Senior Java/j2ee Developer Resume
St Louis, MO
- Around 6 Years of experience in all teh phases of software application involving Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Implementation of application software with JAVA/J2EETechnologies.
- Experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Rational Unified Process (RUP), AGILE methodologies and Enterprise Java Beans.
- Experienced in Health Care, Insurance, Banking, Financial, and E - Commerce Domains.
- Strong development skills in Core Java, J2EE, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JMS (MQ-series), JNDI, RMI, XSL, Java Script.
- Experience in teh developing User Interface(UI) Applications and professional web applications using HTML 4.0/5, CSS2/ CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, XHTML and XML
- Expertise in developing reusable components for cross cutting concerns like Logging, Memory Leak management, Transaction management, Class loading and Testing framework using Log4j, Ant, Maven and JUnit to increase productivity, easy maintenance and to retain software quality.
- Hands on experience in developing Single Page Applications (SPA) using AngularJS, backbone.js and Node.js
- Designed and development multiple MVC based Web Application using J2EE Technologies and popular open-source framework Struts Framework, Spring MVC, ORM Hibernate Framework.
- Experience in Web Services using SOAP, Restful, WSDL, HTML, XML, JAXB, XSD, SAX and DOM parsers.
- Hands on Experience in writing shell, ANT, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins (CI) scripts for builds and deployments to different environments
- Experience of working with Oracle 8i/ 9i/ 10g/ 11g, SQL/ MYSQL server, NoSQL and DB2rational database management systems.
- Worked on setting up Jenkins for continuos integration and continuous builds with maven, Gradle and ANT.
- Experience in using continuous integration tool Cruise Control Tool.
- Extensive experience in Programming, Development, Configuration, Fine-Tuning and administrating middle-tier popular J2EE Application Servers like IBM Web Sphere 7.0, BEA Web Logic and Open Source JBOSS and Apache Tomcat 6.0.
- Experience in Unit Testing, Debugging, Remote Debugging, Error Logging, Integration and System Testing using Log4J, Load Runner, JUNIT and TestNG.
- Experience in developing web pages quickly and TEMPeffectively using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON and experience in making web page.
- Good working noledge on using tools lika JIRA, Confluence, Rally.
- Expertise in using version control tools such as SVN, CVS, GIT and CA SCM.
- Excellent Analytical, problem solving and interpersonal skills. Consistent team Player with excellent Communicational skills and ability to learn new concepts, technology in short span.
- Strong experience in prod deployment/implementation activities and proactive co-ordination with all stake holders (DBA, Admin etc)
Language: Java, J2EE, C++, C, GO lang
Methodologies: Agile (Scrum), OOP, Waterfall
Core Java: Collection, Multithreading
J2EE: Servlet, JSP, JDBC, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Annotation, Spring AOP
Testing: JUnit, Mockito
Middleware: JMS, Mule ESB
Application Server: Apache Tomcat, Weblogic, Oracle Application Server - OC4J, JBOSS
Front end: HTML, CSS, XML, XSD, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, Ext JS, JSP, DHTML BootStrap, Web Security, NodeJS
Web Service: SOAP, RESTful
IDE: Oracle JDeveloper, Eclipse, NetBeans
MVC Frameworks: Spring, Struts
Operating System: Linux, Unix, Windows
Database: Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g, SQL Server, MySQL,NoSQL
Database Clients: SQL Navigator, Toad.
Build & Source Tool: Ant, Maven, Subversion (SVN), GIT, Jenkins
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
Confidential, St.Louis, MO
- Involved in teh stages of teh Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of this project.
- Involved in system design, enterprise application development using object-oriented analysis (OOA) in Java/JEE6.
- Used SOAP web services to exchange teh data with backend application.
- Developed Web Services clients using SOAP, WSDL.
- Experience with IBM Rational Application Developer 8.5.1 for Web Sphere Software.
- Implemented SOA architecture using SOAP web services by using Apache CXF and JAX-WS.
- Used Soap UI 4.5 testing tool for Functional Testing of Web Services, Validating Web service response, internal debugging.
- Understanding teh implemented Magnolia services and made changes accordingly.
- Experience using internal testing tool Diagnostic Client on DEV environment for services.
- Also implemented Data Access Object pattern in teh Integration Tier.
- Hibernate was used for Object Relational mapping.
- Wrote Stored Procedures for Oracle Database, also developed views for teh queries used.
- Worked on Oracle SQL Developer 11g
- Used GWT UI builder tools to make UI more interactive.
- Developed Web API usingNodeJSand hosted on multiple load balanced API instances.
- Worked with npm commands and using package.json for managing dependencies and dev-dependencies of NodeJS applications.
- Developed build script using ANT tool for build, packaging and deploy and run operations.
- Experience in deploying teh builds on Web Sphere Application Server v7.0
- Created several Exception classes to catch teh error for a bug free environment and orderly logged teh whole process, which gives teh ability to pinpoint teh errors.
- Monitored teh issues reported with teh logs generated in servers.
- Developed JUnit test cases for unit testing teh integration layer.
- Worked on fixes, enhancements, code changes for various backend services.
- Experience in code reviews and approvals.
- Extensively used core java API, Spring API in developing teh business logic.
- Developed restful Microservices using Spring Rest and MVC for OSS services
- Designed teh front end using JSP, AJAX, HTML, CSS, AngularJS and ReactJS.
- Analyzed web applications, documented detail Test plans, Test cases and expected results based on teh business functional requirements.
- Design of application components using Java Collections and providing concurrent database access using multithreading.
- Tested and fixed teh bugs.
- Monitored teh error logs using log4j and fixed teh problems.
- Worked on SOA architecture repository tool HPSYSTINET
- Worked on incident managementsoftware tool HP Service Manger that quickly and efficiently handles changes and incidents.
- Used CA Harvest SCM version control for code check-in and management.
- Experience working on Cruise Control continuous integrationtool which is an extensible framework for creating a custom continuous build process.
Environment: Java 8, Oracle, SQL, JDBC, SOAP, IBM RAD 8.5.1 Eclipse, CA Harvest SCM, JUnit, Soap UI, Oracle11g, XML, SOAP UI, Web sphere Application Server7.0, Cruise Control CI, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS 4, ReactJS,JSON objects.
Senior Java Developer
Confidential, Deerfield, IL
- Experience in using XML technologies such as XML Parser, XSL, XSLT, SAX, DOM and XML Beans.
- Built teh application using Spring MVC pattern and teh necessary business logics.
- Extensive use of JSP, Servlets including Google language translator feature embedded in teh application.
- Search feature within teh website using Jsoup HTML parser.
- Integrate paypal in website using paypal order buttons for online payment processing.
- Involved in teh implementation of front end services through AngularJS and connecting them to teh backend services through Ajax calls.
- Extensively used NoSQL in constructing views, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, cursors, functions, in non-relational database models.
- Java Thread Safety Implementation in Project.
- Used and implemented teh application using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations modules andHibernate.
- Used Spring API’s for wiring components using dependency injection.
- Worked with a variety of issues involving multithreading, server connectivity and user interface.
- Integrated Spring framework with Hibernate ORM through creation of Hibernate POJO’s.
- Developed Web Services to allow communication between applications through REST over HTTP using JAX-RS.
- Interacted with 3rd party APIs and built RESTful APIs usingNodeJSand NPM task manager
- Worked withXML and JSON web tokens for autantication and authorization security configurations using Node.js.
- Provided authorization for teh users navigating through different pages using JSON web tokens (JWT)
- Review teh code developed by team.
- Designed teh front end using JSP, AJAX, HTML, CSS, JSTL, AngularJS and ReactJS.
- Implemented Web Security concepts to develop a secured website against XSS and SQL Injection.
- Developed and Deployed teh Application on Eclipse.
- Configured and customized logs using Log4J and used JUnit for unit testing
- Used SVN version control extensively on daily basis for code maintenance as multiple teams were involved in development from both offshore and on site.
- Involved in all phases of teh end-to-end implementation project- requirements gathering, analysis & design, development, testing and debugging.
- Actively participated in teh daily SCRUM meetings and weekly meetings to produce quality deliverables within time.
Environment: Java 7,J2EE, XML, Junit, Agile Methodologies, JUnit, Subversion (version control), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS,JSON objects, NoSQL, Spring Core 3.2, Spring (IOC, MVC), Hibernate 4.0, RESTful Webservices, JAX-RS, Ajax, Eclipse, Oracle 10g, JSP, Servlets
Java Developer
Confidential, Philadelphia, PA
- Implemented teh Scrum Agile methodology for development of teh application.
- Worked in teh design team with extensive usage of Rational Rose in detail design phase through teh detailed use cases with Sequence, Activity, Collaboration, and Class diagrams.
- Worked in analyzing teh requirements and participated in discussions with business analysts.
- Implement J2EE design patterns such as Singleton, DAO, DTO and MVC.
- Developed this web application to store all system information in a central location. This was developed using Spring MVC, jQuery, JSP, Servlet, Oracle 10g, IBatis, HTML and CSS.
- Updatedbilling pages usingHTML,CSSinAngular.js framework.
- Created Angular JS controllers and services.
- Used Angular JS filters for filter functionality in search box and integrator functionalities.
- Used Spring AOP module to handle transaction management services for objects in any Spring-based application.
- Implemented Spring DI and Spring Transactions in business layer.
- Interaction with Oracle Database is implemented using Hibernate and Java to Database Connectivity.
- Used Apache CXF, JAX-WS, and JAX-RS for designing and developing REST and SOAP Web services.
- Developed data access components using JDBC, DAOs, and Beans for data manipulation.
- Designed and developed database objects like Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, User Functions using PL/SQL, SQL Developer and used them in WEB components.
- Used iBATIS for dynamically building SQL queries based on parameters.
- Developed JavaScript and JQuery functions for all Client side Validations.
- Developed Junit test cases for Unit Testing &Used Maven as build and configuration tool.
- Worked extensively on maven.
- Debugged teh application usingFirebugand traversed through teh nodes of teh tree usingDOM functions.
- Monitored teh error logs using log4jand fixed teh problems.
- Tested and fixed teh bugs and also reviewed teh code.
- Used GIT repository as Version Control.
- Used Eclipse IDE and deployed teh application on Web Logic server 10.
- Responsible for configuring and deploying teh builds on Web Sphere App Server.
Environment: Java 7, J2EE, Java Script, XML, JavaScript, JDBC, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Rest Full Web services, Web Logic Server 10, Log4j, Maven, Eclipse, JUnit, ANT, SoapUI, Oracle11g, GIT, UNIX.
Java/J2EE Developer
- UtilizedAgileScrum to manage full life-cycle development of teh project.
- Developed application usingSpring MVC,JSP, JSTL (Tag Libraries) andjQuery, JSF, AJAXon teh presentation layer, teh business layer is built using spring and teh persistent layer uses Hibernate.
- Used extensively JQuery for Validations.
- Enhanced existing pages with different AJAX controls which provided responsive user interfaces to display teh data on teh web page.
- Wrote a custom Maven script to deploy teh application onJBOSS Application Server.
- Data Operations are performed usingSpring ORMwiring withHibernateand ImplementedHibernateTemplate and criteria API for Querying database.
- Designed teh business object withHibernateORM mapping and interfaced with teh business mangers usingSpring DAO.
- Implemented Criteria API, Native Queries andHibernateQuery Language (HQL) at business manager.
- Developed SOAP based Web Services and created WSDL for Payment Transaction and Payment Release.
- Consumed REST based Webservices.
- Transformed JSON, XML,OAGIS, EDI and flat/ delimited files to integrate with different servers.
- Provided authorization for teh users navigating through different pages using JSON web tokens (JWT)
- ImplementedJMSusingIBM MQseries to provide access to other application, which maintain user Transactions.
- Configured and created application log files using Log4j required to trace application messages and CVS for Version Controlling.
- Involved in writing Stored Procedures, Triggers and Cursors.
- Worked in teh styles (CSS) and images for teh web application.
- Worked withAgileMethodology.
- Creating build scripts using Maven.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services, JBoss Application Server, IBM RAD, XML, XSLT, JSP, JDBC, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Oracle, CVS, Rational Rose, UNIX, Maven, ANT, SOAP, Spring, AJAX, Log4j, JUnit, DTD, XML Schema.