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Sr Java Developer Resume

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Minneapolis, MN


  • 6 years of experience in Cross Platform Enterprise, Software Development Life Cycle including designing, coding, analysis, deployment, end to end implementation of Object Oriented Applications and Enterprise java applications using Java/J2EE.
  • Worked extensively on J2EE for developing Web and Distributed Applications by using JDBC, JNDI, EJB,JavaBeans, JavaScript, JSF,HTML,DHTML,CSS, XML,XSLT, AJAX,Struts, Hibernate, Spring Framework.
  • Expertise in implementing Web Services based in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using SOAP, RESTful Web Services, JAX - WS, UDDI, WSDL, and Apache Axis.
  • Developed different Web components such as JSPs, Servlets, Filters, Custom Tag Handlers and business components.
  • Strong knowledge in JAVA Messaging Service (JMS).
  • Expertise in using IDE Tools like Eclipse, NetBeans, IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) for Java/J2EE application development.
  • Experience in deploying applications on IBM WebSphere 5.x/4.x, WebLogic 10.3x, JBoss 4.0. Apache Tomcat 6.x/5.x/4.x.
  • Experience in messaging middleware including EMS/JMS and application servers
  • Well versed withcoreJavaconcepts likecollections, multithreading, serialization,Javabeans.
  • Expertise in developing both Front End and Back End applications using Java, Servlets, JSP, Web Services, JavaScript, HTML, Spring, Hibernate, JDBC, XML, JSON.
  • Worked on Web logic, Tomcat Web Server for Development and Deployment of the Java/J2EE Applications.
  • Hands on experience in AWS provisioning and AWS services like VPC, EC2, IAM, S3.
  • Good experience with implementing encryption algorithms such as MD5, AES and TwoFish Cipher in financial and transactional related applications.
  • Involved in CI/CD Pipeline to deploy contenarized application in the cloud
  • Experience in using JPA and Hibernate ORM with Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
  • Worked with various JSON-Binding Providers including Jackson, Google-Gson, Flexjson and JSON-lib.
  • Worked on XML technologies with JAXB, JAXP, XSD, SAX and DOM parsers.
  • Experience with multiple Web/Application Servers such as Apache Tomcat, Jetty, WebLogic and JBoss.
  • Good experience in Spring & Hibernate and Expertise in developing Java Beans.
  • Working knowledge of Web logic server clustering.
  • Proficient in various web based technologies like HTML, and JavaScript.
  • Expertise in unit testing using Junit and Mockito.
  • Experience in error logging and debugging using Log4J.
  • Analyzed the Maven dependency management in base code in order to annotate the dependencies on to Spring Boot application in to Gradle for Micro Services.
  • Involved in Clear case to GIThub migration of the project code and set Continuous Integration management using Jenkins and Nexus.


Languages: Java 1.8, J2EE, C, C++, Data Structures, JavaScript, Angular2, ReactJs, NodeJS

Frame works: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, SpringBoot, Akka and Play, J2EE (EJB 2.0, JMS - EMS, Servlets, JAX-RPC, JSPs, JSTL, JavaMail, JAF, JDBC).

Web Services: SOAP, RESTful, JAX-WS, Apache Axis.

Cloud Computing: Amozon Web Services (AWS)

Application Servers: JBoss, BEA Web Logic, Web Sphere.

CI Tools: Jenkins, TeamCity

Database: Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g, MySQL, SQL Server 2008 and IBM DB2

Design: UML, Rational Rose, E-R Modeling.

Build Tools: ANT and Maven

Unit/Load Testing: JUNIT, SOAP UI, Mockito.

Version Control System: CVS, SVN, GitHub.

Logging Tools: Log4j

Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7, Unix and Linux


Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Sr Java Developer


  • Implementing project using AgileScrumMethodology, involved in daily stand up meetings and sprint showcase and sprint retrospective.
  • Involved in designing and implementation ofMVCdesign pattern usingSpring frameworkfor Web-tier.
  • Developed presentation layer usingHTML, JSP, Ajax, CSS and JQuery.
  • UsedSpringframework for dependency injection, transaction management.
  • IntegratedSpring Dependency Injection (IoC)among different layers of an application.
  • ImplementedREST web servicesusingApache-CXFframework.
  • Involved in creating variousData Access Objects (DAO)for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
  • Developed custom annotations, parsers in Spring Boot.
  • Develop Micro services to interact with other modules using Spring, SptringBoot, REST.
  • Deployed and built various versions of RAM on different server boxes.
  • Designed and developedpersistence layerusingspringJDBC template.
  • Developed User Interface using JSP, JavaScript, AngularJS, ReactJS.
  • Involved inUnit Testingof various modules in generating theTest Cases.
  • To create destinations—Temporary Queue and TemporaryTopic objects--that last only for the duration of the connection in which they are created by JMS
  • Used Akka and play framework for handling http requests.
  • Selecting the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements..
  • To provide Java Rest based Micro Services for use by internal Comcast teams.
  • Expand monolithic web service into smaller micro services.
  • Picked up the slack on NodeJS for one of the micro services
  • Implemented different providers like Jackson, Gson and JAXB to parse java Object from JSON in Web Services.
  • Hands on experience in a Linux environment with Apache Tomcat on AWS.
  • Experience in Integration of Amazon Web Services (AWS) with other applications infrastructure.
  • Used Puppet Dashboard for configuration management for the existing infrastructure.
  • Worked on Encryption and Decryption libraries in Java to encrypt/decrypt the credit card numbers and customer personal information using TwoFish cipher.
  • Worked on UNIXnodes in production environment to configure the applications and run the jobs.
  • Hands on experience in a Linux environment with Apache Tomcat on Amazon AWS.
  • UsedMavenfor build and management. Extensively involved inTest-Driven Development.
  • Converted theHTMLPages toJSFTag Specific Pages.
  • Developed JSPs and managed beans usingJSF.
  • Experience in Integration of Amazon Web Services AWS with other applications infrastructure.
  • Involving in design meetings before developing the application and be proactive in discerning performance issues and developing high-performing application.
  • Worked withWebSphereas the application server.

Environment: Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, J2EE, Akka framework, Play http, JSP, Ajax, XML, Log4j Maven, JavaScript, HTML,CSS, AngularJS, JQuery, PL/SQL, IBM RAD, SVN, AWS, WebSphere, WebLogic, Agile, JAX-WS, Apache-CXF,JSF, Node js

Confidential, Jackson, MI

Java Developer


  • Analysis, design and development of Application based on J2EE using Spring and Hibernate
  • Hibernate was used for Object Relational mapping with Oracle database.
  • Involved in developing the user interface using Struts
  • Worked on the Web Services using SOAP and Restfull web services.
  • Used SVN configuration management tool for code versioning and release. log4j was used for unit testing and as logging frameworks
  • Developed the UI Screens using JSP, JavaScript, HTML and Angular Where we perform the client side validation.
  • Developed the classes for Unit Testing.
  • Used Spring MVC (Model View Controller) to handle/intercept the user requests and usedvarious controllers to delegate the request flow to the Backend tier of the application.
  • Developed custom tags for User Interface(UI).
  • Experienced in using the agile methodology for developing application and Followed Agile Methodologies to implement code and have strong knowledge with development in Agile environment.
  • Experience in different Agile methodologies like Test Driven Development, Scrum.

Environment: Java, Spring MVC, Struts, RESTful, JSP, JUnit, Eclipse, MS SQL server, JDBC, Java Script, AngularJS, CSS, HTML, Struts, Hibernate, Visual Source Safe (VSS), PUTTY, Oracle 9i, Agile Scrum Methodology.


Java Developer


  • Involved in designing and implementation of MVC design pattern using Spring framework for Web-tier.
  • Used Spring framework for dependency injection, transaction management.
  • Developed Web interface using JSP, Java Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL), and Struts Framework.
  • Used Struts as MVC framework for designing the complete Web tier.
  • Implemented REST web services using Apache-CXF framework.
  • Developed different GUI screens JSPs using HTML, DHTML and CSS to design the Pages according to Client Experience Workbench Standards.
  • Validated the user input using Struts Validation Framework.
  • Data Access Objects (DAO) framework is bundled as part of the Hibernate Database Layer
  • Client side validations were implemented using JavaScript. implemented the mechanism of logging and debugging with Log4j.
  • Version control of the code and configuration files are maintained by CVS.
  • Developed PL/SQL packages and triggers.
  • Developed test cases for Unit testing and performed integration and system testing.

Environment: CoreJava, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, J2EE, Hibernate, RESTful, WebLogic, Eclipse, Struts 1.0, JDBC, JavaScript, CSS, XML, ANT, Log4J, VSS, PL/SQL.

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