Sr. Big Data/hadoop Developer Resume
Chevy Chase, MD
- Above 8+ years experience as Big Data/Hadoop developer and java Developer in Hadoop Ecosystem using Spark, Scala, Hive, HBase, Pig, Sqoop and Java for complex business problems, which involves real time effective analysis and processing of semi - structured and unstructured data.
- Experience in Hadoop, Big Data and Java technologies such as HDFS, MapReduce, Apache Pig, Impala, Hive, HBase, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, Spark, Storm, Kafka, AWS, Amazon EMR, Zookeeper, Oracle, JSP, JDBC and Spring.
- Strong knowledge on implementation of SPARK core - SPARK SQL, MLlib, GraphX and Spark streaming
- Good Knowledge in Amazon AWS concepts like EMR and EC2 web services which provides fast and efficient processing
- Expertise in developing both Front End & Back End applications using Java, Servlets, JSP, Web Services, Struts, Hibernate, JDBC, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, and XML.
- Experience with Oozie Workflow Engine in running workflow jobs with actions that run Hadoop MapReduce and Pig jobs
- Strong knowledge of Pig and Hive's analytical functions, extending Hive and Pig core functionality by writing custom UDFs.
- Hands on experience in writing Ad-hoc Queries for migrating data from HDFS to HIVE and analyzing the data using HiveQL.
- Good experience with SAP BW, SAP ECC, SAP HANA, BigData, Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning, HBase, Hive and Pig related tool.
- Strong Experience in working with Databases like Oracle, and MySQL, Teradata, Netezza and proficiency in writing complex SQL queries.
- Strong experience on Hadoop distributions like Cloudera, MapR and Hortonworks.
- Good understanding of NoSQL databases and hands on work experience in writing applications on NoSQL databases like HBase, Cassandra and MongoDB.
- Hands on experience in Import/Export of data using Hadoop Data Management tool SQOOP.
- Proficient in configuring Zookeeper, Cassandra & Flume to the existing Hadoop cluster
- Written multiple MapReduce programs in Python for data extraction, transformation and aggregation from multiple file formats including XML, JSON, CSV and other compressed file formats.
- Experienced working with JIRA for project management, GIT for source code management, JENKINS for continuous integration and Crucible for code reviews.
- Strong Experience on writing SQL Queries, PL/SQL, JPA that includes Procedures, functions, triggers, cursors and packages.
- Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using Web Services and JMS (Java Messaging Service).
- Extensive ETL testing experience using Informatica 9x/8x, Talend, Pentaho.
- Implemented J2EE Design Patterns such as MVC, Session Façade, DAO, DTO, Singleton Pattern, Front Controller and Business Delegate.
- Experience in Full SDLC cycle which involves architecture, analysis, design, development, testing, Implementation, deployment, Enhancements, and production support using Agile and Waterfall Methodologies.
- Experienced with IDE’s like RAD, Eclipse, STS, and Net Beans etc.
- Experienced with various application / web servers like WebSphere, JBoss, WebLogic, and Tomcat.
- Experience as frond end developer.
- Experience in front end technologies like HTML5, CSS3,JavaScript, JQuery, XQuery, AngularJS and KnockoutJS.
- Exposure building Java applications using tools like ANT, MAVEN and Gradle.
- Proficient in Core Java concepts like Multi-threading, Collections and Exception Handling concepts.
- Experience in version control tools like SVN, GitHub and CVS.
- Experience of developing applications with Model View Architecture (MVC2) using Spring Framework and J2EE Design Patterns.
- Strong team player with good communication, analytical, presentation and inter-personal skills.
Big Data Technologies: Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, HBase, Impala, Hue, Sqoop, Kafka, Storm, Oozie, Flume.
Frame Works: Spring, Struts, Hibernate 4.3, EJB 2.0 / 3.0, Web Services, SOAP, Restful, JMS.
Java Technologies: Java, J2EE, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JavaBeans, EJB, JPA, JMS, Web Services.
Spark components: RDD, Spark SQL (Data Frames and Dataset), Spark Streaming.
Cloud Infrastructure: AWS Cloud Formation, S3, EC2-Classic and EC2-VPC.
Programming Languages: SQL, C, C++, Java, Core Java and Python.
Databases: Oracle 12c/11g, Teradata 15/14, MySQL, SQL Server2016/2014, DB2.
Scripting and Query Languages: Shell scripting, PL/SQL, Java Script, HTML5/4, DHTML, CSS3/2, JQuery.
XML Technologies: DTD, XSD, XML, XSL, XSLT, XQuery, SAX, DOM, JAXP.
Version Control: CVS, SVN and Clear Case.
Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX/Linux
Application/Web Servers: WebSphere, Web Logic, Apache, Tomcat, JBOSS.
Build Tools: Eclipse, ANT 1.7, Maven, NetBeans, IBM Rational Application Developer
Confidential, Chevy Chase, MD
Sr. Big Data/Hadoop Developer
- Working on Big Data infrastructure for batch processing as well as real-time processing. Responsible for building scalable distributed data solutions using Hadoop.
- Installed/Configured/Maintained Apache Hadoop clusters for application development and Hadoop tools like Hive, Pig, HBase, Flume, Oozie and Sqoop.
- Developed Pig Latin scripts to extract the data from the web server output files to load in HDFS.
- Worked on Spark SQL and Data frames for faster execution of Hive queries using Spark.
- Created HBase tables to load large sets of structured and unstructured data coming from UNIX, NoSQL and a variety of portfolios.
- Created Talend Mappings to populate the data into Staging, Dimension and Fact tables.
- Designed and configured Azure Virtual Networks (VNets), subnets, Azure network settings, DHCP address blocks, DNS settings, security policies and routing.
- Shell Scripting to load the data and process it from various Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) sources.
- Transform the logs data into data model using Pig and written UDF's functions to format the logs data.
- Migrated an existing on-premises application to AWS
- Used AWS services EC2 and S3 for small data sets processing and storage.
- Successfully export large data sets from RDBMS to hive data warehouse using Sqoop techniques for make use of Hive QL.
- Drafted functional requirements for ERP systems to represent the processes and functions involved.
- Involved in generating the reports of the results of the scripts to analyze the necessities by using data visualization toll tableau.
- Designed and implemented custom writable, custom input formats, custom partitions and custom comparators in MapReduce.
- Created many Hive and HBase tables for storing aggregated data from existing ERP systems for faster reporting and analytical purposes
- Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDD, Scala and Python.
- Developed pig scripts to transform the data into structured format and it are automated through Oozie coordinators.
- Deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS role instances) into secure VNets and subnets.
- Worked on Spark SQL and Data frames for faster execution of Hive queries using Spark and AWS EMR
- Developed Map reduce programs for the files generated by hive query processing to generate key, value pairs and upload the data to NoSQL database HBase.
- Responsible for troubleshooting issues in the execution of MapReduce jobs by inspecting and reviewing log files.
- Extensively worked on Talend Designer Components - Data Quality (DQ), Data Integration (DI) and Master Data Management (MDM).
- Worked and used transformations, cleaning and filtering on imported data using Hive, Map Reduce, and loaded final data into HDFS
- Implemented installation and configuration of multi-node cluster on the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS) on EC2.
- Conducted data analysis with basic Python and wrangled data for data repositories.
- Configured Hive Meta store to use Oracle database to establish multiple user connections to hive tables.
- Developed Restful web services using JAX-RS and used DELETE, PUT, POST, GET HTTP methods
- Created scalable and high-performance web services for data tracking and done High-speed querying.
- Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report on IBM WebSphere MQ messaging system.
- Used cloud computing on the multi-node cluster and deployed Hadoop application on cloud S3 and used Elastic Map Reduce(EMR) to run a Map-reduce.
- Implemented the workflows using Apache Oozie framework to automate tasks.
- Collaborated with the infrastructure, network, database, application and BI teams to ensure data quality and availability.
- Integrate big data with ERP systems.
- Maintaining and monitoring clusters, Loaded data into the cluster from dynamically generated files using Flume and from relational database management systems using Sqoop.
- Involved in importing the real-time data to Hadoop using Kafka and implemented the Oozie job for daily imports.
- Implemented CRUD operations using CQL on top of Cassandra file system.
Environment: Hadoop, HDFS, Spark, ERP Strom, AWS Kafka,Talend, Oracle 12c, Map Reduce, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Oozie, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, Tableau, DB2, Java, Python, Splunk, UNIX Shell Scripting.
Confidential, Bellevue, WA
Sr. Big Data/Hadoop Developer
- Worked on analyzing Hadoop cluster using different big data analytic tools including Pig, Hive and MapReduce.
- Utilized Agile Scrum Methodology to help manage and organize a team of developers with regular code review sessions.
- Imported data from ERP to HDFS by Sqoop
- Exposed Virtual machines and cloud services in the VNets to the Internet using Azure External Load Balancer.
- Used talend reusable components context variable and global Map variables.
- Implemented cloud formation templates to create EC2 instances instead of creating manually.
- Worked on S3 buckets on AWS to store Cloud Formation Templates.
- Used Spark SQL and Data frames API to load structured and semi structured data into Spark Clusters.
- Involved in developing Pig Scripts for change data capture and delta record processing between newly arrived data and already existing data in HDFS.
- Extensively used Spark for optimizing of existing process in Hadoop using Spark Context, Spark SQL, Data Frames and pair RDD'S.
- Created a multi-node Hadoop and Spark clusters in AWS instances to generate terabytes of data and store it in AWS HDFS.
- Designed and implemented SAP HANA data modeling using Attribute View, Analytic View, and Calculation View.
- Converted complex Teradata and Netezza SQL into Hive HQL, Developed ETL using Hive, Oozie, shell scripts and Sqoop.
- Responsible for creating Hive tables, loading the structured data resulted from Map Reduce jobs into the tables and writing hive queries to further analyze the logs to identify issues and behavioral patterns.
- Worked in creating HBase tables to load large sets of semi structured data coming from various sources.
- Developed custom MapReduce use-cases using Java to log data of customer behavior and loaded it into the HDFS.
- Extensively worked on Hive to analyze the partitioned and bucketed data and compute various metrics for reporting.
- Involved in Installing, ConfiguringHadoopEco System, and Cloudera Manager using CDH4 Distribution.
- Involved in loading and transforming large sets of Structured, Semi-Structured and Unstructured data and analyzed them by running Hive queries and Pig scripts.
- Installed, configured, administered, monitored Azure, IAAS and PAAS, Azure AD.
- Developed optimal strategies for distributing the web log data over the cluster, importing and exporting the stored web log data into HDFS and Hive using Scoop.
- Exported the analyzed data to the relational databases using Sqoop for visualization and to generate reports for the BI team.
- Executed Data Extraction Transfer Loading (ETL) using SAP Data Services 4.0 to import csv files into SAP HANA tables to reflect exchange live rates application
- Worked on developing UML diagrams like Use Cases and designing Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams.
- Worked with NoSQL databases Cassandra and MongoDB for POC purpose.
- Analyze large and critical datasets using Cloudera, HDFS, HBase, MapReduce, Hive, Hive UDF, Pig, Sqoop & Spark.
- Administration of ERP's, like User creation, authorization control and system support for Customization/ Development of sessions in ERPs.
- Worked on implementing Flume to import streaming data logs and aggregating the data to HDFS through Flume.
- Automated the Hadoop pipeline using Oozie and scheduled using coordinator for time frequency and data availability.
- Responsible for cluster maintenance, adding and removing cluster nodes, cluster monitoring and troubleshooting, manage and review data backups, manage and review Hadoop log files.
Environment: Hadoop, HDFS, Agile, MongoDB, Cassandra,Talend, Pig, Sqoop, ERP,Spark, MapReduce, Flume, Hive, NoSQL, HBase, Shell Scripting, Netezza, Oozie, Teradata, Cloudera
Confidential, Charlotte, NC
Sr. Java/Hadoop Developer
- Involved in various phases of development analyzed and developed the system going through Agile Scrum methodology.
- Used Hive to analyze data ingested in to the HBase by using Hive-HBase integration and computes various metrics for reporting on the dashboard.
- Loaded the aggregated data onto the oracle from Hadoop environment using Sqoop for reporting on the dashboard.
- Involved in installing, configuring and maintaining the Hadoop cluster including YARN configuration using Cloudera, Hortonworks.
- Developed Java MapReduce programs for the analysis of sample log file stored in cluster.
- Created and managed in database schema, common frameworks. XML schemas, APLs.
- Developed MVC design pattern based User Interface using JSP, XML, HTML4, CSS2 and Struts.
- UsedJava/J2EE Design patterns like Business Delegate and Data Transfer Object (DTO).
- Developed window layouts and screen flows using Struts Tiles.
- Developed Web Services for SAP HANA database and deliver to ASP.NET developers to consume data in .net based applications.
- Developed structured, efficient and error free codes for Big Data requirements. Storing, processing and analyzing huge dataset for getting valuable insights from them.
- Implemented application specific exception handling and logging framework using Log4j
- Developed the user interface screens using JavaScript and HTML and also conducted client side validations.
- Used JDBC to connect to database and wrote SQL queries and stored procedures to fetch and insert/update to database tables.
- Applied machine learning principles for studying market behavior for trading platform.
- Used Maven as the build tool and Tortoise SVN as the Source version controller.
- Developed data mapping to create a communication bridge between various application interfaces using XML, and XSL.
- Involved in developing JSP for client data presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms.
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as design development and unit testing.
- Excessive work in writing SQL Queries, Stored procedures, Triggers using TOAD.
- Code development using core java concepts to provide service and persistence layers. Used JDBC to provide connectivity layer to the Oracle database for data transaction.
- Implemented corejavaconcepts like interfaces, collection framework, used Array List, Map and Sets of Collection API.
- Developed Entity Beans as Bean Managed Persistence Entity Beans and used JDBC to connect to backend database DB2.
- Used SOAP-UI for testing the Web-Services.
- Performed software development/enhancement using IBM Rational ApplicationDeveloper(RAD)
- Integrated with the back-end code (Web services) using JQUERY, JSON and AJAX to get and post the data to backend servers.
- Developed the Sqoop scripts to make the interaction between HDFS and RDBMS (Oracle, MySQL).
- Worked with complicated queries in Cassandra
- Involved in loading data into HBase using HBase Shell, HBase Client API, Pig and Sqoop
- Developed various data connections from data source to Tableau Server for report and dashboard development.
- Developed multiple scripts for analyzing data using Hive and Pig and integrating with HBase.
- Used apache-maven tool to build, Config, and package and deploy an application project.
- Developed complex data representation for the adjustment claims using JSF Data Tables.
- Performed version control using PVCS.
- Used JAX-RPC Web Services using SOAP to process the application for the customer
- Used various tools in the project including Ant build scripts, Junit for unit testing, Clear case for source code version control, IBM Rational DOORS for requirements, HP Quality Center for defect tracking.
Environment: Java 6, Oracle 10g, Hadoop, Hive, HBase, HDFS, Hive, SQL Server 2012, MapReduce, AJAX, JQUERY,, EJB, JAXB, JAXRS, JDBC, Hibernate 4.x, RAD 8.5, Eclipse 4.x, Apache POI, HTML4, XML, CSS/2, JavaScript, Apache Server, PL/SQL, CVS.
Confidential, Charlotte, NC
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Used Spring MVC architecture and Hibernate ORM to map theJavaclasses and Oracle 9i, SQL server 2005 database.
- Involved in Coding JavaScript code for UI validation and worked on Struts validation framework
- Designed/developed UI with AJAX, HTML, DHTML and JavaScript for interactive web pages.
- Deployed and tested the application in UNIX on JBoss Application Server.
- Analysis and Design of the Object models usingJAVA/J2EE Design Patterns in various tiers of the application.
- Extensively used JSF framework in creation of front-end UI development.
- Designed, coded and maintained application components based on detailed design specifications solutions to meet user requirements and structured the application components using EXT JS 3.5
- Created use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence and activity diagrams using Visio to model and implement the tool.
- Implemented different types of spring controllers as per application requirements, Spring validators, persistence layer, DAO and service layer components using Spring/Hibernate API and Spring/Hibernate annotations. Extensively used Hibernate QL.
- Extensively used Spring IOC, configured Application Context files and performed database object mapping using Hibernate annotations.
- Developed and implemented the DAO design pattern including JSP, Servlets, Form Beans and DAO classes and otherJavaAPIs.
- Integrated usage of CRUD operations, performed Inner/Outer joins, used stored procedures, stored functions and cursors using Oracle PL/SQL.
- Extensively involved in database designing work with Oracle 9i Database and building the application in J2EE Architecture..
- Extensively used Cairngorm Micro Architecture 2.2 MVC Framework to build the Rich User Interface for the chat application.
- Implemented AJAX with prototype JS framework
- Implemented Log4j for logging
- Used Log4j to log events, exceptions and errors in the application to serve for debugging purpose
- Developed complex data representation for the adjustment claims using JSF Data Tables.
- Developed code using Core Java to implement technical enhancement following Java Standards
- Developed JavaBeans for implementing business logic, and for mapping objects to tables in My SQL database using Hibernate
- Created an application in UNIX and windows platforms, involved in shell script or UNIX operating system.
- UsedJavaMail API for sending emails.
- Used Maven build tool to build and deploy the application on WebSphere 7.0
- Designed and developed Utility Class that consumed the messages from theJavamessage Queue and generated emails to be sent to the customers.
- Responsibilities also included analyzing business requirements, supporting QA and UAT testing and code review.
- Provided production support by debugging and fixing critical issues related to application and database.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring3, SQL Server 2008, Hibernate3.x, Web Services, Jboss, JavaScript, Oracle 9i, JMS, struts 2.0, rest, JSON, JSF, JSP, CSS, html, DHTML, jQuery, Ajax, JDBC, clear case, maven, log4j, ExtJS, UML, JAXB, xml
Java/J2EE Developer
- Designed UI screen for Insurance Quote to get User information with JSP, Struts tag library.
- Designed the Object Model and Architecture for the application using Visio, writing Technical Specification document Preparing the schedule for the entire SDLC
- Involved in development of User Interface using JSP,JavaScript, XSLT, XML, AJAX, HTML, Tag libraries and Struts MVC framework.
- Implemented Business logic using Hibernate framework.
- Performed Analysis and development of Stateless Session Bean, Data Access object and Application Component for Screening and Short-listing module.
- Application was based on MVC architecture with JSP serving as presentation layer, Servlets as controller and Hibernate in business layer to access to MySQL Database
- Wrote ANT Build scripts for the automatic configuration of the project and deployment of the components into the system.
- Used JUnit to test persistence and service tiers. Involved in unit test case preparation.
- Involved in Dynamic form generation, Auto completion of forms, and user-validation functionalities using AJAX.
- Used RAD IDE for developing code modules in the development environment.
- Used CVS to track and maintain the different version of the application.
- Used Maven as the build tool and Tortoise SVN as the Source version controller.
- Written SQL, PL/SQL and stored procedures as part of database interaction.
- Worked on generating the web services classes by using Service Oriented Architecture SOA, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP.
- Developed forms for user event handling and validations usingJAVAScripts and AJAX.
- Involved in the development of on-line account management, order and payment processing using WSDL/SOAP web services.
- Worked with the development of controller layer using MVC type 2 Framework.
- Enhanced the application performance by introducing Multi-threading using thread-state model and priority-based thread scheduler in Java.
- Designed and developed User Interface Web Forms using Adobe Flash, CSS, and Core Java
- Used Clear case for source code management. Responsible for labeling the code, branching for releases, merging branches and moving code to test and production environments.
Environment: Java, J2EE, PL/SQL, Oracle9i, WebSphere, AJAX, Bootstrap, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, Servlets, JSP, SQL, XML, XSLT, Web Services, JAXB, SOAP, JMS, WSDL, JavaScript, MySQL, Junit