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Sr. Java/web Services Developer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • 8+ years of IT experience in Software Development Life - Cycle (SDLC) phases of design, development, implementation, deployment, testing and maintenance as per quality standards using Agile and waterfall methodologies in areas like health, insurance, finance, bank, travel and Ecommerce sectors.
  • 7+ years of experience in Struts, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, CSS, JSP, EJB, JDBC, Servlets, Unix Scripting, Eclipse, MySQL, Oracle, Apache Tomcat, Shell Scripting, Subversion and CLEARCASE
  • Experience in Pair Programming, Test Driven Development, Waterfall model and Agile methodologies like SCRUM and KANBAN.
  • Extensive experience in developing, testing and implementing applications using Core Java1.7,1.8 JEE technologies
  • Working experience wif Java1.8 features like lambda, Annotations on types, Date and Time API.
  • Hands on experience in buildingJavaEenterprise Applications using the latest technologies from JEE stack like CoreJava, Multithreading, Spring, Hibernate, Web services, JSF, JSP, Servlets, Struts, EJB, JMS, JPA, JDBC, XML, XSLT, DOM, SAX, JAXP, JAXB.
  • Experienced in developing web based applications using Model View Controller architecture, good exposure and experience in MVC frame works like Spring and Struts.
  • Experience in deploying, configuring and administering application servers such as Websphere, Weblogic, JBoss and Apache Tomcat. Extensive experience in development, deployment and troubleshooting Web based and enterprise based applications on Windows, UNIX and Linux platforms.
  • Extensive experience in development of Web services such as SOAP using WSDL, JAXB, SOAP, JAX-WS and Apache CXF and Restful using JAX-RS, CXF, Rest easy, JERSY implementation.
  • Have Experience on RESTMicroservicesusing Spring Boot for the customers to consume data.
  • Developed new business workflows using the Java Business Process Management (JBPM) tool & amp; deployed them as PAR (Archive) files.
  • Design and manipulation ofJBPMprocess for the client activities to manage the people queue for each activity
  • Hands on Experience wif Middleware Technology Messaging Brokers like JMS, Active MQ, Rabbit MQ.
  • Used SOAP for Web Services by exchanging XML data between the applications.
  • Developed and consumed RESTful Web Services in multiple projects.
  • Extensive experience in developing producers & customers in Kafka to build a data pipeline.
  • Strong skills in RDBMS implementation and development using Oracle, IBM DB2 Database Servers and hands on experience wif SQL, PL/SQL.
  • Good understanding on NoSQL databases like Mongo DB.
  • Experience wif MOCKITO, Junit in developing test cases and determining application functionality.
  • Subversion SVN, CVS, GIT, RTC as versioning software tools.
  • Hands on work experience on various Enterprise Integration frameworks like Apache Camel,
  • Excellent team player wif the ability to create an environment of trust and cooperation through an open exchange of ideas towards achieving team goals.
  • Ability to communicate clearly & concisely to both business and technology teams wif my excellent written & oral communication skills.
  • Configured email templates on Alfresco for email notifications to user/admin.


Languages: Java 8/7, SQL, PL/SQL, UML, Knowledge on C

Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JNDI, JDBC, JSTL, JMS, JPA, EJB, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RS, JSX-WS, HTML, HTML4, HTML 5, CSS, CSS 3, DHTML, AngularJS, Java Beans, JavaScript, Dojo, AJAX. Apache Camel

XML Technologies.: XML, XSL, XSLT, SAX, DOM, AXIS, Castor, XML Beans and JAXB

Web/App. Servers: Apache Tomcat 5.0/6.0/7.0, Web Logic 8.1/9.1, Web sphere 8.0, Web Sphere Application Server 8.0 & RAD 8.5, JBoss. IIS

IDEs: Eclipse, Net Beans, Red Hat Developer Studio, WSAD, IBM RSA development IDE, IntelliJ.

Tools: TOAD, XMLSpy, Ant, PL/SQL Developer, JUnit, me Report, JIRA

Operating systems: Windows, UNIX, Linux, Sun Solaris.

Databases: Oracle 8 / 9i / 10g, HSQL, PL/SQL, My SQL, MS SQL Server 7.0, Sybase, MS-Access. RDBMS

Design Patterns: MVC, Singleton, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Session Facade, DTO, DAO, Factory Pattern etc…

Frameworks: Struts, JSF, PrimeFaces, Rich Faces, Spring (Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Context, Spring AOP, Spring DAO, Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Spring wif Hibernate), Hibernate, DWR, Log4j, AngularJS, RESTful, MyBatis.

Version Control: CM Synergy, Rational Clear Case, RationalClear Quest, CVS (Concurrent Versions System), VSS, SVN (Apache Subversion), VSS (Visual Source Safe) Team Foundation Server and GIT.

Testing: JUnit 4.1, J-Mock, Easy Mock, Spring Test, TDD, Groovy


Confidential, Chicago, IL

SR. Java/web services developer


  • Used Scrum Agile methodology that included iterative application development, weekly Sprints, stand up meetings and customer reporting backlogs.
  • Defines site objectives by analysing user requirements, envisioning system features and functionality.
  • Have experience to design UML, Sequence and Class diagrams for third party integration and portals.
  • Have experience wif Rally to assign tasks and follow up wif user stories.
  • Had experience wif Spring JDBC template for crud operation wif database to develop REST API’S.
  • Write generic methods wif lambda expressions for DAO calls like save, update and delete.
  • Worked wif Mainframe team to gather Stored Procedures.
  • Implemented/Developed core J2EEpatterns: MVC, DTO, DAO, Developed SQL queries and executed them by using JDBC Template provided by spring.
  • We are using AngularJS, HTML5, CSS, and Java Script as front end technologies to develop the portals.
  • Used Angular JS andJBPMfor making restful API calls and data binding.
  • Implementing business logic in service levels of the spring MVC pattern.
  • Built the application using MAVEN and WebSphere application server 8.5 and 9.0 for deploying EAR files.
  • Developed the application using Eclipse 3.5 as the IDE and used eclipse standard/plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test case template generation and version control (GIT).
  • Implemented Spring Framework for dependency injection (IOC) to inject appropriate class objects depending on the source of the application process.
  • UsedAngularJS, HTML5, CSS,BootstrapandJava Scriptas front end technologies to develop the portals.
  • Used rest endpoint urls in the service layer to get the data from the backend in json format.
  • Used JSP, JQuery, AJAX and JSON in implementing presentation layer, validation components and navigation to controller layer using Spring MVC.
  • Used browser plugins like firebug to debug the issue in AngularJs application.
  • Had experience wif doing POC on NodeJs and MongoDB to develop validation APIs, payment APIs, upload APIs etc. And worked wif different modules likeexpress, xlsx,Nano.
  • Worked wif mongoos to connect wif NodeJs application and MongoDB.
  • Created bean XML files and row mappers to map tables and fields in the database.
  • Providing JSON response to UI layer through spring MVC.
  • Used Rest-Client and Rest-Template proxy setting for connection outside American express systems.
  • Working wif offshore team also, to explain business requirements and assign tasks.
  • Involved in unit Integration, bug fixing, Design Reviews, and Code Walk through Client interaction and team support.
  • Design and develop an enterprise common logging around Log4j wif a centralized log support (used logger info, error and debug).
  • Had experience wif Jenkins and Putty for building and deploying.

ENVIRONMENT: JDK 1.8, J2EE, Servlets 2.5, Spring 3.2.4, Spring JDBC Template, JBPM, XML, GIT, JMS1.1, Eclipse 3.2, SVN 1.8, Log4J 1.2, IBM DB2, JUnit, WebSphere Application Server 8.5, Web services, Maven, Restful web services, putty, Jenkins, LARA, Linux Rest-Client, Rest-Template.

Confidential, Denver, CO

SR. Java/web services developer


  • Working wif scrum team and following agile methodologies to reach the goals of the project.
  • Gathering requirements from product owner and business analyst and getting the clear understanding about functionality.
  • Using JIRA tool for issue assigning and tracking
  • Designed, implemented and tested the Spring Domain Model for the services using Core Java.
  • Worked on Spring MVC application wif XML configurations and annotations. Used Dispatcher servlet to route incoming requests, controllers to handle requests and Model to send values to user interface.
  • Integrated springs framework wif Hibernate that is used for Database operations.
  • Implemented a messaging module using Java8 Messaging Service (JMS).
  • Working on TDD and pair programming model to create the functionality of the project.
  • Using Apache Camel as routing between modules.
  • Used Webservices concepts like XML, WSDL and SOAP to transfer and transform data between applications using SOAP messages.
  • Built application using Maven as build tool, Intellij as IDE and SVN as repository.
  • Writing test cases and integration tests using groovy as well as Junit frame works.
  • Working wif Oracle Sql 12g database to do CRUD operations on the events like passenger info, flight info.
  • Designing UML, sequence diagrams for better understanding of project from high level to low level.
  • Working on continues integration methodology for building and deployment of code in different environments using Jenkins Continues Integration.
  • Working wif testing team to understand more about test cases and business requirements before developing the code.
  • Using Jira as ticket issuer for tracking bugs and resolving accordingly.
  • Participating in sprint planning for review the user stories and dividing the tasks in Rally.
  • Using Putty to connect tunnels and higher environment servers like isssnt, cert and prod.
  • Creating REST webservices internally to test functionality working as expected or not.
  • Using Postman and DHC extensions for testing Rest web Services.
  • Checking logs and files using Linux commands and finding the appropriate request and response.
  • Debugging the issue in deep level understanding of code.

ENVIRONMENT: Oracle12g Sql Developer, Tomcat Web Server, Intellij 15.0.3, Spring MVC, SOAP, REST, XML, JSON, Maven, Tortoise SVN, Linux, Sonar, Jenkins, Apache Camel, Groovy, Junit, JMS., PgAdmin3

Confidential, MILWAUKEE, WI

Senior Java/J2ee Developer


  • Involved in developing the web-Pages for the BPS and LSPS modules.
  • Involved in writing DAO’s for retirement programs.
  • Created STAR Interfaces for Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Cash Receipts, Manual Warrants, Special and Third party Payments.
  • Worked on the detailed design specifications for the new enhancements based on business requirements.
  • Involved in updating existing business logic for the new ETF rules using Struts Action classes.
  • Involved in writing complex SQL’s to identify members eligible for Wellness Incentive benefit.
  • Involved in creating 1042, 1099 & W2’s using me Reports and also updated business rules for new Fiscal year template and business changes.
  • Involved in custom file maintenance by writing UPDATE queries to allow business users to handle exceptions and continue their normal processing.
  • Used Spring Dependency Injection and Spring JDBC to configure the LSPS application.
  • Created new hibernate associations between different members and beneficiaries.
  • Used J2EE design patterns such as MVC, Data Access Objects, Business Delegate, Session Façade, Business Objects, and Transfer Objects.
  • Migrating DB2 UDB databases and applying fix packs to keep DB2 at most recent level
  • Involved in page validations using Hibernate annotations and writing complex regular expressions.
  • Developed Perl & Shell scripts to FTP extracts between ETF and STAR FTP servers.
  • Created new Hudson jobs to build the FMIS application
  • Created new custom CVS scripts to automate the merger and integration process.
  • Involved in production support to fix the night batch failures and other maintenance issues.

ENVIRONMENT: Java8, J2EE, JavaScript, WebSphere 8.5, Jetty, Jasper Reports, iReport 4.1/5.1, UDB, Web Services, Struts 2, Spring JDBC, IOC, Hibernate, DB2, CVS, JIRA, Windows, IBM RAD 7.0, Java 1.4/1.5., Control-M.

Confidential, SACRAMENTO, CA



  • Participated in all phases of full life-cycle development of the system, including requirements analysis, software design, software implementation, testing, deployment and documentation.
  • Developed code for modules of small to large scope
  • Constructed presentation layer implementing struts framework.
  • Written Form beans for the UI form validation and Action classes for the application flow.
  • Involved in writing the code for server side validations using Struts validator Framework.
  • Implemented asynchronous calls from UI using AJAX.
  • Developed Graphical User Interfaces using JSF wif Prime Faces component library for user interaction.
  • Utilized different design patterns like MVC, DAO, DTO, and Business Delegate.
  • Written HQL Queries in Hibernate for retrieving the data from the database.
  • Involved in writing Hibernate mapping configuration files for POJO’s.
  • Implemented service layer using spring transaction management and DAO logic using Hibernate.
  • Involved in functionality enhancements of the Web Services.
  • Eclipse for development environment and SVN for version control software.
  • Provided production support and made several enhancements to application.
  • Used Log4J to log useful information in the application code and JUnit for unit testing
  • Deployed application on JBoss server.
  • Involved in unit integration, bug fixing, acceptance testing wif test cases, code review.
  • Performed data modeling / database design work.

ENVIRONMENT: JAVA, JSP, Struts1.1, Hibernate, Java Script, CSS, XML, XSD, SOAP, JUnit, AJAX, PL/SQL, ANT, Eclipse, JBoss Server, PrimeFaces.


Application Developer


  • Worked in Agile methodology environment including Test Driven Development wif Continuous Integration/Delivery.
  • Participated in business meetings along wif business analysts to record user requirements, and developed design artifacts and published.
  • Used Spring MVC3.0 architecture, Servlets, spring tags, and JSTL on the front end.
  • Implemented spring IOC to resolve dependency injection.
  • Involved in building web service.
  • Used Maven to build, run and create JARs and WAR files among other uses.
  • Implemented JDBC template in the data access object layer to access and update information in the Oracle9I Database
  • Wrote test cases in JUnit for unit testing of classes.
  • Created Batch jobs for sending confirmation, promotions, offers and reminder emails.
  • Published and consumed REST Web Services for transferring data between different applications.
  • Developed the front end of the application using HTML, CSS, JSP, and JavaScript.
  • Used Hibernate as ORM tool to store the persistence data into the MySQL database.
  • Participate in the software design, development and package implementation using the Hybris platform.
  • Involved in Architecture, design and development using JSF/ADF, jQuery, and Spring MVC framework wif AOP concepts.
  • Used RSA IDE for developing code modules in the development environment.
  • Implemented the logging mechanism using log4j framework.
  • Used SVN version control to track and maintain the different version of the project.
  • Scheduler to compare the output and re-run the failed requests repeatedly.

ENVIRONMENT: Java/J2EE 1.3, JAX RS, MySQL, IBM WebSphere, Tomcat Application Server, HTML, CSS, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.5.6, RSA, Maven, JUnit, Log4j, SVN, Servlets, JSF, jQuery, JSP, JavaScript.

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