Sr. Java Developer Resume
Norristown, PA
- 9+ years of IT experience in designing and developing large scale enterprise applications using Java 1.6, Java 1.7, J2EE, Struts, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, JSF, RESTful Web Services, SOAP, XML, JAXB, Ant and Maven.
- Experience with ORM frameworks like Hibernate, JDBC and MyBatis.
- Experience on Java Full Stack development and support.
- Extensive experience with Web Frameworks like Struts 2.x and JavaServerFaces (JSF).
- Extensive database development experience in developing Stored Procedures, Functions, and Triggers on SQL Server, Oracle and DB2.
- Experience working various development models like Waterfall, Iterative and Agile.
- Good Experience on Quality Control, JIRA for Project management tool for the Agile.
- Implemented J2EE and J2SE design patterns like Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate and DAO.
- Experience in writing test cases concepts and working knowledge of JUnit.
- Experience with JAXWS, JAXRS, and spring boot based Contract First Webservices.
- Experience in using Restful, and SOAP Webservices
- Experience in Apache Software Load Balancing, mongo Clustering and SSL Configuration on Apache Server.
- Experience in Web development using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, DOJO, AJAX, CSS, XML, and XSL.
- Experience in using Angular JS and Bootstrap.
- Also have good knowledge onJasperReports, an Open Source reporting Tool.
- Worked on Weblogic 9.2, 12, JRUN and JBoss 4.0.2 application servers. Strong understanding of GIT Hub.
- Worked on Servlet containers like Apache Tomcat, Weblogic, Glassfish and Websphere.
- Experience in working with different operating systems Windows, UNIX and Linux.
- Thorough knowledge and experience of relational Databases like Oracle 9i/10g, SQL Server and MySQL 3.x/4.x/5.x.
- Worked on WebSphere Business Modeler (WBM) and WebSphere Integration Developer (WID).
- Experience in working with Eclipse IDE, NetBeans and RAD 9 and build tools like Ant and Maven and source controllers like, CVS, SVN, and GITHUB.
- Good troubleshooting skills and proactive problem solving approach with interpersonal and time management skills.
- Excellent communication skills, both written (documentation) and verbal (presentation).
- Reliable, responsible, innovative and versatile team player. Can work independently with minimal supervision or no supervision.
- Ability to understand the larger context of domain relevance and relate to overall application area.
Languages: Java, XML, XSLT, SOAP, JavaScript, PL/SQL, C, C++
Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MS Access,Elasticsearch, NoSQL, Sybase
Web Technologies: JSP, JSTL, JSON, Tiles, Servlet, Java Beans, EJB, JDBC, XML, HTML, XSLT, JSF, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS, DOJO
J2EE & J2SE Technologies: Struts, Spring, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, EJB, Java Beans.
Application Servers: JBoss, BEA WebLogic 7.x/8.x /9.x
Web Servers: Tomcat 5.5/4.0, IBM Web Sphere Commerce Application Server
Database Tools: TOAD, SQL Developer, MySQL Work bench
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix and Linux
IDE & Versioning Tools: Eclipse, My Eclipse, RAD 9,JDeveloper, Microsoft Front Page, Jasper Reports, Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) and github.
Frameworks: Struts MVC, Log4j, JSF, Angular JS, Spring, iBatis, Hibernate
Design Patterns: Singleton, Data Access Objects, Value Objects, Template Method, Business Interface, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Model View Controller and Front Controller.
Confidential, Norristown, PA
Sr. Java Developer
- Worked in Agile/ Scrum methodology which had daily scrum and a sprint of three weeks.
- Designed and developed the web - tier using Html5, CSS3, JSP’s, Servlets, Struts and Tiles framework.
- Developed cross-browser web application utilizing AngularJS,JavaScriptAPI.
- Designed dynamic client-sideJavaScriptcodes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation.
- Responsible for writing and implementation ofJavaScript, AJAX and AngularJS to interact with web Services and user controls.
- Designed and implemented a dynamic image rendering web service which is consumed by JSP, AngularJS,JavaScriptand AJAX.
- Developed application using Struts 2 Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
- Used Spring Framework’s Dependency Injection for Bean management and AOP for Transaction Management.
- Integrated Struts with spring by delegating Struts action management to Spring Framework using proxy.
- Used Spring AOP for cross cutting concerns and IOC for dependency injection.
- Hibernate frame work is used in persistence layer for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database (Oracle).
- Consumed SOAP Web Services and made web service calls to ESB which in turn interacts with various other external services.
- Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton.
- Wrote Views and stored procedures in Oracle.
- Used Http compression and AJAX for faster response time.
- Implemented spring security features using AOP Interceptors for the authentication.
- Used Java Script and Angular Js for client side validations and Struts Validations for server side validations.
- Used SOAP UI testing web services and JUNIT for unit testing
- Used log4j for logging messages
- Used SmartBear for issue tracking and bug tracking.
- Deployed the application on to Weblogic application server.
- ANT was used as a build tool for the project.
- Used Starteam for version control.
- Used RAD as a IDE and extremely worked with the WAS 8.0(WebSphere Application Server)
Environment: J2EE, J2SE, Soap, REST, Apache Axis, Struts, StarTeam, Log4j, putty, Oracle 11g, SQL Developer, Weblogic, Ant Script, HTML, CSS, JSP, jQuery, JavaScript, winscp.
Confidential, NYC, NY
Sr. Java/J2EE developer
- Involved in understanding system requirements, application design, functional specifications and verify test strategies against the requirements.
- Used J2EE architecture with Spring-Hibernate MVC (Model View Controller) to make the system scalable.
- Responsible for the development of front end using Struts 1.3 for accessing the services on the enterprise tier.
- Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using AJAX,JavaScript, and JQuery.
- Worked on jQuery for user interface interactions, effects and themes built on top of the JQuery, JavaScript.
- Designed and developed the Business Service using Spring Framework (Dependency Injection) and DTO Design Pattern.
- Responsible for designing user interface using Spring Framework and JSP’s, JavaScript.
- Created an ATGCommercepipelineprocess for authenticating user before checkout process. handled periodic exporting of SQL data into Elasticsearch
- Worked on Hibernate object/relational mapping for DAO Design Pattern according to database schema.
- Exposure to NoSQL database programming - Apache Cassandra.
- Worked on the Web Services classes and WSDL generation and exposed the service Confidential server-side over the Internet.
- Used Apache Axis 2 Web service standard to generate javaclasses from WSDL and created stubs call to consume the service Confidential client.
- Involved in performing Unit and Integration testing Junit.
Environment: Java 6, J2SE (JSP’s, Servlets), JavaScript, NoSQL, XML, Apache Tomcat, HTML5, Spring MVC 3.0, Hibernate, Elasticsearch, RESTful Web Services and Junit, Ant, and Log4J
Confidential, Reading, PA
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Responsible and mentored with team in complete software development lifecycle (SDLC) tasks - design, coding, testing, and documentation using Rational Unified Process (RUP) for analysis and design of application.
- Developed the application using classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
- Developed various web services for components like Recipient Enrollment, Provider Enrollment, Provider Search, Recipient Eligibility Verification using JAX-WS, JAXB, SOAP, WSDL and deployed on JBoss 5.1 enterprise server with JBoss Native and Metro stack using document literal style web services.
- Developed web services to interface with Mainframe CICS modules, and database tables from DB2 and SQL Server databases
- Used Web services - WSDL and SOAP for getting credit card information of the insured patients from third party.
- Used soapUI for load testing the Web Services.
- Worked on clustering web services using network switch, application routing and ESB deployment for transparent routing to layered web services framework.
- Developed MQSeries-JMS Bridge to interact with MQSeries queues. Posted and consumed recipient information to and from the queues.
- Developed UI components using JSP, Struts, CSS, JavaScript, JSON and AJAX for Recipient and Provider maintenance portals.
- Developed data access layer and components using JPA/Hibernate frameworks with spring framework support for object persistence to DB2.
- Used session beans for web/web service development and entity beans using JPA and Hibernate for database integration.
- Developed SQL java stored procedures, deployed and run on server.
- Developed email clients for shared services and UI pages using Java Mail API, parsed and built XML parsing components using JAXP and JAXB.
- Performed requirement analysis, design specifications using UML, unit testing using soapUI, JUnit, DB Unit and integration testing, regression testing and load testing.
- Developed DB2 SQL queries, Hibernate HQL queries, configured and maintained JBoss Application server and Hudson Continuous Integration Server.
Environment: J2SE, J2EE 1.6, Spring 3.0, EJB 3.1, JDBC, JSP, XML, XSLT, XSD, SAX, Maven, DOM, JAXP, JAXB, SOAP, JAX-WS, Hibernate 4.3, JMS, MQSeries, Struts 2.0, AJAX, Tomcat 7.0, SQL, WSDL, DB2 v10, Apache 7.0, Ant, Eclipse, JBoss 5.1, Unix, windows.
Sr.JAVA/J2EE Developer
- Designed using Java, JSP, Servlets, Apache Struts, JDBC and JavaScript. J2EE design pattern such as Model View Controller (MVC) was employed where a clean separation between the model, view, and controller is implemented. Oracle database was used as a data store that features a clean separation between application tier and remote database.
- Developed server-side services using Java multithreading, Spring MVC.
- Developed JSP’s with STRUTS custom tags and implemented JavaScript validation of data
- Developed programs for accessing the database using JDBC thin driver to execute queries, Prepared statements, Stored Procedures and to manipulate the data in the database
- Used JavaScript for the web page validation and Struts Validator for server side validation
- Primarily responsible for designing and coding business logic using Java technologies. This business logic was implemented using Object Oriented techniques in the form of Servlets, Business Objects, and Data Objects. Developed web pages using JSP and various tag libraries. JDBC was used for data connectivity. Executed various test cases, debug and implemented software fixes during various build and rollout.
- Design patterns of Delegates, Data Transfer Objects and Data Access Objects
- Used Clear case for source code control and JUNIT for unit testing
- Involved in peer code views and performed integration testing of the modules
- Followed coding and documentation standards
Environment: Java, J2ee, Struts, Spring MVC 3.0, JSP, JDBC, Ant, Xml, IBM Web Sphere, WSAD, Junit, Db2, Rational Rose, CVS, SOA And RUP.
JAVA/J2EE Developer
- Involved in the design and development phases of Rational Unified Process (RUP).
- Designed Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Object Diagrams using IBM Rational Rose to model the detail design of the application.
- Application was built on MVC architecture with JSP 1.2 acting as presentation layer, Servlets as controller and EJB 2.0 as business layer and JDBC to access Oracle 9i Database.
- Developed the application using Jakarta Struts 1.1 Framework: developed action classes, form beans and Struts-Tiles.
- Used Struts Validation Framework for validating front end forms.
- Extensively used XML Web Services for transferring/retrieving data between different providers.
- Developed complete Business tier with Session beans and CMP Entity beans with EJB 2.0 standards using Eclipse.
- Used JMS Queue communication in authorization module.
- Designed and implemented Business Delegate, Session Facade and DTO Design Patterns.
- Involved in implementing the DAO pattern.
- Used JAXB API to bind XML Schema to java classes.
- Used the report generation in the databases written in PL/SQL.
- Used Maven for building the enterprise application modules.
- Used Log4J to monitor the error logs.
- Used JUnit for unit testing.
- Used SVN for Version control.
- Deployed the applications on WebLogic Application Server.
Environment: Struts 1.1, EJB 2.0, Servlets 2.3, JSP 1.2, SQL, XML, XSLT, Web Services, JAXB, SOAP, WSDL, JMS1.1, JavaScript, TDD, JDBC, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL, Log4J, JUnit, Web Logic, Eclipse, Rational XDE, SVN, Linux.
J2EE Developer
- Involved in Drawing Case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagram for each scenario.
- Designed and developed web interfaces and business logic using Jakarta Struts Framework (MVC architecture), JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, JDBC, AJAX, Java Script, HTML, DHTML and XML Technologies.
- Also responsible for developing the client side of this n-tier product, this is a Swing-based application that makes extensive use of the drag-and-drop idiom.
- Extensively used JavaScript for client side validations and for capturing dynamic events.
- Used Struts tiles to achieve reusability among the view pages.
- Consumed a SOAP web-service to achieve desired functionality.
- Wrote model classes for specific database actions, added methods to the existing DAO’s.
- Loading data from Text Files to Database by using SQL Loader.
- JDBC is used for connecting to the database Oracle 8.0
- Developed a Controller Servlet for Single Point of Control and fetching Connection from Connection Pool.
Environment: JSP, Struts, JDBC, JDK, HTML, Web Logic, XML, HTML, Oracle 8i, SQL, PL/SQL, Windows NT, UNIX.