Sr. Java/ui Developer Resume
Beachwood, OhiO
- Over 8+ years of professional experience as a Software Developer involved in Object - oriented analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation and maintenance of web bases and client server multi-tier applications using Java/J2EE technology
- Experience in designing User Interface (UI) web applications by using UI authoring and web technologies and experience in java development, designing and developing many applications using J2EE technologies. Proficient in Java/J2EE Design Patterns
- Developed well responsive single page applications using AngularJS, ExtJS frameworks, JavaScript, and jQuery in conjunction with HTML4/5, CSS2/3 following W3C standards.
- Strong GUI, wire-framing/prototyping skills using scripting languages like HTML5, HTML4, DHTML, XHTML, Bootstrap, Java Script, DOM and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3).
- Experience applying the latest software development approaches including MVC, event - driven applications using AJAX, JavaScript, JSON and XML.
- Specification and management of coding, usability and quality standards.
- Sound Knowledge and good Experience with Object Oriented Concepts, Object Oriented JavaScript, Object Oriented Design and Implementation.
- Extensive knowledge in developing applications in a single page (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like Angular js and Angular js-2.
- Knowledge of writing database queries.Understanding of design patterns and NTier architectures.
- Expertise in designing and developing applications using J2EE technologies including Servlets, JSP, EJB, Struts, Spring, Spring IOC, Spring Security,Hibernate, Web Services, XML, JNDI, JDBC, CVS, Maven.
- Experience in developing Enterprise applications using RMI, EJB (Entity Beans, Session Beans, Message Driven Beans), JNDI, Java IDL, JTS and JTA.
- Well versed with IDE's - Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Dream Weaver, sublime, Adobe Flash, Web storm, Eclipse, Drupal, Joomla and Net Beans.
- Worked with MEAN Stack where I have used Mango DB as a Data Base, Express JS as a FrontEnd Framework, Angular JS as a Web Framework and Node JS as an Application server.
- Strong Programming Skills in designing and implementation of multi-tier applications using Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, EJB, LDAP, JNDI, JDBC, Frameworks (Struts, Spring, JSF, AJAX, cocoon), Hibernate, JMS.
- Experience in UML (Unified Modeling Language) technology for designing use case model, design model, use case diagram, sequence diagram, flow diagrams, and class diagram.
- Good understanding of MVC and MVVM Pattern. Experience deploying to application servers in enterprise environments. Expert knowledge in Dependency injection and ORM frameworks.
- Experience with application servers such as Jetty, Tomcat, JBcoss, Websphere. Enterprise Java technology, Web Servers and Application. Experience with Spring Security and SSO solutions
- Strong knowledge in JDBC and experience in creating DAO Layer using Hibernate, JPA, iBatis, Strong in using XML mappings, and Annotation mapping with Java Objects.
- Good Experience in working in both TDD and BDD Environment and Good Exposure to different JavaScript testing Frameworks like Jasmine, Mocha, Karma.
- Experience with database applications such as Oracle, DB2 as well as with SQL, PL/SQL, JDBC and ORM tools.
- Experience with Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, web services - REST/SOAP, JMS, JPA, MDB, CXF, SLF4J,c and other Java frameworks / open source libraries.
- Experience in working with SOA Web services using JAX-WS, JAX-RS, WSDL and SOAP messages, Hands on experience in Ant/Maven Scripts.
- Proficient in Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) technology such as JMS, Web Service like SOAP, RESTful.
- Experience in using version controls like SVN, GIT, CVS.
- Experience with XML Technologies XML, XSLT, JAXB, DOM, Schema and DTD.
- Energetic self-starter with excellent analytical, Organizational skills along with the ability to work individually as well as in a team environment with good team spirit and problem solving.
Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, .Net, C#, ASP.NET, XML
Frameworks: jQuery, Angular.js, Angularjs-2, Node.js, React.js, Ember.js, Redux, Jasmine, Mocha, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, iBatis.
J2EE Technologies: JDBC, JSP, JSTL, JSF, Servlets, RMI, EJB, JNDI, JMS, JPA, LDAP
Development Tools and IDE: IntelliJ, Eclipse IDE, Eclipse, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Rational Rose, WebStorm, Drupal, Joomla, sublime.
Databases: Oracle 11/10g, SQL Server, MySQL.
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Mac, iOS, Windows NT/2000/7/8/10, UNIX, Solaris 8.0, Linux.
Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, Node.js, PHP.
Debugging Tools: Bugzilla,Firebug, Fiddler, Selenium, Grunt, Wireshark.
Application/Web Servers: Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x, Selenium, J Boss 5.0, WebLogic 8.1/9.2, Apache Tomcat 5.0
Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, JSON, REST, SOA, Apache CXF, Apache Axis2
Confidential - Beachwood, Ohio
Sr. Java/UI Developer
- Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX and JSON.
- Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
- Developed the front-end user interface using Servlets, JDBC, HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, XML, Ajax, JavaScript, AngularJS, & Bootstrap as per Use Case Specification.
- Involved in Java code, which generated XML document, which in turn used XSLT to translate the content into HTML to present to GUI.
- Used Spring MVC (Model View Controller) to handle/intercept the user requests and used various controllers to delegate the request flow to the back-end tier of the application.
- Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using JMS for sending and receiving messages while creating web services.
- Developed Hibernate DAO component to perform the CRUD operations with database.
- Developed loosely coupled components using Spring dependency injection and Spring IoC concepts.
- Developed the custom Error Handling framework, used for handling Socket Errors using Spring AOP and maintaining the transactions.
- Integrated user interface with Hibernate based persistence layer using Spring and Hibernate, JPA integration modules.
- Used Spring MVC (Model View Controller) to handle/intercept the user requests and used various controllers to delegate the request flow to the back-end tier of the application.
- Customized RESTful web service using Spring RESTful API, sending JSON format data packets between frond-end and middle tier controller.
- Built UI components using Angular2 that made HTTP API calls to back end Service Providers.
- Involved in usingNode.js(npm) as the package manager for development workflow dependent plugins.
- Experience with Front-end JavaScript frameworks like Angular js, Node.js. And with the creation of RESTful Web service.
- Implemented the online application by using Core Java, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, Web Services, SOAP, and WSDLand used SOAPUI to test RESTful web service.
- Architected, designed and implemented a SPA (Single Page Application) in AngularJS which consume JSON from a Spring MVC, using Spring Security to secure the Application.
- Unit test the application using the Jasmine and karma and end to end testing using Protractor.
- Architected, designed and implemented a SPA (Single Page Application) in AngularJS-2.
- Designed, developed and troubleshoot the application using Entity Framework, jQuery, HTML5, XML, and CSS3 using Agile development practices.
- Worked on Object Oriented Programming and API's like Collections, Multi-Threading, Exception-handling.
- Developed various Database interaction objects by implementing the DAO (Data Access Object) patterns and used JDBC as Model Component, Converted the XMI code to Angular JavaScript.
- Designed, developed, implemented, and maintained custom Gradle tasks in Java andGroovy/Grails.
- Implemented application using MVC architecture on J2EE platform.
- Designing User Interface based on MVC framework, which accomplishes a tight and neat co-ordination of Spring MVC, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JSTL.
- Used JS tree that provides interactive trees by which we can implement drag & drop with search functionality.
- Worked on Responsive Design to make website Responsive for Desktop and Tablets.
- Created a mock API, which includes all the JSON data in that. There were mock services and controllers written both on the client and server side to dynamically populate the content to the Angular templates from the backend API’s.
- Involved in complete Agile/SDLC - Requirement Analysis, Development, System and Integration Testing.
- Maintain, enhance, and recommend solutions that best suit business and technology needs from UI standpoint.
- Used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.
Environment: Java, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ECMAScript 2016), jQuery, AJAX, JSON, TypeScript, Eclipse, Protractor, Jasmine, SASS/LESS, Grunt, Mongo DB, Bower, Spring, JUnit, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Angular JS-2, Node.js/NPM/Webpack, JSON, Groovy, Java 1.8, Jenkins, JSP, JPA2.0, JBOSS, Maven, Hibernate, SOAPUI, Adobe Photoshop, IntelliJ IDEA, Design Patterns, Servlets, GitHub, Restful web-services.
Confidential - Washington, VA
Java/UI Developer
- Created User Interface Design using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, JSP andReact JS.
- Implemented application using MVC architecture on J2EE platform.
- Used Struts framework along with JSP, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS and Java Script to construct the dynamic web pages for the application.
- UsedNode.jsto run Grunt tasks and properly build the project (compile, minify, concat etc.).
- Worked closely with the Back-End team to display data using the Custom Components, library Components, and Redux.
- Involved in responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React.js.
- Worked on ReactJs Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains additional components called custom HTML tags.
- Developed core java programs for all business rules and workflows using spring framework.
- Used Collections API and Exception handling to extract and sort the data elements.
- Implemented persistence layer using various features of Hibernate framework like HQL queries, Criteria, projections etc.
- Involved in building stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
- Implemented client side Interface using React JS, Node.js.
- Involved in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
- Performed UNIT testing using Jasmine and in writing Test Cases on every new version before sending it for User Acceptance Test (UAT).
- Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application
- Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Dragabble. Used React-Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on the webpage.
- Worked with JASMINE unit test framework to write unit tests for JavaScript code.
- Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using JMS for sending and receiving messages while creating web services.
- Developed Hibernate Configuration files for Oracle 10g and alsoData Access Components using SQL, JDBC, Hibernate and JPA.
- Used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.
- Involved in Restful web services to call for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.
- Implemented the Design and developing modules using Agile Methodology. Planned iteration for effective design and development of the Modules.
Environment: Java, HTML 5, CSS3, Sass, Less, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, React JS, Redux, Flux, My SQL, Node JS, XML, XSL, JSON, Git hub, Restful API, Mongo DB, JSP, Libraries API, Hibernate, Design Patterns, Java 1.8, JPA2.0, Servlets, JUnit, JMS, JSF, Jasmine and Web Strom.
Confidential - Northfield Township, IL
Java/UI Developer
- Web application designing and development using HTML, CSS and AngularJS, database in SQL server.
- Designing User Interface based on MVC framework, which accomplishes a tight and neat co-ordination of Spring MVC, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap.
- Developed JSP's with Custom Tag Libraries for control of the business processes in the middle-tier and was involved in their integration.
- Developed the UI component architecture for Developer framework using AngularJS.
- Worked on JQuery, AJAX, JASON and JSF for designing highly user interactive web pages.
- Involved in front-end development utilizing Java Script frameworks such as Angular.JS and jQuery as well as front end technologies HTML5, CSS3.
- Worked on Object Oriented Programming and API's like Collections, Multi-Threading, Exception-handling.
- Involved in enhancement of existing application utilizing JSP, created HTML navigation menu that is role based menu items changes dynamically, derived from the database in the form of XML.
- Implemented the integration of STRUTS and SPRING IOC and injected spring beans to struts action classes.
- Worked on MVC framework preferably Web Work and STRUTS 2.0 with spring dependency injection for application customization and upgrade.
- Used multiple Action Controllers to control the page flow, Interceptors for client validations
- Implemented RestFul based web services using JAX-RS annotations and consumed using $HTTP services from Angular JS modules.
- Implemented navigation using Spring MVC controllers, configured controllers using Spring MVC annotations and configuration files.
- And using Node.js applications to written in JavaScript.
- Wrote test plans and performed unit testing and performance testing.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, JSF, Spring MVC, JavaScript, Struts 2.0, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, JPA2.0, Responsive Web Design, jQuery, XHTML, XML, JMS, JSON, Ajax, JSP, Struts, JUnit, DOM, Junit, JSP, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle, Maven, GitHub, Web Services (REST).
Confidential - Smithfield, VA.
Java/UI Developer
- Analyzed, Designed and developed the system to meet the requirements of business users.
- Create dynamic views using AngularJS. Implement different modules in AngularJS.
- Implemented presentation tier using HTML, CSS by utilizing the mockups that were created by design team.
- Used JSP, HTML, Java Script, and CSS for content layout and presentation.
- Developed the UI component architecture for Developer framework using AngularJS.
- Implemented search functionality, filtering, pagination using Hibernate criteria Query interfaces.
- Maintaining separate build in Maven for the module for easy integration to the portal build and configure with Jenkins.
- Implemented interaction between frontend and backend using the JSON object.
- Wrote Cross Browser code of CSS and JavaScript for Internet Explorer and Firefox.
- Used JavaScript for popping up a new window with control over size, position, and attributes of the new window.
- Developed the necessary front end user interfaces in JSP’s, HTML, Java Script, CSS and AngularJS that will be integrated using Spring MVC Framework. Developed Form Beans/ JavaBeans, Spring Controller Classes and configured with the corresponding view pages in spring-config.xml file.
- Used JMS for Point-to-Point asynchronous messaging for high transactional Banking operation.
- Implemented navigation using Spring MVC controllers, configured controllers using Spring MVC annotations and configuration files.
- Fixed bugs in the production and carried out Unit Testing for the developed functionalities.
Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, XML, JSP, J2EE, Spring MVC, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Angular JS, Hibernate, Restful Web Service, JDBC, JMS, Visual Studio Tortoise SVN Windows.
Java/Web Developer
- Actively involved in analyzing and collecting user requirements.
- Wrote Specification for the development.
- Wrote JSPs, Servlets and deployed them on WebLogic Application server.
- Wrote Oracle PL/SQL Stored procedures, triggers, views for backend database access.
- Used JSP’s HTML on front end, Servlets as Front Controllers and Java Script for client side validations, Participated in Server side and Client side programming.
- Wrote SQL stored procedures, used JDBC to connect to database.
- Designed, developed and maintained the data layer using JDBC and performed configuration of JAVA Application Framework
- Created a user Interface through HTML and JSP, Standard Tag library.
- Involved in developing various Servlets.
- Tested and validated the application on different testing environments.
- Used DB2 as the database and wrote SQL & PL-SQL.
Environment: Core Java, JSP, HTML, Servlets, Java Script, DB2, SQL, PL-SQL, JDBC, MS Excel, UML, Apache Tomcat.