Senior Java/web Service Developer Resume
Basking Ridge, NJ
- Around 10 years of work experience in Object Oriented Design, Modeling, Programming and Testing in Java, J2EE technologies.
- Experience in all phases of software development life cycle, including project development from scratch.
- Designed complete project lifecycle using SDLC techniques, UML, Use Cases and Functional Design documents.
- Expertise in Object Oriented Programming using Java and J2EE related technologies.
- Proficiency in developing secure web applications and server side development using Spring, REST web services, AOP, Spring Security, ORM - Hibernate,JSF, JDBC, Struts, JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, JavaScript, XML, HTML, Oracle, DB2, SOAP Web services and various Design Patterns.
- Knowledge in Application Design and Development using OOD, OOP, MVC, SOA and J2EE.
- Experienced in MVC (Model View Controller) architecture with Struts framework involving various J2EE design patterns.
- Working knowledge in implementing authentication and authorization.
- Comprehensive knowledge of physical and logical data modeling and performance tuning.
- Hands on experience with databases including Oracle, DB2 and MySQL.
- Experience working in SCRUM teams.
- Experience in environments requiring direct customer interaction during requirement gathering, design, development and support phases.
- Involved in all the testing phases like unit testing, Integration testing, performance testing (including application profiling) and User Acceptance testing.
- Relevant experience in Production Support.
- Strong analytical skills with ability to quickly understand client’s business needs.
Programming Languages/ Tools / Specifications: JAVA, J2EE, XML, SQL, EJB 3.0, JDBC, REST, SOAP, WSDL,UDDI, JAXB, JAX WS, JAX RS, REST, Struts, Spring core, Spring webservices, Spring boot, Spring security, JMS, JNDI, J2EE Patterns, XML, PL/SQL, C++, Eclipse 3.4, Ant, Swagger, Charles proxy, Fiddler, maven, ivy, HTTP, JBehave, Postman REST client, mercurial (HG), Source Tree, Jira, Stash, Eclipse pulg-in creation, AOP, Sonar, Findbug, Junit, SAX, DOM,JSP, HTML, CSS, Servlets, Cron job, Hibernate, Ibatis, Bugzilla, JMS, HTML 5, Angular JS, Bamboo, Jenkins, Java script
Frameworks: Spring REST services, Spring security, Hibernate 3.0, JSF 1.2, Struts 1.2
Apache Projects: Log 4j, Struts1.4, and Apache POI.
IDE: STS, Eclipse, Intellij, RAD, Editplus, Web sphere Integration Developer
Application/Web Servers: IBM Web Sphere Application Server, JBoss, Apache Tomcat, IBM Web Sphere Process Server.
RDBMS: ORACLE 11g/10g/9i/8i/8.0/7.3, MS-SQL Server 2000/ 7.0, DB2, Sqlite, MySQL3.2, ACCESS2000.
Source Control: Git, Rational Clear Case, SVN,CVS, Mercurial (HG)
Confidential, Basking Ridge, NJ
Senior Java/Web service Developer
- Responsible for re architecture of project structure and API’s.
- Implemented API Documentation with Swagger.
- Redesigned the existing exception handling mechanism.
- Involved in project planning and forecast using SCRUM methodology.
- Worked on issues related to application level threading.
- Designed and developed end to end performance logging module using Aspect oriented programming.
- Custom annotation implementation for security purpose.
- Identification and documentation of technical depth issues and prioritizing them for sprint.
- Responsible for performing code reviews.
- Used spring boot and spring profiles to implement the unit testing framework.
- Implemented csrf token for documentation tool(Swagger)
- Worked with HTML5, CSS, Angular JS, Java script and AJAX to integrate with the web services.
- Used bamboo for continuous build and deployment of the code to the servers.
- Working on microservices and designing/developing the cloud platform to build a perfect SOA using SCF (spring cloud) and spring web services.
- Implemented Different Design patterns like singleton, factory and J2EE design patterns.
- Worked closely with Business analyst to understand the rules and implemented required functionality
- Involved with deploying the updated or new applications to the multiple system environments and provided instructions to ensure all software and technologies were deployed correctly.
- Implementing the design patterns like singleton, factory
- Involved in analysis of the business requirements for the new functionality and also analyzing the changes in the existing module as per the business requirement.
- Responsible for designing the necessary logic for the implementation depending upon the business requirements in different modules.
- Implemented business logic using JAVA coding / development with Spring Framework
- Implemented Asynchronous REST client using connection pool
- Involved in maintenance activity including production support
- Involved in end to end black box testing of web services.
- In depth understanding of Java 1.8
- Unit testing of the project modules
Environment: Java 1.8, Spring REST Services, Spring boot, Spring security, Maven, intellij, MySQL, GIT, Swagger, angular JS, Jenkins.
Confidential, Cambridge, MA
Lead Java/Web service Developer
- Responsible for re architecture of KAYAK API‘s.
- Involved in project planning and forecast using SCRUM methodology.
- Responsible for performing code reviews.
- Used spring boot and spring profiles to implement the unit testing framework.
- Implemented csrf token for documentation tool(Swagger)
- Worked with HTML5, CSS, Angular JS, Java script and AJAX to integrate with the web services.
- Used bamboo for continuous build and deployment of the code to the servers.
- Working on microservices and designing/developing the cloud platform to build a perfect SOA using SCF (spring cloud) and spring web services.
- Implemented Different Design patterns like singleton, factory and J2EE design patterns.
- Worked closely with Business analyst to understand the rules and implemented required functionality
- Involved with deploying the updated or new applications to the multiple system environments and provided instructions to ensure all software and technologies were deployed correctly.
- Involved in analysis of the business requirements for the new functionality and also analyzing the changes in the existing module as per the business requirement.
- Responsible for designing the necessary logic for the implementation depending upon the business requirements in different modules.
- Implemented business logic using JAVA coding / development with Spring Framework
- Implemented Asynchronous REST client using connection pool
- Involved in maintenance activity including production support
- Unit testing of the project modules
Environment: Java 1.8, Spring REST Services, ivy, STS, GIT, Swagger.
Confidential, Waltham MA
Lead Java/J2EE Developer
- Lead Java developer in the R&D department of Hotel IT team.
- Part of the core architecture team, as this project was developed from scratch. designing/developing the cloud platform to build a perfect SOA using SCF(spring cloud) and spring web services.
- Responsible for implementing Authentication and authorization using spring security.
- Handled core technical modules of the application.
- Responsible for code reviews and unit testing.
- Used Jenkins for continuous build and deployment of the code to the servers.
- Handled performance optimization and standardization of the application.
- Actively participated in the design and development of the core framework module of the application.
- Designed and implemented API’s and BOM(Business Object Models) to support the Angular JS front end UI
- Responsible for documentation of REST API using Swagger.
- Implemented Spring security and enhanced the Spring filters to customize the authorization mechanism of Spring based on project requirements.
- Actively participated in the development of some of the most complex algorithms centric use cases of the project.
- Actively participated in code reviews.
- Worked closely with Business analyst to understand the rules and implemented required functionality.
- Create and participate in software planning and estimating, status monitoring and reporting.
- Make recommendations on the assessment of tools and software products.
- Manage and support other software engineering staff.
- Participate in continuous improvement initiatives.
- Developed and implemented several test cases using JUnit framework.
- Coordinated with QA team to ensure the quality of application.
Environment: Java 1.7,Spring REST Services, Spring security, STS, Maven, GIT, Angular JS, Swagger, Maven, Apache Tomcat, JBoss
Confidential, Newark, NJ
Java Lead
- Working as a Technology Lead in On-Site Offshore model. Interacting with client to gather requirements and tracking them to completion.
- Designed and Coded presentation layer using JSP, Struts, Java script and business layer using Struts.
- Developed SOAP based web services for implementing rule engine .Java reflection API’s were used to identify and execute the rules in the appropriate sequences.
- Developed POJO classes and implemented relational mappings between POJO classes and tables using Hibernate as OR Mapping tool.
- Designed and implemented database solutions to cater the requirement of reporting. Used web services to fetch the data from these databases.
- Created Load test suites using SOAPUI and performed load testing against new services to ensure application availability and scalability during high load.
- Configuration of data sources and system variables in Websphere Application Server.
- Setting up of Cron job in WAS scheduler.
- Used PMD tool for code review and ensured enforcement of coding standards.
- Writing excel files for reporting purposes using Apache POI.
- Code Versioning was managed using SVN.
- Prepared DLD’s and Technical design document and walked through the design with Architecture team for review comments and approval.
- Designed prototype for entire application to capture all important aspects during the design phase.
- Updating the customer with Weekly Status Reports on various projects.
- Followed the practice of test driven development and scrum status meetings.
- Used JUnit to test persistence and service tiers.
- Involved in Production Support and fixed the issues on priority.
- Used Rational Application Developer (RAD) in entire project development..
- Worked on tools like ClearQuest and Bugzilla for bug tracking.
Environment: Java 1.5, Web Services, Log4j 1.4, RAD, Microsoft Visio, Xml, Oracle 10g, WebSphere Application Server 7.0, SVN, Apache POI
Senior Java Developer
- Designed and developed Java standalone applications for batch jobs.
- Persisted application data to Oracle database using Hibernate.
- Designed and developed applications using JSF framework.
- Used profiling tools like JProfiler to identify memory leaks.
- Designed, developed and implement new applications using Object Oriented Programming fundamentals and techniques as well as structured analytical, design and testing techniques.
- Handled Key modules such as Member Enrollment, Claims Adjudication and TPL (Third Party Liability)
- Involved in Production Support and fixed the issues on priority.
- Tracking bugs using ClearQuest and Bugzilla and resolving them.
- Performed Deployment and Release activities by following with different groups to get sign off on down time.
- Code Versioning was managed using ClearCase.
- Created project support documentation that can be useful to troubleshoot production issues for an On-Call person.
- Participated in Scrum sprint planning meetings and daily scrum meetings with the team.
Environment: Java 1.5, JSF 1.2, Web Services, Hibernate 3.0, Log4j 1.4, Eclipse 3.1, MySQL, Xml, ClearCase
Senior Java Developer
- Single handled, designed and developed the core module of the project (Generic report configuration module).
- Developed applications using Core Java, developed Action classes to handle request and Action forms to store/contain user data using Struts framework and Javascript.
- Apache Tomcat server was used to host the applications.
- Developed batch jobs with excel files as input feed file.
- Parsed XML files using DOM parser to use them in the applications.
- Coded persistence layer using JDBC and used DAO pattern.
- Developed Proof of Concept for data migration from legacy system to MongoDB as JSON object.
- Created Unit test Matrix and Performed Unit Test using JMock and Integration testing for the modules developed and owned.
- Created project support documentation that can be useful to troubleshoot production issues for an On-Call person.
- Used PMD for code review and code versioning was managed using SVN.
Environment: Java, Struts1.2, JavaScript, Apache POI, XML, log4j 1.4, Oracle, Eclipse3.1, JDBC2.0, HTML.
Java Developer
- As a Java Developer at offshore, I was actively involved in activities viz. Requirement gathering, creation of design documents, designing prototypes etc.
- Prepared a Technical design document and walked through the design with Architecture team for review comments and approval.
- Used BPEL to bind web services in to a cohesive business solution facilitating their orchestrated interaction both within and between enterprises.
- Created Unit test Matrix and Performed Unit and Integration testing for the modules developed and owned.
- Updated Daily status of tasks assigned with onsite FTLs and client.
- Created Production On-Call support documentation for the applications Owned by me.
- Member of On-Call support team responsible to support Production environment
- Code Version management using CVS.
Environment: Java, Webservices, BPEL, WebSphere Integration Developer, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Process Server, JDBC, CVS
Java Developer
- Involved in all phase of development lifecycle right from requirement gathering to user support.
- Participated in requirement gathering involving interactions with diverse groups.
- Worked closely with business analyst to understand the rules and implemented required functionality.
- Developed the application using Servlets, EJB and JSP for the presentation layer along with JavaScript for the client side validations.
- Used Hibernate to do the object relational mapping between the tables and java objects.
- Involved in writing the Java classes to do the customization of the frame work classes.
- Involved in Unit Testing of the Java code and prepared the unit test documents.
- Involved in test cases using Junit, debugging Implementation and deployment activities.
Environment: Java, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Eclipse, HTML, CSS, Oracle