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Sr. Software Engineer Resume

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Honolulu, HI


  • Software Engineer with broad technical skills with systems design and implementation combined with a proven ability to apply technical skills to industry, telecom, security, and military problems. Outstanding ability to learn, evaluate, and implement new technologies. Experienced with working alone or with small teams. Capable as a technical interface to customers.
  • Strong skills in OOP, interface - centric component-based system design in n-tiered programming environments, distributed systems, thick and thin client UI development, and full software lifecycle management. Broad experience with computer networking implementation, use and protocols. Extensive experience as development lead, software designer and architect, and developer of scalable, reliable distributed systems.


Confidential, Honolulu, HI

Sr. Software Engineer


  • During this time I was member of an Agile team of top-shelf developers maintaining an extending Hawaiian Telcom’s custom OSS back office software.
  • This position required extensive software archeological work, analysis of existing data models, and logic flows to enable maintenance and enhancements of legacy software system. Systems maintained the network equipment inventory, performed network provisioning, performed service activation, and participated in service order processing.
  • Work also included consulting with and supporting Business Analysts, Network Architects an Operations.
  • Highlights include introduction of Maven/Nexus builds to correct build process problems, introduction of constraints to the database schemas, adding abstraction layers to the data model, converting some subsystems from hard-coded procedural logic to data-driven, introduction of Spring technologies the technology stack, development of new web services for systems integrations, and creation of new capabilities to meet business needs.

Technologies: Java/J2EE, Oracle RDBMS, Spring, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Boot, JPA, HQL, JPQL, Javascript, Angular JS, Mockito, Grunt, NPM, WebLogic, Junit, Maven, Nexus, Jenkins, Ant, MS Office Suite, MS Visio, MS Project, SVN, GIT, Intellij, Eclipse, Hibernate. SQL and SQL Stored procedures, N-tiered architecture, design patterns, OOP, ORM, HTML, XML, JBOSS BPM, SOAP, JSON, Web Services, RESTful services, Design Patterns, SOA, Agile, TDD, and Incremental development methodologies .

Confidential, Honolulu, HI

Software Engr. Sr. Staff


  • For this project I assumed responsibility for an existing system, made the changes required to stabilize the software base to provide a solid platform for demonstration and testing of capabilities of value to the Theater Undersea Warfare Commanders mission.
  • Re-architected the C4I Knowledge Management Terminal to improve modularity, analyzed the TASW problem domain, derived an applicable and innovative data model, designed and coded a RDBMS to implement that model. Introduced and championed industry standard SE processes to the project. In the latest phase of the project lead the effort to convert CKMT capabilities to a web-services-based SOA model.
  • Acted as technical POC to the USW-DSS Program of Record, consulted with the Chief Engineer and architects of the CV-TSC and USW-DSS systems (military command and control), lead the team to successfully transition capabilities to USW-DSS using LMCO Systems Engineering Processes. Championed use of virtual machines to emulate the PORs hardware environment. Finally, lead research effort exploring the application of Business Process Modeling tools to training and evaluation of command-level war-fighter performance against proscribed military doctrine.
  • Managed the technical team, maintained the WBS and schedule, adjusted priorities and resource allocation to successfully meet all deadlines with quality deliverables. Provided mentoring and advise to developers on best practices. Designed, coded, debugged and tested the core components of the systems, with extensive work performed on database and middleware performance and reliability, transactional integrity, and data access in a heavily multithreaded, multi-process execution environment.

Technologies: Java/J2EE, SQL Server, C/C++, Javascript, PHP, Adobe Flex, JBOSS, JBOSS Rules, JBOSS ESB, Junit, Swing, Maven, Ant, Google Earth, MS Office Suite, MS Project, Enterprise Architect, Visio, SVN, CVS, VMWare, NetBeans, Eclipse, Hibernate. SQL and SQL Stored procedures, N-tiered architecture, design patterns, OOP, ORM, HTML, XML, XSLT, Web Services, Design Patterns, REST, SOA, Agile and Incremental development methodologies .

Confidential, Kailua, HI

WISE Research Project Technical Lead


  • Design and constructed a services-based framework based on Sun’s JINI model.
  • Created a modular cost-benefit evaluation system to support WISE concepts.
  • Produced project schedules and documentation.
  • Championed the implementation of LM SE processes in the WISE projects.
  • Lead Orincon’s Architecture PAL assessment team, active participant in Orincon’s Configuration Management PAL assessment team.

Technologies: Java/Jini, SQL Server, C/C++, Javascript, JESS (Java Expert Systems Shell),, MS Office Suite, MS Project, Enterprise Architect, Visio, SVN, Hibernate. SQL and design patterns, OOP, ORM, XML, Web Services.

Confidential, CA

Senior Principle Engineer


  • Managed and lead team implementing the data fusion component of a mobile software agent-based intrusion detection system. Developed infrastructure and framework for collaborating expert systems based on the Java Expert System Shell. Developed mobile reasoning agents based on the IBM Aglet Kit.
  • Developed prototype high-speed intrusion response reasoning system based on matrix probability manipulation.
  • Architected societies of expert systems.
  • Developed design patterns for database access using object wrappers hide the relational model of the data from the application code.
  • Championed and implemented some basic CM and SE practices such as code reviews, configuration management, change control, design review, documentation.
  • Mentored junior team members in SE practices, techniques, and trade-offs.

Technologies: Solaris, Linux, NT. Java, Perl, Aglets, NAS,. Rules-based programming/ inference engines. XML, XSLT, HTML., n-tiered systems. RAD techniques. UML, Rational Rose, Design Patterns, Refactoring. SQL, SQL PLUS, Oracle.

Confidential, WA

Lead Engineer


  • Implemented an inference-engine based service order generator that allows codification of explicit and implicit business rules.
  • Designed and developed template prototype for web page generation with integrated access to data from legacy systems.
  • Implemented improvements to the e-business framework.
  • Prototyped IBID application to “web-enable” complex documents for service reps.
  • Designed and developed data access middle-tier components to access legacy databases and expose business objects as semi-structured data.
  • Extensive Solaris, HP/UX, Linux, Netware installation and administration experience.

Technologies: Solaris, HP/UX, Linux, NT. C++/STL, Java, Perl, Servlets, NAS, WebLogic. Rules-based programming/ inference engines (iLog Rules). SGML, XML, XSLT, HTML., EJB, n-tiered systems. RAD techniques. UML, Rational Rose, Design Patterns, Refactoring. SQL, SQL PLUS, Oracle. Networking and protocols: CORBA, RMI, sockets, IIOP, NT Networking, AppleTalk.

Member of Technical Staff (Network Tools)



  • Installed and configured UNIX systems and Web Servers. Installed additional software.
  • Developed Web-based DNS update
  • Rapid-prototyped Web-based Oracle and Ingres database access applications.
  • Supported Domain Name Servers including system administration, hardware planning, backup, release testing.
  • Participant in the DCE deployment planning team. Deployed NTP servers.
  • Development of support code and interfaces for Monet.

Technologies: Solaris, Windows 95. C, C++, Perl/OraPerl, ksh, zsh, csh, Tcl/Tk. Networking and protocols: TCP/IP, IPX, FTP, TELNET, UUCP, NNTP, SNMP, NTP, et al.

Member of Technical Staff



  • Developed NCP gen automation application to significantly reduce staff time required to provision the SNA network.
  • Group Security Administrator.
  • Developed standards for group.
  • Designed and developed programs to reduce, store, and report SNA network performance.
  • Exploratory programming to assess feasibility of moving NCP configurations into a relational database.
  • Responsible for proposal, design, installation, support and maintenance Hyperchannel network for bulk-data use.
  • Developed NDM exits and VM support programs

Technologies: MVS, ISPF, VM, CMS, Windows 3.1. C, MASM, SQL, REXX, SAS, MS Excel. Networking: SNA, LU 6.2, Hyperchannel.


Performance analysis


  • Responsible for performance analysis and capacity planning on two mainframes.
  • Provided support for CMS 1100 and TELCON including problem analysis and configuration.
  • Acted as a consultant for local code, dump/problem analysis, configuration, and methodology to other group members.
  • Project Manager of the 1100 mainframe consolidation team.


Senior Systems Confidential


  • Responsible for operating system configuration and generation. Performance analysis and development of local performance enhancement features. Development of systems utilities.
  • Provided technical support to customers and field personnel. Converted application programs from other systems to the OS/1100 environments. Installed and maintained compiler and software products.

Technologies: OS/1100, Telcon, MASM, PLUS, and FORTRAN 77. Networking: async networks, Sperry Syncronous.

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