Mobile Application Developer Resume
Scottsdale, AZ
- Around 8 years of experience in Android/iOS application design, development, testing and deployment.
- Expertise in architecting, developing both hybrid and native mobile applications for tablets and mobile devices using Eclipse, Android SDK, XCode, iPhone SDK, Swift, Android Studio, PhoneGap and SenchaTouch.
- Designed and developed Android applications using Activities, Fragments, Async Task, Intents, Services, Broadcast Receiver, Content Provider, Restful Services and Location Manager.
- 2 years of experience in iOS Mobile Application Development using Objective - C, Swift, UI Kit, Core Location, Map Kit and Cocoa Service Framework.
- Experience in developing TextView, Customized ListView, Menus, Edit Boxes, Checkboxes, Dialogs, Buttons, Status Notifications, Action Bars and Spinners.
- Hands-on experience on memory management, push notifications, thread safety, multiple screen support, data offline usage, audio features, video features, graphics and animation.
- Good Understanding and Knowledge in AOSP.
- Proficient in Working with Android Native and System services (Media Player, Bluetooth, Location, Camera and Notifications).
- Experienced in working with Gingerbread, Honey Comb, Ice-Cream Sandwich, Jellybean, Kit Kat, LolliPop, Marshmallow and Nougat versions of Android SDK.
- Hands-on experience with MVC, Singleton, Factory pattern, Data Access Object, Value Object, Facade Pattern and Business Delegate design patterns.
- Solid Understanding in Collections, Multi-Threading, Socket-Programming and Exception handling concepts.
- Experience with SVN, Confidential and GIT source code management tools.
- Proficient in methodologies such as Agile (AUP), Scrum Software Development processes, Test Driven (Test First) Development, Rapid Application Development (RAD) and conventional SDLC.
- Self-starter, team player, results oriented and multi-tasker. Strives to consistently exceed expectations.
Programming Languages: Java, JEE, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, CSS, Java Script, XML, jQuery.
IDEs: Eclipse, Android Studio, XCode, Swift.
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/10, Linux.
Web Server: Apache Tomcat.
Source Code Management (SCM): SVN, Confidential and GIT.
Web Technologies: SOA, JSON, SOAP, RESTful.
Tools: JUnit, Espresso, Dreamweaver, Maven, Jenkins, JIRA.
Mobile/Hybrid Technologies: Android SDK, iPhone SDK, Objective-C, Android NDK, SQLite, PhoneGap, Cordova, Sencha Touch, ADT Plugin.
Mobile Application Developer
Confidential - Scottsdale, AZ
- Responsible for design, development, testing, debugging, and deployment of the application in both Android and iOS platforms.
- Developed android application targeting Marshmallow version.
- Contributed to application requirement analysis for achieving the specifications provided by the client.
- Acted as a Key contributor to brainstorming sessions for App enhancements and bug fixes.
- Used Async Task for multithreading and to reduce burden on UI thread.
- Involved in User Interface development for both Android and iOS.
- Developed a hybrid scan feature using Third-party library ZXing bar code scanner and integrated in both Android and iOS applications.
- Involved in working on Restful Web Service and worked on AJAX with JSON for web page dynamic refreshing.
- Designed and developed core-data framework to store data and sync them in remote database using Restful services.
- Implemented Push notifications for both Android and iOS.
- Developed a module for exposing the services of Confidential web application. Worked on designing MQ Series based queues and MQ Workflow for enterprise messaging using JMS API.
- Worked on Implementing Microservices where we had to implement Microservices in order to separate the tasks and not to have dependency on other Parallel on-going tasks of same Application.
- For persisting data from queues used DB2 and deployed the applications on WAS.
- Managed the look and feel consistency in both portrait and landscape views. Supported multiple screen resolutions to provide resizing across multiple devices.
- Maintained 80%+ test coverage. Implemented TDD using JUnit and Espresso testing tools to test uses cases in business and abstract layer of the architecture.
- Embedded Google Play Services in the application to get latest Maps feature.
- Worked on debugging the application using Logcat, DDMS and written JUnit test cases.
- Tested application in simulator and device testing with iPhone and iPad with iOS 8 and later.
- Involved in signing and deploying application in Google Play Store. Also available 24/7 production support of both iOS and Android applications.
- Iteratively re-factored performance of the app by implementing better memory caching.
Environment: Java, JEE, Android SDK 5.0, iOS SDK, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, EJB, Servlets, Hibernate, XCode 7, SOA, XML, JSON, AJAX, SVN, Postman (REST Client), JIRA, JUnit, Espresso, SQLite 3.6, DB2, Android Studio, WAS, WSAD, LINUX/Unix, Agile.
iOS Developer
Confidential, Indianapolis, IN
- Utilized Objective-C, Swift and Cocoa framework to develop the project.
- Implemented core-data for persistent storage of user data. Used Core Location, UI Kit, Storyboards, Segues, Auto Layout and Map Kit in the application.
- Created custom checklist and sharing through JSON libraries and connecting to SQLite database with the Objective-C interfaces.
- Created View Controllers both programmatically using Swift 2.0 and also through Storyboards.
- Implemented NSOperationQueue and NSURLConnection to integrate with backend web services.
- Developed Navigation between using UINavigationController, UIGestureRecognizer, and UIPopoverController.
- Continuously tested application using TestFlight to fine-tune the product.
- Took care of Code Review, Code Fixes and Bug Fixes.
- Worked on ARC for memory management.
- Managed data and memory management from streamlining code and using various debugging tests.
- Interacting with QA on deliverables on every iteration and customer feedback implementation.
Environment: iOS 9, iPhone SDK, Objective-C, Swift, Cocoa Framework, XCode, JSON, XML, SQLite, REST Client, TestFlight.
Android Developer
Confidential, Atlanta, G
- Designed and developed mobile application for Android mobile devices with extensive user interface development.
- Designed screens using MVC, MVVM and Android Design Patterns for the application with Android Studio IDE.
- Used Web Views, Custom List Views and populated lists to display the lists from SQLite database using Simple Adapters and Custom Adapters.
- Worked with the Android SDK, and implemented Android Bluetooth and Location Connectivity components.
- Responsible for design of user interface using various custom layouts, buttons, dialog boxes, alert boxes and different form of widgets.
- Developed the app to adapt to different orientations (Landscape/Portrait) and various resolutions (ldpi/mdpi/hdpi) based on the device.
- Performed Unit testing on the various modules/functions to ensure that the output is as expected.
- Implemented MVVM in all interactive views using AngularJS.
- Worked with an offshore team and had to attend meetings on daily basis to keep track of different tasks and to receive updates on the project.
- Used JIRA to track issues.
- Responsible for deploying the app to the Android Marketplace and supported the app for different releases of Android OS.
Environment: Java, Android SDK, Android Studio, XML, SVN, Gradle, DDMS console, JUnit, JIRA, SQLite Browser, Tomcat, Agile.
Android Application Developer
Confidential, Middletown, NJ
- Involved in requirement gathering, designing and development of the application.
- Created Custom Views, such as List Items, Date/Time Pickers, Complex Radio and Image Buttons, as well as custom List View Adapters.
- Designed the User interface using Action Bar with overflow menu.
- Developed Services, Async tasks and Push Notification to implement event reminder feature into the mobile app.
- Managed session using Shared Preferences and Alarm Manager to every activity - allowing customers to stay signed in for longer sessions of inactivity.
- Used fragments to minimize the activity count and simplify the navigation.
- Implemented unique design for portrait and landscape mode.
- Used web views, list views & populated lists to display the lists from database using simple adapters.
- Involved in performance testing along with Functional and Regression tests.
- Followed agile methodology to implement the project.
- Performed on device debugging using ADB and tested application in both emulator and device.
- Added new features, bug fixing and performance improvements, along with increasing the number of devices supported by the app.
- Developed hybrid mobile application using Sencha Touch Javascript API Framework.
Environment: Java, Android 5.x, Java, Eclipse 3.5, ADT Plugin, SQLite, JSON, REST APIs, Google Analytics, Sencha Touch, PhoneGap.
Java/Android Application Developer
- Actively Participated in Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition phases of Application.
- Model View Controller (MVC) architecture has been adopted to provide framework.
- Designed and Developed Struts Action classes, DAO, Views using Struts custom tags.
- Developed Struts-based form validation, Application error handling, and using Struts Validator framework.
- Managed Persistence, mapping SQL to POJO's (Java Beans) using iBATIS 2.0 as Persistence Layer Framework with PostgreSQL as the Backend.
- Involved in developing JUnit test cases for testing the code fragments during development phase.
- Support and work with customers during beta test period to ensure a successful product roll out and providing support, addressing bugs as reported to the existing system.
- Involved in requirements gathering and designing of the application.
- Responsible for consuming the REST services, getting JSON response and parsing them to get the required information.
- Categorized common functionality games and developed single framework for all the games.
- Tested the app across different versions of Android and different android phones to assure quality and performance.
- Written technical documentation to allow easy hand-offs for other team members.
- Conducted knowledge transfer sessions to junior developers.
- Provided the support as part of post implementation support.
- Also provided support to three live applications by resolving issues and giving enhancements.
Environment: Java, Eclipse, ADT plugin, SQLite, Scrum, JUnit, REST Web Services, JSON.