Sr. Java/j2ee Developer Resume
- Over 9 years of IT experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of Client/Server, Distributed, Internet andE - CommerceApplications using Object Oriented and RDBMS Concepts.
- Expertise in developing J2EE applications and deploying it in Websphere 6.0, Web Logic11, and Tomcat, Web services technologies.
- Experience in Banking Industry, ECOM, Telecommunications, Government, Insurance and Health Care Industry.
- Expertise in using various open source frameworks like Struts and Object Relational Mapping Technologies like Hibernate, JPA.
- Extensive experience in modeling presentation tier using StrutsMVC2 (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
- Strong working experience with IDE's - Eclipse 3.x, RAD 8.0.
- Design and development of web-based applications using different Web and application servers such as Apache Tomcat.
- Strong analytical and conceptual skills in database design and development using Oracle, DB2, MySql.
- Designed, configured and managed public/private cloud infrastructures utilizing Amazon Web Services(aws).
- Experienced in making project documentation such as Technical Design Document, Test Cases, User Manual, Backup and Recovery Plans etc.
- Good experience with Multithreading, Collections and Exceptions.
- Good Knowledge in UNIX commands and in creating Unix Shell Scripts.
- Developed scripts for unit testing using JUnit.
- Experience in using various Configuration Management tools like CVS, Clear Case and SVN.
- Worked on frameworks like Spring 2.5/3.0 framework, Struts framework, O/R Mapping Hibernate 3.x framework and web services (SOAP and Restful).
- Wrote complex SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers.
- Worked on relational databases like ORACLE, POSTGRESQL and SQL Server. Have Knowledge on MONGODB and NO SQL
- Self-motivated and enjoy working in a technically challenging environment, possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Served as a role model / mentor for other members of the team which include design reviews, debugging assistance, brainstorming, code reviews, process enforcement, working multiple projects and delivering on time.
- Good exposure toAgileWork Environment. Worked on Testing with different testing tools and prepared unit testing, Module testing, System testing and Acceptance testing plans.
- Excellent knowledge of Software Quality Assurance testing life cycle & experience in Functional Testing UI, developer tools (Object AID).
- Experience in XML, SOAP, and Messaging standards like JMS.
Language: Java, C/C++, SQL, PL/SQL, XML, XSL/XSLT, UML, XPath, Visual Basic (VB6.0) and UNIX Shell Scripts.
Web Technologies: EJB, JSF, JSP, J2EE, J2SE, JMS (MQ Series), JNDI, LDAP, SOAP, AJAX, Java Servlets, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Angular-JS, JavaScript, ASP, Cold Fusion.
Methodologies/Design: RUP, TDD, Agile methodology, UML, OOP, OOAD and J2EE Design patterns
Distributed Computing: RMI, RMI-IIOP, and CORBA.
Security: Secured Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption, Digital Certificate, Digest.
System Design: OOAD/UML, Struts, MVC, Designer 2000, JFS, spring.
Application/Web Servers: BEA's Web Logic, IBM's Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, HTTP/SMTP Server.
RDBMS/Databases: Oracle 7.3/8.0/8i/9i/10g/11g, Sybase, MS-Access, SQL* Loader, DB, IBM DB2, MS Access 2003, MS SQL Server 20, TSQL, SQL, PL SQL, Triggers, Views, HQL, Criteria and Toad.
IDE’s: JBuilder, Visual Age for Java, Eclipse and WSAD, RAD 6.0.
Developer Tools: SQL Navigator 3.1, TOAD, Oracle JDeveloper, Visual Age, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, PVCS, Clear Case, Clear Quest
Unit Testing Tools: Junit, UAT, Regression Test and Customer Test, Cactus.
Graphic Design Tools: Macromedia Dream weaver, FrontPage, Adobe Photoshop.
Operating Systems: Windows XP/ME/2000/NT/98/95, UNIX, Sun Solaris.
Other Utilities: Log4j, ANT, Maven
Confidential, FL
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Developed E-commerce product allowing websites to accept online payments and establish credit relationships.
- Application was developed using the Struts MVC architecture.
- Developed action and form classes based on Struts framework to handle the pages.
- Developed a web-based reporting for credit monitoring system with HTML5, XHTML, JSTL, custom tags and Tiles using Struts framework.
- Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Struts framework and Spring Framework.
- Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring and Hibernate.
- Developed hibernate DAO Classes using Spring JDBC Template, Worked with Hibernate for object relational mapping and connection management.
- Implemented Ajax Frame works, jQuery tools examples like Auto Completer, Tab Module, and Calendar and Floating windows.
- Configured Struts-Config file for form-beans, global forwards, error forwards and action forwards.
- Handled Java multi threading part in back-end component, one thread will be running for each user, which serves that user.
- Design of application components using Java Collections and providing concurrent database access using multithreading.
- Responsible for setting upAngularJS framework for UI development. Developed html views with HTML5, CSS3,and JSON and Angular JS.
- Created several JSP's and populated them with data from database.
- Writing Java code to use Apache Axis web service API, developing Oracle PL/SQL Stored Procedures code.
- Developing Java Oracle database web application to process the ordering of quote services for customers.
- Process the JSON requests according to different types of modules, actions, and request data.
- Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from the MongoDB for the application on devices
- Used Mongoose API in order to access the MongoDB from NodeJS
- Developed Message-Driven beans in collaboration with Java Messaging Service (JMS)
- Developing Web Services using Apache Axis to retrieve data from legacy systems.
- Planned and implemented various SQL, Stored Procedure, and triggers.
- Used Hibernate to access My SQL database and implemented of connection pooling.
- Coding, styling, testing of reusable JavaScript, CSS3 for complex UI.
- Performed building and deployment of WAR, JAR files on test, stage, and production systems in Apache Tomcat application server.
- Support development needs using Jenkins, Git, JUnit, Selenium and Maven.
- Implemented the DAOs and service layers for the various backend systems and services.
- Implemented an automated functional testing suite and increased test coverage from 20 to nearly 80. Used Mockito for tests and Jenkins for CI.
- Involved in design and development of keyword-driven automation framework using Selenium Webdriver.
- Analysis of test requirement and automation feasibility.
- Followedagilesoftware developmentpractice paired programming, test driven development and scrum status meetings.
- Create team specific agile process flow in JIRA to move tasks from one activity to another.
- Investigated various products from Atlassians JIRA.
- Involved in monthly and weekly Releases, and provided production support as part of the SLA.
Environment: J2EE, Java 1.7, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB 2, JMS, JQuery, HTML5, CSS, XML, Spring 3.x, Struts 2, Hibernate, Web Services, JSF, MongoDB, Mockito framework(JUNIT), SOAP, SOAPUI, XML, JavaScript, UML, Apache Axis 2, ANT, TDD, JIRA, SVN, Git, MySQL, Oracle Sql Developer, Multi threading, Angular-JS 2, and Node-JS, Apache Tomcat Server.
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
- Different systems will be updated with the data collected in these web screens, also obtain data from various systems using web services.
- All the functionality is implemented usingSpring IO/Spring Boot, andHibernate ORM.
- Implemented Java EE components usingSpring MVC, Spring IOC, spring transactionsand spring security modules.
- Responsible for analyzing requirements and writing technical specification documents.
- Designed the prototype screens using UEF (User Experience Framework) SSA owned UI framework.
- Designed and developed the application using Struts 2 MVC Framework and UEF (User Experience Framework).
- Used Java Script/JQuery for client-side
- Extensive experience on modern front-end template frameworks for JavaScript including Bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJS.
- BuildRESTweb service by buildingNode.jsServer in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-endjQuery Ajax calls.
- Developed a cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
- Performance tuning of Oracle Databases and User applications.
- Used Eclipse as IDE, configured and deployed the application onto WebLogic application server using Maven build scripts to automate the build and deployment process.
- Used EJB 3.0 to develop services (business logic) in the middle tire.
- Worked in the backend by using Java persistence API (Jpa) for writing named and native queries.
- Written criteria queries using criteria API.
- Devised solutions of required data for unique website architectures comprised of HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, and AJAX.
- Used web service client to consume web services for getting data from different web services.
- Used Data Power for web service security.
- Used JEE security for role based application authentication.
- Implemented test driven development using Junit.
- Setting up Linux servers with JBoss, Apache, JDK 1.7, JIRA and Git. I also support other groups with products on Linux servers.
- Participated in performance tuning the existing queries using select inserts, removing complex joins etc.
- Played a major role in production support and emergency releases by fixing the defects by analyzing the production logs.
- Used RAD 8.0 as Integrating Development Editor.
- Deployed the application in Web Spher8.5 application server.
- Used DB2 to store and retrieve the data.
- Involved in preparation of Verification Scripts to test applications in Production.
Environment: J2EE, JSP, Websphere 7/8.5, XML, JUnit, Struts 2, JPA, JavaScript, JQuery, Node js, HTML, CSS, RAD 8.0, TDD, DB2,Spring IO, Spring boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate ORM, Angularjs, Oracle, Windows 10, Git, MKS, Maven, ALM.
Confidential, Herndon, VA
Sr. Java Developer
- Worked with Agile development Methodology with a Test Driven approach.
- Depending on the business requirements, Class and Sequence diagrams were developed.
- Developed UML diagrams for analyzing the business requirements and designing the system.
- Worked on developing JSP’s, Action Classes and delegating the tasks to the corresponding session parameters.
- Analyzed theNode.JSserver structure in legacy project, then mimicked theREST serviceby using JavaJAX-WSAPI, and did the corresponding configurations.
- Developed services using Servlets, JSP’s, andJava Beans.
- Hibernate was the ORM tool used to relate the objects to the database.
- Annotations in Hibernate were extensively used.
- Worked on SQL scripts to resolve issues reported by business users on the back-end database DB2 server.
- Worked on designing screens using Swing and Ajax.
- Developed JSP’s, HTML, and DHTML that presents data to the client.
- Followed the Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology of iterative software development with its various workflows, artifacts and activities.
- Had extensively used JSTLand Tag Libraries.
- Used Apache AxisService Engine for creating and deploying Web Service clients usingSOAP, WSDL.
- Most parts of the code developed were integrated using the Struts and Spring Framework.
- Involved in developing Hibernate mapping definitions for the required persistent layer.
- Implemented validations for both client side and Server side using the Struts2 Validator Framework.
- MVC design pattern and TDDwas used in the application in order to make it more modular.
- Was responsible in generating Maven Scriptfor faster and easier deployment.
- Configurations and Deployment was implemented using the IBMWebsphere Application using Maven Script.
- Deployed Web Services, JSP’s, Servlets, and Server side components in Web Logic Application Server.
- Worked on running integrated testing using the JUNIT and XML for building the data structures required for the Web Service.
Environment: Windows XP, Core Java (J2SE-Multithreading, IO), WSAD, TDD Methodology, J2EE-JSP, HTML, UML, Agile Methodology, Servlets, Web logic Server, Tomcat, Struts2, Spring, Maven, CVS, JUnit, Log4j, EJB 2.0, XML, Oracle 10g, Stored Procedures, Eclipse, Websphere v 6.
Confidential, CT
Java/ J2EE Developer
- Used WSAD as IDE in developing EJB and deploying in server.
- Generated Session beans, CMP and Message Driven Beans, and deployed on Websphere.
- Implemented JMS to asynchronously send and receive messages, Error Tickets placed in Message Queues automatically generated and updated into database by Remedy Trigger. .
- Installed, configured, maintained and administered Linux / UNIX operating systems and components.
- Prepared prototypes for the project, based on the user requirements.
- Used Struts framework for presentation layer.
- Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI) or Inversion of Control (IOC) using annotations.
- Worked on coding of Servlets and EJB communication.
- Used Hibernate framework for data persistence.
- Involved in creating the Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations for data persistence.
- Used AWS Lambda with AWS services as event sources
- Involved in working with Scrum Agile process with two week iterations delivering new features and working software at each iteration
- Prepared Low Level Designs (LLDs) and UNIT Test Cases.
- Performed Code Review to ensure Organization and Project level standards are met and checked for redundant code.
- Installed, configured and hosted the Tomcat app servers and MySQL DB servers on physical servers (Linux, Mac, and Windows).
- Implemented different levels of logging and timely backups using Log4j.
- Used putty for unix login to run the batch jobs and check server logs.
- VMware ESXi 5.5/vSphere Installation & Configuration.
- Installation, Configuration and maintenance of Hosted VMware products.
- Played a key role in the development and maintenance of the application.
- Experience in installing and configuring kick start in Linux.
- Extensive experience in setup, configuration, upgrade, maintenance, performance monitoring and troubleshooting on different UNIX platforms like Linux, VMWARE and system software and hardware
- Performed Unit Testing and System Integration Testing.
Environment: Java, J2EE, RMI, XML, XSD, Spring, Hibernate, SOA, Web Services, Business Objects, SAX/DOM, Websphere, JMS, JDBC, JNDI, JSP, EJB, Java Servlets, JavaScript, HTML UML, Cloud Foundry, Agile, Clear Case, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, Dream Weaver and Windows NT, Linux.
JAVA/J2EE Developer
- Implemented SOA architecture using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
- Configured business applications in XML bean definition files using SPRING.
- Worked on Hibernate ORM. Created Hibernate XML files and Java class files to map the object relation mappings. Used Hibernate query language.
- Provided data persistence by object/relational mapping solution via Hibernate for application save, update, delete operations.
- Worked on JPA for persisting the objects into the system.
- Created services for various modules like Account (CD/Checking/Savings) Creation and Maintenance using SPRING.
- Experienced in finding the Memory Leaks and adjusting the JVM Heap Sizes and GC Parameters using JProfile 5.1.
- Worked on Axis implementation and used SOAPUI to test the SOAP.
- Worked on XML, XSD and XSLT to parse the request and create the new one based on the specification.
- Developed generic Java packages to produce and consume JMS messages through topics and queues in asynchronous message processing with guaranteed delivery.
- Used IBM MQSeries as the JMS provider.
- Utilized Core J2EE design patterns such as Singleton and Data Access Object (DAO) in the implementation of the services.
- Responsible for writing SQL Queries and Procedures using DB2.
- Responsible for writing JUnit test cases and Peer level testing.
- Improved database performance by recognizing and rewriting slow queries.
- Build & Deployment in Websphere Application Server.
- Solid deployment experience on the UNIX platform.
- Created UML diagrams such as Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams using IBM Rational Rose.
Environment: Java 1.5, SOA, JMS, JMX, IBM MQ Series 5.3, Web Services, Axis, SOAPUI, Hibernate, JNDI, XML, XSD, JAXB, JAXP, Spring, Junit, JProfile 5.1, Ant, JPA, JTA, JDBC 2.0, Maven, PL/SQL Developer, DB2, Unix, Log4J, UML and Agile.
JAVA/J2EE Developer
- Involved in designing.
- Interacting with the system analysts & business users for design & requirement clarification.
- Used J2EE Design Patterns like Session Façade pattern.
- Used Struts Framework to deal with functionalities like credit issues, invoice details. Used Spring DAO Module along with Struts Framework to deal with Database.
- Spring MVC Framework IOC (Inversion of Control) design pattern is used to have relationships between application components.
- Developed, and debugged the Servlets and EJB with JBoss Application server
- Developed JSPs according to requirement.
- Used Connection Pooling to get JDBC connection and access database procedures.
- Wrote complex SQL queries to retrieve invoice details and other financial elements etc.
- Used Log4j as a debugging tool.
- Developed UI modifications for uPortal using XSLT, DHTML, XML and JavaScript.
- Worked with CSS and HTML to make the system responsive.
- Used CVS repository for version control.
- Used ANT as a build tool.
- Extensively used Tomcat server and JBoss application server for developing, building and testing the application.
Environment: JDK 1.4, J2EE, Struts 1.1, MVC, Servlets 2.3, JSP 1.2, XML 2.0, HTML, CSS, CVS, JBoss Application Server, Eclipse, Ultra Edit, XML Spy, AJAX, and ANT.