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Java Developer Resume

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Java Developer


  • Worked in a production maintenance and operation group to support projects for the office of engineering and technology of Federal Communications Commission (FCC). FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in U.S. The systems is to provide the public a means to electronically file and report on electronic equipment that is to be marketed in the United States.
  • Supported several projects at the same time. The projects were legacy and built in Java, Coldfusion for front end, and PowerBuilder for back end applications. Worked with Java Struts framework, jsp pages, Coldfusion, and PowerBuilder and Sybase database, and Postgres… Worked to resolve the work requests and fix bugs and do feature enhancements. Performed production database updates. Performed production deployments… Resolved production emergency. Fixed the web security vulnerability findings.
  • Created automacitc notification service for the system. Generated adhoc reports pulled from the databases. Created/modified Sybase stored procedure. Worked with Java script for front end validations. Worked with jsp pages, Struts action classes, POJO classes.. Familiar with SVN, ANT tool, Rapid SQL, Tomcat, Weblogic servers…
  • Created/modified Coldfusion pages, stored procedures calls, queries..
  • Worked in production support group to support a project from Department of Veteran Affairs. The project was built in J2EE with Spring framework, JSP... Worked on work requests to fix bugs and enhancements. Attended daily scrum meetings..


Java Developer


  • Worked in a production support team of a J2EE intranet system, used by analysts and administrators, to retrieve and update case data coming from an external internet system, and validates and manages case data to be used in managerial decision making.
  • The system utilized J2EE technologies JSP, Spring framework, Spring JDBC, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, Ajax with MS SQL backend database.
  • Worked on enhancing the system with new features and fixing bugs to build new production releases, and worked with requirement analysts and testers to address the issues.
  • Worked in another J2EE development team to rebuild a system, which allows external industry users to register, and to retrieve status of applications. The system was redesigned using OSGi Equinox technologies. Worked on data service bundles to build and test various iterators and a scheduler to schedule data service tasks.


Java Developer


  • Participated in a team project to develop a complex system in J2EE technologies and Struts 2, JPA/ Hibernate, JSP tags, CSS, Javascript and Oracle database backend.
  • Worked to develop action classes, JSP pages, JUnit tests, worked with ANT script, database development scripts, and running SQL tests. Worked with requirement analysts on use cases to develop part of the data modeling, code, and unit test code, and use case interface tests.
  • Attended development meetings, code and interface walk - throughs and various iterative development phases, and worked with architect, leads, and DBAs.
  • Worked on production maintenance for previous development phases releases, and fix production releases bugs.
  • Participated in building business reports using Business Objects. The reports extract data from the project database to help management in critical decision making. Worked on designing of Business Objects universes and generating reports.


IT ServicesJava Developer


  • Participated in the redesign and development of a system from Oracle forms and reports to J2EE system utilizing TopLink technologies and Oracle ADF. Performed analysis and modeling high level view of business requirements by UML activity diagrams.
  • Worked on parts of the new development prototypes, worked on business requirement flow diagrams drawing and presentation to the team and managers.
  • Participated in the production maintenance of a collaboration system used within the organization written in J2EE technologies.


Java Developer


  • Worked to support the Longitudinal Database Project. Involved in the redesign of the Database Extract System from client/server model with Java applets client and Java thread server backend, into the new design with JSP, Servlets and JMS/MDB for backend server processing. The system allows users to perform regular extracting jobs from Sybase database by sending requests encapsulated in XML messages to Java Message Service queue. The XML then parsed into Message Driven Bean and ran by JDBC commands and statements. A JavaMail is sent to users about the results.
  • Worked with JSP, servlet codes, JMS, MDB, JavaMail, SAX on WebLogic server.
  • Worked on modification of Tabulations System using ASP and JavaScript. The system pulls data from Sybase databases and displays on HTML tables, exported to Excel…
  • Worked to support the Consummer Price Index project. Involved in building the administration module for a Jobs Control System allowing users to schedule and run daily production jobs in organization local network and Sybase. The application was built using J2EE technologies: Struts 1, JSP,... on Web Logic server, and Sybase database.
  • Familiar with phases of application development lifecycle following Rational Unified Process (RUP). Worked with UML, Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams, Collaboration and Sequence diagrams in Rational Rose. Implemented design in code, and performed testing.


.Net Developer


  • Worked to support the Employment and Unemployment project. Participated in the development of a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview Collection system. The development project follows the RUP lifecycle, and Test Driven Development method.
  • Have written code in VB.net for model objects, data access objects, and VB.net forms.etc...Performed unit and integrating tests.
  • Involved in migrating tasks for databases from Sybase to Oracle.
  • Worked to support the Jobs Openning and Labor Turnover project. Involved in enhancing and maintaining production systems to support programs to collect and publish labor indexes written in Blaise language, and Visual Basics. Worked on production support team to address customers needs to modify and enhance features of application systems.
  • Participated in the redesign of the application system database from Blaise hierarchical database to relational Oracle database. Perfomed data modeling and ER diagrams in Erwin. Participated in converting Sybase database to Oracle databases, created tables and stored procedures and loading scripts. Performed data extractions from Sybase and loaded data to Oracle database.
  • Participated in writing procedural production instructions for the system, attended meetings with clients and walk-through of prototypes. Evaluated new COTS products.

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