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Adobe Aem Developer Resume

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Charlotte North, CarolinA


  • 8 Years of IT Experience as Software Professional Experience.
  • Proficient in CQ components (Classic and Touch UI), templates, widgets, and workflows.
  • Experience in Design, Development, Testing, Administration, and Troubleshooting in Adobe CQ5, AEM6 and Exposure to Social Collaboration and Users/Groups Administration in AEM.
  • Have a solid understanding of CQ5 concepts, CRX repository, customization of web content management components and porting of websites
  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS, JavaScript, Ext - JS and HTML5.
  • Proficient in building Web User Interface (UI) using HTML5, DHTML, table less XHTML, CSS3 and Java Script that follows W3C Web Standards and are browser compatible.
  • Experienced in developing applications using CRXDE, Eclipse and Maven.
  • Working knowledge on App servers like WebLogic, Jboss, WebSphere, Tomcat in building and deploying applications.
  • Administration & configuration experience for CQ5, setting replication agents, configuring security, and role based access, setting content structures, application structure for components.
  • Experienced in using RDBMS like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL.
  • AEM/Mongo DB migrations, Migrating large terabyte repositories (CRX, OAK, TarMK)
  • Experience in SQL, MySQL, PL/SQL Database Triggers, Cursors, Packages, Stored procedures, Functions, and Exceptions.
  • Experience Working with Agile Methodologies for development Process in different way of approaches like SCRUM, Iterative.
  • Proficient knowledge of the end-to-end content lifecycle, web content management, content publishing / deployment, and delivery processes.
  • Extensive experience in AEM 5.6.1 and AEM6 technologies ranging from designing and implementation of components, integrating UI with java script frameworks.
  • Great learning skills to adapt the rapid changing technologies and implementing the same at work.


WCM/ECM Technologies: AEM 6.1, CQ5.6.1, CQ 5.5 and CQ5.4.

Programming Languages: Java (J2SE & J2EE), SQL and PL/SQL

JEE / J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JAX-WS, JAX-RPC

Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, Ext-JS, AJAX, SOAP, and WSDL

XML Technologies: SAX, DOM, DTD, XSD, XML, XSLT, XPath Distributed Technologies Web Services

Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL

App / Web Servers: Tomcat, IBM' Confidential WebSphere, JBoss

Versioning Software: CVS, PVCS

Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate

Tools: ANT, Log4J, Soap UI, Jira, and Tar MK

IDEs: Eclipse, Net Beans, My Eclipse, and Brackets

Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows


Confidential, Charlotte, North Carolina

Adobe AEM Developer


  • Worked as adevelopercreating newAEMcomponents from scratch replacing existing functionality like Top Navigation and Login.
  • Analyzing Adobe Output Designer Forms into Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES4
  • Built various web pages using HTML 5, CSS 3, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery and Sightly.
  • Worked on agile environment of Jira refactoring existing components and widgets to keep coordinated with the emerging new trends ofAEM.
  • Worked as a full stackdevelopercreating templates and the backend logic for new components.
  • Involved in gathering requirements and creating designs for solving the various accessibility issues for the website.
  • Developed Java components for Adobe CQ5 CMS (Content Management System), set up all the dependent properties required for the application to an XML file and can also modify the property values and set the values to the Nodes.
  • Involved in paired programming for code enhancements and bug fixing.
  • Worked as a scrum master maintaining the agile Jira board for the project.
  • Worked as anAEMauthor creating newsletters for various marketing campaigns
  • Helped in generating website reports by placing targeting pixels on the website pages.
  • Used JIRA to keep track of bugs and issues
  • Used Spring WebServices API for developing Restful WebServices to produce and consumed the services.
  • Used GIT to keep track of source code versioning

Environment: Java/JDK 1.8,AEM6.2,Adobe Forms ES4, Spring, Maven, Jira Board, and GitHub

Confidential, Houston, TX

Adobe AEM Developer


  • Developed custom AEM 6.1 & 6.2 components for Web Content Management
  • Built various web pages using HTML 5, CSS 3, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery and Sightly.
  • Developed video components and integrated with GVP
  • Used Maven scripts to build the application and deployed on Jboss server
  • Developed components that include fetching the content dynamically based on tags.
  • Involved in Development work for Mobile flow of Digital Welcome centre.
  • Worked on Environment setup for Mobile flow.
  • Ability to manage the pages (Web Sites), assets (DAM) and Taxonomy (Tags)
  • Developed CQ components, Workflow and Integrating CQ with other applications.
  • Develop highly interactive web applications utilizing CQ5 and Content publishing in CMS.
  • Content authoring and maintenance for test environments, including Campaigns and Segmentation and operations related jobs like GC,TarOptimizations, and Content Backups.
  • Developed custom CQ5 components for Web Content Management.
  • Responsible for providing the "i18n" configuration that could be used across the site for Developed custom widgets using ExtJS.
  • Developed custom multi fields using ExtJS based on the requirements.
  • Responsible for defining the Project setup, defining the templates required and components.
  • ImplementedSQLqueries for database interaction.
  • Used GIT as version control to restore assets to previous versions later and integrated withJenkinsfor continuous integration and builds
  • New websites and local environments, and migrated existing websites to the CQ5 platform; demonstrated ability to quickly learn new framework.
  • Partner with the Scrum Master to lead our team in breaking down complex Features/Stories into well understood and achievable tasks.

Environment: JDk1.7, AEM 6.1 & 6.2, Ext.JS, Sightly, JQuery, JSP, Restful WebServices, CRXDE, JCR 2.0, Sling, SQL, Jboss, UNIX, JSP, CSS, Jenkins, MongoDB, Tar MK, JavaScript, HTML 5.0.

Confidential, Brooklyn, OH

Adobe CQ5 Developer


  • Designed and developed, CQ5 building blocks including templates, components, dialogs, Widgets, workflows.
  • Built various web pages using HTML, CSS, Angular JS, Java Script, JSP and JQuery.
  • Developed CQ5.6 custom workflow templates and modules for WCM lifecycle management
  • Worked on CRX as a repository and accessing the CRX content nodes by SQL Queries and XPath.
  • Developed more than 2 applications that uses JCR content repository in CQ to store information and query the JCR for display and reporting purposes.
  • Developed GET/POST sling servlets to provide various services in the CQ system.
  • Proficient in Adobe CQ foundational concepts, including the CRX repository, the CQ platform, the use of core frameworks such as Apache Sling and Apache Felix.
  • Maintaining OSGI java classes for assets import, validation processes, and to fetch the data from CQ repository obtained from different providers.
  • Provide estimates, designs, and specifications for CQ5 templates, components, and workflows
  • Experience on creating cq: dialog & dialogs for both Classic UI in AEM 5.6.
  • Content authoring and maintenance for test environments, including Campaigns and Segmentation.
  • Setup and configure Authoring and Publishing environments, replication agents, CQ5 dispatcher to cache the landing pages’ html and serve as the static pages from Apache.
  • Worked on CQ5 Forms customization by developing the custom form fields, writing the custom constraints for form fields and specifying the global validation resource type at the form level.
  • Worked on permissions to the Collections and publishing those permissions to the publish instance.
  • Build and Release Management in CQ using Maven and SVN.
  • Implemented client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Interacted with java controllers (Ajax, and JSON to write/read data from back end systems) using RESTful Services.
  • OSGI bundle development experience.
  • Developed GUI using HTML and Java Script.
  • Effectively communicate design to customers and present design options/considerations.
  • Adopt and utilize iterative/Agile methodology as needed or requested.
  • Produce quality work even when under extreme time pressure and deadlines.

Environment: AEM5.6.1, JAVA, OSGI, MYSQL, AJAX, JSON, HTML, CSS, Java Script, JQUERY, Maven, XPath, XML, LINUX, JSP, Web Services (SOAP, REST), Eclipse, SVN.

Confidential, San Jose, CA

Software Developer


  • Experience in cutting and optimizing images to web standards from PSD files.
  • Extensively involved in implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Experience working with Google Analytics and Tracking API.
  • Experience transforming the mock-ups to dynamic HTML pages by integrating the HTML to the “grails server pages” (GSP).
  • Responsible for designing the web pages from the scratch.
  • Extensively involved in HTML and CSS coding.
  • Transaction Management and Fine Grain Access to data with Spring AOP, bean injection is implemented with Spring IOC.
  • Setup and configure Authoring and Publishing environments etc.
  • Developed GET/POST sling servlets to provide various services in the CQ system.
  • Implemented restful practices while designing and developing components.
  • Developed workflow components related to digital assets upload workflow (documents and videos) as per the client requirements.
  • Implemented Adobe Experience Manager (AEM/CQ5) Platform including the development of numerous components and integrations.
  • Develop and debugSQL, PL/SQLscripts including oracle 10g databases to perform various tasks.
  • Extensive use of CQ Tag Libraries in the components.
  • Created POC related to CQ5 design and implementation.

Environment: CQ5.5 (WCM), Spring, Hibernate, CRXDE, WebServices, CRX, WCM, JSP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, Jackrabbit, JCR Connector, SQL, Oracle 11g.

Confidential, NYC, NY

Software Developer


  • Used Hibernate to persist the data into the database, Criteria API, HQL to access/update the data from/to database.
  • Used the Collections API, Generics while developing code.
  • Transaction Management and Fine Grain Access to data with Spring AOP, bean injection is implemented with Spring IOC.
  • Developed the UI Layer using Struts, JSP, JavaScript, JSTL, XML and XPath.
  • Developed User Interface validation framework in combination with custom validation built on top of validation framework from the form bean.
  • Actively involved in interacting with business users to record user requirements and created the Functional Specification Documents (FRD' Confidential ) and remodelled the existing architecture.
  • Participated in Code migration and resolving code conflicts while moving to different environments.
  • Designed Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
  • Developed the custom Logging framework used to log transactions executed across the various applications using Log4j.
  • Used JQuery for making Ajax calls and rich user Interface.
  • Consumed Soap based Sabre Web Services for various flight related information.
  • Used Jibx binding for mapping Web Services xml response to java objects.
  • Developed data persistence layer using Hibernate ORM framework.

Environment: HTML 5, JavaScript, Spring, AJAX, CSS 2/3, JSON, JQuery, XML, Apache, JBoss.



  • Enhancements (adding new pages, enhancing existing functionality, adding functionality) using HTML, JS, CSS.
  • Used JDBC to implement the database transactions.
  • Overall involvement in creating Graphical User Interface components.
  • Developed architectural and utility classes used to leverage the functionality across application.
  • Involved in Developing Search and download functionality for Invoice downloads usingJMS.
  • Created complex SQL and used JDBC connectivity to access the database.
  • Followed best programming practices ensuring that components were reusable across other applications.
  • Designed and constructed various data including statistics, including extensive graphical design
  • Problem analysis and Code modification
  • Unit testing and Delivery

Environment: Core Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TOAD, SQL, UNIX, Clearcase, SVN, Ajax, JMS, Spring Framework, Oracle, WebSphere 6.1

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