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Sr. Java/j2ee Full Stack Developer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • Around 8 years of experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes Design, Implementation, Development, Testing, Integration and Deployment of Enterprise Web based applications using Java/J2EE technologies.
  • Expertise in working with Waterfall, RUP (Rational Unified Process), Agile and Scrum methodology environments.
  • Experience in developing Server - Side Code with good knowledge of enterprise and persistence design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Facade, Front Controller, Data Access Object and MVC.
  • Expertise in developing web pages using HTML5, Groovy, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, and NodeJS with webpage cross browser compatibility and responsive web design using Bootstrap.
  • Experience working with Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 Bucket, RDS, SQS, Elastic Load Balancer, Dynamo DB, through AWS Console and API Integration.
  • Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups and Users for improved login authentication.
  • Experience in building Micro Service applications using Spring Boot for developing RESTful Web Services.
  • Experience in verifying issues during Production Support and resolving those issues.
  • Proficient in implementation of frameworks like Struts, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Batch, JSF and ORM frameworks like Hibernate and IBATIS.
  • Used Apache Kafka for integration and Data Processing with spring and for Multi-Threaded Message Consumption and worked on Zookeeper to maintain services.
  • Knowledgeable with RDBMS concepts like writing SQL Queries. Working experience with Relational DBMS like MySQL, Oracle SQL PL/SQL, SQL Server (MS SQL), DB2 and NoSQL DBMS like MongoDB,Casandra and Oracle Performance Tuning.
  • Expertise in development of multi-tiered enterprise applications using Java/J2EE technologies like Spring, Struts, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, JDBC, JMS, IBM MQ Series, JNDI, JavaBeans.
  • Experience in Distributed Application Development and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
  • Experienced in web Application servers like WebLogic 10.0, JBoss 7.1.0, WebSphere 8.5 and Tomcat 8.
  • Good experience to setup, configure continuous build processes using Jenkins, Maven, Ant and Gradle.
  • Extensive experience in developing applications using Java, Java Beans, JSP, Servlets, Apache Struts framework, JDBC, JNDI, JMS, MQ, XML: XSLT, DTD or Schema modelling, DOM/XPath/SAX parsing, JDWP, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring dynamic modules (OSGI), Hibernate, AJAX, JUnit, stubby, Oracle.
  • Worked with and implemented on developing and maintaining robust and effective Page Object Model Design Pattern and Created Keyword-Driven and Data-Driven Framework using Selenium WebDriver configured under TestNG environment and used MAVEN for adding dependencies.
  • Experience in working with Google Web Toolkit 2.3 to build complex browser based applications.
  • Experienced in using Content Management System(CMS) to support creation and modification of Digital Content.
  • Proficient in developing Web Services, related technologies & frameworks: WSDL, SOAP, REST, SOAPUI and generating client’s client using Eclipse for Web Services consumption.
  • Extensively involved in Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Experience in working with IBM WebSphere serverto route our JMS queue messages to different business floors and configured routes in Apache Tomcatand used Tibco EMS in e-mail notification.
  • Experience in software configuration management using CVS, Tortoise SVN, GitHub and IBM Clear Case.
  • Extensively worked on JIRA for tracking stories in a Project in a different methodology of Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Effective problem-solving skills, outstanding interpersonal skills, good in written and verbal communication. Ability to work independently as well as within a team environment. Driven to meet deadlines. Motivated to produce robust, high-performance software.


Languages: C, C++, Java 1.8, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL

J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, JMS, Java Security.

Mark-up/XML Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, NodeJS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, JSON.

Tools: & Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, JUnit, SOAP UI, Groovy, ANT, Maven, Jenkins, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Xstore, Google Web Toolkit 2.3, Docker, Apache Camel, OAuth 2.0, LDAP, Elastic Search, Selenium Web Driver, Open Atrium

Web services: Micro Services, AWS (Amazon Web Services), SOAP, RESTful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2

Web/App Servers: IBM WebSphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Web Logic Server

Database: Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL Server, DB2, MongoDB/NoSQL

IDEs: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite(STS), RAD

O-R mapping: Hibernate, IBatis

Modelling/ CASE Tools: Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio Professional

Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, Soap UI, Putty, Rational Clear Quest.

Version Control: Tortoise SVN, CVS, Rational Clear case, GitHub

OS & Environment: Windows, UNIX, Linux.


Confidential, Chicago IL

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, development and testing.
  • Developed front-end content using JSP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Groovy, Bootstrap and AngularJS.
  • Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using AngularJS.
  • AngularJSAjax module is used to handle Restful calls to enable communication between view components and server.
  • Used Java 8 Lambda expressions along with Streams for creating internal iteration and performing chain operations such as Filter, Map, Collect on a collection Objects.
  • Involved in creating EC2 instances and installed required configurations and applications on it and created S3 Buckets for storing object level data into it.
  • Designed, configured and deployed Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the Amazon Cloud formation.
  • Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups and Users for Improved Login authentication.
  • Used Docker to containerize the Services and APIs to run on EC2 instances.
  • Implemented build stage-to build the Micro Services and push the Docker Container image to the private Docker registry.
  • Performed functional tests using Selenium Web Driver with data driven framework.
  • Developed RESTful Web services for transmission of data in JSON format.
  • Created and Configure Micro Services architecture for CDT Directory project and integrated with AngularJS application.
  • Spring Boot Microservices were developed with microservice architecture using REST and Apache Kafka.
  • UsedMongoDBas data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets, sharing and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise.
  • Developed REST APIs using Scala to retrieve processed data from MongoDB database
  • Experience in designing and developing applications in Spark using Scala to compare the performance of Spark with Hive and SQL/Oracle.
  • Designed and Developed dashboard menu section, Home page, Admin home page, user module (Modify/search users, create user’s screens with assigning various roles) using Spring MVC framework, Hibernate ORM Module, SpringCore Module, XML, JSP and XSLT.
  • Developed the application with various Spring Framework modules like Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch.
  • Used Spring MVC framework at the Web tier level to isolate each layer of the application so that complexity of integration will be reduced and maintenance will be very easy.
  • Used Spring AOP for solving crosscutting concerns like keeping customer log data and transactions details etc.
  • Implemented Batch jobs to deal with large number of chunks usingSpring Batch Frameworkto execute the similar jobs simultaneously.
  • Consumed the data from Kafka using Apache Spark.
  • Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework by configuring the various mappings in hibernate files and created DAO layer.
  • Experienced in creating test scripts using Selenium WebDriver and Java.
  • Written SQL Queries and Stored Procedures to interact with Oracle DB.
  • Used Maven as build automation tool for deploying the project on WebSphere Application Server.
  • RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.
  • Secured the API's by implementing OAuth2 token based authentication/authorization scheme using Spring Security.
  • Used IBM WebSphere serverto route our JMS queue messages to different business floors and configured routes in Apache Tomcatand used Tibco EMS in e-mail notification.
  • Developed various helper classes needed following Core Java multi-threaded programming and Collection classes.
  • Experience in verifying issues during Production Support and resolving those issues.
  • Developed test cases using Junit and the build scripts using Maven.
  • Create and configured the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro Services by using Jenkins CI server.
  • Installed, monitored and maintained the development infrastructure including JIRA and Confluence.
  • Used Git to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.
  • Followed AGILE Methodology and participated in SCRUM Meetings.

Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, HTML5, Groovy, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, JMS, OAuth, XML, GIT, JSP, JUnit, Maven, IBM WebSphere, Apache AXIS, JAX-WS, Spark, Restful, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Micro Services, Log4J, Oracle, MongoDB, JIRA and Spring Tool Suite.

Confidential, Troy MI

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Followed AGILE Methodology to promote iterations, collaboration, and process adaptability and participated in SCRUM Meetings throughout the life cycle of project.
  • Developed static pages in web Application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and JQuery, AngularJs.
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using JQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, AutoComplete, JSON, Angular JS and JavaScript, Bootstrap.
  • Used NodeJS for building web applications with client-server architecture, where both can initiate communication in two-way connections and allow them to exchange data.
  • Developed, deployed and maintained Single Sign On application in development, test and production environments.
  • Updated/modified JSP pages usingSpring MVC libraries, used JQuery and its validator plugin for validating Forms in the presentation layer.
  • UsedAJAXand JSON to send request to server and updating GUI pages using callback functions.
  • Implemented AJAX for couple of navigation screen flows for asynchronous calls.
  • Utilized browser compatible programming by using Google Web Toolkit to perform JavaScript operations.
  • Updated existing front-end code with Xstore to calculate cash receipts at the end of shifts to document and insure accurate records.
  • Configured new actions, result types and global errors in Struts.xml and used Struts Tiles to create application web pages.
  • Worked on design patterns which include Decorator, Facade, Front controller, Intercepting filter and MVC.
  • Used Soap to build the Web application services.
  • Designed and developed Application based on Spring framework using MVC design patterns and implemented the business logic using Spring Boot, Restful API, Spring Data.
  • Developed the Web Services Client using FF, WSDL description to verify the credit history of the new customer to provide a connection.
  • Implemented Payment Gateway interface from First Data Corporation to authorize credit card payments.
  • Worked with and implemented on developing and maintaining robust and effective Page Object Model Design Pattern and Created Keyword-Driven and Data-Driven Framework using Selenium WebDriver configured under TestNG environment and used MAVEN for adding dependencies.
  • Analysis the logs data and filter required columns by Log Stash configuration and send it to Elastic Search.
  • Used web services for interaction between various components and created SOAP envelopes.
  • Developed SOAPweb services utilizing business logic for CRUD functionality and REST Easy web services for creating reports.
  • Developed reusable and interoperable Web service modules based on SOA architecture using SOAP and RESTful.
  • Implemented Spring MVC Controller module for better handling of client request, consume, RESTful data service and sending response back to client.
  • Developed microservices architecture using Spring Boot.
  • Used Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) to convert Java Objects to XML conversions. Created RESTful web services interface to Java-based runtime engine and accounts.
  • Used HQL (Hibernate Query Language) and Query criteria to interact with data base (MYSQL).
  • Used ANT for builds creation and to push into different environments.
  • Involved in production bug fixes, analyzing and improving overall application performance.
  • Deployed the applications using WebLogic Application server.
  • Used SVN as version control tool.
  • Used log4j to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions, debugging and request/response/error logging.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Java, JSP, Servlet, AJAX, NodeJS, Selenium Web Driver, Log Stash, Elastic Search, Struts, Xstore, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot, LDAP, JAXP, JAXB, Apache Kafka, SVN, WebLogic, MYSQL, RESTful Web Services, ANT, AXIS.

Confidential, White Plains, NY

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in all phases of project from analysis and requirement phase to delivering the project.
  • Developed the functionalities using Agile Methodology.
  • Created System Requirement Specifications (SRS) report of the project by collecting all the requirements from client.
  • Analyzed the requirements and formulated project scope.
  • Implemented client-side validations using JavaScript. Developed various generic JavaScript functions for validations.
  • Created client-side validations using AngularJS.
  • Developed internal coding using J2EE technologies based on the MVC Architecture.
  • Implemented Business Logic using Java, Spring, Struts and Hibernate.
  • Developed Business objects using POJOs and data access layer using Hibernate framework.
  • Used Apache Axis Service Engine for creating and deploying Web Service clients using SOAP, WSDL.
  • Used Web Services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAPmessages for getting useful plans from different module and used XML parsers (JAXB) for data retrieval.
  • Achieved Dependency injection by creating Spring services, Spring controllers and DAOs to wire objects of business classes.
  • Configured development environment using JBOSS application server for developer’s integration testing.
  • Developed persistence Layer using Hibernate to persist the data and to manage the data.
  • Developed Hibernate configuration files and queries and Implemented DAO classes.
  • Used TOAD to get connected to Oracle to access the backend Oracle Database for verifying and validating the data inserted.
  • Used MAVEN in each project to automate the builds and managing project.
  • Developed unit testing frame work using JUnit test cases for continuous integration testing and used JTest Tool for performance testing.
  • Used Eclipse as the IDE and used eclipse standard/ plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test case template generation, mutator / accessor code generation and version control (SVN).

Environment: Java, Hibernate, Spring, XML, Tortoise SVN, JSP, DB2, MVC, J2EE, Agile, JUnit, Maven, UML, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, Log4J, Oracle, Agile methodology, JavaScript, AngularJS, Eclipse, PL/SQL, JBOSS.

Confidential, Dallas TX

Java Developer


  • Developed various helper classes needed following Core Java multi-threaded programming.
  • Implemented Struts MVC design pattern and front controller pattern to this project.
  • Developed user interface by creating at least one webpage for each component using Struts web MVC and Action Servlet as front controller for this application.
  • Developed Action Class components for performing business process execution and involved in configuration of struts configuration specific xml file.
  • Developed SCM by using the JSP/HTML like one form for each functionality user interface, standard validations using the JavaScript, Servlets used as the controllers for the business logic and business logic using JDBC, XML parsing techniques etc. using MVC.
  • Implemented the application using Spring Frame work.
  • Developed Value Objects/POJO classes to hold the values between Data Layer and Business logic layer.
  • Developed and maintained the data layer using DAOs.
  • Developed Single Sign On (SSO) functionality, through which we can run SCM from Oracle Applications.
  • Involved in developing the Routings and configured Routing Program as scheduled the concurrent request.
  • Developed Server-Side components for the business services for creating Items, BOM, Sourcing Rules, and substitute.
  • Involved in raising the Notifications to Oracle Users through Mailing Concept for intimating to start the next process using workflow.
  • Extensively worked on SQL Server for writing complex queries in the business logic layer. Used joins, debugging the SCM related packages and customization.
  • Extensively worked on creating the setups for Organizations, Templates, Concurrent Requests, Cross Reference Types, User Creations, assigning responsibilities, creating value sets, Descriptive Flex Fields etc. in SQL Server Applications.
  • Used SVN for source code version control.
  • Using JIRA tracking the issues and resolving them.
  • Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders components.
  • Followed Agile methodology and prepared technical reports & documentation manuals during the program development.

Environment: Java, JDBC, Servlets, Struts, JSP, Hibernate, Java Mail API, AJAX, HTML, XML, ANT, Log4J, CVS, RAD, Putty, SQL Server, Apache Tomcat, SQL Server.


Java Developer


  • Gathered/analyzed functional requirements for the new phase in design.
  • Worked on building high performant core java multi-threaded modules utilizing (thread pools, thread locals, re-entrant locks wait/notify, latches, deadlocks etc.).
  • Developed front user interface modules using JSP, JSF and Servlets.
  • Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns (Client tire, Middle tire, Business tire).
  • Developed Use-case diagrams, class diagrams according to the UML standards.
  • Developed both client and server-side functionality using Struts and J2EE technologies.
  • Developed Action classes to delegate the request to the business models and Action Forms.
  • Developed web application using JSF Framework that uses Model View Controller (MVC) architecture with JSP as the view in the front end.
  • Created XML files to provide Context and Hibernate Mapping for database persistence.
  • Involved in writing complex queries using PL/SQL to extract data from database and to delete the data and to reload the data on Oracle database.
  • Developed functional test cases for Integration and Functional testing, regression testing using JUnit, and user acceptance testing.
  • Used ANT as deployment tool to handle platform specific properties such as file separators and automating complicated repetitive tasks and worked on WSDL’s files in SOAP web services.
  • Developed various scripts for Creation and deployment of the code package using WebLogic.
  • Implemented the SQL queries for database interaction.

Environment: J2EE 1.4, Struts 1.1, JSP, AJAX, JDBC, Oracle 9i, WebLogic, JavaScript, Java Beans, EJB 2.0, HTML, UML, JUnit, ANT, JSF, Tiles Framework, Validation framework and Design Patterns, Windows XP.


Java Developer


  • Implemented Use Case Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams during the design phase using Rational Rose.
  • Designed and developed the UI using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed user interface with Servlets and JSP.
  • Responsible in creating Servlets, which route submittals to appropriate Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) components and render, retrieved information.
  • Involved in implementing the DAO pattern for database connectivity and used the JDBC API extensively.
  • Used Agile Approach for the Software Development
  • Also, worked with the PDF and EXCEL format file download of user data on JSP’s when user wanted to save his/her personal data on JSP page tables.
  • Involved in collecting requirements from Business Users and Data Modeling, Designing and developing Tools using J2EE, Java, Servlets, EJB, and JSP.
  • Involved in writing complex queries using PL/SQL to extract data from database and to delete the data and to reload the data on Oracle database
  • Used another Jakarta commons logging, ANT and SVN.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, JSP, Servlets, Swings, EJB, XML, XSL, JDBC, SQL, PL/SQL, SOAP, Eclipse, Hypersonic, Oracle, ANT, SVN.

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