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Lead Android Architect/developer Resume

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Atlanta, GA


  • Created robust automated unit/functional test suites and deployment scripts.
  • Experience wif embedded local storage solutions such as SQLite.
  • Architect, design, develop and test applications from scratch.
  • Participated in all stages of software development including defining product vision, gathering requirements, software system design, coding, testing, release, and support.
  • Partner wif cross - functional teams to define new product requirements, features, and functionality.
  • Experience prototyping mobile experiences.
  • TEMPEffectively communicate coding solutions and articulate teh reasons for your decisions.
  • Experience developing mobile to cloud and mobile to embedded device communications
  • Experience in working wif Video, Static content, and advertising.
  • Ability to diagnose and solve mobile networking performance issues.
  • Collaborated wif Software Engineers for teh design and development of back-end services
  • Ability to deal wif ambiguity, and willingness to help debug difficult issues.
  • Strong understanding of server-side software, scalability, performance, and reliability.
  • Experience wif Android performance tuning and crash reporting applications.
  • Have strong noledge and demonstrated experience using Android Studio.
  • Aid UX in promoting best practices wifin Android design and ecosystem.
  • Ensure software created and released conforms to quality requirements by accurately writing and executing test plans.
  • Knowledgeable of teh latest analytics tools for mobile applications such as Google Analytics, Localytics, Mixpanel, Answers, Flurry, Crashlytics, NewRelic, etc.
  • Experience implementing persistent data in device memory, web databases, and teh cloud.
  • Supervised teh production of new screens dat followed Material Design guidelines.
  • Experience in user interface (UI/UX) using wire framing tools such as Balsamiq Mockups
  • Designed teh Java Beans to access teh data in a modular way, parsing from JSON wif GSON, Jackson and teh native JSONObject and JSONArray classes.
  • Good experience wif Push Notifications, Google Maps, Navigation, GPS
  • Used Fragments, diverse layouts, animations, Material Design components, Compound Views and Custom Views to fulfill user interface requirements.


Android Development-Misc: RecyclerView Animator, JobScheduler, MPAndroidChart, PhoneGap, Location Services, Push Notifications, Content Resolvers, Broadcast Receivers

Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Travis CI and Hudson

Dependency Injection: Dagger 1, Dagger 2, Butter Knife, Android Annotations, RoboGuice

Programming & Scripting: JAVA, C#, C++, Visual C++, PHP, JavaScript, AngularJS, SQL, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, ORM, Entity

IDE and Tools: Android Studio, Visual Studio, Team Foundation Server

Database and Back-End Technologies: REST, SOAP, JSON, XML, AJAX, and all RESTful APIs and web services, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite

Version Control & Build Tools: SourceTree, GitHub, Git, Tower, BitBucket, Gradle

Testing and Debugging: JIRA, DDMS tool, LeakCanary, JUnit, Espresso, Robotium, MonkeyRunner, Mockito, Fabric Crashlytics, Firebase Crashlytics

Data Management: SQLite, MongoDB, NFC, Firebase

IDE: Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ

RESTful Web Services: Retrofit, AsyncTask, OkHTTP, XML, SOAP, JSON, GSON, REST Primary Frameworks: RxJava, Firebase, Google Services

Architecture and Design Patterns: Material Design Guidelines, MVC, MVP, MVVM, Builder, Façade, Decorator, Observer, Proxy, Visitor, Singleton, Bridge, Adapter, Prototype, Mediator, Command, Interpreter, Thread Pool Threading: Retrofit, Handlers, Loopers, Loaders, AsyncTask Push Notifications: Urban Airship Image Handling: Picasso, Glide

Libraries: Volley, Retrolambda, NineOldAndroids, Parse, Parceler, Bluetooth Low Energy, Answers, EventBus, SpongyCastle


Lead Android Architect/Developer

Confidential, Atlanta, GA


  • Coordinate team of software engineers to complete required tasks.
  • Advanced software engineering concepts: object-oriented design, hypermedia, device management, semi-native & HTML5 technologies, and memory management.
  • Self-motivated and proactive wif demonstrated creative and critical thinking capabilities
  • Design, develop, and document application and framework code in Java and other object-oriented programming languages.
  • Experience wif messaging related technologies like GCM, SMS, MMS, XMPP, SMTP.
  • Experience wif TDD/BDD and agile methodologies.
  • Guide teh integration into dozens of APIs successfully wif highly performant/critical integrations.
  • Proven abilities to work closely and TEMPeffectively wif engineering and non-engineering teams
  • Good noledge OS fundamentals wif teh ability to apply it in teh context of modern operating systems (Linux, OS X, Windows Server 2008/2012).
  • Solid understanding of Android app development life cycle including Google Play and Amazon App Store compliance policies and submissions requirements.
  • Given high-level goals, teh ability to ask teh right questions, provide feedback to stakeholders, break down teh tasks, and create a plan to achieve teh intended result.
  • Experience wif Android SDK versions 5 and above.
  • Worked in multicultural environments wif local and remote teams in Agile environments.
  • Knowledgeable on 3rd party libraries for image loading, notifications, encryption, barcodes and Web Services.
  • Adept in using version control such as SVN and GitHub.
  • Used Android frameworks and APIs to efficiently load data and update databases: Loaders, AsyncTaskLoader and SyncAdapters.
  • Experienced in MVC, MVP, MVVM as well as Singleton, Command, Facade, Proxy and Observer design patterns
  • Experienced in using teh main ViewGroups provided by teh Android SDK: FrameLayout, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, CoordinatorLayout.

Senior Android Mobile App Developer / Project Lead

Confidential, Massapequa Park, NY


  • Finding and fixing bugs in previous code dat caused undesired behaviors in teh app.
  • Used teh location API, Maps View, and Google Maps.
  • Responsible for teh design of multiple layouts in different physical devices.
  • Created robust automated unit/functional test suites and deployment scripts.
  • Generated a custom behavior in multiple screens included in teh CoordinatorLayout to hide teh Toolbar and teh Floating Action Button on teh user scroll.
  • Used JSON in RESTful services to extend teh application response capabilities
  • Ability to independently set tasks and complete work for yourself and your team wif limited direction.
  • Worked wif SQLite to cache structured data from teh cloud, improving overall app performance.
  • Designated programming tasks to teh team members, making sure dat all developers were familiar wif teh main modules.
  • Experience taking projects from concept to launch.
  • UI/UX design and wireframing wif multiple tools including Balsamiq Mockups.
  • Monitored and participated in workflow tracking wif HP Quality Center.
  • Used of Cryptography classes to increase teh data security
  • Setup jaCoCo to check my code coverage of new code.
  • Used APIs from different API levels to support backward compatibility.
  • Supported multiple screen resolutions to provide resizing across multiple devices.
  • Developed enhancements and improvements to teh current Application.
  • Trained and mentored new members of teh team in coding best practices.
  • Introduced Fragments for teh first time to dis app based on teh new navigation specification.
  • Integrated Localytics for app statistics and mobile analytics.
  • Thrive working in a fast paced, agile environment constantly learning.
  • Supported multiple languages in teh production build using teh capabilities wif string resources.
  • Utilized teh Universal Image Loader library for image downloading.
  • Fluent in Android SDK/NDK and device driver development

Senior Android Mobile Developer

Confidential, Washington, D.C.


  • Implemented Universal Image Loader for image downloading, catching & rendering.
  • Utilized camera to take a picture of teh receipt which is used to submit a claim.
  • Mentored two junior developers on Android best practices and coding standards
  • Able to develop efficient and maintainable code wif teh right balance between solving teh problem at hand and not over-engineering your solution.
  • Organized teh team and scheduled weekly meetings to report application progress.
  • Introduced Parcelables for object transfers wifin activities.
  • Providing assistance to code merges, builds, deployments, and ensuring production stability.
  • Used JSON to receive data from Restful Web Services.
  • Wrote teh high-level designs and detail design for dis app.
  • Started from scratch gathering client information and functioning.
  • Have been teh single point of contact for all Android-related matters, heavily interfacing wif teh Product team and Marketing team.
  • Communicated wif RESTful web services to obtain insurance companies information using Retrofit, OkHTTP, and Jackson.
  • Developed teh back-end services wif Java technology including Servlets, Tomcat, etc.
  • Worked closely wif teh UI/UX team for teh new colors, shapes and style combinations.
  • Mentored two junior web developers on coding best practices for RESTful web services.
  • Track record of leading productive engineering teams.
  • Integrated Facebook - Twitter API for incorporating like, Login and sharing features
  • Ensure excellent form factor integration by creating multi-panel activities wif Fragments.
  • Used Android Annotations for dependency injection
  • Created and maintain technical documentation of teh application.
  • Strong understanding of multi-tier web architectures, and OO design patterns and concepts.
  • Added extra functionality to teh app such as Comment and vote deals, share offers (directly from teh app or wif notifications).
  • Mentored junior developers about coding standards and best practices.
  • Utilized teh Eclipse IDE to develop and code teh application.
  • Used HTTP rest calls for better performance using different threads.

Android Application Developer

Confidential, Lenexa, KS


  • Passion for mobile user experience and design.
  • Used teh Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) for debugging and testing.
  • Stored data of teh task bonuses in SQLite.
  • Implemented early versions of teh Floating Action Button wif teh usage of third party libraries.
  • Guide decisions on architecture and technical strategy.
  • Used Retrofit to handle teh API consumption wif a Jackson built-in converter.
  • Used Android Studio and latest SDK app development
  • Collaborated wif cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features.
  • Utilized a Tabs and Navigation Drawers to switch quickly between application Activities and Fragments.
  • Experience wif network programming and consuming third party APIs.
  • Used XZing to read teh information from various QR codes to access teh vehicle information.
  • Led a team of 3 Java programmers for Android development.
  • Development of quality code using cutting-edge techniques, tools, and utilities.
  • Used Material Design to adapt teh User interface.
  • Created custom views and animations for visually appealing UI/UX
  • Applied Picasso to download images and show them in teh UI.
  • Created custom animations to improve teh user experience.
  • TEMPEffectively used Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, SQLite, and preferences Android components.
  • Integrated dependency injection wif Dagger and Butter Knife.
  • Added selectors and animation TEMPeffects on UI/UX elements to enhance teh User Experience.
  • Participated in all stages of software development including defining product vision, gathering requirements, software system design, coding, testing, release, and support.

Android Mobile App Developer

Confidential, San Francisco, CA


  • Used navigation drawer to provide quick and easy access to teh menu items.
  • Have developed and helped grow an TEMPeffective engineering organization at all levels.
  • Assumed teh role of SCRUM Master in several occasions, easing teh development process and helping teh team members to jump hurdles and obstacles in their daily software building process.
  • Experience working a significant consumer app dat is currently available in teh marketplace.
  • Worked wif GSON and Jackson library to parse JSON files.
  • Fixed bugs dat me came across during teh different stages of teh development, and after teh deployment.
  • Supervised teh creation of teh testing suites developed wif Espresso and Mockito.
  • Used Butter Knife library to apply binding in Android views.
  • Built and delivered a highly scalable and maintainable application.
  • Introduced teh Push Notifications through Urban Airship.
  • Created a module based on an Event-driven library (Event Bus) to communicate multiple components in teh app efficiently.
  • Usage of Bluetooth Low Energy to make tests and handle geo-fencing when getting close to iBeacon devices.
  • Collaborated wif Software Engineers for teh design and development of back-end services.
  • Experience interacting wif RESTful API and data formats like (JSON, XML, etc.).
  • Client and server data exchange wif JSON which was converted to model.
  • Added a user configuration setting to persist and switch teh network usage.
  • Created all project documentations from requirements to deployment plan
  • Integrated Crashlytics to analyze teh behavior of teh users.
  • Worked wif ZXing library for teh coupon bar code reading module.
  • Implemented teh user interface by using Custom Views, ListView, Relative Layout, Linear Layout and Table Layout.
  • Used Intents & Intent Filters to initiate activities and pass information between Activities and Fragments.
  • Improved teh layout rendering by saving and optimizing teh view hierarchy in all teh resources.
  • Used Shared Preferences to save/retrieve user information
  • Created innovative solutions in media streaming and mobile user experience

.NET developer

Confidential, Irving, TX


  • Automated tasks wif automation anywhere, process IOS text files, and coding different project wif VBA (Excel Macros and Access), create a web application using .NET technologies.
  • Robotic process automation wif automation anywhere to upload files from local shared drive to SharePoint. Triggers when files adding in folders, etc.
  • Automation of a daily routine which several processes which include sending emails, files transformation, moving files, running SQL stored procedures and queries, uploading files either in Latitude Exchange Manager or Aim Receiver or via FTP,etc.

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