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Full Stack Java Developer/application Developer Resume

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Denver, ColoradO


  • Over 8+ years of experience in IT industry in analysis, design, development, and, integration of large client - server and web based applications.
  • Extensive knowledge and exposure in web based multi-tier and client/server applications using J2EE Architecture Framework. I have used a wide variety of technologies for building the applications, including Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, EJB, JDBC, JavaWebServices, SOAP, JavaScript, Springs, Struts, Hibernate, JSF, HTML, XHTML,DHTML,CSS, XML, JSTL, JUnit, AJAX, Angular, Ant, XML, DOM, JQuery, and JAVAtechnology.
  • Experience in working with frameworks like Struts, spring, JSF and implementing various J2EE design patterns such as Singleton, Session Façade Pattern, Data Access Object and Factory design patterns.
  • Worked as Full Stack developer both in front end and in back end.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, and Cloud Front for promoting code in various Environments.
  • Hands on experience in using IDE tools like Eclipse, JBuilder, NetBeans, WSAD and My Eclipse.
  • Expert in understanding about Object Oriented Analysis and Design and UML notations and experience in using design tools like Rational Rose for creating class, use case and sequence diagrams.
  • Experience building web applications with JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and/or Java
  • Worked on Core Java concepts like Multi-Threading, Collection, Interfaces, Synchronization, and Exception Handling.
  • Expertise to access/connect Data Access Objects to the database layer using Hibernate/JPA.
  • Experience in XML, Web Services using SOAP, XML-RPC, JAX-RPC, JAXB and Restful.
  • Expertise in programming, deploying, configuring, and fine-tuning middle-tier popular J2EE Application Servers like open source Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Web Logic, Glassfish and Wildly.
  • Extensive experience in various UI widgets using JavaScript libraries (JQuery) and developing Rich Internet Applications RIA.
  • Experienced in WAMP (Windows, Apache, MYSQL, and Python/PHP) and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Python/PHP) Architecture.
  • Good knowledge of latest version of object oriented JavaScript Libraries like Angular.js, Node.JS, Backbone, Bootstrap, ExtJS 4.0, Require, Handlebars, and Dojo toolkit.
  • Working experience of control version tools like SVN, CVS, Clear Case and PVCS.
  • Knowledgeable with RDBMS concepts like writing SQL Queries, Functions, Stored Procedures and PL/SQL Packages.
  • Good knowledge of Log4j and Junit, Unit testing, Integration Testing, functional testing.
  • Working experience on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo Classes, Pseudo Elements and CSS Behaviors in CSS.
  • Good knowledge of Grunt, GITS, HTTP and Restful services.


Languages: JAVA, J2EE, C/C++, SQL, PL/SQL

Java/Java EE 5/6: Java 5.0/6.0/7.0/8.0 , Java EE 5/6 (Servlets 2.5, JSP 2.0, JDBC 4.0, JMS), Web Services(SOAP, Restful, AXIS 2.0, Metro, JAX-WS2.0,JAX-RS1.1, JAXP, JAXB, Annotations)

Frameworks: Struts 1, Hibernate 3.0, Spring 2.0(Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Context, Spring AOP, Spring DAO, Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Spring with Hibernate), Prime Faces.

Web Programming: JQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, AngularJS, NodeJS, CSS, CSS3, DHTML, HTML4, HTML5, JSON, AJAX.

Web Servers: Apache Tomcat 5.0/6.0/7.0, Glassfish3.1.2, Wildly 8.2, Apache Web Server 2.2

Application Servers: Web Logic 8.x/9.x/10.3, Jboss 4.04, WebSphere 8.0, Jetty.

Operating System: Windows, Unix, Linux and Sun Solaris

Database Systems: Oracle 7.x/8i/9i/10g, My SQL, HSQL, SQL Server 2000, DB2, MongoDB

Cloud Technologies: AWS, EC2, S3, Cloud Front.

XML Technologies: XML, DOM, SAX, XSL, XSTL, JNDI, SOAP, Schema.

OO Modeling: UML, Rational Rose, Class diagram, Use case diagram.

IDE: Eclipse, My Eclipse, WSAD, IBM, RAD, NetBeans.

Version Control systems: CVS, Rational Clear Case, SVN, GitHub.

Tools: Junit, Log4j, Jmock, Rational Rose, TOAD, XmlSpy, ANT, Maven.


Confidential, Denver, Colorado

Full Stack Java Developer/Application Developer


  • Involved in the analysis, design, and development and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and used Agile (SCRUM) methodologies for Software Development.
  • Worked as full stack developer.
  • Extensive experience in developing business components based on the customer requirement by using Java 8/JEEAPI.
  • Worked under Agile Methodology to develop Application.
  • Used Wildfly & Glassfish application to deploy the code.
  • Designed and developed user interfaces using Spring MVC Framework, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JSP, JSTL,HTML, CSS, Mule, Java Script, Angular JS, React JS and Ruby on Rails.
  • Involved in designing, developing and configuring server side J2EEcomponents like JavaBeans, JSP, Servlets, JNDI and XML using IDE- NetBeans and deployments in Wildfly.
  • Designed and Developed JSFcomponent, implemented event handling usingJava,JSF, MyFaces, Prime Faces, AJAX.
  • UI Components and Backing Beans,JSF, involved in configuring web.xml, faces-config.xml for navigations, controllers.
  • Implemented and enhanced CRUD operations for the applications using the MVC (Model View

    Controller) architecture of Rails frame work and Ruby conducting code reviews.

  • Work on developing UI components using Swing framework.
  • Used all aspects of MySQL/PHP Programming (object oriented PHP) in LAMP environment.
  • Used various Core Java concepts like Collection APIs, Exception Handling, Generics and Multi-Threading.
  • Defined AngularJS search interfaces which will get the data from Restful web services and integration with AEM.
  • Used Microservices architecture with Spring based services to integrate user libraries in the application.
  • Developed views and templates with Python and Django's view controller and templating language to create a user-friendly website interface
  • Used spring securities, Spring JPA, Spring JMS modules.
  • Transaction Management using EJB 3.0 and custom framework.
  • Experience in using ODBC to access the database.
  • Used RESTful services to communicate with the UI layer.
  • Design and Develop SOAP Web services, generate classes from published WSDL and XSD usingJAXWS using maven
  • Developed Message Driven Beans (MDB) and extensively used the JMS API.
  • Developed and tested website using the MEAN (Mongo DB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) stack.
  • Implemented REST web service in Scala usingAkka for client log tracking application.
  • Used JUnit for extensive functional and unit testing code.
  • Generated Selenium eports using JUnit reporter and automated report generation using ANT.
  • Experience and well versed withUNIX commands.
  • Used Git andGitHub for version control.
  • Used Jasper Reports Server for creating and publishing reports.
  • Involved in writing PL/SQL stored procedures for Oracle 10g database.
  • Data migration from Datacom database to SQL Server and Oracle using Java.
  • Installed, configured and administered SQL Server 2014/2012/20 bit and 32 bit) on traditional clusters and standalone server.
  • Used DB2, Oracle10g as database to access customers Warehouse Data from credit bureau, Used Sql Explorer and Toad as IDE. Extensively worked on PL/SQL and DB2
  • Used Maven Deployment Descriptor Setting up build environment by writing Maven build.xml, taking build, configuring and deploying of the application in all the servers.

Environment: Java / J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JQuery, Angular JS 2.0, AJAX, XML 1.0, XSD 1.1, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring securities, Spring JPA, Spring JMS, EJB, RESTFUL Web Services, WebSphere 8.0, Glassfish 3.1.2, Wildfly 8.2, Net beans 8.2, Maven 3.3, Jenkins, JIRA, Oracle 10g, JUNIT.

Confidential, Champaign, Illinois

Sr.Java Developer


  • Involved in the analysis, design, and development and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and used Agile (SCRUM) methodologies for Software Development.
  • Involved in the design and development of application using Spring and Hibernate technologies/frameworks.
  • Extensive experience in developing business components based on the customer requirement by using Java API.
  • Used JIRA application to deploy the code.
  • Designed and developed user interfaces using Struts, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring JPA, JSP, HTML, and CSS.
  • Developed web application using Spring Framework with MVC design pattern.
  • Used JSP, JavaScript, Dojo, Mule, AngularJS, React JS, Bootstrap, Backbone JS, Java Script, JQuery, AJAX, JSTL, CSS, and HTML5 as data and presentation layer technology.
  • Implemented an MVC based web application in Scala language using Akka, Play framework, Twirl template engine and Web Sockets to provide real time evaluation and rules-based recommendation for the user's portfolio.
  • Developed the Microservices using Spring Boot that create, update, delete and get the assignment information from backend.
  • Build this application using Groovy/Grails as a RESTAPI server and Backbone.JS as a single application.
  • Created and deployed the service applications in application server like tomcat and integration projects on Mule ESB server.
  • Used web framework to automate the mapping between SQL databases and objects in Java.
  • Strong back-end Batch Processing using JDBCBatch Processing and CRON JOB Quartz Scheduler Framework Batch Processing.
  • Experience in IBMBPM tool migration at development side.
  • Hands on experience in Test Driven Development (TDD), Agile Methodology and Scrum Methodology.
  • Developed custom AEM components for Web Content Management.
  • Used Un employment insurance interface (FTP, Web service) for development and Modernization.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, and Cloud Front for promoting code in various Environments and used Amazon API’s to maintain and secure the API’s
  • Used various Core Java concepts like Collection APIs, Exception Handling, Generics and Multi-Threading.
  • Coded the middle tier changes using Java RESTful and SOAP Web Services spring and Hibernate
  • Experience in working with monitoring tools for applications, servers such as Nagios 3.2 in Linux, Solaris servers.
  • Developed and implemented products and services page using Ruby onRails and MongoDB.
  • Experience in upgrading and migrating various versions of Mongo database on different platforms.
  • Transaction Management using EJB 3.0 and custom framework.
  • Experience in using ODBC to access the database.
  • Design and development of Web Pages usingPHP, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, ajax environment.
  • Used Restful services to communicate with the UI layer.
  • Experience in using version control tools likeGithub.
  • Used JUnitfor extensive functional and unit testing code.
  • Created test plans and performed NUniton the application using Test Driven Development Process.
  • Used Mockito for mocking services to test.
  • DevelopedUNIX shell scripts for initialization process and for process control mechanism.
  • Developed the application on RAD and deployed it on IBMWebSphere Application Sever
  • Database Development- Professional experience creating and maintaining complex RDBMS.
  • Troubleshoot problems overPerl scripts/modules modifications.
  • Involved in writing PL/SQL stored procedures for Oracle 10g database.
  • Created visualization reports using D3 for bills, payment histories.
  • Used Maven Deployment Descriptor Setting up build environment by writing Maven build.xml, taking build, configuring and deploying of the application in all the servers.

Environment: Java / J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JQuery, Angular, PHP, AJAX, XML 1.0, XSD 1.1, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring securities, Spring JPA, Spring JMS, EJB, RESTFUL Web Services, SOAP 1.2, WSDL, Hibernate, Tomcat 7.0, WebSphere, Eclipse Mars4.5, Maven 3.3, Jenkins, JIRA, AWS(EC2, S3, Cloud Front), Oracle 10g, JUNIT, Log4J, MOCKITO.

Confidential, Cleveland, Ohio

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in SDLC Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using AGILE methodology (SCRUM).
  • Involved in design discussions and understanding of business requirements and identify the relevant functional and technical requirements
  • Used JSP's HTML on front end, Servlets as Front Controllers and JavaScript for client side validations
  • Created controller Servlets for handling HTTP requests from JSP pages
  • Developed entire application web-based client implementing MVC Architecture using Spring Framework
  • Developed Batch Processing using Quartz scheduler framework.
  • Developed an application, in Java andScala on Akka framework.
  • Test Driven Development (TDD) approaches was utilized and the test coverage was always maintained and validated using Clover and Cruise Control.
  • Provided functional and business rules requirements for Unemployment Insurance Modernization.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, and Cloud Front for promoting code in various Environments.
  • Worked with Swing and RCP using Oracle ADF to develop a search application which is a migration project.
  • Design, implement and deploy cloud, Restful services, and Azure web apps.
  • Used GUICE JavaScript and XMI for client side implementation.
  • Used UI frameworks to develop webpages such as HTML, CSS, JQuery, JSP, JSTL, Java Script, Mule, React JS, Angular JS and Ext Js, Node JS and Backbone Js.
  • Utilized Ajax, MVC, Ext JS 4.1 and Ext. direct, Spring MVC, Spring JPA, Spring Boot.
  • Implemented Object-relation mapping in the persistence layer using Hibernate frame work in conjunction with spring Functionality.
  • Implemented LDAP web security with JBoss 6 server configuration and added/modified xml and html files for the application.
  • Implemented MVC Architecture using Apache Struts Framework. Bea Weblogic Server used as a J2EE application server.
  • Involved in developing the Restful web services.
  • Developed several REST web services supporting both XML and JSON to perform tasks such as remote thermostat and demand-response management.
  • Migrated number of in house shell scripts that supported deployment and configuration of multiple applications toUdeploy (Urban code) to reduce the administrative overhead of QA and production releases.
  • UsedGitHub repository to submit code changes that are in turn review the code written by the team before they are merged to the Head Master branch before production.
  • Developed Junit test cases for all the developed modules.
  • Maintained and modified triggers for Clear Case usingPerl Scripting.
  • Created multiple reports utilizing the RDBMS, MySQL.
  • Developed stored procedures, triggers and used PL/SQL on Oracle database.
  • Used SQL Queries in Javacode to do select/update/delete depending upon the business requirement
  • Extensively worked with XML schema, XSL/XSLT, XML to navigate in XML documents, andDOM4J to process and parse XML files.

Environment: Java / J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JQuery, Angular, AJAX, XML 1.0, XSD 1.1, Spring, Struts, Spring securities, Spring JPA, Spring JMS, EJB, RESTFUL Web Services, SOAP 1.2, WSDL, Hibernate, Tomcat 7.0, JBoss, Eclipse Indigo 3.7, Maven, Jenkins, JIRA, Oracle 10g, JUNIT, Log4J, MOCKITO.

Confidential, Greenwich, Connecticut

Java Developer


  • Involved in various phases of the Software Development Life Cycle including modeling, analysis, architecture design and development and testing phases.
  • Implemented the functionality of fetching of data from different sources and persisted the data through Hibernate, to separate DAO layer from Database layer and using core Java classes.
  • Implemented Spring MVC framework to develop and configure the views and controller of Spring MVC implemented database persistence, and integrated the web application with the persistence layer.
  • Designing and developing code in ADABAS/Natural in a mainframe environment & providing out of hours’ support.
  • Modified ADABAS files, Programs, and Locals to include new data elements.
  • Developed DAO persistence layer using Hibernate.
  • Enhance the user interface using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Libraries like JQuery, AngularJS.
  • Build this application using Groovy/Grails as a RESTAPI server
  • Developed web services by WSDL, SOAP and XML schema support.
  • Dynamic web pages are developed using JSF, JavaBeans, XHTML, JavaScript and Custom Tags.
  • Used JSON for message transformation.
  • Implemented Harvest to create and test XML configuration.
  • Involved in creating Restful web services using JAX-RS and JERSEY tool.
  • Implemented Test Driven Development to develop the robust web application.
  • Managed release and deployment of the operational risk management platform.
  • Used XSLT transform to translate XML input data to HTML output.
  • Implemented GUI using JQuery, AJAX, CSS, Bootstrap, and HTML.
  • Developed Maven scripts for deploying the system into WebSphere Application Server.
  • Used JIRA for the issue tracking and bug reporting.

Environment: Java / J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JQuery, Angular, AJAX, XML 1.0, XSD 1.1, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring securities, Spring JPA, Spring JMS, EJB, RESTFUL Web Services, SOAP1.2, WSDL, Hibernate, Tomcat, Eclipse Indigo 3.7, Maven, Jenkins, JIRA, Oracle 10g, JUNIT, Log4J, MOCKITO.

Confidential, Norcross, Georgia

J2EE Developer


  • Developed JMS API using J2EE package.
  • Used Java Script for client side validation.
  • Used Struts Framework for implementing the MVC Architecture.
  • Developed presentation layer using JSP, JSF, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, JSF Tag Libs.
  • Performed Validations on UI data using JSF validations and JavaScript
  • Wrote various Struts action classes to implement the business logic.
  • Involved in the design of the project using UML Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Object diagrams, and Class Diagrams.
  • Understand concepts related to and written code for advanced topics such as JavaIO, Serialization and multithreading.
  • Developed the presentation layer using HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, JSPs, Angular.js, Node.js and XML.
  • Created numerous test cases for unit testing of the code using JUnit testing framework.
  • Used Maven as a Project management tool. Designed and created Hibernate persistence classes using Hibernate API
  • Responsible for production support, integration and coordination with other teams to meet the deadlines.

Environment: Java / J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JQuery, Angular, AJAX, XML 1.0, XSD 1.1, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring securities, Spring JPA, Spring JMS, EJB, RESTFUL Web Services, SOAP 1.0, WSDL, Hibernate, Tomcat 7.0, WebSphere 6.0, Eclipse Galileo, Maven, Jenkins, JIRA, Oracle 10g, JUNIT, Log4J.


Java Developer


  • Involved in gathering and analyzing system requirements.
  • Used Multi-threading and Exceptional Handling in the development of applications.
  • Developed the application using Spring Web MVC architecture.
  • Worked extensively on Spring IOC/ Dependency Injection. Configured the crosscutting concerns like logging, security using Spring AOP.
  • Developed Data Access Layer using Hibernate ORM framework.
  • Have coded numerous DAO's using Hibernate Dao Support. Used Criteria, HQL and SQL as the query
  • Extensive involvement in database schema design, development and coding.
  • Tuned SQL Queries, created complex stored procedures, packages, functions, triggers, jobs.
  • Involved in the understanding and designing of the complex back-end framework.
  • Used JSTL expression language for validation.
  • Used XML for data exchange and schemas (XSDs) for XML validation. Used XSLT for transformation of XML.
  • Involved in all phases of SDLC including requirements Collection, Design and Analysis of the customer specifications from business analyst.
  • Designed and developed user interface screens using HTML, DHTML and JSP.
  • Created and maintained the configuration of the Application Framework.
  • Eclipse used as JavaIDE tool for creating Action classes and XML files.
  • Involved in maintenance of the application.
  • Used Bugzilla as a Bug Reporting Tool.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, Struts, MVC, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, PL/SQL, Oracle.

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