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Senior Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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Austin, TX


  • Around 7+ years of experience as a Senior Javadeveloperinfullsoftware development life cycle including requirement analysis, design, coding, testing, debugging and maintenance.
  • Experience in Test Driven Development(TDD),Waterfall model and Agile methodologies like SCRUM
  • Expertise experience in estimations, analysis, design, development, testing, maintenance, performance tuning and deployment of internet, e - commerce and client-server applications usingJava, Servlets, JSP, JavaBeans, JDBC, Spring, Hibernate, AJAX, JavaScript.
  • Experience with different IDE's like Eclipse, NetBeans, Intellij.
  • Good knowledge and experience in Core and J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Abstract Factory, Builder, MVC2, Business Delegate, DAO etc.
  • Expertise building SOAP Web services based on AWS (Amazon Web Services).
  • Experienced in other front-end technologies such as SASS, LESS, Typescript, BOOTSTRAP, Angular1, Angular1.5, Angular2, Ajax, JSON, NodeJS etc.
  • Experience in working with teh presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, JSP, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX and extensive experience in developing Web interfaces using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular-JS and Backbone-JS.
  • Experienced in performing automation using Selenium,Javaand performing Behavioral driven testing using Cucumber and JBehave.
  • Strong knowledge on DevOps essential tools like Docker,Kubernetes, GIT, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Ansible,Subversion (SVN), Hudson, Ant, Maven and migrated VMWARE VMs to AWS.
  • Expertise in various open source frameworks like AngularJS, NodeJS, Struts 2.0/1.2, Spring 2.5/3.0, Spring MVC, IOC, Web and ORM Technology like Hibernate 3.0, JPA, EJB3.0, IBatis, Mybatis, jQuery.
  • Expertise in Distributed and Web environments, focused inJAVATechnologies -Javacollections, Threads, J2SE, JDBC, Struts, Spring products (core, boot, integrations, security), Hibernate Framework and expertise in Spring Security Modules and Authentication.
  • Expertise in Web-Development technologies like Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML5, JSON, JavaScript, CSS3, XML, XSL/XSLT, AJAX, JQuery.
  • Good OOAD skills and data modeling using UML (Use-cases, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams etc.)
  • Extensive knowledge of XML-based standards and protocols (such as WSDL and SOAP), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), development of XSD schemas and implementing both SOAP and REST web services.
  • Experience in developing User Interface (UI) Applications and professional web applications using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, AngularJS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, RWD, JSON, XHTML and XML.
  • Created POC's using NodeJS, MongoDB, Express-JS and Body-Parser to create REST services.
  • Experienced in build tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle and using them with continous integration tools like Jenkins to create and publish application artifacts.
  • Good understanding of NoSQL Database and hands on work experience in writing application on No SQL database which is MongoDB.
  • Extensively experienced in Middle Tier Development using Servlets, JSPs, and EJB (3.0).
  • Experience in using DOM4J, JAXB, JAXP parsing and XML Bean to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML files.
  • Extensive experience with Web/Application servers likes Apache Tomcat, Jetty, Jboss, Oracle WebLogic Servers, Web Sphere AS and building teh applications using ANT, Maven, WEB 2.0 build tool.
  • Extensive experience in using IDE's Eclipse, My Eclipse, Eclipse Galileo and RAD.
  • Experience in writing SQL Queries, Triggers, and Stored procedures for database transactions.
  • Experience in working different operations system environments withjavain Windows, UNIX, and Linux.
  • Experience in working with teh Columnar NoSQL Database like HBase, Cassandra to manage extremely large data sets.
  • Experience to maintain teh source using version controlling tools Visual Source safe and Rational Clear Case.
  • Experience in working with Web/Application Servers like Web logic, JBoss,Tomcat Servers and databases such as Oracle 10g/11g, SQL Server 6.5/7.0.Good knowledge of Cloud Foundry and Spring Boot applications
  • Expertise in SDLC that encompass with proven analytical and problem solving skills and experience working with Agile methodologies.Proven aptitude on learning and working on emergency technologies.


J2EE Technology: Java Beans, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JNDI, JMS, RMI.

Architecture & Framework: Client-Server, MVC, J2EE, Struts, Spring,iBatis,Hibernate.

Database: Oracle 11g, SQL server 2008, MySQL, POSTGRESQL

IDE: Eclipse, Net Beans,IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite(STS), IBM RAD, JBuilder.

Design Methodology: UML, Fall, Perl, Agile.

Operating Systems: Windows 9x/NT/XP/2003/VISTA/7/8, Linux (Ubuntu 16.04LTS),Red Ht Linux,Solaris,Unix

Conceptual knowledge: Web Services, Socket Programming.

Web Technologies: XML,JavaScript, SOA, WSDL, Multi - Threading concepts, Servlets … JSP 1.1 /1.2/ 2.0, Angular.js

GUI: HTML, XML, XSLT, JSF, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, Angular Js, Node Js, ReactJs, BackboneJs, EmbedJs, ExtJS, d3JS, KnockoutJS

Query Languages: SQL, PL/SQL.

Programming Language: Core Java APIs (me/O, Thread, Collection), C, C++.

Design patterns: Business Delegate, Business Object, Value Object, Front Controller, Database Access Object, Factory, Singleton, Session Facade.

Tools: BEA WebLogic 8.1, JBOSS, IBM Websphere Application Server 6.1, Tomcat 6.0,WASP 9, JUnit 4.0, ANT, Log4j,slF4j, Mercury Quality Centre, Rational Clear Quest,GIT,Gradle,Python,Docker,ANT,Maven,SVN,JUNIT,TDD,BDD,Toad,Quartz,Jcrontab

Web Servers: Apache Tomcat Server, JBOSS, WebSphere 4.x / 5.x, 6.x Simulation Tools Rational Rhapsody, GitHub

Design & Control: UML, Rational Rose, CVS, Clear Case.

Web Services: SOAP, REST, AWS


Confidential, Austin,TX

Senior Java Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in creation of Low Level Design including sequence diagrams and class diagrams to understand teh existing architecture.
  • Followed SOA design pattern and used agile methodology in developing teh application, which included iterative application development, weekly sprints stand up meetings and customer reporting backlogs.
  • Involved in teh integration of spring for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IOC). Developed code for obtaining bean references in Spring IOC framework.
  • Involved in development of REST Web services using Apache Axis2 to extract client related data from databases.
  • Designed and developed UI with XSLT and JSF/Primefaces to provide interactive screens to display data.
  • Used JIRA issue tracker to file teh bugs.
  • Designed and developed Application based on Struts Framework using MVC design pattern.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS Framework, AngularJS, Wire-framing, HTML5.
  • Involved in writing Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers, views.
  • Implemented JPA (ORM mapping tool) framework to interact with teh database to update, retrieve, insert and delete values effectively.
  • Developed Apache Ant script to create war/ear file and deployed on teh application server.
  • Primarily focused on teh spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver.
  • Used Design Patterns such as singleton, Business Delegate, Session Façade, Service Locator, Simple Factory Pattern, Data Transfer Object.
  • Developed teh UI panels using JSF, XHTML, CSS, DOJO and JQuery.
  • Developed a fully functional prototype application using JavaScript (jQuery and Backbone.js) and Bootstrap, connecting to a REST-fullserver on a different domain.
  • Designed and developed teh application using agile methodology and followed TDD, Scrum
  • Developed usingJavawith teh Google Web Toolkit(GWT) API with PostgreSQL a Web Application
  • Lead, Designed and Developed SOA enterprise system using Oracle SOA.
  • Validated if existing web services can be reusable to support new UI functionality, and createdSpring bootservices for processing scheduled or one time or stored payment functionalities.
  • Developed RESTful services inJavaSpringBootand IIB, to integrate with LDAP for user registration, login and reset/change password functionalities, also for processing EBill notifications,
  • Used Netbeans for development and Jobs Server for deploying teh web application.
  • Used hibernate.config.xml file to configurations and mapping entries to access database.
  • Used struts-config.xml file for defining mapping definitions and action forward definitions.
  • Used Web Services (REST & WSDL) to exchange data between portal and other modulesand implemented spring - Hibernate as Data Access Layer.
  • Used AngularJS framework for building web-apps and is highly efficient with PHP framework as well as using Restful services.
  • Working withJavalibraries to access AWS facilities as Simple Storage Service. Worked with Web services components JAX-RS services and worked with Restful Web services interact with external systems
  • Designed and developed Restful service interface using Spring MVC to teh underlying customer event API.
  • Worked on Cloud implementation by installing, building and deploying applications using Cloud Foundry and using AWS.
  • TheJavaMessage Service (JMS) API is used to allow application components to create, send, receive, and read messages.
  • Experienced in working withDockercontainer with Jenkins integration.Expertised in providing both customer support and technical guidance with Regulations.
  • Utilized teh JQuery, AJAX, and JavaScript to render widgets on web pages.
  • Bottle micro-framework implemented with REST API and MongoDB (NoSQL) as back end database.
  • Involved in creating teh Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations.
  • Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational Data model with a SQL- based schema.
  • Used WebLogic Application server to deploy and restart web applications.
  • Expertise in teh use ofJava/J2EE design patterns like singleton, MVC, builder and strategy patterns.
  • Fixing bugs in different testing phases with teh halp of Log4J logs.

Environment: Java1.7/1.8, J2EE, JSP, Servlets,Angular2/4,SOAP, REST web services,Ubuntu,Spring Boot,Apache Axis2, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, XML, XSD, Schema, PL/SQL, Struts, AWS,Docker,Apache Tomcat, Agile methodology, Oracle WebLogic 10.0 Server, Oracle 10g, Apache ANT, Unix, JUnit 4.0, AJAX, Eclipse, JavaScript, JQuery, REST, Struts, PL/SQL, JIRA.

Confidential, Dallas,TX

Java Full Stack/Web Developer


  • Experience working in agile development following SCRUM process,Sprintand daily stand-up meetings.
  • Technical design, review and implementation across teh project. Developed UML diagrams like Use case, class and sequence diagrams.
  • Engaged in all phases of SDLC in involving specifications, gathering Requirements, Designing, Coding, Testing, Deploying, and Maintaining in implementing projects.
  • Used JIRA to report teh hours and issues that are related to teh project and Worked with mortgage express vendors to get all teh connectivity needed details for teh applications for both teh production and non-production environment.
  • Strong experience with frontend technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Scripting languages like JavaScript, JQuery, AWS, AJAX, Angular JS, Typescript, NodeJS, BackboneJS, Oracle, DB2 and good knowledge in ReactJS, EmberJS.
  • Experienced in React JS and working with React Flux architecture and created web pages for each project using HTML5, CSS3 andJavaScript.
  • Developed RESTful web services interface toJava-based runtime engine and accountUsed CoreJava& J2EE patterns for designing teh applications
  • Coded Struts Action Classes, and Model Classes.Worked with designers to get GUI mockups.
  • Developed web UI screens using Spring MVC, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and CSS.Reviewed teh code developed by other developers.
  • Experienced in building web applications using spring framework for implementing Dependency Injection and utilized features like MVC, AOP and DAO.
  • Tested teh web services by using Restful tool in teh application which supported different format like text, JSON and XML.
  • Responsible for maintaining and expanding AWS (Cloud Services) infrastructure using AWSStackespecially worked with database setup and maintenance on AWS EC2.
  • Implemented Swagger Configuration inJavaSpringbootfor auto generating swagger json files for REST API calls.
  • Worked on basic authentication in bothJavaSpringbootand IIB, for implementing security between front end UI and backend SOA services (JavaSpringboot& IIB), using base 64 encoded authentication string.
  • Involved in development of enterprise business solutions using JBOSS server.
  • Designed and developed teh REST based Micro services using teh Spring Boot, Spring Data with JPA
  • Hands on Experience in using Hibernate and SQL to retrieve teh data from database.
  • Involved in various tasks in support of coding and creating web pages using JavaScript/HTML, JavaScript, JSP, Struts.
  • Worked on administration of EC2, AWS CLI for loading teh data from S3 and scheduling it on daily basis.
  • Experience in using various JavaScript Web application related libraries such as Node Js, Backbone.js, Require.js, Knockout, Angular.js, React.js, JQuery UI and Google Web Toolkit.
  • Integrated theJavaCode (API) in JSP pages and responsible for setting up AngularJS framework for UI development. Developed HTML views with HTML5, CSS3/SASS, Bootstrap, Node.js and AngularJS.
  • Had experienced in using Github repository to run teh Jenkins job for Continues Integration while developing teh applications and posting them in Github.Extensive use of Docker for developing test cases and performed unit and integration, tested by using JUnit.
  • Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired- up to teh frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern.
  • Developed order receipt report with bar code using jasper report.
  • Developed Groovy scripts to test Report application output.Used UNIX shell scripts for implementing daily jobs.
  • Involved in raising questions for business, getting answers from them, bug fixing, and tracking is done by JIRA.
  • Teh Node.js API server is deployed to (AmazonWebServices) AWS viaDockercontainer service.
  • Ability to work under pressure, easily adaptable and Self-motivated

Environment: Java/J2EE, Spring, AWS, JPA,JavaScript, AngularJS,Ubuntu,AWS,Docker,Typescript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Github, JSON, Groovy, Hibernate, NoSQL, DB2, Oracle or MySQL, Ant or Maven, JUNIT, ReactJS, NodeJS, Firebug, Mongo DB, Cloud Services.


Java, J2EE Developer


  • Developed teh application in Agile Scrum fashion. Designed teh front-end screens using JSF, XHTML, HTML and JavaScript and developed application using Spring framework
  • Involved in requirements gathering and analysis from teh existing system. Captured requirements using Use Cases and Sequence Diagrams
  • Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in Spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI), Inversion of Control (IOC).
  • Involved in developing teh GUI for teh commissions application using JSP, HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Expertise in Agile Software Development Methodology including Scrum technology
  • Used springs to manage beans to use windows session state framework to persist session to teh database.
  • Managed MAVEN environment by setting up local, remote and central repositories with required configuration in maven configuration files.Refactored existing project to make it more RESTful and thread-safe.
  • DevelopedJavaServer components using Spring MVC, Hibernate, Web-Services technologies.
  • Used JQuery and JSF/Prime faces validation framework for front end validations.Worked with teh JavaScript frameworks like HTML 5, CSS 3 and AngularJS.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information from teh Oracle database.Used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for writing teh queries
  • Developed teh application using Spring Framework that uses Model View Controller (MVC) architecture with JSP as teh view
  • Involved in developing teh use cases, class diagrams, preparing Technical specification documents based on teh identified Use cases, and sequence diagrams for UML.
  • Involved in using IBM WebSphere MQ Series connection with AS/400(IBM SYSTEM)
  • Designed network diagram, and set up teh Development Environment, IST and UAT environment by installing and configuring Web Sphere Application Server on UNIX environment
  • Used SAX and DOM for parsing XML documents and XSLT for transformationand IBM Clear Case for version and source control
  • Designed, Produced and consumed SOAP web services
  • Created a foundation for modularized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which enabled migration of teh existing UI.
  • Implemented spring service layer with dependency wiring, transaction, DAO and annotations.
  • Used Hibernate to do teh object relational mapping between teh tables andjavaobjects.
  • Developed a code for Web services using XML, SOAP and used SOAPUI tool for testing teh services proficient in testing Web Pages functionalities and raising defects
  • Developed web applications using My Eclipse and deployed in WebLogic application server.
  • Developed GUI using Front end technologies like JSP, JSTL, AJAX, HTML, CSS andJavaScript.
  • Used MAVEN for build framework and Jenkins for continuous build system.
  • Used Hibernate as persistence framework for DAO layer to access teh Oracle11g database
  • Developed teh Web services using SOA.UsedJavaMessaging artifacts using JMS for sending out automated notification emails to respective users of teh application.
  • Used Log4J to print info, warning and error data on to teh logs.Deployed and tested teh application with web server Tomcat.Wrote Test Cases using JUNIT as a framework.
  • Participated in Code Reviews for better quality assurance and Debugged teh application Module.

Environment: JDK 1.7, Servlets, JSP, Spring, Oracle 11g, XML, Maven, JUnit, REST, SOAP, JSP, JSF, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, Log4j, WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, Eclipse.


Java, UI Developer


  • Involved in all teh phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design & Analysis of teh Customer Specifications, Development and Customization of teh Application.
  • Designed and developed advanced dynamic views using JSP,JavaScript, XML, CSS, XML Schema, HTML, and DHTML.
  • Implementation of enterprise application with JQuery, Angular JS and Spring MVC.
  • Developed HTML, DHTML, XHTML, UML,JavaServer Pages confirming to JSP andJavaBeans to present Client side GUI.Used Struts Framework to implement J2EE design patterns (MVC)
  • Worked with Tag Libraries in Struts framework.
  • Developed UI using JSON, JQuery, and AJAX and created maintenance tools, such as a web-spider with Perl to monitor web pages
  • Involved in requirement gathering and creation of UML diagrams.
  • Involved in development using struts components - Struts-config.xml, tiles, form-beans and plug-ins in Struts architecture.
  • Used Crystal reports for reporting teh database details.
  • Extensively worked with teh JDBC Stored Procedures from Oracle database.
  • Developed various stateless session EJBs as business components.
  • Developed web services inJavaand Experienced with SOAP, REST, and WSDL.
  • Involved in integrating WebSphere Portal Server with WebSphere Process Server involving SOAP Web Services, WS-Security using Jax-WS, and JaxB.
  • Used Struts in MVC implementation and OOAD that uses Servlets and JSP tags, from teh J2EE specifications, as part of teh implementation.
  • Used CVS for version control.Used Maven scripts to build teh applications and deploy on web application server.
  • Coordinated development efforts and troubleshooting technical problems during testing support.
  • Developed JSP as teh view, Servlets as Controller in teh Struts Framework.
  • Developed Business components using EJB 2.0.
  • Worked on Web sphere application server.Used hibernate to implement teh DAO layer.
  • Performed Junit test for tracking and debugging defects if any error found.

Environment: Java/JDK 1.6, Unix, DHTML, HTML, CSS, Servlets, Perl, Struts, JSP, EJB, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, Hibernate, Rest, Soap, WebSphere Portal Server, IBM WebSphere application server, Angular JS, ORACLE 11g, CVS, MAVEN

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