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Sr Java/aws Developer Resume

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  • 8 years of IT EXPERIENCE
  • Searching for the opportunity to bring 8 years of programming, technology, and engineering expertise in developing software’s while incorporating critical thinking, problem solving, and leadership.
  • Micro - Services, API’s and Software App’s development using Java, SpringBoot, APIGEE, PaaS Technologies like PCF, AWS.
  • Expert in leading a team, implementing Agile, and CI-CD model of development





Programming Languages: JAVA-8, GROOVY, JSCRIPT, UI, PL/SQL, UNIX, SHELL




Logging Frameworks: LOG4J, LOGBACK, SLF4J, JBOSS (MDC)




Security Certificates: CA SIGNED, SELF SIGNED CERTS






Sr Java/AWS developer

Confidential, GA


  • Implemented Spring framework, Spring-AOP, Spring-ORM, Spring-JDBC modules.
  • Producer API’s are exposed via proxy using APIGEE.
  • Plan, deploy, monitor, and maintain Amazon AWScloud infrastructure consisting of multiple EC2 nodes and VMWare Vm's as required in the environment.
  • Worked in managing VMs in Amazon using AWSand EC2.
  • Created and managed a Docker deployment pipeline for custom application images in the cloud using Jenkins.
  • Automate the cloud deployments using chef, python (boto & fabric) and AWS Cloud Formation Templates.
  • Eureka service registry of PCF configured for each services to enable communicate via cloud.
  • Used in-built market place services of PCF for RabbitMQ, MySQL config. Restful API’s are created to handle real-time request/response.
  • Creating POC for various functionalities using latestJava8 Technologies such as Spring boot, JPA, Maven and Angular JS.
  • ResolvingAWSissues related toAWSStorage, Configuration, networking,routingetc.
  • Used config-server options of PCF for maintaining application properties pertaining to each environment and User-Provided-Config-Server (cf cups) option for Syslog and Oracle DB connectivity.
  • Configured Artifactory repository as a central build repo.
  • Agile is followed in a 2week sprint model which includes daily scrum call, weekly once sprint planning, sprint backlog, mid sprint review, sprint release, followed by sprint retro meets.
  • Designed and developed all components, Jsp, controller, Spring configuration and Hibernate configuration for various modules.
  • Configured Direct connect and VPN withAWSVPC.
  • Consumer API’s communicate to other services or API’s via APIGEE proxy, and some consumer’s use Rabbit MQ as a medium to delegate messages.
  • Excellent knowledge ofJMS(Java messaging services) using EJB MDB andJMS(IBM MQ).
  • Designed architecture of real time processing micro services workflow considering the upstream and downstream system capabilities.
  • Developing Micro Services, and creating API’s using Java Spring Boot framework using Maven as a build tool and Oracle as an enterprise level database.
  • Rally is used to track current sprint user stories and maintaining a backlog. HP ALM is used to track defects.
  • Hosting Micro Services on PCF and AWS platforms.
  • Usedspringboot framework to create properties for various environments and use yamls for configuration.
  • Migrated applications from internal data center to AWS.
  • Used Spring AOP for the transaction management and logging.
  • Bitbucket repo is used as a centralized repository and configured Hooks and Webhooks to Rally and Slack tools for notification purposes.
  • Implemented Jenkins for a central build and deploy activities by configuring Jenkins in micro service apps.
  • Validation Service using JSR 303 Bean validation and @interface Custom Validation
  • Used Cucumber for unit test cases and spun up HSQL embedded database for integration testing.
  • Configured Splunk monitoring alerts based on error conditions.
  • Have implemented chef provisioning for creation of on demand instances and instance infrastructure using the chef-client and bootstrapping using plugins against AWS EC2.

Java/aws developer

Confidential, ID


  • Developed Spring MVC app deployed on Weblogic to orchestrate transactions by using micro services.
  • Implemented Spring Batch for batch processing of files, and used Caching Connection Factory, Asynchronous Reader, Processor, Writer interfaces to improve performance of batch processing.
  • IBM Websphere MQ’s are configured to delegate messages.
  • Used Java7 FileWatcher Service for file polling.
  • Involved in designing, creating, reviewing Technical Design Documents.
  • Producer API’s are exposed via proxy using APIGEE.
  • Consumer API’s communicate to other services or API’s via APIGEE proxy, and some consumer’s use Rabbit MQ as a medium to delegate messages. Used Spring Boot for developing micro services, and API’s to communicate Oracle DB for handling real time feeds.
  • Setup AWS VPC's for dev, staging and Prod environments.
  • DefinedAWSSecurityGroups, which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic, allowed reaching one or moreAWSEC2 instances.
  • Deployed and hosted the application on AWSusing OpsWorks, automated single click deployment onto AWSusing Chef.
  • Created cloud front for accelerated delivery of websites, APIs and content byroutingthe traffic using Route 53.
  • Configured Jetty Server to instead of Tomcat to run for Spring Boot apps.
  • Hands on experience with one or more Cloud Infrastructure and Services like Amazon AWS.
  • Developing a product-level cloud-based architecture in AWS.
  • Installing and automation of application using configuration management tools Puppet and Chef.
  • Involved in deploying systems on Amazon Web Services Infrastructure services EC2, S3, RDS, SQS, Cloud Formation.
  • Worked on AWS, High Availability Practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure.
  • Product enhancements and implement solutions for multi-tenant J2EE based legacy enterprise product enabling as Cloud based deployment and higher availability and scalability.
  • Worked on Managing the Private Cloud Environment using Chef.
  • Worked on building & deploying Javacode through Jenkins, used Jenkins Amazon Web Services (AWS) Code Deploy plugin to deploy toAWSand worked AWS Cloud management.
  • Configured Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) with EC2 Auto scaling groups. Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch.
  • Used Gradle as a build tool and configured Nexus Repository for the central build setup.
  • Performed Jenkins Build and Deployment for upgrading the application to higher environments.
  • Created RESTful web service barcode Controller for handling the WebServices request from an UI application.
  • Developed the presentation layer using Angular JS.
  • Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing on the infrastructure on AWSfor security.
  • Eureka service registry of PCF configured for each services to enable communicate via cloud.
  • Used in-built market place services of PCF for RabbitMQ, MySQL config.
  • Used config-server options of PCF for maintaining application properties pertaining to each environment and User-Provided-Config-Server (cf cups) option for Syslog and Oracle DB connectivity.
  • Implemented Validation Service using JSR 303 Bean validation and @interface Custom Validation.
  • Rest API’s were exposed using @Rest Controller interface and produce Json formatted data.
  • SOAP WebServices were consumed using xml schema and xsd’s.
  • Postman and SOAP UI tools were used to test Rest and Soap WebServices respectively.
  • IBM Interact tool is used for creating flowcharts to decide Offers based on request configured using soap WebServices.

SR Java Developer

Confidential, WEST DES MOINES, IA


  • Involved in designing the new architecture for existing application to latest technologies.
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
  • Designed and developed the UI components using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Node JS, jQuery, Bootstrap and AJAX.
  • Used Tiles Framework for Presentation layer and Validation Framework for validations.
  • Used Maven build tool for compiling and packaging the application and used Jenkins with maven for application build and continuous integration.
  • Implemented Spring Security for authentication and authorization.
  • Implemented the persistence layer using Hibernate and configured Hibernate with Spring to interact with the Database from the DAO.
  • Developed Hibernate mapping files using different mapping strategies such as table per class hierarchy.
  • Implemented Spring Transactions along with Spring ORM for database transactions.
  • Used Thymeleaf template engine that work both in web based and non-web based environments.
  • Consumed Web Services - WSDL and SOAP for client side for exchange rate calculation and used JAX-RS with jersey for web services.
  • Worked on implementing current Rest web services to one of cloud computing services AWS.
  • Used Amazon S3 to store and retrieve media files such as images and Amazon Cloud Watch is used to monitor the application and to store the logging information.
  • Involved in writing JavaAPI for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services.
  • Used AWSframework for creating background and multistep workflows.
  • Extensively worked with Oracle database and Cassandra, created and worked with various database objects like Packages, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Views, Materialized Views, dblinks, external tables, Materialized Views etc.
  • Managed review and troubleshooting of existing Informatic data flows with the main goal to streamline business logic and shorten daily processing.
  • Used JMS to send/receive asynchronous data to other applications.

Sr Java/J2ee Developer

Confidential, RIVERWOODS, IL


  • Coordinated with mainframe developers to understand, preserve and migrate legacy application functionality.
  • Experienced to Set up Jenkins server and build jobs to provide continuous automated builds based on polling the Git source control system during the day and periodic scheduled builds overnight to support development needs using Jenkins, Git, J-unit, Selenium and Maven.
  • Developed the application web pages using HTML, CSS, JSP, Javascript and J Query.
  • Worked as a full stack developer responsible for Web, middle tier and Databases in the development of the application.
  • Developed Use case diagrams, Object diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using UML.
  • Used Eclipse IDE and deployed the application on JBoss server.
  • Used Agile practices and Test Driven Development (TTD)techniques to provide reliable, working software early and often.
  • Used Node JS for server side code and Express. JS as the framework. Written callback functions for the RestFul API.
  • Used Spring AOP for logging for crosscutting concerns of the application.
  • Implemented presentation layer using Spring, J Query.
  • Implemented user interface (UI) using JSP, HTML and CSS.
  • Implemented services in modeling analytics platform using Grails and Groovy.
  • Involved in creating components with Spring AOP for aspect and implemented Dependency Injection.
  • Extremely used plain JavaScript library to do the client side validations.
  • Developed data access components using JDBC, DAOs, and Beans for data manipulation.
  • Developed several REST web services supporting both XML and JSON to perform tasks.
  • Implemented the functionalities using Java, JSP, Servlets and J2EE framework.
  • Developed front-end screens with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSP's.
  • Extensively did client side validations using JavaScript and developed the required Servlets.
  • Designed and developed a JDBC driver that interacts with database by intercepting SQL.
  • Extensively worked with JDBC programs using MySQL databases and developed SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle to process the data.
  • Used GIT as a version control system to store current and previous versions of source code.
  • Providing technical assistance in creating High Level and Low Level design using Spring framework, Web Logic, SOAP Web Services, JDK1.6

Java/J2ee developer



  • Worked on UI development using JSP on Struts and Spring MVC Frameworks.
  • Develop and test PL/SQL stored procedures.
  • Developed DAOs (Data Access Object) and DOs (Data Object) using Hibernate as ORM to interact with DBMS - Oracle
  • Developed modules that integrate with web services that provide global information.
  • Responsible for the systems design, architecture, implementation and integration with various technologies like Spring Integration, Web Services, Oracle Advanced Queues and WMQ’s.
  • Implemented framework Spring 3.05 and Spring Integration 2.0.5 upgrades.
  • Used OSGi container framework to install bundles (modules) developed using Spring and Spring Integration.
  • Used Web services to communicate and integrate within different system.
  • Worked as Web Dynpro Java developer and developed custom applications, and creating the Portal screens.
  • Create and access JAX-RS REST and JAX-WS SOAP based Web Services, to access internal and secured applications inside and outside the intranet.
  • Responsible for development, testing, deploying and maintaining Spring Integration projects on Virgo (OSGi Container).
  • Used Log4j for logging the application, log of the running system to trace the errors and certain automated routine functions.
  • Build applications using MAVEN.
  • Learn and implement upcoming technologies and software updates.
  • Participates in high level and low-level design discussions.
  • Modified and enhanced the Division of Disability Determinations case processing application.
  • Designed and developed functions used by Division of Disability analysts when adjudicating a case and managing caseloads in Java/Oracle environment.
  • Diagnoses and resolves application bugs and monitoring logs files across the application.
  • Reviews code from other developers to ensure it meets design standards.

JAVA developer



  • Perform incident resolution for WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere MQ, IBM Message broker, Process and Portal server.
  • Configured WebSphere resources including JDBC providers, JDBC data sources, connection pooling, and JavaMail sessions. Deployed Session and Entity EJBs in WebSphere
  • Developed Rich user interface using RIA, HTML, JSP, JSTL, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, YUI, AUI using Liferay portal.
  • Analysis, design and development of Application based on J2EE using Struts and Hibernate.
  • Involved in interacting with the Business Analyst and Architect during the Sprint Planning Sessions.
  • Implemented Point to Point JMS queues and MDB's to fetch diagnostic details across various interfaces.
  • Worked with WebSphere business integration technologies as WebSphere MQ and Message Broker 7.0 (Middleware tools) on Various Operating systems.
  • Worked on new Portal theme for the website using Liferay and customize for the look and feel.
  • Developed the application using with Java technologies like JSP, Servlets, AJAX, Hibernate, Java Beans, XML, and JAXB.
  • Designed components for the project using best practices and J2EE design patterns such as Model-View-Controller (MVC), Data Access Object, and Value Object.
  • Extensively used the Spring Core for Inversion of Control (IOC), Application Context and ORM modules in the project.
  • Hands on experience on CXML in implementing Modules involving e-Commerce based order/receipt, catalogue transport and Punch out operations for certain specific clients.
  • Experience Struts customs tags such as HTML, Logic, and Bean Tags depending upon the requirement.
  • Hands on experience in usage of AJAX to create interactive web pages.
  • Developed Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP), Jax-WS to route the submittals to the EJB components and render-retrieved information using Session Façade, Service Locator (design pattern).
  • Experience in deploying and testing the web application on WebLogic application server.
  • Used Hibernate for all the database mapping and Implemented ORM with HIBERNATE to make the Persistence class objects of the domain model to access Oracle database tables.
  • Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
  • Implemented JDBC template in the data access object layer to access and update information in the Oracle11g Database.
  • Developed Use Cases, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and User Interface diagrams in UML using Rational Rose
  • Used ANT scripts to create JAR, EAR, War files and Deployed the application on WebLogic application server.
  • Involved in developing JUNIT Test Cases to validate the type of data in the XML Files.
  • Performed SQL tuning using SQL Trace, explain plan for optimizing query performance.
  • Developed test cases and performed unit and integration testing when needed. Collaborated with users, database administrators, and team members involved in the project implementation.

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