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Lead Android Architect/developer Resume

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New York, NY


  • Guides decisions on architecture and technical strategy in mobile app and Android development.
  • Knowledge of NoSQL datastores (Firebase, MarkLogic, MongoDB, Datastax, Apache Cassandra, more)
  • A firm understanding of building mobile applications that utilize web services (REST, HTTP - based, XML, SOAP, JSON or other services).
  • Manages code review sessions to ensure consistent, quality code.
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and assign tasks to team members to achieve project deadlines.
  • Regularly provided constructive feedback to Android team members.
  • Participates in learning activities and read news on Android and mobile development field.
  • Self-motivated, proactive and works well on any Android team.
  • Experience with messaging in Android apps.
  • Experience developing rich application UI's with a strong UX that follows Android design guidelines.
  • Keeps abreast of industry trends and technologies, being prepared to apply them quickly.
  • Have been the single point of contact for all Android-related matters, heavily interfacing with the Product team and Marketing team.
  • Experience with Android apps with networked data from content management systems.
  • Hands-on experience developing stable, reliable and backward compatible Android mobile applications.
  • Capacity to identify problems in Android app development and provide workable solutions.
  • Proactive, motivated and capable of taking a leadership role. Communication and team mentoring skills.
  • Implements best practices and security whenever possible in Android app development.
  • Practical implementation of Android Life Cycle, Fragments, Intents, Threads on Android, binding services, Implicit and Explicit Intents, background processes, sync adapters, Activity, Activities for Result, WebView, ImageView, TextView, RecyclerView, ListView, Object Oriented


Material Design: Agile/Scrum

Issue Tracking: JIRA, Jenkins

Design Patterns: MVC, MVP, MVVM, Singleton, Dependency Injection

Software: Microsoft Office

Version Control: Git, SVN, GitHub, SourceTree, Tower, BitBucket

Native Java Frameworks: Java Swing, Ajax Swing, GWT

Data Related Tools: NFC (Near field communication) technology, Firebase, MySQL, SQLite

IDEs: Android Studio, IntelliJ, Eclipse

UI Creation: Custom android views classes and components, Android adapter views like Listview, Gridview and Gallery, Customized List views, Gallery widgets

Android Libraries, Frameworks, and APIs: C standard Library, MPL and MECL libraries, Ksoap2 library, Jersey Library, open source libraries, Google Maps API, Volley, Junit, Google Places, Retrofit, RecyclerView Animator, Location Services, FloatingActionButton, Google Cloud Messaging, Schematic, REST, Bluetooth Low Energy, NineOldAndroids, JobScheduler, Push Notifications, Espresso, Google Play Services

External Third-Party Libraries, Frameworks, and APIs: Fabric, Glide, Google Custom Search, Samsung SDK, Logger, Spork, Dagger, Mosh, Answers, RxJava, RxCache GSON, Robolectric, EventBus, LeakCanary, VidEffects, Robotium

Programming: Java, C#, .NET Framework (VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#), MVC, WCF, Web API, HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, PHP, Bootstrap. REST, JSON, SOAP, XML, AJAX), SDLC

Database: SQL Server 2005/2008/2008 R2/2012/ 2014, Oracle 10g/11g/12c, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS),k SQL Queries, data transfer, indexing, clustering, load balancing, stored procedures, SQL Server Management Studio.

Leadership: Communication, Mentoring, Team Lead, Implementation Planning


Confidential, New York NY

Lead Android Architect/Developer


  • Developed the app in Java using Android Studio as IDE for coding.
  • Utilized RxJava and MVP architectural pattern, with various design patterns such as Abstract Factory, Builder, Observer, and Singleton.
  • Used Dagger 2 and Butter Knife for dependency injection for creating a more robust and easily testable code base.
  • Used Android Device Monitor for monitoring CPU load, heap size, and memory usage.
  • Supervised the creation of the testing suites developed with Espresso and Mockito.
  • Used APIs from different API levels to support backward compatibility.
  • Configured Retrofit to work in RxJava to create asynchronous communication with the back-end in the consumption of RESTful web services.
  • Implemented UI/UX with the use of Fragments and added selectors and animation effects on UI/UX elements to enhance the User Experience.
  • Efficient and clean code integration and backup using Jenkins for continuous integration with Git for version control on a GitHub repository.
  • Responsible for the Sprint Planning meetings, Sprint Retrospective, Sprint Reviews and Backlog meetings.
  • Managed a team of 4 Android developers and acted as the point of contact for external and cross functional teams as well as off-shore team members.
  • Participated in the fill software development lifecycle including planning of the app project, planning the app architecture and design and creating framework recommendations and planning the implementation.
  • Utilized Firebase for real-time database, CDN, user login.
  • Added a DrawerLayout to handle external and constant menu items related to the app’s current Activity and extra features.
  • Implemented LRU Cache to increase the performance of ListView scrolling.
  • Implemented Material Design feature of RecyclerView, ActionBar, CardView for Android app user interface.
  • Implemented MixPanel to make a seamless Push Notifications implementation.
  • Analyzed business needs and translated to software requirements and design proposals.
  • Delegated tasks, monitored progress, and reviewed and integrated their work.
  • Created proof-of-concept software, engineering tools, and training/procedure documents.
  • Collaborated with quality assurance testers to make incremental improvements.
  • Collaborated with firmware/hardware/backend teams, and offshore teams.
  • Reviewed resumes, interviewed candidates, and helped bring them on board.
  • Guide the Product and QA team on the nuances of Android devices.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Senior Android Architect/Developer


  • Built and delivered a highly scalable and maintainable Android application.
  • Cleaned-up code to make it more efficient, scalable, reusable, consistent.
  • Managed the code base with Git and Jenkins for continuous integration.
  • Included support for animating rotation, translation, alpha, and scaling using the ObjectAnimator and ViewAnimator.
  • Tuned components for high performance and scalability using techniques such as caching, code optimization, and efficient memory management.
  • Collaborated with UI/UX designers to develop a user-friendly application.
  • Coordinated with the testing team during the testing phase to resolve issues of Android app performance and user experience (UX).
  • Designed custom views and incorporated navigation icons throughout layouts to improve UI/UX.
  • Managed internal storage, shared preferences with SQLite.
  • Designed, developed, and documented application and framework code in Java working in Android Studio.
  • Designed and developed functionality between user interactions and delegated back to the server using RESTful web services and JSON parsing.
  • Devised creative, technical solutions to functional problems.
  • Achieved a great level of decoupling by implementing Dependency Injection with Dagger 2.
  • Acted as project coordinator by meeting with stakeholders, external teams, products managers. Good Confidential asking the right questions and providing feedback to stakeholders. I also helped break down tasks, and create workflow plans.
  • Acted as Scrum Master managing task load and making sure team members took programming tasks they were suited to, or were properly paired for tasks; ensured all tasks and backlog were getting done, that we made deadline and making sure that all developers were familiar with the main modules.
  • Handled fragment data retention to ensure data integrity during on screen rotation with the setRetainInstance method.
  • Consulted on the technologies being used.
  • Improved the user experience by modifying the app navigation, replacing activities for Fragments when possible, and adding tabs and navigation drawers.
  • Used Fabric Crashlytics to real-time bug and crash reporting.
  • Developed enhancements and improvements to the current Application.
  • Worked in a team of 10 members with 4 Android developers on-site and 2 off-shore, in an Agile/Scrum environment.
  • Established the use of instance handlers for Java threading separated from the user's interface thread.
  • Simplified the usage of threading by implementing RxJava for most of our asynchronous processes.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Senior Android Mobile App Engineer


  • Participated in all phases of the app’s software development lifecycle from start to finish.
  • Developed the app in Java using Android Studio.
  • Used native and third-party technologies to optimize the app functionality including Android Studio, Java, Android Pay, Android Wear, Crashlytics, TestFairy, Espresso, Picasso, Custom Views, Facebook API, Twitter API, Google Maps API, SQLite, Urban Airship, Dagger, Butter Knife.
  • Used Jackson library for parsing JSON files coming from web services.
  • Used Jenkins as the continuous integration tool.
  • Used JIRA for new requirements, issues, bug tracking, project planning, and task assignment.
  • Used Leak Canary to manage, trace and fix memory leaks issue within the Android app.
  • Used ListView and adapters to load data onto lists Confidential runtime.
  • Used Localytics to find issues, get stats and improve performance.
  • Used Loopj for asynchronous network callbacks.
  • Used MixPanel and Flurry to generate customized events in the analytics retrieval.
  • Efficiently used Activity, Intents, Fragments, Services, Broadcast Receivers, notifications, Content Providers and Media Players for building the app.
  • Embedded local storage solutions such as SQLite.
  • Created innovative solutions in media streaming and mobile user experience.
  • Integrated social media
  • Created several compound views to match the UI provided by the Android mobile UI team.
  • Created cloud connection with REST client calls, GSON and OkHTTP.
  • Simplified the usage of threading by implementing RxJava for most of our asynchronous processes.
  • Setup proper interactions of the front-end design and implementation with backend servers.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

Android Mobile App Developer


  • Implemented secure data encryption using an SQLCipher instance.
  • Introduced Navigation Drawer and Tabs, custom and compound views to the project.
  • Implemented HTTP client (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT) to consume RESTful web services.
  • Connected the app to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • Generated reachable daily goals and created a delegation task system that allowed developers focus on the development bearing.
  • Used Android Annotations for dependency injection.
  • Used design patterns: MVP, Factory, Singleton, and Decorator.
  • Identified bugs on the previous version improving the performance on the Android lifecycle.
  • Trained internal Java developers for further application maintenance.
  • Used Android Device Monitor for monitoring CPU load, heap size, and memory usage.
  • Implemented the multithreading communication using the built-in Android frameworks like AsyncTasks and Handlers.
  • Closely worked with testing team and used developer testing tools like Robolectric.
  • Integrated Flurry for mobile analytics.
  • Use of GIT for source control management and continuous integration with Jenkins.
  • Assisted with the architecture and implementation of runtime permissions for Android version 4.1 and above.
  • Proven abilities to work closely and effectively with engineering and non-engineering teams
  • Generated a downstream logic to communicate the servers with the phones using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
  • Configured manual and generated content providers using Schematic.
  • Interacted closely with both the Product and the Design teams.
  • Used Android Studio, Java, AsyncTasks, Google Maps, RESTful, JSON, SQLite, Servlets, Tomcat, MySQL, SVN, 9Patch.
  • Fluent in Android SDK/NDK and device driver development.

Confidential, Oakland, CA

Android Developer


  • Worked in Eclipse IDE for Java coding.
  • Created custom views to present data as it was needed.
  • Worked on the product documentation.
  • Implemented UI screen with compound views.
  • Configured multiple analytic tools to get valuable information on a post-install state: Mixpanel, Flurry, Answers.
  • Collaborated with the product team to identify, prioritize, and document detailed product requirements.
  • Utilized Git version control tool as source control management system
  • Implemented RadaeePDF SDK Android to display PDF files.
  • Implemented Otto Library to decouple different parts of the application.
  • Implemented messaging with Push Notifications and GCM.
  • Worked in an Agile development environment to scope, develop and deliver a software experience that realizes the product strategy.
  • Tweaked the application for better performance using Dynamic Fragments.
  • Worked under a TDD environment where I built the main testing suites using Mockito, and class wrapping.
  • Use of GIT for source control management and continuous integration with Jenkins.
  • Added several animations and transitions without of the box features and third-party libraries.
  • Improved the search navigation Activity to find out station names.
  • Integrated Java Guava Libraries for string processing, concurrency libraries, I/O functions.
  • Managed the build creation with a Jenkins instance hosted on a private server.
  • Created the database using SQLite local file and a Firebase implementation.
  • Use of Implicit and Explicit Intents.
  • Created custom views to present data as it was needed.
  • Use of Shared preferences.
  • Have a portfolio of shipped production level apps used by a large number of users.
  • Generated the application with a Model View Presenter architectural design pattern to help with the modularity and maintainability.
  • Successfully executed test cases and fixed bugs.
  • Used the Parcelable interface to serialize the objects.
  • Performed automated testing by using Robolectric.
  • Eliminated the use of external libraries by consolidating the use of OkHTTP and GSON.
  • Implemented List View using the view Holder pattern to improve the performance.
  • Worked with a SCRUM (Agile) methodology.


.NET Developer/Web Applications


  • Worked primarily in Windows and Web Forms applications using C# as main programming language.
  • Developed and maintained a Manager Suite for managing internal documents within the organization and setting permissions based on Active Directory Users using ASP.NET and C#.
  • Migration of some existing applications from .Net Framework 2 to 3.5 by including new functionality such as LINQ queries, Threading, Hash Set Collection, and Transaction locks.
  • Developed catalogs with operations for Creating, Deleting, Updating and Reading items from SQL tables.
  • Created various stored procedures to automate SQL Server processes like reads and updates of internal records.
  • Exposed SQL views in separate schemas that provide easy-to-use access to data and consume it from the C# applications.
  • Applied MVC design pattern to some of the projects worked internally for demonstration purposes to other members of the development team.
  • Apply custom branding to web applications utilizing web technologies like CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery.
  • Developed custom WCF web services to exposed data from internal SQL databases to other applications.

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