Sr. Java/j2ee Developer Resume
Chicago, IL
- 8+ years of experience in Requirements Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Production and Support of Core Java, J2EE and client - server technologies.
- Experience in analysis, design, development, testing and deployment of software applications.
- Technical expertise in developing Client-Server, Web-Based applications.
- Expertise in development of Java/J2EE Applications using Core Java, Servlets, JDBC, JSP, XML, JNDI, JMS, Struts, Hibernate, EJB and Spring Frameworks.
- Strong expertise in development of web based applications using Django, Python, HTML, XML, Angular JS, CSS, DHTML, JavaScript, JSON and JQuery.
- Strong working experience in Design, Development and implementation of several J2EE frameworks like Struts MVC, Spring IoC, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring JDBC, Spring JMX and Hibernate.
- Experience in GUI development using Angular JS, Angular JS 2.0,HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, XSLT, AJAX, JSP, JSF, and JSP Tag libraries, Servlets, XML and XSLT.
- Deep knowledge of AngularJS practices and commonly used modules based on extensive work experience.
- Expertise in Relational Database Design/Development with Database Mapping, PL/SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Packages using Oracle 9i/8i, SQL-Server2000, SQL-Server2005 and MySQL Databases.
- Have Strong experience in using Web Services Technologies like SOAP, REST, JAX-WS, XML and WSDL.
- Experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), OOA, OOD and OOP through implementation and testing.
- Good knowledge of Design Patterns like Singleton, DAO, Factory, MVC, Service Locator Pattern, Builder Pattern, Proxy Pattern etc.
- Strong implementation knowledge of Object Oriented Analysis and Design using Agile and Scrum methodologies.
- Experience implementing RESTful and/or traditional web services using technologies such as JSON, SOAP, XML, and JAXB.
- Involved in consuming, producing Restful web services using JAX-RS.
- Designed, tested and debugged external and DB2 native stored procedures. Worked with remote stored procedure calls.
- Knowledge and experience in data modelling, normalization and performance tuning of applications and database design.
- Experience with Application Servers and Web Servers such as BEA Web Logic Server, JBoss Server, IBM Web Sphere and Apache Tomcat.
- Good Hand Confidential Data base jobs as well. Developed Stored Procedures and other database objects like tables, views, constraints, triggers and cursors and adept Confidential Normalization techniques.
- Good Experience in software configuration management using CVS, GIT and SVN.
- Extensive experience in different IDE's like Net Beans, Eclipse - Indigo/Galileo & Helios.
- Test Driven Programmer with thorough knowledge in unit testing with JUnit.
- Ability to learn and highly motivated, individual contributor and effective team player with strong analytical and excellent communication skills.
- Experienced to migrate applications to AWS Cloud platform.
Languages/API: Java (Java SE 6/7/8), J2EE, C, C++, JDBC, UML, Design Patterns, Shell Scripts, HTML, JavaScript, SQL and PL/SQL
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix and Linux.
Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.0, Spring 3.x/4.0, Hibernate3.0/4.0, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Web, Spring Batch, Spring Integration.
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, DHTML, HTML5, Servlets, JSPs, EJB, JNDI, JMS, XML, XSLT, XSD, JSF, SPY JQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS, React JS and Ajax
Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, WebLogic and J-Boss
IDE’s: Eclipse, NetBeans, RAD and Rational Rose
Database: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PL, DB2, Mongo DB and Cassandra
Webservices: AXIS, SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL and Restful
Version Control: SVN, GitHub, CVS, Subversion and Clear Case
Other Utilities: ANT, Log4j, Soap-UI, Maven, Customization Work Bench tool & AIX.
Confidential - Chicago, IL
Sr. Java/J2ee Developer
- Working as a Developer and involved in analysis of requirements, design and development and supporting the project (implementing enhancements and Change Requests)
- Involved in designing front-end screens using Java script, JSP, AJAX, DOJO, Angular 2.0, CSS and HTML.
- Involved in development and deployment of application using Struts1.3, Web Sphere 6.1, IRAD 7.0, Oracle 10g, XML, XSLT, DOM, and XML Schema, UNIX.
- Developed custom directives (elements, Attributes and classes) using angular.js Spring 3.0 annotations (Controller) mechanism to create RESTFUL applications.
- Developed a fully functional prototype application using JavaScript and Bootstrap, connecting to a RESTful server on a different domain.
- Developing front end screens to be cross-browse & cross-platform based application using ColdFusion.
- All these batch Microservices are written utilizing distributed message passing via Kafka message broker with JSON and CSV as data exchange formats.
- Implemented MVC-Model architecture using spring and other J2EE design patterns like Service Locator, Session Façade and Singleton for the application development.
- Designed and developed Spring MVC custom controllers, URL handler mappings, view resolver, JSPs, JavaScript, DOM, Ajax, container beans configurations
- Using Spring IOC (Dependency Injection), developed Java Beans, with getter and setter properties to be configured by spring.
- Used JBoss Fuse ESB to create mediation or route message between Services.
- Configured & implemented Spring Application Context to instantiate all bean classes in Spring MVC application framework and implemented Spring AOP for transaction management.
- Helped maintain UI front-end using Dojo framework and JSP.
- Implemented UI components and validations using JQuery and DOJO libraries.
- Extensively involved in developing core persistence classes using Hibernate framework, writing HQL queries, creating hibernate mapping (.hbm) files, DB schema.
- Worked on the WSDL, XML, Schema, SOAP and Web Services calls to integrate the service applications.
- Developed and Designed Application using Spring Boot to Develop Microservices
- Interact with business analysts to convert business requirements to technical requirements, Followed Agile methodology and SCRUM meetings to track, optimize and tailor features to customer needs.
- Used Jenkins for continuous integration and test automation. Used Kafka for data streaming. Used Maven as a building too
- Implemented agent-server messaging dialog using Rabbit MQ.
- Hands on experience and in depth knowledge in implementation of AWS Cloud-specific technologies like Elastic Servers, EC2 Instance and s3 Instance.
- Experience in defining integration using Apache Camel routes and Message channels.
- Have integrated web services including SOAP as well as REST using Fuse ESB.
- Used Ant build script to deploy the application and JUnit to test unit test cases
- Provided Production Support for the application.
Environment: Java, J2SE, J2EE. JSP, Servlets, JNDI, Agile, Java Beans, JTA, AJAX, DOJO, RAD 7.0, Web sphere Application Server, Hibernate, Spring framework, Mongo DB, Rabbit MQ, AWS, Apache Camel, Fuse ESB, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Kafka, Spring AOP, Bootstrap, JUnit, TOAD, XML, VSS, JBoss, UML, DHTML, JavaScript, JSON, Web Services, ColdFusion, SOAP, WSDL, Oracle, Spring Boot, Microservices, Ant, UNIX Shell Script.
Confidential - Long Island City, NY
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in the analysis, design, and development and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of building interface for CRM System.
- Designed and Developed Web Services based on Axis Tool to provide client demographic and financial information from Onboarding and Financial System
- Designed and Developed Admin GUI on JSP for maintaining users on CRM which provides maker/checker process.
- Developed user interfaces using HTML5, JQuery, Ajax, CSS and Bootstrap
- Used Rabbit MQ queues for implementation of multi-threaded synchronization processes and used JMS queues for consumption requests.
- Designed and Developed real time services to sync the CRM data to Private bank Operational data store for generating reports
- Developed Batch Jobs using Oracle Procedures for data reconciliation which will execute on nightly basis to sync up the intraday updates
- Designed and Developed Oracle Procedure for one-time conversion for Client Demographic and Financial systems.
- Created/managed Mongo DB/NoSQL collections. Developed Server side automation using Node.js scripting and connecting different types of SQL and NoSQL stores.
- Developed and Designed Messaging System using Java Messaging Service (JMS) API for Microservices.
- Created unit and functional test cases through use of testing tools such as Python.
- Developed rule modules using Rule Engines, Drools.
- Deployed Spring boot based Micro Services Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and usingAWSadmin console.
- Extensively used Apache Camel for transformation and used both java DSL and XML DSL.
- Experienced in deploying applications on Application Servers like JBoss, WebLogic and WebSphere and also Web Servers like Apache tomcat.
- Developing the business logic for Internal Job Board using AngularJS
- Used web services for data exchange using SOAP and WSDL.
- Involved in writing business logic using Struts for functionalities like Budget Calculations and Profile creation/update using Struts Action Classes.
- Focused on architecting NoSQL database like Mongo DB database.
- Developed the application by implementing Spring Framework based integration.
- Designed and developed the POJOs components &O/R Mapping files using Hibernate and used the Spring-Hibernate Template mechanism to reduce the development time.
- Developed Hibernate DAO's and configuration files to access the ORACLE database.
- Involved in writing Hibernate queries in HQL and SQL.
- Developed XML applications using JAXP and XSLT to read or transform the data between nodes.
- Developed Web Services clients using SOAP, WSDL and Apache Axis.
- Involved in the Technical Documentation of the various modules and functional testing of the product.
- Worked on Management and design of integrated build pipelines using continuous integration workflows such as Jira, Git, Jenkins.
- Taken care of multi-threading in back end java beans.
- Developed build scripts using Ant tool for compilation and deployment purpose.
- Used Rational Clear Case version control for source code.
Environment: WebLogic 10.3, IBM WebSphere, Java 1.5/1.6, Drools, Mongo DB, Bootstrap, Apache Camel, spring, Hibernate, Apache Axis, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.5, CSS3, AngularJS, Jira, Microservices, Git, Jenkins, XML, SOAP, WSDL, Oracle, JBoss, PL/SQL
Confidential- Phoenix, AZ
Sr. Java/J2EE
- Developed Use Case Diagrams, Object Diagrams and Class Diagrams in UML using Rational Rose.
- Handling client change requests and enhancements on an Agile based development platform.
- Developed user interface using JSP, JSP Tag libraries, third party libraries Rich Faces 3.0 and Java script to simplify the complexities of the application.
- Worked on SpringIoC, Spring MVC, Web Application Framework, Spring Messaging Framework and SpringAOP to develop application service components.
- Primarily focused on the spring components such as Spring MVC, AngularJS, Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, JQuery, Model and View Objects, View Resolver.
- Installed, configured, and managed the servers (Amazon Web Services, Linux, Tomcat, Apache, MySQL, MongoDB, Groovy/Grails, Hudson/Jenkins, JIRA, Git, Junit, MediaWiki, tripwire, fail2ban, ssh, sendmail, sudo, etc.).
- Creation of Hibernate mapping files to develop Database Tables from Classes and generation of database schema.
- Developed hundreds of features in an agile environment using Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Used Web Services (JAX-WS using Axis 2.0) for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAP messages for getting plans from different module and used SAXXML parsers for data retrieval.
- Involved in creating various Data Access Objects (DAO) for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
- Built main application in leveraging technologies such as Angular js, Backbone js.
- Created tables, triggers, stored procedures, SQLqueries, joins, integrityconstraints and views for multiple databases.
- Developed AntScripts for the build process and deployed in IBMWebSphere.
- Developed User Interface using JQuery, JDBC, JMS.
- Wrote SQLqueries and stored procedures for data manipulation with the Oracle database. Application used TOAD.
- Used AjaxAPI for intensive user operations and client-side validations.
- Used CVS for version control and ClearQuest2003 for bug tracking.
- Maintained proper coding standards and best practices by using CheckStyle, CPD, PMD and find bugs.
Environment: J2EE 1.5, JSF 1.2, SSL, Node.js, JSP,, Spring 2.5,JDBC, XML, MS SQL Server 2008, Amazon Web Services, Web sphere, SOA, Angular Js, JQuery, Json, SOAP-UI, WSDL 1.1, SAX, JavaScript, IBM WebSphere 6.1, HTML, CSS, Oracle11g/10g, JNDI, SQL, CVS 1.1, Log4J 1.2, JUnit 3.8,Maven.
Confidential - Montville, NJ
Java Developer
- Involved in the analysis, design, development and testing phases of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).
- Designed Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Object Diagrams using UML to model the detail design of the application.
- Developed the application front end using Jakarta Struts Framework
- Developed action classes, form beans and Java Server Pages.
- Developed a web-based reporting for credit monitoring system with HTML, XHTML, JSTL, custom tags and Tiles using Struts framework.
- Developed Session beans which encapsulate the workflow logic.
- Involved in implementing and designing of Workflow Templates using BPM (Web logic Process Integrator) for middle layer business engine and also email notification engine.
- Used Java/J2EE Design patterns like Business Delegate and Data Transfer Object (DTO) in the project which facilitates clean distribution of roles and responsibilities across various layers of processing.
- Worked on financial transactions like deposits, withdrawals, transfers, debit and visa or bills payments.
- Developed XML Web services for retrieving credit information from the credit bureau.
- Developed Web services for credit card application.
- Designed various design Workflow Modules using BPM (Business Process Modeler) to implement Business Logic and Business rules using Ilog, Jrules.
- Used SVN, CVS, Harvest, Clear case and Clear Quest for Version controlling and error reporting.
- Involved in working with Struts Tiles for the common look and feel for a web application.
- Implementation of JMS between Workflow module and backend Message forwarding Engine.
- Used PL-SQL for customer details updating Confidential production and UAT level.
- Tested the application functionality with JUnit Struts Test Cases.
- Worked with QA team for testing and resolving defects.
- Used Hibernate framework to access the data.
- Extensively used ANT as a build tool.
- Experience with Eclipse IDE and Struts plug-ins.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Weblogic Integrator, Clear case, WebSphere MQ, Java SDK, SOA, Struts, EJB, Servlet, JSP, JNDI, JMS, JDBC, Oracle 10g, CVS, ANT, TOAD and Log4J 1.2.
Java developer
- Designed application architecture and designed web page layout for ease of use for the with client
- Applied agile methodology and actively participated in the Scrum meetings to produce the deliverables within time.
- Responsible for designing ER Diagrams and database schemas for maintain applicant details.
- Developed and Designed appropriate user interface using JSP, Servlet.
- Used jQuery library extensions to provide rich front-end functionality.
- Developed persistence layer using JDBC API and DAO design pattern.
- Implemented Spring MVC framework to the web application and developed webpages using JSP, HTMLs and CSS.
- Developed and deployed web service onto Apache Tomcat server and ensure that application is running and going through different JSPs and HTMLs in the right order
- Writing and updating the Hibernate mapping file for each Java data objects to be persisted.
- Created new Tag Libraries and used JSTL to develop JSP pages.
Environment: s: J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Windows NT 4.0., Eclipse, Apache Maven 3.2.2, Apache Tomcat 8.0.9, MySQL database, HTML, Web Services, JDBC, Log4J, Spring MVC, Spring Framework, Spring, Hibernate