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JMS, JDBC, XML, JavaScript, Angular, XSLT, JSON, Ajax and jQuery.
  • Experienced in developing front end applications using HTML, HTML5, XML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, SAAS, JavaScript, DOM, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, and JSP.
  • Proficient in implementation of frameworks like Struts, spring, Spring Boot, JSF, AJAX and Hibernate ORM .
  • Extensive experience in design, development and support Model View Controller using Struts and Spring framework.
  • Experienced with XML related technologies such as XML, XSL, XSLT, DTD, Schema, XPath, DOM, SAX, Node JS, React JS and JAXB.
  • Experience in deployment of the J2EE applications on Tomcat, IBM Web Sphere, BEA Web logic and JBOSS.
  • Experience in RDBMS including Oracle, DB2, Couchbase, MongoDB, Hadoop, MySQL, PL/SQL, and MS SQL Server.
  • Experience on Single Page Application development, working with Directives, Services, Filters, Guard and Validations in the Angular 2, Angular 4 and Angular 5.
  • Good experience in Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment and good knowledge of AWS services like Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2), Elastic Load-balancers, Elastic Container Service (Docker Containers), S3, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Front, Elastic Filesystem, RDS, DMS, VPC, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, IAM.
  • Expertise in building real time data pipelines using spring Kafka and zookeeper apart from JMS and messaging.
  • Experience withDocker, leveraging Linux Containers and AMI's to create Docker Images/ containers.
  • Experienced in working Spring AOP for Logging, Transactions and Messaging.
  • Worked with Version Control Systems like CVS, SVN (Sub Version), GIT, GitHub, Clear case.
  • Efficient in using Web services like SOAP and Restful Web Services.
  • Expertise in designing Java, J2EE applications using Servlets, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, Scala, Web services (SOAP, RESTful), Amazon Web Services and AWS Elastic Compute Cloud EC2.
  • Experienced with the entire Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) of applications: gathering requirements, analysis, conceptual and detail design, development, verification and testing.
  • Experience in writing JSON REST APIs using Golang
  • Highly proficient in designing n-tier Enterprise application with J2EE design patterns like IOC, AOP, MVC, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Session Facade, DTO, DAO, Front Controller, Factory and Singleton.
  • Experience in implementing Java EE design patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Session Façade, DAO, DTO, and Business Delegate in the development of Multi-Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
  • Experienced in Splunk Log Management Creating dash boards, monitoring, reporting, Email Notification to Users for threshold limit.
  • Good Experience with Springs, Spring IOC, AOP, MVC, Spring Security, Spring JPA, Spring Batch
  • Used Hibernate as an ORM mapping tool like JPA Entities for mapping Java classes using HQL.
  • Experience with build tools like CICD-ANT, Maven and logging tools like Log4J.
  • Experience in creating Asynchronous Messaging configuration in Tomcat, Web logic and web sphere Servers.
  • Experience with and solid understanding of Microservices.
  • Hands on experience with persistence layer using SQL, Hibernate, JPA, JDBC, PL/SQL-Stored procedures, functions, triggers and Cursors etc.
  • Experience in working with Eclipse IDE and build tools like Ant and Maven and source controllers like CVS, SVN, and GITHUB.
  • Good experience in unit testing with Karma, Jasmine and JUnit.


Programming Languages: Java JDK1.4/1.5/1.6, C, SQL, PL/SQL

Java/J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, RMI, EJB, JFC/Swing, AWT, Applets, Multi-threading, Java Networking

Web Technologies: JSP 3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlets API 3.0, AngularJS, JSP, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, AJAX, XML, XSLT, HTML, DHTML, CSS

Frameworks: Struts 2.x/1.x, Spring 3.x/ 2.x, Hibernate 3.x/4.x, JSF 1.2/2.0, Angular JS 1.0/1.5/2.0, Spring Security 3.2, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Struts, Servlets, Java Swing, Applets, Spark

IDEs: Eclipse 3.x, IBM WSAD, IBM RAD 7.x/6/x, IntelliJ


Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, RUP, TDD, OOAD, SDLC

Testing Tools: JUNIT4.12, JMeter, Mockito, TestNG, Jasmine, Karma

Build Tools: Maven, Gradle, ANT

Messaging: JMS MQ, IBM MQ, Rabbit MQ, IBM MQ 8.0, Apache Kafka

Version and Source Control: GIT, Bit Bucket, CVS, SVN, GITHUB 2.12.0

Databases: MySQL, ORACLE, NoSQL, Mongo DB, DB2, MS SQL, SQL Server, RDBMS

Modelling Tools: Microsoft Visio, Rational Rose

Operating system: Windows10, Linux Mint 18.1, Unix

Application Servers: Apache Tomcat Server, IBM Web Sphere, JBOSS, Oracle Web Logic

Testing &logging: Jasmine, Junit, Log4J, SoapUI, Test NG, Karma, Protractor, Mockito, Selenium, Docker, Jenkins.

Cloud Technologies: AWS EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, ELB, Route53, S3, Cloud watch, SNS, RDS, IAM, Cloud Formation


Confidential, Des Moines, IA

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design Analysis, and Code development.
  • Worked as a Senior Java Developer, assisting the team in developing a Web-based application.
  • Developed interactive web application using Spring MVC, Ajax, jQuery, CSS and HTML
  • Developed UI components using Angular 4 dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers
  • Used the functionalities for writing code in HTML, CSS, Angular.js, D3.js, Node.js, JavaScript, JQUERY, Ajax, JSON, and Bootstrap with MySQL database.
  • Implemented various J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Builder etc.
  • Experience in writing Components, Pipes and Services to separate concern and handle different situations by applying Angular4
  • Developed user interfaces which are single page applications using JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Angular JS.
  • Developed view components using JSP, JSTL, JavaScript, CSS, Struts Logic tags and struts tag libraries.
  • Developed presentation layer usingHTML5, CSS3and client validation usingJavaScript, DOM, JSON.
  • Developed interactive web application using Spring MVC, Ajax, jQuery, CSS and HTML.
  • Microservices have been built using Spring boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud.
  • Used Spring Ribbon along with Spring Boot for load balancing and Fault tolerance of the application.
  • Worked on RESTful services for transferring and retrievingXMLandJSONdata between different applications.
  • ImplementedMVC architecture by applying Angular JS framework.
  • Created a Collections in MongoDB by writing Javacode through Spring Boot
  • Set up Jenkins server and created Jenkins jobs to build and deploy the application in different environments using Maven.
  • Strong understanding of Microservice architectures, patterns, related frameworks and prior hands-on experience in developing and deploying Microservice solutions
  • Used version control repository GIT and JIRA for issue tracking
  • Developed Business rules using DROOLS and integrated with Application.
  • Developed build script using MAVEN to build, package, test and deployed the application inWebLogic
  • Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and data persistence
  • Utilized various JavaScript and jQuery libraries, AJAX for form validation and other interactive features.
  • Used Apache Maven build tool to automate the build process and Jenkins CI for continuous integration.
  • Involved in converting SQL queries into Apache Spark transformations using Apache Spark RDDs andScala.
  • Used Log4j framework to log/track application.
  • Experience with features of Angular 4 such as directives, dependency injection, modules and routing.
  • Experience in Cloud Solutions on AWS utilizing EC2, S3, IAM, ECS and RDS etc.
  • Developed and maintained automated regression test cases in Selenium Web Driver using Java programming.
  • Provide production support and address issues that may occur in production and Involved on build and deployment process.

Environment: Java/J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Spring, XML, XSLT, JDBC, AJAX, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Angular JS, Web Logic application server, Eclipse, Apache Axis, Log4J, Splunk, Maven, Windows, CVS, Junit, JIRA, Jenkins GIT, jQuery, MongoDB, Spring Boot, Selenium

Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Followed Test Driven Development (TDD), Scrum concepts of the Agile Methodology to produce high Quality Software, involved in System Requirements study and conceptual design.
  • Designed and developed web UI screens using Angular-JS, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed various J2EE components like Servlets, JSP, JSTL and JMS.
  • Hands on experience Spring Boot Actuator, Spring Cloud, and Netflix Eureka.
  • Developed REST and SOAP based Web Services for data retrieval to make it independent of the current application.
  • Implemented SOA to developRESTBased Web services using Apache Axis.
  • Maintained CSS and HTML, JavaScript, JSON, JSF, AngularJS, Bootstrap for designing Web Pages
  • Experienced with event-driven and scheduledAWSLambdafunctions to trigger variousAWSresources.
  • Used Spring framework to achieve loose coupling between the layers thus moving towards Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) exposed through RESTful.
  • Developed Microservices using Spring Boot,SpringCloud with Netflix Eureka to create the discovery Server, service, discovery clients and integrated Apache Kafka and Zoo Keeper as message broker.
  • Designed and developed RESTful Web services. Created and compiled XML Schema to generate Java Bean classes using Apache Axis.
  • Build REST web service by building Node JS Server in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-end JQUERY, AJAX via JSON
  • Implemented MVC architecture by applying Angular JS framework.
  • Utilized various JavaScript and jQuery libraries, AJAX for form validation and other interactive features.
  • Used AWS SDK to connect with Amazon SQS for bulk email processing
  • Implemented AWS IAM for managing the credentials of applications that runs on EC2instances.
  • Worked on Code builds and code changes are made in JavaScript, Python and Shell scripts
  • Implemented the database connectivity using JDBC with Oracle database as backend.
  • Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application to know the application status.
  • Implemented Java/J2EE design patterns such as Factory, DAO, and Singleton.
  • Used Angular JS as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA), which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data with server.
  • Used JavaScript for the client-side validation. Used XML HTTP Request Object to provide asynchronous communication as part of AJAX implementation.
  • Configured theDockerContainers and creatingDockersfiles for different environments.
  • Extensively used MVC, Factory, Delegate and Singleton design patterns
  • Created and maintained documentation for launching HADOOP Clusters and executing Hive queries, Pig Scripts.
  • Active MQ was used to provide a single unifying transport that reduces cost and maintenance efforts, including support for HTTP, REST. And WSDL was used for publishing Web Service interfaces.
  • Used Rational Clear Case for version control and JUnit for unit testing.
  • Extensively used Selectors in jQuery for updating content on DOM nodes.
  • Installed and maintained NoSQL Database MongoDB
  • Used GitHub to maintain the versions of the source code of the project
  • Used Apache Camel for message routing
  • Junit tests were written to test each module in the application.

Environment: Java/J2EE, Java Spring, XML, XSLT, JDBC, AJAX, JDBC, Oracle 10g, WSAD, IBM MQ, HTML, CSS, Ajax, RESTful, JavaScript, Hadoop, Angular JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Eclipse, UML, Rational Rose, CVS, JUnit, MongoDB, GitHub, Apache, AWS, NoSQL, Docker.

Confidential, Cherry Hill, NJ

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Analyzed the business requirements of the project by studying the Business Requirement Specification document.
  • The application is designed using J2EE design patterns and technologies based on MVC architecture.
  • Used HTML DOM which is a standard object model and programming interface for HTML
  • Used AJAX and JavaScript for validations and integrating business server-side components on the client side with in the browser.
  • UsedNoSQL database Cassandrafor proof of concept and having experience in create aStored Proceduresand having experience in Remote Procedure call (RPC).
  • Developed automated solutions to include web interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web services.
  • UsedSpringMVCas Web module, involved in design, development of new Action classes to interact with business logic and UsedHibernateas ORM to mapJava classes to data base tables.
  • Written Web Services (JAX-WS) for external system via SOAP/HTTP call.
  • Creation ofWebLogicdomains and setup Admin & Managed servers forJAVA/J2EE applications on Non-Production and Production environments.
  • Creation of Connection Pools, Data Sources inWebLogicconsole.
  • WroteDocker files for creating Docker images for micro services and Docker containersfor environment. UsedKubernetesto deployDocker containers.
  • Used Spring Framework for developing the application. Implemented the persistence layer using Hibernate and configured Hibernate with spring to interact with the Oracle Database from the DAO.
  • Usedspringframework for middle tier andSpring-hibernatefor data access.
  • Involved in developing SQL queries,storedprocedures, and functions.
  • Developed complicated SQL queries, multiple joins and Stored Procedure for reports and business needs.
  • Prepared and presentedUNIXproduction and implementation schedules to the Project Manager and client.
  • Used AJAX and JavaScript for validations and integrating business server-side components on the client side with in the browser.
  • Created interactive data charts on customer portal web application using High charts JavaScript library with data coming from Apache Cassandra.
  • Accessed Restful resources with HTTP protocol, the URL of the resource serve as the resource as the resource identifier and GET, PUT, DELETE, POST and HEAD are the standard operations.
  • Microservices have been built using Spring boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud.
  • JIRA tool for project management used in the application to tack bugs, issues and project management functions.
  • Worked on Selenium WebDriver with Javaand Test NG,Cucumber framework.
  • Implemented validation rules using JBOSS BRMS (Business Rule Management System), a version of DROOLS.
  • ECAWS Worked with an agile team, involved in grooming the stories based on technical discussion with product owners, creating JIRA epics for the projects.
  • Installed, maintained and fine-tuned the Apache-Tomcat server and WebSphere Application Server inLinuxPlatform.
  • Experienced in build, deploy multi module applications using Maven and CI servers like Jenkins.

Environment: J2EE, MVC, HTML, CSS, Java Scripting, AJAX, Cassandra, Shell Scripting, Hibernate, Spring, DAO, cucumber, JIRA, Apache-Tomcat server, Maven, ANT, IBM WebSphere, Docker, Kubernetes.


Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in design and developing phases of SDLC in Agile methodology.
  • Developed the Front End using HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
  • Wrote server-side programs by using Servlets and JSP
  • Strong technical knowledge in Core Java, J2EE and JEE development. Extensive experience design and coding in J2EE (Servlets, JSP) Environment with Eclipse IDE.
  • Involved in developing UI components using AngularJS, HTML, CSS framework
  • Developed the middle tier using EJBs, Java Servlets. Developed session, entity beans and message driven beans.
  • Worked on the Spring MVC Restful Web services, exposing services and consuming the third party.
  • Wrote Ant Scripts to automate the build and deploy process
  • Developed the application with spring MVC, JSF, web flow framework and struts
  • Developed the User Interface Screens for presentation using JSP, Angular 2, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Work Exclusively with Core layer of Framework to Implement View Controller in MVC Architecture. Creating SOAP Web Services using WSDL to connect with external clients.
  • Extensively worked with XML using DOM and SAX parsers for transferring the data between different components
  • Developed the Junit test cases and used GIT as Distributed version control system. Used Log4j and commons-logging frameworks for logging the application flow
  • Developed dynamic EJS templates using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
  • Used in-built market place services of PCF for RabbitMQconfig.
  • Composed and executed MongoDB document scripts to insert, update NoSQL database, automating data changes, reporting and wrote MongoDB client to receive data from AMC for Companies.
  • Worked with D3.js for generating reports and stats for customer services.
  • Developed and deployed EJBs on the server.
  • Extensively used JDBC to access the database objects.
  • Created and implemented PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers
  • Developed test cases for TDD in Karma and Jasmine

Environment: Java, servlets, JSP, JEE, EJBs, MVC, JSF, struts, Angular2, Java Scripting, XML, Git, JDBC, PL/SQL, Eclipse, karma, jasmine, tomcat, stored procedures.

Confidential, Denver, CO

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Followed Test Driven Development (TDD), Scrum concepts of the Agile Methodology to produce high Quality Software, involved in System Requirements study and conceptual design.
  • Experience in creating JSON files that mock the Microservices locally.
  • Created prototypes in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript 1.8.x and jQuery 1.4 for different UI pages such as Login, Register, User Information Summary, coupons, and Periodic payments.
  • Expertise in Client Side designing and validations using HTML, DHTML, and JavaScript
  • Extensively logged the data in the application using Log4j and used Eclipse as the IDE for the application.
  • Made use of jQuery, JSPs, HTML, JavaScript and CSS to develop the frontend UI.
  • UsedReact JSfor creating components and to render views and to update the DOM dynamically.
  • Used Bootstrap, ReactJS to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server.
  • With the concept of React JS Worked on usage metrics and end to end events tracing for analysis purpose.
  • Involved in maintenance of existing PERL application and wrote Perl scripts to enhance the application.
  • Extensively worked with XML schema (XSD), XSL/XSLT, and XML to navigate in XML documents, and SAX to process and parse xml files.
  • Extensively used JavaScripts to enforce client-side validations and also used jQuery for Ajax processing.
  • Involved in development/ maintenance of various web services using IBM WebSphere to interact with other Applications.
  • Developed programs for accessing the database using JDBC thin driver to execute queries, Prepared statements, Stored Procedures and to manipulate the data in the DB2 database.
  • Tested the response format of REST services in XML, and JSON.
  • Performed Installation, Configuration and Maintenance of production Cloud Environments such as Tomcat, Apache.
  • Published and consumed stream of records usingProducerandConsumer APIswithSpring for Apache Kafka.
  • Developed a set of the application functionality using CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features of Backbone.js.
  • Used SQL and PL/SQL queries to perform database operations on WebSphere.
  • Involved inCore Javacoding by usingJava APIssuch asCollections, Multithreading, Exception Handling, Generics, Enumeration,andJava I/Oto fulfil the implementation of business logic.
  • Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
  • Developed XML applications using XSLT transformations
  • Created XML document using XML API to pass the XML structure to Web Services.
  • Configured WebSphere Application server and deployed the web components.
  • Used Spring BOOT to create stand-alone spring applications. Developed backend services using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring AOP and Dependency Injection and JPA.

Environment: JSP, AJAX, Struts framework, Hibernate Framework, JMS, React JS, SOAP, XML, Spring Framework, Java Script, HTML, SQL, PL/SQL, Web Sphere, Junit, CSS, Jenkins, Spring Boot, MVC, web Sphere, Kafka.


Java/J2EE Developer


  • Worked with OOPS concepts and developed the project for Mobile Application.
  • Developed the Web Services using Core Javaand XML.
  • Designing UI screen for Insurance Quote to get User information with JSP.
  • Used Struts Framework in the application which is based on MVC design pattern.
  • Writing custom tag handlers for Insurance Quote page to calculate the age of the person using the date of birth information entered.
  • Developing Action Classes, Service Classes for Resident Insurance Premium payment module.
  • Developed reusable web components, JSP, Servlets and Java Beans that use the MVC pattern to access EJB (Entity Beans) for the modules of user registration.
  • Used DB2 as the Backend for the application.
  • Deployed Applications on Apache Tomcat Server.
  • Writing PL/SQL Queries to get schedule of policy payment and defaults.
  • Developing Session beans, Entity for Insurance Quotes.
  • Involved in unit testing, troubleshooting and debugging. Modifying existing programs with enhancements.
  • Developed the Training and Appraisal modules using Java, JSP, Servlets and JavaScript.
  • Fixing the bugs identified in test phase.

Environment: Java, JDK 1.6, JSP, Web Services, XML, Oracle, Eclipse, Struts, servlets, MVC Pattern, JavaScript, Apache Tomcat, PL/SQL.

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